Songs of the Spheres: Extended Multiverse 216 members · 58 stories
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Group Admin

Are you suggesting Twilight of Change? ...Can you give a link?

And which fics that Blaze Rod suggested are you upvoting...? of changeThe twilight of change
arrow 18 mission logs the martian and infestation of equis prime

A little something from the old days recommended to me by a friend.

Personally i would recommend (not just for the fic but for reading in general):

Alongside the URBC, they are my top 3 cmc fics/AUs on this site. (Hope this helps)

Also, this exists:
(By SweetAI Bell)

No one has suggested Good Trooper Gilda yet, have they? This will not do.

Also upvoting Changeling Space Program, since it's listed separate from the Maretian.

Alright, as mentioned in the discord, there's a universe where Twilight and Celestia are horrible Alicorns. No morals, willing to treat any pony as a slave, both have a mind control spell, and even fought a war, effectively, to see which was the "ruler" (Celestia lost, because she only treated it as a game; Twilight took it seriously. )

They were fighting over who could claim ownership of Luna, basically. An offer of "What if we just don't fight, and you keep yours?" was turned down, partially because Twilight would not keep Luna.

Yea, there are no morals here.

Can the LSB go into a world where the rulers are willing to use mind control, where there is no effective removal once this goes into effect (you can override it with someone else's casting of mind control, but until the last one to cast it on you dies it stays...), keep their sense of self, and ... I don't know, maybe get Chryssie or someone in to provide a better leader?

Friendship is Mind Control. Sequel: "Friendship is mind control -- Consequences"

Group Admin

Automatic rejection because it contains the 'porn' tag.
There will never be a fully porn story in LSB. You will have to provide a reason I would ENJOY the story beyond a shadow of a doubt to get me to go past that tag.
I know you want me to bash it but even so I'm not going to subject myself to such things.
-GM, master of rice.

A reason to enjoy it? Ok.

Basically, once you go past the "porn", you have a really, really good story, one of the best takes on the concept I've seen.

Think Code Geass, or Death Note.

The whole "I've accidentally stumbled across a mind control spell", and student/study/bookhorse Twilight has to learn what she can.

She doesn't know that the spell has an affect on the caster. Heck, the pony that made the spell originally didn't know. Tried very hard to undo what the spell did, and to forget about it's existence. Did that last bit too well, and left a copy around where Twilight could stumble across it by accident.

It becomes a case of Twilight coming to grips with enjoying power, partially because she does, partially because the spell is enhancing that / making her want more. It deals with the question of free will, what actually is consent, etc.

Part 1 of the story has a significant amount of clop. And, as Twilight is realizing that she needs help, she worries about the consequences of asking for help -- so she starts worrying about how to protect herself, and starts showing signs of "Evil Empress Twilight". And, when she finds out (slightly inaccurately -- she doesn't know how to ask good questions) that Celestia created the spell, and used it on Luna, she decides that Celestia needs to be taken down.

Without ever asking something like _when_ Celestia did this. Before Nightmare moon. Seeing that Luna was becoming more distant and less of a friend, Celestia tried to bring Luna back around. Realizing that this was wrong, she then attempted to undo what she did.

Nightmare moon resulted from the removal of the spell's effects.

Twilight, with full overconfidence, confronts Celestia. Thinks she's won. Sadface, nope.

Part 2 starts with a mind-wiped Twilight, back to "normal", everything in Ponyville back to normal. Well, almost everything.

The discrepancies lead to Twilight getting her memory back, we see that being re-exposed to the spell has had a corrupting effect on Celestia, and then we have a bit of a chess-master battle between the two of them. Celestia is taking it as a game, and handicapping herself; Twilight is taking it as life-or-death.

As much as the girls do get into that, the story does have to deal with Spike, and at least in part 2, how to keep him "pure" and not part of the pony pile.

A reason to enjoy it? Did you ever watch/enjoy Code Geass or Death Note? Did you ever read Harry Potter and the Natural 20, year 2 -- where human cop Fiona takes on the wizards with mind spells and death curses, and ... call it a victory, barely. (she has the best line I've read: Your throat will go hoarse, and your wand arm will cramp before you get us all.) For that matter, Significant Digits (sequel to HP:MoR) where you have Merlin's group using mind spells to manipulate people, and Harry/Hermione/Draco having to find a way to defend against that.

FiMC is considered (at least according to many people I've exchanged messages with) one of the best stories that contains porn here on Fimfiction. And yes, it is a good story. Both sides are morally bankrupt, but at least Celestia TRIED to stop using it. Twilight didn't.

Stepping in to quickly say something:

Mental magic is generally considered morally bankrupt by human standards, but in the context of MLP:FiM the show, it generally appears to be a 'bad' thing instead of an 'evil' thing. Twilight considered a reforming spell, Celestia was merely disappointed by the misuse of the Want It Need It spell, and even Starlight's usages generally got a response of 'Ugh, really?' rather than 'That was horrifying.' Generally, it seems like mental magic is treated as a drug, rather than a violation of self. Still bad to use inappropriately, but not outright evil.

Which may color the reading of FiMC and its sequel, even outside the pornographic context.

It's still porn with a plot and as such the world should be destroyed outright and not be given a chance.

Group Admin


Given these votes of... "confidence" or at least ideas that pique my curiosity, I am willing to put it on the LSB fic list. I notably will *not* look at it unless it gets a lot of support along the lines of the Maretian or something.
Furthermore, it will be very difficult (but not impossible) to lower such a fic down to T-level, which all LSB visits have to be one way or another. Another mantle to overcome.
I'm more tempted to find another fic with the IDEAS of mind control and coercion in MLP context that isn't porn and just use that, since there ARE a few people in Merodi Society that believe the natural conclusion of "interference to make societies better" is "mind control for the sake of happiness." One of those extremists is currently on Swip, but I won't say who it is.

tl;dr: This is enough for me to put it on the list. HOWEVER, I would VASTLY prefer if someone provided a fic that was non-pornographic that dealt with the same mind-control themes since I doubt I'll be up to subjecting myself to this ick.

-GM, master of flicks.

Then you are in luck for I have a story that is on the other side of the 'spectrum' and is rated T (grimdark). Behold Silent Ponyville! There are three main stories that are complete with a fourth one taking place right after the first story. There also some in between stories as well. Have fun!:pinkiecrazy:


Mental magic is generally considered morally bankrupt by human standards, but in the context of MLP:FiM the show, it generally appears to be a 'bad' thing instead of an 'evil' thing. Twilight considered a reforming spell, Celestia was merely disappointed by the misuse of the Want It Need It spell, and even Starlight's usages generally got a response of 'Ugh, really?' rather than 'That was horrifying.' Generally, it seems like mental magic is treated as a drug, rather than a violation of self. Still bad to use inappropriately, but not outright evil.

Ohh ... that is a good point.

since there ARE a few people in Merodi Society that believe the natural conclusion of "interference to make societies better" is "mind control for the sake of happiness."

Heh. I do recall reading something along that line back in ... I think arc 3?

In any event, I also remember a universe that FORCED ponies to find other ponies attractive, and StarBeat came out of that one. So ...

Meanwhile, I've got a new story to read, thank you ... err, .... is that 6 or 7 stories? Silent ponyville 1-4, Side Stories, Reunion, Too Shy for a Rainbow.

There is also The Rainbow's Surprise which the last chapter takes place the day before Silent Ponyville 3...also your welcome.:twilightsmile:

Silent Ponyville is not really about mind control, though.

No it doesn't, but for me gore is on the other end of the spectrum from porn. It also felt like a good time to introduce Silent Ponyville to the list.

Here's a mega-crossover to crossover with your mega-crossover.

TBelle of the 7.62x51mm Ball
As Belle settles into the Beast’s castle, she and Lumière find an ancient book that transports them into Equestria. Unfortunately, the time/space vortex pulls a lot of things into the land of candy-colored horses – some of which are not so sweet
Hap · 9.6k words  ·  100  16 · 1.4k views

As requested.

The picture of Belle with a gatling gun got a genuine laugh out of me.

If you liked that, then try the story. It certainly delivers.

I am genuinely suggesting Silent Ponyvile and it's sequels for the list.

Group Admin


It's already on there and has been for a while.

Your upvote has been recorded. Don't worry.

-GM, master of RRRR


Here's a mega-crossover to crossover with your mega-crossover.

If it doesn't have giant robots, it's not a MEGAs Xl-oveR

(can't fit the name of the show any better, sorry.)

(Seriously, though, the name of that show practically screamed crossover, and they tossed every stock trope into it they could.)

Reposting for posterity and specification, I’m suggesting ForgaLorga’s Alicorn Starlight Cinematic Multiverse.

May I suggest the Small Dragons, Big Hearts: Unity is Power series by Dolphy Blue Drake?

EThe Moon's Wrath
Nightfall Sheen, prized student of Lord Lumin Draconis, has been assigned to the Longest Day festival in Dragontown, but he has more important things on his mind. Namely the threat of Lumin's corrupted brother returning from the moon.
Dolphy Blue Drake · 29k words  ·  31  7 · 1.8k views

Also, were my upvotes counted?

Group Admin

I can almost guarantee they were. If you think they werne't, point me to the exact story on the main excel sheet and tell me why you don't think it was counted.


A New World, a New Way and The Last Pony on Earth. I’m pretty sure they were at 4 when I voted for them, and they still are.

Group Admin


A New World a New Way:
1 vote from me before everything started
2 votes from Zeus for being the author
1 vote from Nitro Indigo
^ searched the entire forum. In fact, this indicates it should be LOWER than 4, since the initial suggestion only provides 1, but i'm not going to lower it.

Last Pony on Earth:
1 from OMNI
1 from CMC (tried to vote twice)
1 from Nitro
Geez, I counted one of CMCs votes twice, it's higher than it should be. I'm not going to lower it, but dang, I really need to be more rigorous with how I accept votes, these are both higher than they need to be.

Thanks for bringing this to my attention.
-GM, master of intentions.

Some uppydoots for the first time in a while:
In a Far Away Land
All of Tatsurou’s stories
I Am The Night(mare)! And so is Luna?:

I second In A Far Away Land - it just takes a few chapters to get into it, as the first act is a bit loose quality. It gets better.

Meanwhile, here are some shorties to shoot at.

One Punch Mare

Half Minute Horses

Dividing Infinity is a fascinating story... and it may well be incompatible with SotS as a whole if it genuinely showcases the effects of true Infinity.

Group Admin

As you no doubt noticed from my comment, holy HECK is it incompatible, for multiple reasons, but this was absolutely amazing nonetheless.

-GM, master of miles.

Stop filling up my reading list people! :-)

Alright, how about the various Hogwarts fictions?

Tri-Wizard Pony just finished, and I think it's an interesting take on the whole thing. It's not trying to re-tell the entire Harry Potter story, just a single year's worth, and it ends with the comment that more ponies will be enrolling in Hogwarts next year.

Which means that the league could show up for any of year's 5-7 big events as a one-off. :-)


See, the big issue with most Ponies at Hogwarts fics (though not all) is that the ponies just steamroll magic knowledge over the HP world. Like it's not bad if done well, but it does present a lot of Mary Sueish problems.

Tri-wizard didn't do that. Harry's big "I can out-do wizards" comes from combining both systems. Heck, at the end they are talking about learning medical magic, etc.; not to mention the whole "wizarding magic has to be more efficient since there's less available to waste", potions, etc.

The Adventures of Ponyville Mare and The Stallion Who Loved Her presents a novel opportunity: By the end of the story, the protagonist has decided that if Ponyville Mare doesn't exist in his world, he'll write about her instead.

So today I finally found an MLP MSPFA (My Little Pony MS Paint Fan Adventure) and it seems good so far, despite a few of the features having stopped working. It's cancelled, but the author is still active on Fimfiction. They’ve logged on recently, at least. It’s called Hoofstuck and the author is Violet CLM.

I tried to make this a crack-fic, and my biggest critique is it's too smart so...something for a filler chapter (I still prioritize my previously mentioned fics)

Group Admin

Yea, no, not doing a chapter on that.
-GM, master of nope.

I would love to see the Sweeties meet the dimension traveling Flurry Heart from Reflections, though I'm not sure how compatible her way of traveling is to Songs of the Spheres verse way of dealing with the multiverse or timelines.
edit: looked at the list and I would also like to add an upvote to Pandemic verse. I would like to see how Merodi and the Sweeties handle the fact that a universe is so extreme on the idea of humans and ponies being so separated (due to forced transformation). Also want to see how the tackle the idea of mind control in this one, since that is a central theme. As well as what they think of the Dreamwardens. There's quite a lot you could do with it.

In the Google Sheet, 3:14pm's title is blank.

Group Admin

3:14 PM is recognized by Excel as a number and thus its name is moved to the right of the column. It's there, it's just not in-line.

-GM, master of dashes.

Oh! I got one suggestion; Quantum Starlight.

Group Admin
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