Comments ( 4 )
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Group Admin

This is the thread for you. Post your story to the folder "Stories For Review", and then remember to come to this thread and tell us why you posted it, what problems you may be having with it, or other questions you might need answered. It helps if you refer to the designated threads below, as our reviewers will then know specifically what you need to improve on. If you think you need to improve on "ohmigoshabsolutelyeverthing'cuzIjustdon'tknowwhattodo", then just come to this thread right here and post a comment asking for the help. Be warned, if that happens, your review could be about anything.

In other words, it really helps us if you ask us questions! We will be able to be more direct with our response with you.

These are the specific threads to ask for help on your story. Please remember to tell us why you posted your story to the "Stories For Review" folder, and if you could specify any problems you are having, that would be lovely!

Grammar and Punctuation Help

Story Format Help

Plot Ideas

Characterization Help

Scene Building Help

These are our main reviewers. Anybody in the group is allowed to review a story that goes into the "Stories For Review" folder. But these guys help to make sure that no story posted there goes unseen. Please do not visit our reviewers asking for specific help on a story. They will get to your story as soon as they can. Thank you!

o----o TheOriginalDash, sparkfyre, Garbo802, Perfect Prime, First_Down, Nonagon, Live Light o----o

Howdy folks,

Not entirely sure I'm following instructions 100% here, but said to post here for general help so bear with me. I'm having problems with characterization and some punctuation errors in regards to semicolons (and probably some other stuff). Not sure if this a dead group or if review help isn't given anymore but I'll take a chance. In Bello Praesidium is the link/name of the story, even though I pointed out the specifics anything would be helpful.

Very Respectfully,

I am told my writing is something of interest, but no verbal feedback has really gotten to me about the final part of my Card Trilogy. This is especially important because of the structure and purpose of the text of the final piece. As a gift, I present Cards of Finality, and I only ask for comments in return.

I'm in the process of writing a story that will most likely go on for quite a while, and it's designed to have a bunch of complex systems like an RPG. Right now, I have plans, but first, my character is a 12-year-old earth pony female, who's also dead. And she's getting reborn, with new parents because her old ones were killed by bandits. I've decided to have her have a new race, but it's going to either be a dragon or a hybrid of a dragon and one other race. What I want help with is choosing what she'll be a hybrid with, if she will be at all. I have a [url=]poll for this, and I have a spreadsheet detailing the races and their various statistics. Please vote on this poll.

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