• Published 20th Jul 2018
  • 4,633 Views, 150 Comments

I Am The Villain! - Chemtest

You ever just have a goal in your head, but then the opposite happens?

  • ...

Well, Bananaramma just has to help, doesn’t it!

I sit in my throne room, tinkering with some machines for Tireks new metal band: Shadowed Centaurs.

I hear the sound of a guard running down the hallway, “Sir, the radio is speaking, it’s urgent!”

I fall back through my throne, using a secret portal to get to the radio room.

I tune it, and turn up the volume a bit, “To any in the universes that might hear this: we need help. My name is Ravens Breath, we were tricked by our enemies, the Combine. One of the last three free cities, Stalliongrad, is being attacked. We stand no chance alone, and we cannot get there on time. Anyone out there, please help. Universe 001. I will repeat this message.”

I hear a guard at my side shuffle, “What do we do?”

I look over at the wall, “Rally the guard.”

I pick the mic up, “Ravens Breath of Universe 001, this is Emperor Eric McBad of Universe 015. I will say one message as of now. I am coming now to assist your side in Stalliongrad. Don’t worry, I got this.”

I can hear a moment of silence on the other side, before he comes back in, almost in tears, “Emperor Eric McBad of Universe 015, I will be glad to shake what ever appendages you have after the battle is over!”

I smile, and plug the coridinates into the teleporter. I also use a newly installed loudspeaker, “Guards, we leave to help Universe 001! Let’s go!”

I smooth my moustach out one time, take out my wand, and walk into the portal.

Author's Note:

The end! For now, until the sequel. If you wanna experience McBad, then you can read how he will end up saving an Universe in ’United we Stand’

Comments ( 22 )

Just got to love those half-life references!

Don't know what I just read but I enjoyed all of it.

Dude don't. Just don't. I kinda enjoyed this but please don't ruin this story by jumping into the steaming pile of shit that is the displaced universe.

If you wish to track his adventures, then follow him. If not, then wait for him to be done and return in the sequel. His main purpose was to help in that universe, that was the reason I made his guards powerful and I gave so much technology to them. If you like the character, then see him there, if not then don’t.

Don’t call the main stories ‘steaming piles of shit’ if you like him, because they are the entire reason he was created. This crackfic was made specifically to do this, and it’s only because I had so much fun with him that I will make a sequel.

So, you can read for his new adventures (wich will still maintain his sprit), or you can fuck off until the sequel (maybe a bit excessive telling you to fuck off, but I don’t like you calling my main works the piles of shit and this crackfic more enjoyable. I understand it’s your opinion, but if you didn’t want me to respond this way then you should have said that better.)

Alright first things I will apologies for two things. First of all the "steaming piles of shit" comment was not aimed at his or your works and was a gross over-simplification of the genre, while I am not familiar with his work I honestly do enjoy your's. Secondly I spoke with both vitriol and haste thus rendering my comment seemingly like a common troll, this was not my attention and you have my sincere apologies. As such I wish to clarify both my comments and the reasoning behind them.

To start with, I would like to explain my comment and opinion of the genre, I have been on this site for at least a few years now and I have read far more then my fair share of displaced fictions, some were in fact quite lovely such as one whose name currently escapes me about a man transported in the body of Nightmare Moon. Normally cliche but he creates his own setting away from the main show with both life with things happening outside of the main character's actions and a extremely well written history which couples with the way it expands organically.

Unfortunately for every story like the one I just described there was another dozen that can only be summarized with "I getz supar poweraz! and fucs everyone cuz he is da awesomists!" I just finished reading a few of those aggravating stories and so some of that vitriol came out unfairly at you, for which I apologies to my fullest extent as it was unfair to you the creator to be lumped in with those... people. The trigger of my outburst was the Displaced theme of crossing over to other stories which while can be fun and well written the vast majority of examples I have seen were from the trash-fics I have mentioned before.

As for you comment about telling me to go fuck myself, as a fellow writer (on SB and Fanfiction) I can tell you that with my actions, my lack of any attempt to be civil or persuasive I would fill the roll of a troll to the T and as such the telling me to fuck off would be well within your right.

Even if it wasn't my responses to the trolls on my quests would render me quite incapable of taking any sort of moral high ground without at least a extensive donation to a charity and a life of pious acts.

Before I finish this reply I would once again to apologies to my rash, unfair and profanity laced remark to your choices as the author of the only story that takes the slot of a Fan-fic that I both highly enjoy and is regularly updated. A spot that used to filled by Neighbors but alas that story has been put on hiatus with no sign of returning.

EDIT: Shortly after typing this I suddenly remember that your story isn't a displaced fic is it? I apologies once again I've been reading and writing so much these past few days that everything just sorts of blends together. So not only was my comment rude and unprovoked it was also mind-numbingly stupid...

I was wondering when the demon with the cannons was going to show up in that story with Blueblood becoming a commissar.

EDIT Mk 2: And you wrote both of them so there was no "his story" was there only your's. Three years, three years of lurking. I can count on one hand how many comments I've made in all three years and I struck out before I knew I was playing. Whelp back to the closet goeth me.

All’s fine, I can understand. My stories on the outside can appear to be another trash fic, but the inside is better then the outside (at least I hope.) I don’t know if you’ve read my other stories, if you haven’t I would recommend you do becuase they are a lot like this one. Or, if you don’t like them, feel free to comment on them telling me how they are wrong so I may fix it in the future.

Don’t worry, alls forgivien. I have the philosophy that if you treat me with respect, I treat you with respect. You had the respect to apologies and see mistakes you may have made, so I will give you the respect of seeing it’s an honest mistake.

As I said earlier, if you want to, I would recommend you read my other stories and if you dislike them, say so so I may fix it.

I have actually read Insanity! Necromancy! Immortality! And... childhood? and am currently on it's sequel but this will probably be my last comment on this site I mess up too much and I have Basic in a few weeks so back to lurking!

Will, if you feel like it, I would be happy to hear your opinions of the stories.

Only just got around to this, it's been bugging me ever since I saw the tracking notification in my sidebar.

Nice ending. Is this your headcanon of how Half-Life 3 will turn out?

Nah, this would be total disconnected. A universe where Freeman was never found after the explosion of the Citidel, and ended up suffocating under there. Thus, the Combine still survive, but they see humans as being more of a threat, so they move to this universe whitch just sent out a huge disturbance. GMan now knows he needs more than one person, and thus makes a deal with the Creator of Harmony so his interests of the Combine dieing can happen, and intitiate the story from there.

If you read the arc of the other story, you will understand what I mean.

I was making a joke, and it turned very interesting all of a sudden.

As most situations with me go.

The more you know.

'bout time I got around to reading this

This is by far the most condensed textwall of unadulterated autism I have ever read,
Going through the standard checklist of Shitfic identification it has pretty much everything on there and should be purged from the site.
But for some reason it’s actually a decent story and was entertaining to read.
Well done you magnificent bastard.

I take that all as a compliment. I was trying to achieve a shit-fic done funnily.

exactly so XD ive read through so many badfics that my brain for the most part skips over the issues but this one was good enough to keep me reading, you have my like man

I love you, dear sir. No homosexuality however, if you are a male.

I never finished this story! I must right this wrong and finish the last three chapters. And this good sir/madame, Ravencell, went along and replied to my comment on it. Thank you dear sir/madame and may I find a way someday to repay you.

They Can't be leaders or be under jurisdiction of a country that they Don't live in (also what happened to shinning. been a while since I heard about him)

No, repayment necessary, except for the knowledge of which story you never finished

This story is utter insanity but I think I like it.

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