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Dream0rDie Presents: Background Pony Chapter One: Melodious *COMIC* - An Ongoing Project · 9:02am Dec 14th, 2012

I swear, I'm not about to get into the business of blogging every other day. As a matter of fact, quite the opposite... and very soon.

But before we get to that, let's get into this. A fellow by the name of Dream0rDie contacted me recently, announcing his intentions to do a whole bunch of crazy badass, namely an entire full-length comic adaptation of the first chapter of Background Pony.

Don't believe me? Feast your eyes on the smexxiness:

This guy isn't joking around. He's elaborately sketched out the thumbnails to over 100 pages of cursed, mint-green, poni poni poni goodness, and he's shown me pics to prove it. To say that I was stunned was an understatement, and I totally support him in his endeavor. I mean, who wouldn't? Certainly not Kevin Nash.

You must understand, this is the utter epitome of epic. Nobody in their right mind can expect this to happen overnight, but Dream0rDie has shown a great deal of drive, professionalism, and uber creativity. I mean, look at the details on those panels. It's like the illustrated version of streams of consciousness. From the sketch he's shown me of the Twilight/Lyra conversation in the library, things are about to get even more awsomesaucical, so it'll be totally worth the wait.

So, in the meantime, why don't you marsupials hop on over to his page? Subscribe to him. Support him. Drop off comments of encouragement, pats on the back, and flirtations--what have you. Cuz the guy's uber talented, has a lot on his plate, and--face it--rocks a really wicked 'fro.

To close out, I want to say that in the next blog or two, I'm going to have some major news to announce. Nothing to worry about, mind you, but it's something that a lot of you marsupials probably saw coming from a mile away. Let's just say that what happens will be the best for everyone involved, including myself.

You know what nobody saw coming from a mile away?


Report shortskirtsandexplosions · 3,226 views ·
Comments ( 50 )

oh lawd have mercy


That's some wicked crazy comic talent. He's definitely got a watch from me.

I lol'd. But holy shit is that comic sexy.

That is Beautiful......
need site info!!!!

and thx for the blog

thanks alot you big jerk now i have to suffer the heart wrenching story of background pony all over again :raritydespair:

Wait! Imploding Colon is actually SS&E!? I never knew!:pinkiegasp: :pinkiecrazy:

Actually just made a DeviantArt account to follow it :twilightsmile:

That's some pro comic work there. Like, damn. :rainbowderp:

609831 I know, isn't it great?! :pinkiehappy:

609851 yea but i wish the story ended with a heart breaking moment rather then just being plain depressing :facehoof:

609855 Yeah... I've yet to actually read the last chapter; life's been too busy. I just watched my first episode of a TV show in 3 months that wasn't ponies, and wasn't at my friend's house. Episode 174 of Case Closed, and I watched it in Japanese. It's pretty soothing, really. I might dig up Totoro, and either watch that or its paired movie, Princess Mononoke. Haven't seen either in a little over two years. My life's been a bucket of suck, with a double serving of ponies. :facehoof: Not sure whether I should be mad, or just tired.

Comment posted by frapers deleted Dec 14th, 2012

Ohhhhh this is so awesome! :rainbowdetermined2:

609865 Some of Hayao Miyazaki's greatest works :pinkiesmile: I now respect you.

Yeah, what 609869 said.

It looks really good!

Background pony now as manga ? ...
i would buy it !

That's foxy right there.

I have no words that can properly describe this. None.


While I need to finish reading Background Pony, I will definitely keep an eye on this. This is, as you say, highly awesomesaucical.

Aw yeah, I've been waiting for this! :pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy:


Er. Mah. Gerd.

Freaking beautiful!

Dream0rDie has some serious talent. So why hasn't a comic publisher grab a hold of him yet?

Damn. The only thing I can think of to compare to this is the animation project for Through the Eyes of Another Pony, which as far as I know has yet to get off the ground.

Wow. The pages that are up so far are AMAZING. Wonderful work, really captures the feeling of the comic. I can't wait to see more.

That comic looks insane, I can't even imagine.... I am definitely watching this guy.

certainly not kevin nash.

All I have to say to that

I just figured out why it's black and white.

He's gonna color Lyra Heartstrings and Alabaster and everything to do with her.


609930 His works are what I love most when looking back on m childhood. Well, love most about Television entertainment, at least. Gotta love (at least some of) your family. Kiki's Delivery Service is possibly still my favorite, with Mononoke taking a very close second, if not tied. Spirited Away and Howl's both come next, then Totoro. I almost bought the DVD set with all of his works, but I was 20 dollars short, even with the 2% discount the lady was giving me. (And I got that discount just because she and I shared similar interests in anime. (\^0^/) Boo-yah!)

I got chills from this.


Important news you say? :scootangel:

Next Blog:

MARSUPIALS! Look who's making a full length feature film of Background Pony!

*insert princess pic here*

*Reads Background Pony*
Hey, you know what be awesome? If I made music about thi-
Aw...... Well what if I made a comic abou-

Excuse me while I go find a needle and thread to reattach my jaw.

Comment posted by AppleStarSwirl deleted Dec 15th, 2012


*puts on glasses*

Already read. :rainbowdetermined2: Except for that last one. :rainbowderp:

I stopped reading when I saw "everytime". That is two words, not one :moustache:


Thanks for pointing that out, I'll have to be more mindful about what I put in those speech bubbles. :)


You know, Just because someone else has made their own interpretation of what Background Pony could be in Music or Comic form, doesn't mean your interpretation could be less legitimate. I think you should go for it. It's quite fun

Comment posted by Esme deleted Sep 11th, 2020

Sadly Dream0rDie has recently deleted his account. :-(

Oh no! Did he say why? And would you know where to find the pages that have been published?

1419787 no. he didn't say why. but it was really weird, he started off by putting all his deviations into storage, and then he deleted them all from his account, then he deactivated the account. he was acting very strangely the whole time (posting lots of strange journals that didn't make any sense) so he was either trying to get attention, or perhaps more likely was having some serious mental problems.. :fluttercry: anyway I'm not sure of where to find all of his comics he did for ss&e BP but I bet all of his deviations were downloaded by perhaps hundreds of users so it is likely that someone will re-upload them somewhere before long. (hopefully)

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