• Member Since 22nd Oct, 2011
  • offline last seen Dec 19th, 2023


More Blog Posts22

  • 396 weeks
    MLP: FIM Season 6 Episode Rankings

    Well, even though I ranked every single episode in order from all 6 seasons, which you then should be able to understand my ranking of season 6's episodes, I still got requests to do season 6 on its own. Well, mainly from just one person, since sadly no one seems to care about my rankings or thoughts, but I'll go ahead and do it anyway. Here are my rankings of all the episodes from season 6 (in

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    3 comments · 1,011 views
  • 397 weeks
    Ranking All My Little Pony Episodes & Seasons

    So, with the help of a program called Preference Revealer, I have ranked all 143 episodes spanning across all six seasons of My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic. Now let me make it clear that these are MY OPINIONS and if anyone who reads this disagrees with my choices (which is definitely likely), then good for you and I'm glad you were able to get something out of episodes I either didn't care

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  • 444 weeks
    MLP: FIM Season 5 Episode Rankings

    The rankings listed below are from my own personal least favorite to my most favorite episode (of season 5) and a reasoning is listed after each one. But, please be aware that I overall enjoyed the entire season like I love the entire show, okay? By all means, let me know what you think. Do you agree with me? Do you disagree? Well, let me know! Anyway, here we go, starting from #26 and working

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  • 451 weeks
    Crusaders Of The Lost Mark

    Yes. Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes! All of my yes! Easily, bar none, the best episode in the entire series! I can't recall the last time I've shed this many tears throughout an entire episode. I mean...where do I begin? Diamond Tiara actually confirming my thoughts that she's not a bad girl and it's just her upbringing...Silver Spoon showing morals even before Diamond Tiara did...Applejack's parents

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  • 453 weeks
    Equestria Girls: Friendship Games Is Amazing!

    It really is the best one in the series yet. It doesn't go overboard like the first movie with its odd character development and plot-holes, and it isn't just mean-spirited and boring like the second one...not that the first two were bad, but still. Friendship Games had an amazing story that didn't really have a true villain; it just worked on its own merits. I won't go into spoilers, in case you

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Story Delay Explanations (New Poll Alert) · 8:01pm Feb 19th, 2012

NEW POLL: Which My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic story idea would you most want to see actually written into a story? Vote here!

By the way, just a little note, I do love long comments that turn out to be text walls or just go on for a long time. Like AbsoluteAnonymous says, I like seeing long comments on my stories or on here. So, if you ever feel like leaving one, don't worry about it getting too big; I appreciate them. In my eyes, a long comment signifies true dedication and a very detailed thought, which is always appreciated. Just a little heads-up.

I feel I owe any fans or readers or watchers I have an explanation on why things have been going slow recently. Well, for one, I was forced to tear apart my entire bedroom and clean it from top to bottom. Since I have more stuff than ANY of you (believe me, I do; everyone in this family is a pack-rat and you would faint if you saw my room), it took over a week to do. Besides that, I've been angry over my PS2 finally starting to wear out and not work properly, not to mention I've been distracted from watching sports and dealing with some unwanted company always angering me over here. Since I am a perfectionist, here's a list of my stories and why they haven't been updated in a while:

Total Magic Pony Island: The next episode promises to be my longest yet, since a lot is going into it. Plus, the dread of realizing that a lot of people probably skim it really kills me. I know how it is on the internet. Things that are 20,000 words and more usually bore readers and make them tend not to read it. I pray this isn't true about people on here, though, since I try to put out good stuff. Anyway, the latest episode is REALLY long, and with how much work I'm putting into it, it's going very slowly.

Trip Of A Lifetime: It's hard to ignore comments that are from annoyed readers who can't read my mind. A lot of people are whining about how it's getting boring or nothing is changing, but the fact is they don't see what I'm trying to do. No one can EVER predict or reason what an author is going to do. Still, the pressure that builds up inside me to put out chapters that will please and amuse my readers is insurmountable. Sometimes I worry about the chapters I put out, since I fear people will complain about them.

May The Best Pet Win...My Heart?: You all know how I feel about this by now, and, thanks to a certain person telling me to submit it to Equestria Daily, I'm feeling more depressed than ever. Once AGAIN, I got a reply with a lot of nonsense written on it, not to mention a note saying: "Made it halfway through the first part, but that's it". That REALLY hurts. Seriously, ALL of my stories get rejected, and yet for others they get accepted with just ONE they write? Why do I even bother? What am I doing wrong? I've been writing my entire life, over 14 years. I KNOW I'm good. I KNOW I'm better than a lot of others. Why do I keep getting rejected?

The Pony Bachelorette: I was somewhat disappointed this didn't garner as much attention as I was hoping for. But, I can't be greedy; be happy with what you get. But, it's going very slow since the three stories above this one take priority, since two are my pride and joy and one is arguably my most popular, even if I don't like it. I WANT to do more with this one, but it's hard to put a lot of work into something that you know people won't bother to read or care for. Sorry if it seems like I'm whining, but...when you've been given a high bar to perform to your entire life, you have no choice. I have a fear of failure and rejection, what can I say?

(Spoiler Alert)
The Games We Ruin: Every time I think about starting on this parody, I see or hear something that shoots me down. Just recently, something came up that really dampened my desires to actually write this. I won't say what it is, since once more I know I'm just being a whiny idiot, but...yeah, as you all know, it takes motivation and desire to write something. That's what authors feed off of. When we don't have BOTH of those things, you can't write. Or, at least, you can't write EFFECTIVELY.

Turntable: A story about Twilight going to a club or a concert to study the effects that music has off everyday life. She meets Vinyl Scratch backstage after the show, and the two discover they went to school together when they were fillies, but their lives went in different directions. The story would revolve around the two unicorns learning about each other and discovering a passion that they each yearn to accomplish and a goal they want to capture. Haven't started this yet, since I have enough on my plate, of course.

Twilight & Trixie: The Saga Begins: A series of misadventures and episodes of cartoonish antics that revolve around Trixie attempting to get revenge on Twilight, while at the same time trying to force the unicorn to love her. Antics would include turning Twilight into a frog, trying to flatten Twilight with a steamroller, trying to seduce Twilight by becoming a hypnotist, dressing up as Pinkie Pie to get closer to Twilight, and so on and so forth. Basically would be like a cliche cartoon with crazy antics happening in each episode. Haven't started this yet, since I have enough on my plate, as I stated.

Cupcakes: Pinkamena's Revenge: No, this isn't what you all think. Yes, I know Cupcakes is overblown by this point, but another idea struck me a while back. What if Twilight tries to use a new spell to see into Pinkie's mind, and she accidentally ends up separating Pinkamena from Pinkie Pie, leading to TWO Pinkies and leading to double trouble? Naturally, while Pinkie would be trying to make friends with her alter ego, Pinkamena would be trying to capture her friends for some cupcake-making. It would be a comedy, of course, so nothing bad would happen. It's just a funny idea I wouldn't mind trying sometime.

Fetish: A borderline clop fiction that would involve my own personal favorite fetish, which I will not disclose here. It would be about Twilight getting "punished" by Celestia and Luna using said fetish. Rainbow Dash would spy and enjoy the sights, so she could tell her friends, and soon Twilight would be getting a lot more "punishment" than she had expected when she returns home to Ponyville. While not really sex-related, it would still technically be kinky and stuff. The thought came from a picture I found; I won't say what.

So, as you can see, I have a lot on my mind and a lot of work to do and stuff. You have no idea how much writing means to me, so...yeah, right now, I'm kinda swamped and trying to do a lot of things at once. Wish me luck, I suppose. I'll make some more polls on these story ideas that none of you have ever seen in a bit.

POLLS (in case you didn't see them the first time):
Poll #1: Who are you rooting for to win Total Magic Pony Island? Vote here.
(Note: Even if you do not read the series or do not care, as I stated above, just click on the thing and have fun with it. It's a poll!)

Poll #2: If a camper returns to Total Magic Pony Island, whom do you hope it is? Vote here.

Poll #3: IF Josh were to fall in love with someone on Equestria, whom would you most want it to be in Trip Of A Lifetime? Vote here.
(Note: Even if you do not read the story or do not care, as I stated above, just click on the thing and have fun with it. It's a poll!)

Poll #4: What do you hope happens (eventually) to Josh in Trip Of A Lifetime? Vote here.

NEW: Total Magic Pony Island Quiz! Test your knowledge on the first half of the game. See how intelligent you are and how well you can pick up on things others might not have noticed. Take the quiz here.

Report Tailslover13 · 428 views ·
Comments ( 24 )

So, 2 things:
1) I, and I speak for myself and can't really do so for the rest of the internet because...sorry, rambling:facehoof:, right, I for one, enjoy longer stories much more than shorter ones. The one obvious downside to this is of course the extended wait times for new chapters to come out. Take your time, it'll allow you to make it even awesomer for us to read. :pinkiehappy:
2) As for Trip of a Lifetime, don't sweat it. There are TONS of people out here, myself included, that really enjoy this story. Those that you see whining about parts of it are, if I may be so bold as to say this, are the loud minority. Just let your creative juices flow where they will; your proof-readers (I am making the assumption that you are having some other people proof read your stuff, if not, sorry about that :fluttercry:) will let you know if there is something that needs to be changed. Other than that, I say, don't worry about us so much. We like what we're getting. And those that don't? Well, three words, mi amigo... Haters gonna hate!:moustache:

I agree with uT.TerAbsurbity. I really like longer chapters. It gives a sense of realism and has more flow than a shorter one. And remember one whiner is not the voice of everyone. Unless everyone has their say you shouldn't just take one vote.

Also keep those spirits up and keep spamming EQD. But not like actually spamming them spamming them. Just enough so different people will read your stories. Just keep trying. Never know when you'll get your lucky break.

And the stories that you are thinking of sound absolutely aMAZing. I certainly can't wait for them. But remember take your time.

Keep on writing Awesome Dude.

Well, you'll be glad to hear that I make a point to read through the entirety of all your Total Magic Pony Island chapters, even though some of the characters don't interest me much. I've really grown attached to the plight of the remaining characters and hang on every word. I tend to enjoy longer chapters as well as it gives the impression that the story has been thought over more. Smaller chapters tend to be rushed or just a quick scene that the author throws out to spam the system to get more views. So, no worries there, okay?

And just from one aspiring author to another, I want to caution you on your dealings with Equestria Daily. I know the feeling of being rejected but you need to keep a positive attitude. You don't want to come off as having a chip on your shoulder. They may blacklist you from ever submitting stories at all. Remember, you've generated quite a large fanbase here, ones that appreciate your hard work and the style of writing that you feel comfortable using. If you ever DO manage to get a story accepted, you will then have to deal with the users there, who, from what I've seen, are FAR more critical than the ones here. If you thought you were receiving criticism before, then you haven't seen nothing yet. Anything posted there is assumed to be brilliant and I've seen comments that view anything as a mild disappointment as the worst possible thing. There's a bit of an elitist mentality brewing there and it might cost the fans more than they realize. Just look at all the hullabaloo surrounding Derpy.

EqD is more than just fanfiction. It holds all aspects of the fandom and the admins there treat it as such. Stories there are viewed as contributing to the fans at large and not so much for yourself. Yes, I'm sure every author that gets posted feels giddy all over for having their brief time in the sun, but that's just it. It's very brief. I guess the point I'm trying to get at is that it's not the end of the world if EqD doesn't accept your stuff. I like it and so do many others here.

Focus on what you feel is important and the fans will come. Maybe not in the huge numbers that EqD could pull, but genuine fans that will stick with you and perhaps check out your other writings before leaving. I just don't think EqD is worth all this stress you're putting yourself through.

Well, this comment has gotten almost as long as your post so I'll be signing off here. Try to keep upbeat. Remind yourself that you're writing because you enjoy it and want others to enjoy it. Trying to force the issue will affect your work and I don't want to see that happening. I'm behind ya and so are many others. Keep at it!

EQD submission is a total crapshoot from what I've seen. Some really, really fucking good stories have been rejected, yet there is some utter trash that makes it through. Seems like it's a matter of lucl.

Please don't stop writing... I love May the Best Pet Win... My Heart?

Don't worry dude. Even if some people do skim your LONG chapters, doesn't mean we all do.

And to those peoplewho keep telling you that in "Trip of a Lifetime" everything is getting boring well SCREW THEM since like you said they don't know what the author is thinking and you could pull out something that makes them go: HOLY SHIT! and that would teach them to say that kind of shit.

I agree with this dude, I have really liked how it has been going... however, as a writer, I know how much it can suck to not enjoy making a story. My suggestion is, if you really don't want to make it any more, don't. If people like it, then you should be able to get somebody to take it over for you. heck, I might even if you want, no promises tho...

I promises to never skim over TMPI. it is one of my (if not my#1) favorite fanfic series.

TMPI is the reason I got a FiMFiction account. I'd never skim it. And like Gogetenks said, it's a crapshoot for sure. Some of the pre-readers have a fetish for a certain character or something and will always let those stories go through, and then others seem to have personal vendetta against shipping or something. I can wait between your updates, please don't feel like I'm breathing down your neck to make a new chapter. Or any of us, for that matter.

Also, do not spam EqD. They only take three submissions of the same story now, so if you really want to get it on there try ponychan if you're looking for an editor if they're complaining about grammar or something along those lines. If it's not that, then they just don't like the genre or character or maybe never saw the show (TMPI), or maybe they really hated the May the Best Pet Win episode. That is pure chance, and it sucks, but maybe you don't need EqD to be popular. Look at Study Buddies- over a thousand tracks and it's not on EqD. TGWP has 300 tracks, again no EqD, and TMPI had nearly 300 with no EqD.
EqD is an optional side quest that isn't necessary to achieve internet fame.
That's all :eeyup:

Well first, let me just assure you that I absolutely love TMPI, and I read every word of every chapter. I'm a bit ashamed to admit that I haven't actually checked out any of your other stories yet, but I definitely intend to do so in the future. And please, try not to let the whole EqD thing get you down. Based on everything I've heard, their story selection process is even more random that Pinkie Pie, and the important thing is that you have plenty of fans here who love and support your work, so don't let yourself get dissuaded. You are an amazingly talented writer, don't let anyone else convince you otherwise.

I haven't read your other stuff yet, but your May the Best Pet Win... My Heart? story is really good and I hope you don't stop writing it :pinkiesad2:

I don't skim word one!

I think your stuff is absolutely awesome!!!

I submitted New Face in Ponyville to EqD...

They said it needed to be lighter and let fragmented.... Yet I am NOT about to forsake my beliefs, especially when I see some of the crap that gets through on it!

Tailslover, if it wasn't for you, I'd never have found this site and found acceptance in my stories. Trust me, you're not only a great author... but a great friend as well.

I'm looking forward to seeing what happens next in ALL your awesome stories!!!:pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy:

I for one really like, May The Best Pet Win...My Heart? and can't wait for more :twilightsmile:

Dude don't get me started on EqD man. they can seriously bite my flanks :twilightangry2:

Dude, ignore those jackasses from Equestria Daily. If they reject your stories, they most certainly don't have any clue about quality. I think the best example is the layout of their own page. Don't sweat it.

For the parody of 'The Games We Play', do it. I want to see an approach which makes sense and doesn't rape my logical mind.

To be quite honest, I've started your story 'Trip of a Lifetime' just today, oh well it is already 3:32 AM..., anyways. I've enjoyed the concept of that one, although I like the concept of a simple comedy fic way better than any fury fuzziness regarding any of the ponies. Or dragons. Or zebras. Uhm Gryphons. Bunnies.

Keep up the good work and write an Equestria Daily parody fic. :rainbowlaugh:

Boy, you some sort of crazy! Why would i, or pretty much WE skim ANYTHING that came from you? Here's the answer: WE DON'T!:pinkiehappy: And i completely agree with everypony else; longer chapters give me a sense that you put your blood :pinkiesick: sweat :twilightoops: and tears :fluttercry: into every chapter. I beg you to not stop writing and will patiently await the next chapter of TMPI. While i wait, let's go see what all the fuss is about with Trip Of a Life Time, eh?:ajsmug:


Dude, I'm totally for illogical mindrape. Don't try and dissuade him from writing crack.

And it's like Bellum Civille says. EqD is the optional sidequest. Don't kill yourself over it, okay? The prereader system is horribly flawed and plenty of crap gets posted ALL THE TIME for no satisfactory reason; if they reject you, it probably means you got a bad prereader. Be happy that you have such a sizable fanbase as it is. After all, just look at all the people rushing to reassure you.

I'm really looking forward to the new chapter of TMPI, by the way. I never skim, and long chapters are my favorites, so it's definitely promising to be a good one. :heart:

Please do more stories mate. I like ToaL and MTBP....WMH? You do have a talent here, and we need more chapters for those stories.

Yes, I did say, that in Trip of a Lifetime, "Josh got beaten" scenario is getting a little boring, but that doesn't mean, that I stop to like this story. At the moment, it's one of my favourite stories on this site!

And about EqD, I read many great stories, that didn't make it through the pre-readers. I think they need to search for new ones, that enjoy good writing, not some crap, that get on the EqD. Anyway, I hope you'll stop thinking about it, and continue to write your awesome fictions!


Equestria Daily pre-readers are a bunch of idiots :trixieshiftright: They reject so many good fanfics for absolutely no reason, and it's not a reflection on the quality of your stories if they decided to reject it. It's just shows that they don't know a fantastic story when they see it :raritywink:

That's a shame that your stories aren't getting enough attention. Honestly, who would write a review just to say that they skimmed it? Maybe if they went back later and read it more in depth for a better review...but that's still kinda dense.

And urgh, the pre-readers. I try not to knock them since I know they don't have it easy, but the comments I've gotten really make me think that it's influenced way too much by personal likes and dislikes.

I haven't read all your stories. I'm about to read Muffins now, and I have read 'May the Best Pet Win My Heart' and 'TPI' And just basing it off what I've read, here are my thoughts:

Your stories are wonderfully written. The dialogue is matched by great descriptions, the plots are interesting and the characters believable. Being a major fangirl when it comes to Rainbow Dash, I'll be honest when I say I don't like how she's portrayed in Total Pony Island, but that's just a personal opinion. It has no bearing on how great the writing is or how awesome the effort that goes into it--and it is incredibly impressive. If your other stories are anything like those two, then its EQD's loss not to have them posted. Sometimes I have the suspicion that stories that are published elsewhere and then get a massive following then have an easier time getting onto EQD.

Regardless, your writing is phenomenal. And now, onto Muffins!

if it's any consolation i've probably read far worse, not to mention more, then 20,000 words in just one sitting.
Hell i read half of an 850 some page book in a couple hourse sitting just because i was bored and had nothing else really to do.

Don't let EqD get you down, I personally don't respect their opinions anymore. I submitted a story that got a lot of positive feedback, but EqD just ripped to shreds. The worst part is the guy said he'd "skimmed it...couldn't finish out of boredom" It really depressed me for a while, but then I realized they are the dumb if they can't even be bothered to read a story through. May the Best Pet Win is one of my fave stories, and I hope you continue it, but even if you don't, don't get discouraged.

People actually skim through this fanfic?! I find it impossible to do that with this story since 1.This easily became one of my favorite fics and 2.Dude its total drama island with ponies whats not to love,like the guy above me said screw EqD you dont need a blog post to be known as a good author lots of bronies including me already consider you one.

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