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We Bare Bears Wish Upon A Christmas Star Final Chapter Christmas Miracle For The Bros · 6:41am Nov 8th, 2021

Griff drove his car into the woods with a moving trailer hooked on the back of his car. Most of the others from the mall last night parked their cars outside of the woods as they walked to the cave. It was seven thirty in the morning, they may have celebrated their holiday with some of their families a few hours ago, but all had the same plan afterwards. Amanda and Chloe wished their mornings weren't short like any other Christmas morning, but they didn’t have a choice.

“So I’m wondering.” Tom commented. “Are we supposed to act like uncles or...just grown friends because…”

“Yes…” Marty rolled his eyes. “But I don’t think we could do this daily.”

“What should we expect now?” Daniella commented. “If they wished themselves as humans like us, I doubt they would convince us that they’re them.”

“Is that necessary?” Chloe’s mother turned to Daniella.

“Just sayin.”

“For your information, if I had a boyfriend who’s not a panda, I don’t think last night would’ve even happened.” Amanda signed. “As in...the bears doing their thing.”

“Issac would head to the arctic to find another Ice Bear.” Issac agreed with Amanda.

“Would all the traveling be worth it?” Chloe replied. “Even if I had the chance to meet another polar bear, it won’t be the same since they don’t talk.”

Everyone wished Chloe was wrong unfortunately, they never saw a lot of bears compared to other animals. “Let’s face it guys, the best we could do is help out those cubs.” Sari commented. “Karla will take care of them as soon as she has three pets in her apartment.”

“Still.” Kenny chimed in. “It would have been cool to hang out with three grown bears.”

As they continue to walk, Griff manages to turn his car around, even with the moving trailer attached. Inside the cave, Karla and Kazumi opened their eyes from their slumber. Soon enough, Griff got out of his car while knocking on the door. It didn’t take long for Karla to answer immediately.

“You're still tired?” Griff said.

“I just woke up, the bears are probably still sleeping right now.” Karla answered. “Are the others coming?”

Griff turned to his right and saw them coming close. “Yes, we’ve just woken up an hour ago.”

Kuzami put the sleeping bag back inside the closet as she witnessed the moving trailer. “So what should we move first?”

“We should start with the living room.” Karla replied. “We may have to leave the sofa and TV behind but the pictures on the walls would make the bears keep their old memories.”

“Seems good to me. Let’s get in the kitchen so we can put the food in the cooler.” Griff entered inside the cave while they headed straight to the kitchen. But upon seeing the kitchen table, they stood in place, completely dumbfounded. Ice Bear turned back into his grown body and not a cub anymore. Not only that, he broke his ice pan, causing the entire table to be covered in melted ice cubes.

Soon enough, Issac and the others head inside, only to notice the miracle in the kitchen. “Did, Ice Bear turn back into a grown bear?” Karla said, standing in place, in slight shock and confusion.

“What?” Chloe opened her eyes upon stepping into the cave. She heads straight to the kitchen to see Ice Bear who’s awoken from his slumber.

“Ice Bear...needs more ice cubes.” He spoke for the first time since two nights ago. When he slowly leaned up, he saw all of his friends smiling at him. When he looked at his paws, he couldn’t truly believe it, but it wasn’t a dream.

Inside Grizz’s bedroom, Grizz just like yesterday morning, woke up while getting out of bed. He yawned, stretching his arms while heading out his bedroom. Just when he heads inside the bathroom, Ice Bear enters the living room with everyone inside.

“How did he manage to turn back into a grown bear!?” Kazumi smiled.

“Maybe what Tom said was true after all.” Riley sitting next to Ice Bear.

“Wait if he’s back to normal...that would mean…” Tom stopped himself, while he and everyone around him knew the same effect didn’t only happen on Ice Bear.

Inside the bathroom, Grizz saw his reflection from the mirror until he looked at his feet. He soon learns that he didn’t need to climb up to the sink like yesterday, now realizing that his body size is back to the way it was.

“Am I dreaming?” He looked at his reflection. He turned on the faucet so he could splash his face with water. But after three times of doing so, it was clear that he was awake the whole time.

He grew a smile as he headed out of the bathroom to expose himself in front of everyone. “I’m a grown bear again!” He cheered.

“Grizz!” Griff cheered, giving the grizzly bear a big hug. Everyone was starting to believe it but there’s one more bear who hasn’t woken up yet. Amanda, her friends, Kazumi and Tom headed straight to Panda’s bedroom, with hope in their hearts that their old relationship with Panda had been reborn.

Panda slowly woke up, but he didn’t lift his head up from his pillow. He couldn’t get over the fact that today is where his life’s gonna change. Then just in the nick of time, Amanda opened the bedroom door to see her boyfriend and, much to her surprise, her hopes were realized.

“Panda!” Amanda cheered while rushing up to Panda. “You're back to being a grown bear!” She gave him a hug, surprising Panda with his eyes opening up. When his vision became clearer, he looked at his paw, bigger like it was before yesterday.

“Looks like they’re not gonna move out of here.” Kenny smiled.

“Today really is a miracle.” Samantha wrapped her fingers together.

All the bears sat on the sofa in the living room, they were more than happy that they’ve back to normal, but Panda still felt confused. “This doesn’t make any sense.” Panda replied.

“Who cares! At least we can stay here!” Grizz wrapping his arm around Panda.

“Ice Bear found hope in bearnity.” Ice Bear added.

“Wait!.” Panda trying to get back on topic. “As much I would be happy with this happening but…did one of you make a wish last night?”

“I don’t think so, did you?” Karla asked with which Panda shook his head.

“Well, this feels bizarre.” Kazumi commented.

“I’m fairly sure shooting stars only come once per day during this month.” Tom replied. “There has to be someone who’s responsible for it.”

Then someone banged on the door, catching everyone’s attention. Mrs. Chloe opens the door and it’s revealed to be Estellar and her magician. “Guarantee you were expecting Santa Claus.” Estellar coming in.

“Estellar!?” Everyone shouted in shock.

“Then again, we would be the real Santa helpers.” The magician giggled.

The bears were in the presence of the star of the parade yesterday. But on the other hand, Panda’s not wearing his VIP edition shirt, nor is Tom. “What’s the matter? Was your Christmas morning too shallow to enjoy?”

“Kind of but…did you know we were cubs?” Grizz asked while Estellar nodded.

“Ice Bear apologises for-“ Ice Bear gets cut off once Estellar places her finger on the Bear’s mouth.

“No need for an apology.” Estellar moving her finger away from Ice Bear. “We’re here to remind you that what happened at the parade wasn’t entirely your fault. Sure you bumped a tike against my float,” She pointed at Grizz then to Panda. “And you jumped over the barricade. But I’ve learned you three were never new.”

The bears had nothing to say. They were invisible before they arrived at the parade, until getting exposed when they left. “Maybe the reason why no one bothered with us aside from our friends is because they still see us as…unspecial cubs during this holiday.” Panda signed.

“That’s usually true until you three did a good deed.” The magician smiled.

“I don’t even think these three did a good deed yesterday.” Amanda replied only for Estellar to turn around.

“They were cubs, the size of a baby.” She closed her eyes in delight. “We can’t blame them for being neglected.” This caused Griff, Tom, and Issac to realize they were neglectful yesterday.

“Are we naughty for putting the cubs into danger?” Tom spoked while shaking.

“If you were they’re pets, most likely.”

“Oh thank goodness!” Tom and his friends signed in relief.

“Issac’s streak of solid Christmases stay strong.” Issac added.

“Anyway, if you're wondering, I was aware you made wishes that turned you three into cubs. So you wanna know what came last night.” Estellar turned back to the bears. “Shooting stars.”

Grizz, Panda and Ice Bear’s eyes shot open upon listening to Estellar. “Was it you who made a wish last night?” Grizz wondered.

“Yes, I did.”

“So that’s why we’re back to being grown bears.” Panda smiled.

“Wait a second.” Chloe chiming in. “If you're willing to give a wish that would reverse back to a normal life, do these bears still need to repay you?”

Estellar made plans way ahead of time than anyone else, even on Christmas Day. “As a matter of fact, yes, mostly for how the parade ended after what happened.”
She also saw the gifts still displayed by the tree. “And I think we can make an agreement for owing me, while giving you three the best Christmas you deserve.”

The three bears look at each other from how they need to own Estellar back for the wish she gave to them. “What do you want us to do?” Grizz wondered while Estellar turned to her magician while still keeping her smile.

“Let’s just say we’re gonna need a big float tonight.”

Night rolled around in one of the neighborhoods of San Francisco. After a long day of every family enjoying their Christmas gifts, they expected little during the night of this holiday. But then, they saw lights coming from the houses beside it. It slowly made its way which gave the families a chance to come out to witness it before it’s too late.

Meanwhile, Nom Nom along with his entourage are walking on the sidewalk after taking the day off for the holidays. “I don’t know about you, but today was a whole lot better than yesterday.” Nom Nom drinking his hot chocolate from his mug.

“Was it really important to make Andy Bangs more of an outlaw? Everyone saw what he did on the news.” Farmer replied.

“It’s called fighting fire with fire. If he hadn’t bothered to bring his drone along, I wouldn’t have gotten the footage where it bumped that child and made her fall over.”

“You know there’s still a few people who recorded that. I doubt people would wanna see that from the drone’s perspective.”

Nom Nom rolled his eyes after his entourage disagreed with him. “I’m aware of that, I’m just letting everyone know it was his drone the whole time.”

Just when he’s a few blocks from returning to his mansion, he saw something that just turned at the end of the road. Nearly everyone from the neighborhood waited outside until the surprise came. “Hey mom, that’s Estellar!” A young daughter pointed.

Soon the float made its way to the neighborhood but around that time, Ice Bear with Chloe on his head, Issac and his friends were delivering more gifts for everyone, whatever it’s candy or toys. The float itself had two Christmas trees on both sides, decorated in multiple colored lights and fancy ornaments. Both Estellar and Grizz are standing in the middle of the float, waving to everyone who’s attention was glued. Everyone sat down with Panda sitting next to Amanda along with her friends while Griff and the others threw candy at the neighborhood.

“Can’t say I’m surprised though.” Nom Nom rolled his eyes. “What I said yesterday was true all along.”

“You're not upset about missing the parade this year?” Farmer wondered.

“This is their own parade with Estellar or not.” When the koala looked at the grizzly bear who once spent a day as a cub, he knew he deserved this Christmas miracle. “Besides, I’ve already got my present to pay off.”

As Nom Nom headed to his mansion, more children came up to the float, endorsing Estellar’s gift of the holidays. Karla wasn’t even controlling the float this time, instead, she’s sitting with the others, enjoying herself while being in a Santa Claus outfit. Soon Grizz sat next to her while giving Estellar more attention.

“Are you enjoying yourself?” Grizz smiled.

“Definitely.” Karla replied.

“Are you mostly bummed out that we're not gonna be your pets?”

“Not really.” Karla turned to the bear. “Then again, it would be interesting to see what you and your brothers do for a living.”

“Oh don’t worry.” Grizz wrapping his arm around Karla. “There’s a lot you don’t know about us.”

When Ice Bear just finished handing more gifts, he then went up to Riley and Marty who just finished doing the other side of the neighborhood. After getting to know the real Ice Bear all day, they know full well to reconsider him as a friend.

“I have to say, I would like to hang out with you someday.” Marty commented.

“Isaac really is the type of person who would befriend someone who he can relate to.” Riley added.

“You never know what he’s capable of, wait until he’s an expert at making food.” Chloe added.

“Ice Bear can teach martial arts to future allies.” Ice Bear remained still until Isaac walked up by him.

“Isaac needs more candy canes for the children.” Isaac offered help from his friends.

“Sorry, we’re just misjudging how Ice Bear was when we met him.” Riley walked past Isaac.

“We should start doing our new year’s revolution by having him around once in a while.” Marty follows Riley from behind. Ice Bear would wish he could’ve met Isaac’s friends as a grown bear on Christmas Eve instead as a cub. But at the very least, he’ll add Riley and Marty in his new year’s revolution.

“Amanda.” Panda turning to his girlfriend. “If only I made your Christmas Eve special, you would’ve been more happy.”

“You don’t have to say that.” Amanda responded. “I was a little too harsh yesterday when I learned you were a cub. It’s just if you would stay that way forever-“

“I won’t have a boyfriend anymore, I know.” Panda cutting her off. “If the roles are reversed, I would feel the same way.”

Amanda felt remorseful at first, but didn’t expect Panda to be honest with her. “Did you still feel happy that I gave you a kiss?”

“Mostly. It was probably the best moment I had yesterday.”

Most of Amanda’s friends heard everything even while waving to the kids. “Still your first time as boyfriend and girlfriend?” Daniella guessed.

“Pretty much.”

“Hey, it's a first for everyone.” Samantha smiled. “Hopefully when the new year comes around, things could get better between you two.”

“You’re right.” Amanda smiled. “Let’s try to make our Valentine's Day personal.”

Panda enjoyed the holiday of love personally, but he would never consider impressing a girlfriend around that time. It was simple during the camping trip, but during the following months, it was a slow process even with the big highs he achieved.

Then Estellar saw Panda feeling speechless with his girlfriend. Just for how Panda was the odd one out of the group, it gave her an idea. She took out a mistletoe attached to a stick, lifting it above Panda and Amanda which caught their attention.

“Here we go again.” Kenny rolled his eyes while smiling.

“Well, even if my parents might get used to this when they find out, we can show them our limitations.” Amanda pressed her lips against Panda’s cheek. Panda like before blushed but also in the presence of families watching him. Parents and some teens were adoring it but for the kids, he’s lucky enough they’re occupied with their gifts more than the moment he’s in. Which is what he’s aware of what Amanda’s parents would feel before they find out.

“Just embrace it with your girlfriend.” Estellar spoke from above.

“Got it.” Panda replied while Amanda broke the kiss, giving him a hug afterwards.

Thanks to Estellar, the bears received the best Christmas they had in a long time. If it wasn’t for a celebrity making a wish, they would have to start all over in life. The only thing they can take from this Christmas is to not wish in the predicament they were in. But as for the holiday they’re spreading until morning, they can all agree that stars from the sky can still lead them to memories they will forever remember, for better or worse. Eventually, they would see themselves happy after turning into cubs on Christmas Eve, knowing they will never be like them ever again.

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