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Shotgun Cannonball To Black Flag Circuit Chapters 3 & 4 · 7:50pm May 20th

Chapter 3 Celebration License Wreck

Luna and the group returned back home after heading to King Cars. However unlike last time, Lori and Lana won’t be the only ones to celebrate her sister, despite doing that earlier. Luna parked Vanzilla in the driveway again as she and the others got out.

“Team Luna and Lana, here we come!” Lana cheered with Luna getting her car key out.

“Don’t forget my girlfriend’s part of the team, along with our crew chief.” Luna turned to Lori.

“You’re getting way too excited over this.” Sam replied. “You haven't even told your parents about this.”

“We’re not gonna avoid this one. It’s best if we tell them since no one’s gonna miss that you have your driver’s license.” Lori spoked.

“We’re only keeping this between the four of us. And Hops.” Luna walked up to the front door. “Once this whole thing is done with, I’m going back to regular driving, only with a motorcycle on the road.”

As Luna unlocked the front door, she and the group entered inside with confetti blown out of nowhere, flying onto Luna. “SURPRISE!” The Loud family popped out from the sofa behind with a sign appearing from the celine, called, Luna’s Driver License Celebration.

“Congratulations Luna!” Lynn Sr. and Rita cheered.

“Spoke too soon.” Lori bit her lip.

“Excitement to rage coming.” Sam added.

“We’re so proud of you that you finally got your driver’s license.” Rita smiled. “Starting tomorrow, we’re gonna have you drive on the road with all of us inside Vanzilla.”

“To celebrate you getting your driver’s license!” Lola cheered.

“And we pick the best places you love, Luna.” Lynn Sr. wrapped his arm around her.

“Don’t worry, we have a map to have you see where you’re going on the road.” Leni added. “I’ve used those a lot.”

While Luna appreciated the celebration, she’s still making sure she doesn’t have her family get involved. “Thanks dudes, tomorrow will be a great day for all of us.”

“We have food set up on the kitchen table.” Luan pointed as she took her sister to the kitchen table.

“Lana, you were so impatient, you wanted Luna to take you for a ride today?” Rita asked.

“It was more than that.” Lana answered. “We stopped at King Cars.”

“To help Luna find the car she wants?” Lincoln asked.

Both Lori and Sam looked at each other while giving them the answer. “It’s too early to think about it, don’t you think?” Lori asked. “I mean I couldn’t get my car there, so it’s just the first of many car shops out there.”

“Lori, it’s fine if she’s going out to find a car to her liking, it’s just a matter of the right car for her.” Lynn Sr. smiled.

“That is…if she prefers an open door car without windows.” Sam crossed her arms while looking away.

“Aren’t you proud of her though?”

“I am.” She looked back. “But…it wasn’t the reason we went to King Cars.”

In the dining room, Luna picked out her favorite foods from the kitchen table all the while she saw her parents talking to Lana, Lori, and Sam. She then headed straight to the kitchen with Leni, Luan, and Lynn Jr. following her.

“Where are you going? Shouldn’t you be celebrating that you got your driver’s license?” Lynn Jr. eating a hamburger.

“Out into the living room?” Luan added.

“I will, I’m just thinking about my plans since I got my driver’s license.” Luna said, eating her food.

“Sweet.” Leni smiled. “What are your plans exactly?”

Luna took a deep breath while trying her best to prevent her secret from being exposed. “It’s mainly a private driving experience.”

“Sis, your driving test is like a private driving experience.” Lynn Jr. followed on. “You got nothing to worry about.”

“Aside from avoiding getting tickets by following the rules.” Leni commented which caused Luna to flinch. “What? Did you get your first ticket?”

“I didn’t.” Luna replied.

“Then what’s the problem?” Luan asked.

“The problem is, you get newer goals after getting your driver’s license. Complicated goals you’re not ready for.”

“She isn’t wrong.” Leni added. “Lori may have overcome goals, but it was luck that helped her.”

“Yeah, luck when you don’t speed and nearly crash into buildings and trees.” Lynn Jr. remembers the times Leni drove her and the others to places.

“Luna, we know you’re not gonna be reckless.” Luan smiled. “You’re hardcore at playing guitar and instruments, but that’s nowhere near as dangerous as driving a car.”

Luna felt pleased from her sister's gesture. “Thanks Luan, but the goals I have makes me slightly nervous. I want to keep to myself.” Just when she’s about to leave the kitchen, she stops herself with Lynn Sr. and Rita standing in front of her, crossing their arms with serious looks on their faces.

“More like extremely nervous.” Rita replied.

“Luna.” Lynn Sr. added. “What’s going on?”

Luna looked behind her parents with Lana, Lori, and Sam’s heads lowered in shame. Rita then showed Luna the contract she took from Lana, who kept it after leaving King Cars. “What is this?”

“Uhhh…” Luna reacted.

“We can wait all night, you’re not leaving this kitchen.”

Leni, Luan, and Lynn Jr. looked straight at the contract itself. “It looks like a racing competition.” Luan said.

“With Bobble Fletcher racing.” Lynn Jr. added.

“Lana! Stand next to Luna!” Rita turned back as Lana followed her orders. “Explain this!”

Both Luna and Lana sighed, with them being caught red handed, not even two hours since Luna got her license. “There’s a race called The Royal Woods Raceway in two weeks.” Lana answered.

“And we, Lori and Sam entered because…” Luna couldn’t finish her sentence knowing her parents won’t like it.

“Because?” Lynn Sr. placed his hands on his hips.

“Because there’s a motorcycle I really, REALLY want!”

Both Lynn Sr. and Rita groan in frustration while the rest of the Loud siblings hear everything Luna and Lana confess. “No, not gonna happen!” Rita shouted.

“You two are not entering The Royal Woods Raceway!” Lynn Sr. added.

“Mom, Dad!” Lana replied.

“Lana, we don’t want you and Luna to get hurt!”

“Especially Lori and Sam.” Rita pointed at them.

“Technically I’m their crew chief so-” Lori chimed in.

“Stay out of this, you're not in trouble.”

“Tomorrow we’re going back to King Cars to take you off the race.” Lynn Sr. informed.

“But this is the only way I’m ever going to get a motorcycle.” Luna cried.

“You’re never getting a motorcycle Luna, It wasn’t easy for us to get our driver’s license.” Rita replied.

“But Mom-”

“I don’t want to hear it!”

“You two go upstairs in your rooms, the celebration’s over!” Lynn Sr. ordered. Luna and Lana head straight upstairs as Lynn Sr. takes Luna’s food from her. “You should at least be thankful we’re not taking your license away after just getting it.”

Luna stopped just before she turned to her bedroom door. “I didn’t even get a ticket.” She spoke as she turned around. “The race prevents racers from breaking the law.”

“As in, racing without losing your driver’s license, nor giving you non stop speeding tickets.” Lana popped her head only for her and Luna to head straight to their bedrooms. Lynn Sr. and Rita looked at the contract together. They’re beyond disappointed in Luna and Lana, but they did it for the best, even though it ended up ending the celebration when it just started.

However everyone around thought otherwise, after hearing about the race itself. “Mom, Dad.” Lori walked up to them. “I’m not on board with this, but what else can they do?”

“Lana may get over excited, but it’s her only chance to race against Bobbie Fletcher.” Sam added.

“We know she wants to race against her, our biggest problem is Luna.” Rita crossed her arms. “I wouldn’t enter a race competition even if there’s a prize I really want.”

“We just don’t want her to lose all of that hard work she earned after getting her license.” Lynn Sr. added.

The parents made their way into their bedroom while still holding onto the contract. “What about the food we made?” Luan wondered.

“When all of you are full, put the leftovers away.” Lynn Sr. replied as he closed the door.

“Well I’m not letting the desserts go to waste.” Lori rushed to the dining room.

“More meat for me.” Lynn Jr. followed suit. With the rest of the siblings eating what's available, Lincoln stopped at Lori and Sam.

“You sure Luna and Lana will convince our parents to enter the race?” He asked.

“They won’t be able to do that on their own.” Sam replied. “We’re also entering as a team.”

“We still have two weeks until the race happens.” Lori added. “We’re gonna take care of this in the morning.”

“We might go somewhere tomorrow morning…but just us, Luna, Lana, and them.” She pointed at Lynn Sr. and Rita’s bedroom door.

“Luna driving us to her favorite places…literally canceled also.”

“Well hopefully things will work out. I’m actually excited to see her and Lana race.” Lincoln entered the dining room.

Lori and Sam made their way to Lynn Sr. and Rita’s bedroom. Lori knocked on their door as they’re allowed inside. With them having a private conversation instead of a family meeting, it became serious of how the truth put them in a state of panic where they don’t want everyone involved with how dangerous racing is.

Chapter 4 Swagger Field Of Classic Cars

The morning after last night’s celebration, Lynn Sr. and Rita took Luna, Lana and Lori to an open field outside of Royal Woods after breakfast. They also picked up Luna’s band, the Moon Goats to cut to the chase right away. Including Shane Loud who got his driver’s licenses last year. Lynn Sr. and Rita agreed to Lori and Sam to reconsider unless they show Luna and Lana on how they felt before they got their driver's licenses even before they got married.

Lynn Sr. is handling the wheel, while Luna sits in the back next to Sam, Lana, and Lori with the others sitting in the way back. She couldn’t even be thrilled with the ruff breakfast she and Lana had before leaving. “Luna, we don’t usually do this, but decades ago, we didn’t have cars that were all that fast.” Rita turned back.

“We may enjoy the sport of racing, but not as much as you Lana.” Lynn Sr. added.

“It’s still a once and a lifetime dream to be in a race.” Lana spoked.

“True, but I’m not believing that Bobbie Fletcher would allow you to participate at a very young age.” Rita added.

“Even my parents wouldn’t allow me to perform on stage until I turned eleven.” Sam said.

“Aren’t you on my side?” Luna blinked.

“Not completely.”

“Luna, we were excited that you got your driver’s license, but racing is the last thing we expected from you.” Shane Loud commented.

“Not to mention it’s better to take us to places in a car rather than riding on one motorcycle that’s for only one person.” Sully added.

“I wanted me and Sam to ride on a motorcycle together.” Luna turned around. “I can drive a car and a motorcycle if I can.”

“You can only pick one vehicle with a budget that works.” Rita said. “Which is why we're going to an open field where most of the old cars we had back then are currently on show.”

“We may have Vanzilla, but it doesn’t change the fact that we had other options for cars.” Lynn Sr. added.

“You can’t have one option when there’s a hundred more cars.” Shane added.

With Luna and Lana listening to everyone inside of Vanzilla, they try to see the point of view of what they really mean. Soon they arrived in the open field where big lines of cars were parked on the grass. Lynn Sr. parked Vanzilla on the grass with everyone coming out.

“This is a car show.” Shane walked up to Luna. “My parents took me to one of them before I got my license.”

“Did it help you find the car you really wanted?” Luna asked.

“A little bit. The point is, cars can have personality and give the person who’s driving it charisma.”

“Racing cars does give you charisma.” Lana chimed in.

“We know.” Mazzy added.

“We’re not here to find you a racing car, we’re never going to do that.” Lynn Sr. retorted.

“We’re giving you a choice before you make a bad one, it’s not that hard.” Rita added.

“Can we just go to the car show to get this over with?” Luna replied. “You're not making me feel like I want to drive an old school car.”

“You will, once you see them.”

The group made their way to one of the entrances of the car show. The row they picked is the cars from the nineteen eighties during Lynn Sr. and Rita’s childhood. From older types before CD players existed along with wood being the exterior and interior detailing, Lynn Sr and Rita childhood memories all are coming back to them.

“Before we got our driver’s license, we always thought of the prestige of fancy cars.” Lynn Sr said.

“There were car accidents back then, but not as many as in the present.” Rita added.

“They’re right. My mother’s car isn’t as fancy as these cars, but she wouldn’t risk getting into a car accident.” Sam commented.

“Also when my dad showed me the cars he wanted, the fancy one with gold tires gave him charisma.” Shane added.

“Too much charisma if you ask me.” Mazzy replied.

“So why can’t we go to the cars with flames on them?” Luna offered. “If I had to pick with style, it wouldn’t hurt to leave an impression.”

“Also.” Lana thought. “You do know that car shows do have race cars right?”

Both Lynn Sr. and Rita flinched knowing they would at least walk past one race car from past decades. “Yes, we know.” Rita replied.

“Can we just think about cars that don’t speed on race tracks?” Lynn Sr. added.

“We would, if you didn’t make us starve last night.” Luna retorted. “I've been dreaming of food car racers because of it.”

“You really had to take their food away?” Rita glared at her husband.

“It turned the celebration into a possible car accident if we found out later.” Lynn Sr. replied.

“Again, I got my driver’s license just last night!” Luna reacted.

Sully and Mazzy covered Luna’s mouth, preventing any attention from everyone from the car show. “How about we go to a row of vans similar to Vanzilla?” Lori offered.

While Lynn Sr. and Rita agreed to Luna’s point, they took the group to the roll of vans made from the seventies and eighties. While they’re decorated on the outside unlike Vanzilla, it still brought back memories in Lynn Sr. and Rita's life.

“We know you’re never buying a van, but without it, we wouldn’t have memories wherever we go.” Lynn Sr. looking at the shine from one of the vans.

“Sacrificing a fancy car was painful in the heart, but we would only have two to three kids riding in the back.” Rita added.

“Not that I would’ve been the lucky one for being the third child.” Luna crossed her arms. “But I’ve only driven Vanzilla three times and they’re all from last night.” She then walked up to the other vans, one of which having flames. “I was focusing on the road and the only gift I got from it…is feeling the wheel whenever I control it.”

“Luna, driving a car isn’t the same as playing guitars.” Sam replied. “If I get that feeling, I’ll be better off becoming a race car driver.”

“That’s the point.” Lana chimed in. “I do like Vanzilla, but when I’m getting my driver’s license at your age, I can’t keep my mind off of racing.”

“So you would rather floor it on the road?” Sully asked.

“I was thinking of doing it on the highway.”

“That’s worse.” Shane commented.

“Luna, when I drove for the first time, it was exciting for a while, but down the line, it’s your responsibility to keep it in control at all times.” Rita replied.

“It’s great you did well last night, but every day from here on out, it’s a different chapter of its own.” Lynn Sr. added. “Secondly…if there was a high speed chase and you’re not the criminal…you could give in.”

Luna sighed after hearing the confession. “That is if I robbed a bank, but I wouldn’t give in.”

“We’re just trying to help.”

“If you were willing to help, you would’ve known how expressive I am.” Luna replied. “I need to be alone, I’m still depressed about last night.” She left the group on her own while getting out of the row of vans, finding another row that interested her.

Lynn Sr. and Rita felt disappointed in their third child’s state of mind. “We seriously need to talk more sense into her.” Rita replied.

“What do you want her to feel?” Lana asked.

“Was it really a good idea to make her feel like this?” Mazzy added.

“We wouldn’t be here if she and you,” Rita pointed at Lana. “had never signed the contract.”

“I also signed the contract.” Sam chimed in. “And a part of me really wants her to succeed.”

“Succeed? As in getting the motorcycle?”


“This is getting worse and worse.” Shane replied.

“Why can’t we just stick to our original plan?” Lori looked up at the sky.

Luna entered the row of motorcycles. Despite her parents refusing to have her buy a motorcycle, they didn’t say anything about not going to see motorcycles. She can hear people riding them from the otherside of the field even when coming here. Even if she tried to ignore them, it’s only gonna make her want to enter the race more. As if it wasn’t enough that classical vehicles didn’t make her reflect.

“This is hopeless.” She spoked. “I would’ve been excited to be here if I was practicing for the race.” From the end of the row where she came in, her family and band saw her. They were close to catching up to her in concern of almost losing her in the car show. When Luna looked away from the motorcycles, she saw Mick Swagger walking on his own while wearing a purple race car outfit while holding onto a helmet. “Mick Swagger?”

“Luna, love.” He smiled. “What brings you here?”

“My parents took me here to show me what type of car I want.”

“You finally got your driver’s license?” 

“Yes…if I can show you my driver’s license.” When Mick witnesses Luna’s family including Sam and the Moon Goats, it wasn’t hard for him to catch on.

“Did you get yourself into a dangerous car accident?”

“No.” She then closed her eyes while behind honesty with her biggest idol. “Me and my sister Lana entered The Royal Woods Raceway because of a really great motorcycle for a reward. I didn’t tell my parents…until last night when they found out.”

With her excitement turned to emptiness, it still felt good to let it out instead of lying. Mick Swagger believed what she said, but unlike her parents, he wasn't disappointed. If he was, he wouldn’t be here in the first place.

“Luna, love, I want you to know that I admire cars of any type. But I love race cars just as much as singing. I’m close to coming across old school race cars if you want to see some.”

“I can’t, my parents won’t allow me.”

“Including Lana?”

“Yes, she’s a huge fan of racing, especially Bobbie Fletcher.”

This causes Mick to remember his time when he watched Bobbie in person. “I remember watching her races that I attend.” He replied. “Her passion for racing felt the same way as we felt in music.”

“I would’ve seen the passion from her if I actually attended her races.”

“Not everyone’s gonna be a professional race car driver.” He then noticed Lana, still depressed, which caught him on after Luna told him her name. “This is gonna be shocking but, I’m gonna host The Royal Woods Raceway.”

“You are?”

“I’m gonna help Bobbie raise more money for the event. Maybe I could perform after the race is over.”

As if it wasn’t enough for Luna, Mick Swagger hosting the event felt like a dream clashed into Lana’s, which made it hard to enjoy the car show. “What are you trying to help me with?”

“Giving you more heart and passion to convince your parents to have you and your team enter.” He then walked past her, stopping in front of Luna’s family and band. “She’s never having the mindset of a deranged speeder.”

As Rita and Lynn Sr. can tell what the conversation Luna had with Mick, they try to be crystal clear with the famous singer. “Mick.” Rita spoked. “We are gonna see her drive soon, it’s just last night we had a celebration for her getting her license and when we heard about the contract…”

“...we did it for her best interests.” Lynn Sr. finished.

“I don’t blame you, but you know I’m right.” Mick smiled.

“I believe you.” Lana replied with Mick looking down. “You know me and Luna have something in common with famous people like you and Bobbie.”

“I’m sure you do, mate.” Mick turned his attention back to Lynn Sr. and Rita. “What they have in common the most, is making their once in a lifetime dreams come true. Don’t act like you never had dreams coming true.”

Lynn Sr. reflects on opening his own restaurant while Rita reflects on how the Louds helped her husband, despite overwhelming him. Not that they need to help Luna and Lana’s dream if they can handle it on their own but they made up their mind to give them a chance.

“Okay, we’re setting things straight with Luna once we leave.” Rita smiled.

“You mean?” Lana wondered.

“You're not entering yet, we’ll make up our minds once the day’s out.” Lynn Sr. filled in.

“Good deal.” Lori commented.

“Can I still be part of this?” Sam replied.

“You signed the contract, just wait before you support our third oldest daughter.” Rita said.

“You can join us while we’re giving Luna a chance.” Lynn Sr. added. “But it isn’t gonna be like how we view it on Lori and even Leni’s driving.”

Luna walked up behind Mick Swagger as she slowly smiled. “I can prove to you I’m not a reckless driver.”

“You gave the teacher the approval, you show your parents your one and only race car token, love.” Mick then lifted Lana up while wrapping his arm around Luna. “I know you’re gonna join the race. You have two weeks to go.”

With the family and band watching Mick putting Luna and Lana together, it’s only the beginning before Lynn Sr. and Rita give their approval to have them enter the race. However it’s not stopping them from watching Luna drive after getting her driver’s license yesterday. It may be a long day today, but it won’t compare to the next two weeks before the biggest race comes to life.

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