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We Bare Bears Canadian Freedom Or Hibernation Heartsick Chapters 6-8 · 11:03pm May 18th

Chapter 6 Park Of Luminary

Panda, Ice Bear, and Gayle sat together on the bench in San Francisco after the bears did their goals today. When Panda went back from his visit from Amanda’s, Ice Bear showed his friends, Yana after she agreed to join their trip to Canada. With Grizz returning from his visit to Nom Nom’s place, they took Gayle to the streets of San Francisco. Gayle couldn’t look at San Francisco the same way again with every bear, small and big in every direction.

“Does San Francisco usually have bears on the streets?” She asked.

“No.” Panda answered. “Everything changed when we arrested Agent Trout who caged tons of bears.”

“These bears are from different states, not the ones who were once in danger.” Grizz replied.

“Ice Bear still predicts there’s more brown or light colored bears.” Ice Bear commented.

“You all fit in more than other animals.” Gayle smiled. “Do you plan on showing bears from Canada about who you three are?”

“We will.” Grizz said.

“It’s the land and bears we’re thinking about.” Panda added. “Do you have the passports sorted out?”

“Yes, I’ve gotten Ranger Tabes, The Poppy Rangers, and the other older rangers coming along. In fact, bears are gonna take care of the ranger station. I was surprised when they showed me them.” Gayle continued to witness more bears appearing on the streets.

“You think that’s great, our friends are what's making our trip to Canada better.” Grizz wrapping his hand around Gayle. “You’ll feel fit in with them taking you to places…with the exception of one.”

“You manage to convince Nom Nom to come along?” Panda asked.

“Yes and no.”

“I’m not surprised.”

“Ice Bear can’t be one hundred percent confident, Happiness is for everyone.” Ice Bear commented.

“It’s fine, I’m not planning on making friends with everyone. I’m just looking forward to the trip itself.”

“Now that’s the spirit we need just when we arrive in Canada.” Grizz smiled.

They made their way to the park where they would normally split up but this time, they’re staying together. Bear cubs have been sliding down with kids on the slide while the big bears are hanging with the teens. “We’re planning to not bring any bears mainly because we’re trying to keep a low profile, so as to not get mixed up with the bears in Canada, but they’re still gonna miss us.” Panda commented.

“We did activities with them when we came back to San Francisco. So many, we'd have to show you a memory book.”

“If we did start a memory book.”

“Not that I’m against you for not bringing any bears along, but aside from the group you showed me, are there any more people you want to bring?” Gayle wondered.

“Well, there were two people but one is a popstar while the other is a doctor, a nurse, and even a dentist.”

“Ice Bear only remembers one man being everything for supportive purposes.” Ice Bear replied.

“They’re called Dr. Clark and Estellar.” Grizz replied. “They are the last names we’re thinking about, but they’re jobs are more important.”

“Yeah, I wouldn’t be surprised if some of my friends became popular or have a great profession of helping and saving people’s lives.” Gayle replied.

“It’s not like they would do anything important in Canada.” Panda said. “Estellar isn’t planning on performing in Canada.”

“And Dr. Clark is fine taking care of patients here, so it’s not like he had anything to gain in Canada.” Grizz commented.

As they continued to watch more bears hanging out with more people, a person finished up his shift from work as he arrived at the park. He looked at the three bears who he hasn’t met since the whole braces situation. He made his way from behind as he poked on Grizz’s shoulder, catching his attention.

“Dr. Clark?” He blinked.

“You’re here?” Panda added.

“I’m taking a break from work for about an hour. Bears have been taking my job more seriously.” He answered.

“It’s a pleasure to meet you.” Gayle smiled. “The bears told me everything about you.”

“Good to know. I’ve heard you’re going to Canada soon.”

“We’re still planning out everything. We might have everyone come together at our cave the night before we leave.” Panda filling in.

“You’re bringing a lot of people along.” Dr. Clark became impressed with the dedication from the bears. “Do you have room for me to join?”

“You want to go to Canada!?”


“But what about your job or…in this case, multiple jobs?” Grizz reacted.

“I once had a problem where I couldn’t leave the buildings I work in. But after the bears took classes of the jobs I’ve taken, they’ve been making my life easier to where I’ve been taking walks outside.”

The bears knew they changed the city for the better but when it comes to bears helping out humans with their jobs, there’s so much going on inside the buildings. “So you want to take a vacation?”

“Dentists and even doctors need a vacation to cool off, even though I never lose my cool.”

“We’re not complaining, if you have a passport, we can find something for you to do.”

“Actually, I want mainly a luminary experience from you bears. Inspiration for what could happen in Canada you could change. Just like here in San Francisco.” 

The bears didn’t know what the word luminary meant but from someone like Dr. Clark who uses it, they’re way of inspiration would be in luck if it’s possible. “Do you really want that from us?” Panda spoked.

“I’ve seen too much luminary from talented celebrities, I want to see that from regular people like you.”

“Ice Bear prefers the word periodic.” Ice Bear responded.

“It’s not that we’re incapable of…luminary, we’re just expecting Canada to surprise us.” Grizz explained.

“That’s the whole point why we’re going there in the first place.” Panda added.

“Luminary can come from anyone. Including you bears.” From listening to that voice, the bears and Gayle turned around while Dr. Clark walked next to the bears. It’s revealed to be one of the famous pop stars in the United States and the bears encountered during Christmas Eve as cubs during the parade.

“Este-” Grizz and Panda reacted until Ice Bear covered their mouths, preventing the attention from anyone in the park. Estellar’s wearing a white jacket and wearing a hood to disguise herself from anyone out in the open.

“Speaking of talented celebrities.” Dr. Clark smiled. “She’s the one I couldn’t get enough luminary out of.”

“I’ve caught on when you mentioned Canada, because I'm gonna be performing there after I announced it in my last concert last week.” Estellar smiled. “I’ve always known I would at least meet familiar faces before I step foot in front of my fans. I'm meeting fans for the first time.”

The bears felt frozen with not one, but two people they thought were the last people willing to come, on their own conditions, willing to expect luminary from them. “In what world have I been missing this?” Gayle smiled while placing her hands on her hips.

“Quite a lot.” Panda awkwardly grinned.

“Maybe it’s just me thinking of the possibilities, but I haven’t thought this far to see what we would do with you.” Grizz replied.

“It doesn’t have to be perfect, but we should always expect nothing but greatness and surprises.” Esteller slowly turned to the cub bears in the park only for her to turn back to the three bears. “The Christmas parade may have almost been a disaster, but I know for a fact when we come back from Canada, we will reminisce about it in future.”

“Ice Bear always reminisces about end adventures.” Ice Bear said.

“Then again, Estellar does turn adventures into legendary.” Panda commented.

“A little bit much, but it still makes sense.” Estellar agreed.

“Not much of an adventure type, but I wouldn’t bail on it.” Dr. Clark replied.

“This trip is going to be better than I thought.” Gayle likes the two adults coming along. “None of the people who sent me to their house ever gives me anything this special.”

“You’re in luck.” Estellar smiled. “There’s more than what comes your way.”

“You say that to your fans?”

“Mostly when I hand my backstage passes for backstage parties.”

“So…like ten or twenty people?”

“Yes, I know how to keep in touch with the people I grew a liking to.”

“Then you won’t regret it when we meet you in Canada. This trip is getting better and better!” Grizz cheered.

“I’ll be ready for the get together at your cave.” Dr. Clark said. “Call me when you have it scheduled.”

“No problem.” Panda replied as Dr. Clark made his way back to his shift. He and his brothers turned back to Estellar. “Even though you’re not coming over to our cave, we might come to your concert if we have the chance.”

“I didn’t say we would meet at my concert.” Estellar said. “I’m doing other things in Canada like being a guest on broadcast news to market my concert. I’m also going sightseeing during my spare time.”

“We’re doing the same as well.”

“Canada is a big map but keep in mind, I know you and your friends will be close by.” Estellar left the bears and Gayle as she left the park.

“She’s so great when she predicts the future.”

“So should we spend more time together?” Gayle wrapped her arms around Grizz and Ice Bear.

“You bet.” Grizz agreed. “We may have to go back to our work in process but so far, everything’s working out.”

“So everyone’s coming along?”

Grizz stopped himself, still remembering there’s one more person who wants to come but at the same time, he can’t. “Yes, everyone’s coming. There’s no one left.” He smiled.

Chapter 7 Left Out Or Drag In

Throughout the whole day where the bears and friends are heading from place to place, Charlie spends all day just lying on the ground, upset that he won't be able to go to Canada. He wouldn't mind that his bear friends aren’t around, but with all of his friends coming along for an adventure he’s been hearing about, it only made him feel more depressed.

“Who am I kidding? I can’t overcome my fear.” Charlie said to himself. “I’m only good at making animal friends, not the friends the bears make.” He took a deep breath to get the fresh air from the outdoors. “His friends must be more valuable in person. Ranger Tabes isn’t the only one.”

He stood up from the ground, taking a hike in the forest, thinking about what he could do in the meantime. He may have the chance to meet the bears one more time before they leave, but it’ll be a long time until they come back. Soon he heard travelers heading their way on the trail he’s on. He reacted in an instant, he jumped behind the brushes, lowered his body as the travelers walked past.

As much as he's relieved he didn’t get spotted, he’s ashamed he has to live with it unlike his bear friends. “How will society treat me normally like Grizz, Panda, and Ice Bear? It’s not too much to ask!”

Meanwhile, one of the snakes Charlie once took care of them, spotted him while hiding in the branches. It has the same colors Panda has that Charlie called him, Panda Jr. He wanted to meet him after being distant from him for months, but he heard another animal coming from the trees.

The animal walked up to Charlie, looking down which took his attention. “Is hide and seek the only thing you do here?” He crossed his arms.

“Ralph?” Charlie slowly got back up. “I wasn’t playing hide and seek, I was hiding from travelers.”

“Still the same thing you’ve done throughout your life. At least I get a kick of pranking people. That’s more than avoiding them.”

Charlie knew his former friend’s still performing stunts against travelers anywhere he goes. Ever since the whole Ice Cave situation, he distanced himself from him, keeping distant from the incident that he almost caused when it came to him causing harm towards the travelers when he removed the bridge a while ago.

“Ralph, in case you don’t know, my friends, are mainly the bears.”

“They’re your only friends, all I ever see when you’re not with them is animals who can’t open their mouths when they never talk.”

“At least it’s some people to hang around with.” While feeling offended, Charlie stayed on topic. “Grizz, Panda, Ice Bear, and their friends…are going to Canada soon. And I’m gonna be the only one here without them. And their friends are humans.” 

Ralph would care less if the bears left or not, but when he heard the word, Canada, it made him interested. “You’re not gonna be the only one here, again you have animals who barely talk and are you really serious?”

“Serious about what?”

“You’re seriously gonna stay here while your friends are going to Canada?”

“It’s not the land I’m afraid of, it's literally the humans there.” Charlie said, putting his foot down. “Including all of the guests who’ll come along.”

“And you prove my point that you can’t man up, unlike me.” Ralph smirked. “If it was me, in your position, and I can overcome my problem with humans, I would make more friends than you can count.”

Charlie knows Ralph is only bragging rather than proving. But at the same time, he isn’t wrong about overcoming the problem. Panda Jr. couldn’t believe the words he's hearing from Ralph to the point he might have a plan. “More and more bears have been making friends ever since society changed. If we were the ones changing society, we would be treated as heroes rather than attention seekers.”

“Hey, I’m only an attention seeker. I was once a king in case you forgot. And I would’ve stayed as one if you didn’t help your friends.”

“I wasn’t gonna leave their cave as an ice cave. You know it’s the only place they can only live in.”

“Yeah right, staying outdoors wouldn’t make a difference since they’re like the both of us.”

“You’re just jealous that they’re better animal friends than you. At least they worked their way by saving their own kind to be accepted.”

Then Ralph walked up to Charlie after hearing the word accepted. “If there’s one thing we don’t have in common, it's that we come from different places.”

“We still have mustaches right?”

“But farther away if we weren’t here.” Ralph then turned around as he needed space from Charlie. “I know the white bear once lived in the arctic just like me, and as for you.” He turned back to him. “It feels like you only had a girlfriend who picked the wrong boyfriend.”

“Hey, I may never be a father, but I’m not Panda!”

“But he still got a girlfriend before you did right?”

Panda Jr. becomes irritated from Ralph’s insults while Charlie tries to defend himself. “I can still get a human friend even if I try.”

“Do you even know what I’m talking about?” He asked as Charlie shook his head. “If more people see me.” He showed off his muscles. “They would find me the rarest creature than you are, which if I come to Canada, I’ll bet hundreds, maybe even thousands would get my attention. Canada always snows when winter rolls around.”

Charlie wished Ralph was wrong, but Canada has always been colder during the winter. Even if winter doesn’t come until the end of the year, anyone in Canada would recognize Ralph as the rarest animal in Canada.

“I’m not an expert of Canadian culture, but if there was a place where creatures like me are popular…” He tried to find the idea of what he would feel if he was in Ralph’s position, but Ralph interrupted.

“Don’t push yourself, you can’t even make a speech without freaking out.”

“What I’m trying to say is that I wouldn’t attempt to be left out if I had the opportunity in my hands.”

“Then prove it if you want to come. Some opportunities only come around once in a lifetime.” Ralph walked up to Charlie again, while placing his fists on his hips. “I’m going to sneak into their trip to Canada.”

“What!?” Charlie reacted as Panda Jr. paid attention to Ralph's plan. “You’re gonna sneak into their trip to Canada, despite having no passport?”

“I don’t need a passport.”

“That’s what makes the bears unable to cross the border in the first place.”

“Just you wait. When people look at me, they would never resist my looks.”

“You would probably get spotted during the trip.”

“I only need transportation. I don’t want to be around your friends everyday.” Ralph retorted. “After all the traveling, I’m gonna head to the biggest city in Canada and I’m gonna come out in the open to reveal to the public the one and only Ralph, has arrived in Canada.”

“And…about you saying, opportunities only come once in a lifetime?”

Ralph knew he would ask that as he’s giving him the ultimatum. “I can help you sneak into their trip, giving you a chance to be part of their so-called adventure.”

Charlie refused to say no, knowing it could be the only way to hang out with the bears and their friends, despite having no passport. “I don’t know about that, they would eventually find out I’ve tagged along uninvited.”

“That’s your problem, not mine. But look at it this way. The moment we step foot out of their transportation, I’m out of your way. I don’t need you and you don’t need me. We get what we want by going our separate ways.”

Charlie wished Ralph was delusional, but there’s no other option to make it to Canada to join in with the bears and their friends. “Going there is hard, but coming back will be a nightmare. We don’t know when they’re gonna come back.”

“Again, that’s your problem.” Ralph then walked away from Charlie, preparing to leave on his own. “I’m going to Canada to do my own thing whatever you like it not, it’s your only chance to get help from me.”

Charlie lowered his head, thinking about his decision before it’s too late. At times he wanted to meet the many friends the bears made but he doesn’t know if he can handle it. With Ralph continuing to walk away, he closed his eyes. With another deep breath, he rushed back to Ralph.

“Okay!” He shouted as Ralph turned around. “I’ll come with you, I’ll tell you when the bears and their friends leave so we can make a head start.”

“Great!” He patted on the back of Charlie. “You pack everything you need, but I won’t be waiting if you’re late.” As he continued to walk, he had one more thing to say. “And don’t tell them about this. I don’t want them to ruin my vacation.”

“It's their vacation too.”

“Not as big as mine.” Ralph left Charlie alone, being prepared to put his plan to Canada into action. Charlie may have his chance but there’s no way out. He’s not even sure if he needs anything to keep himself occupied, knowing that the animals would cause noise if he brings some.

“I’m gonna be the loneliest person in Canada.” He sighed, but then he heard hissing from below, revealing Panda Jr. “Panda Jr.” He picked him up. “It’s great to meet you again but…I’m gonna go to Canada.” Panda Jr. slithered into Charlie’s fur on his arms, stopping on Charlie’s shoulder. “You want to come with me?” The snake nodded which thrilled Charlie. “Yes!”

As Ralph disappeared in the distance, it caused Panda Jr. to hiss louder, taking Charlie by notice. “You heard everything between me and Ralph? I was expecting the bears but…I am proud of you for never liking him in the slightest.”

He then remembered he’ll have to get the word from the bears when they’re leaving, even if he’ll have to do it on his own without the help from Ralph. “I would like to show all of the friends the bears made…but I don’t want to get caught and I don’t know all of them except Ranger Tabes.” As he turned around, he made his way to his own direction in the forest. “We should find your siblings and parents to tell them about our trip to Canada. At least I can be a babysitter.”

Panda Jr. may be away from his family, but the first person he saw after being hatched from his egg was Charlie. He’s not his mother nor his father, but he couldn’t get over him when he left him. He may not like Ralph, but he hopes after he and Charlie get separated from him, he’ll enjoy the adventure that comes their way.

Chapter 8 Canada Essay And Unforsaken Reunion

The three bears agreed with Chloe to come over to California University to straighten things out with her planned Canada essay. Her parents also came over after they agreed with their daughter to let her go to Canada on her own with her college friends. She’s allowed to bring three college friends along so they can help her out on her essay. It wasn’t hard to pick the three college friends upon arriving at the university after getting separated from Grizz, but the third friend she picked wouldn’t have even happened if the bears didn’t end Agent Trout’s reign of terror.

Grizz, Panda, and Ice Bear walked down the hallway after getting the directions where Chloe and the principal’s at. “It’s nice we’re allowing Chloe to bring friends to our trip to Canada.” Panda smiled.

“She’s one of our best friends, we may have everyone we want to come, but since we’re allowing Ranger Tabes to bring The Poppy Rangers, Chloe should bring her own friends too.” Grizz replied.

“You think Karla will be here after she’s done with lunch?”

“I’m sure, then again we’re gonna have lunch after we’re done here.”

“Ice Bear needs to be fed.” Ice Bear spoked.

The bears arrived at the auditorium, where they almost ruined Chloe’s report. Upon entering, the whole room was empty with only Chloe, her parents, the principal, and two of the college students who'll be coming along. “You’re here.” Chloe smiled.

“Chloe’s parents told me everything about you taking her to Canada.”

“It will be an adventure for all of us.” Panda replied while turning to Chloe’s parents. “You sure you’re gonna miss your daughter?”

“You took her on the road to see the meteor shower.” Mrs. Park said.

“It took us a while to rethink about this and she can go as long as she's bringing friends from this college.” Mr. Park added.

As the bears walked up on the stage, Chloe presented them to the two students she’s bringing. “I’m bringing Amy who I made friends with from the party you threw at your place.”

“I’ve never traveled to another country before. I’m really happy to help out with your essay Chloe.” Amy said.

“There will be a lot happening when we get there. We'll take turns.” Chloe then presented the next college friend she’s bringing. “Saavni and I made amends after the science contest. She actually came to me when she heard me about going to Canada.”

“I’ve been to different countries all over the world, but Canada isn’t one of them. I’m not missing a single event that happens.” Saanvi smirked.

“Yeah good luck with that.” Chloe said. “Canada is one of the biggest countries in the whole world.”

“You would take months to get everything in an essay if you go to every place in Canada.” The Principal added.

“I wouldn’t say I would go to the whole country to do an essay…but half of it.” Saanvi grinned and laughed.

“Ice Bear would go to seventy five percent of the arctic for an essay adventure.” Ice Bear replied.

“At least you two are getting along better than last time.” Grizz smiled.

“Don’t worry about us, just think about what we’re gonna do when we get there.” Chloe walked up to the bears.

“Where's your third college friend?” Panda wondered.

“Oh, that’s the surprise.” She went off the stage while opening one of the door exits of the auditorium, presenting the third friend she’s bringing to Canada. It’s a blonde bear with glasses, around the same height as Chloe. With Chloe back on stage, the bears remembered the selfies Chloe had with the bear itself, but never met him in person. “This is Blonde. He became a student ever since bears were accepted in society.”

“There’s so many bears with different colors, it’s hard to remember which bears are different from each other.”

“But with the glasses, he really does stand out differently if he was part of a herd.” Grizz smiled as he walked up to Blonde while leaning down. “Give me a high five dude.” Blonde gave Grizz a high five while Grizz went back to his brothers.

“I also need to point out that he doesn’t talk like some bears.” Chloe answered. “But he’s still helpful when he does assignments, including essays.”

“There are other bears who attend this university but Blonde is the most skilled.” The principal commented. “I also demand to have the Canadian bears be part of Chloe’s essay.”

“There could be Canadian bears in San Francisco, but there’s tons of rare ones in Canada, they must be rarer than the ones I’ve come across.” Amy replied.

“If you did come across them.” Saanvi crossed her arms. “Just saying, with every bear I’ve seen, they’re mostly American bears.”

“Then again, pandas like me don’t usually live in America, from what I’ve seen online, bears here are mostly from America.” Panda said.

“That still makes it exciting to write an essay about.” Grizz added. “There could be a new breed of bears we haven’t met yet.”

“It is true, so many surprises are going on, I’m expecting the unexpected.” Chloe commented.

Outside of the auditorium, Karla finally arrived at the university. She did get the directions  where she needed to go, but she still missed the introductions of Chloe’s friends, including Blonde. But little did the people know in the auditorium, they’re not expecting the unexpected right now. As Karla walked in the same hallway the bears did, Amy and Saanvi showed the bears their tech equipment.

“It’ll be better to use my high quality phone to take pictures and videos in Canada.” Amy offered.

“Not as good as my three sixty VR camera.” Saanvi showed off her camera. “You can see every direction in one spot.”

“That’s an expensive camera.” Chloe commented.

“You could buy ten laptops for the price of that.” Grizz eyed Saanvi's camera.

“Maybe twenty phones.” Panda added.

“Ice Bear would work for thirty fridges for that price.” Ice Bear added.

“We would need this for open areas and cities if possible.” Saanvi puts her camera away. “An essay’s an essay, but we can still showcase it through videos.”

“I would've denied it if I paid for that camera, but I’m not against the idea.” The principal smiled.

“Trust me Chloe, it’ll make your essay better.”

“I trust you, I’ll give you and Amy credit for the camera work.” Chloe replied. “Then again, I would only have you two do the recording because I can’t be able to afford anything I break or lose.” 

“Let us use our equipment, we’re fully responsible.” Amy replied. Then everyone heard one of the auditorium doors pushed open. When Amy saw the person from the distance, she thought she was dreaming but even in dreams, they don’t compare to the real world when they actually happen.

“I’m finally here after lunch, can you have me catch up on-” Karla stopped herself when she stared at Amy. Amy’s phone slowly slipped out her hands, only for Blonde to grab it before impacting the ground. As Karla got on stage, she walked up to Amy face to face with everyone around confused.

“What’s going on?” Panda blinked.

“Karla, did you reunite with your family when you got rescued?” Grizz wondered.

“Yes…but Amy…was my only youngest sister I’ve never reunited with.” Karla responded.

“All I’ve seen from you is family pictures. And the only time I’ve seen you off the island was on the news…when I was a little girl.” Amy answered.

“Okay, I’m not the only one who’s left out by how awkward this is, right?” Saanvi commented. “Seriously, this woman can’t be Amy’s sister.”

“You did say you met Karla on an island when you were cubs right?” Chloe turned to the bears.

“Yes. But we thought Karla was in her forties back at Christmas.” Grizz answered.

“You do know that bears age two years faster than humans…which I would’ve shown everyone if you didn’t change my report.”

The eyes from the bears shoot open, learning that Karla is actually middle aged, due to their ages being faster than humans. They witness Amy leaking tears from her eyes, with today being the first day she’s ever meeting her older sister. Karla opened her arms while giving Amy a hug. “I promise I won’t lose you again.” Karla spoked.

“We would’ve had so many memories if that Dave stalker didn’t keep you on the island forever.” Amy cried.

“At least we don’t have to worry about him anymore.”

The bears slowly walked up to Karla and Amy, while trying their best to not ruin their reunion. “I’m not sure if you notice this Amy but…Karla’s actually coming with us to Canada.” Grizz spoked.

“When she told us about her sister Amy…we didn’t think you would be that Amy.” Panda added.

Amy slowly opened her eyes, while Karla broke the hug. “I only thought about you bears, I never knew one of your friends had a friend who’s my sister, especially when I came with her when you took me to Nom Nom’s mansion today.”

“She’s not wrong.” Mrs. Park chimed in. “Your friends are only around you but not with each other.”

“Aside from the camping trip we had.” Grizz remembered. “But Karla wasn’t with us back then.”

“But if you can have friends make friends with each other, you can have sisters reunite.” Mr. Park added. “I know you have a ton of people coming along and this is for Chloe’s essay but…you can’t just have these two to be separate for the whole trip.”

The bears couldn’t avoid last minute choices even if they tried. But the sister reunion made it more shocking than bizarre. Karla will hang out with them upon arrival, but she won’t let Amy out of her sights even with Chloe’s essay still a priority.

“Okay, when Amy isn’t helping Chloe, she can stay with Karla at all times.” Grizz spoked.

“Ice Bear will be the bodyguard for Amy when she’s with Chloe.” Ice Bear added.

“Thanks bears.” Karla smiled.

“Don’t worry Chloe, I’ll still help you with the essay.” Amy wipes her tears from her face.

“It’s fine, but I also thought we could spend time together. It’s the least we can do other than the essay.” Chloe replied.

“It’s gonna happen, I’m sure of it.” Blonde then gave Amy’s phone back to her. “Thanks for saving my phone.” She then rubbed on Blonde’s head, so did Karla.

“We’re gonna meet a ton of cubs in Canada.” Karla smiled.

“Well it’s a shame you’re not doing a sister’s essay, but I’m not getting in the way of that.” The principal replied.

“Everyone on this trip has their own adventure.”

“We’re gonna need a welcome home party to keep track of everyone’s trip from Canada.” Panda replied.

“You could be right.” Grizz added.

“Anyway, I’m gonna pack up for Canada. Call me when we’re gonna have that get together.” Saanvi looked down at Chloe.

“No problem, there’s nothing left I have to do.” Chloe replied.

“Just stay safe Chloe.” Mr. Park said.

“We'll be waiting until you come back with a full essay waiting for us to read.” Mrs. Park smiled.

As Chloe gave her parents a hug, everyone left the auditorium with the bears ready to eat lunch. They’re close to heading to Canada sooner than they expected, but one thing’s for sure, the get together will be the last thing before it happens. With Karla reuniting with her younger sister, she’ll have the adventure that’s the total opposite from her last adventure. As she hopes nothing gets in the way of her reunion with Amy.

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