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We Bare Bears Wish Upon A Christmas Star Chapter 7 Crowbar Jones And The Rewinding Noel Clock · 4:59am Sep 18th, 2021

After making many changes to the script of the film, Nom Nom and Grizz head inside the set. Nom Nom texted Andy Bangs and in no time at all, headed back without breaking a sweat. Grizz on the other hand, had to learn the koala’s vision of his film the hard way. Even by wearing the same outfit involving Crowbar Jones, he won’t be able to break out in his position.

“Calm down!” Nom Nom pointed at the grizzly cub. “You should at least be lucky enough to be part of this.”

When Grizz sees the script, he’s aware of the outcome. “Don’t you think this is a little extreme for us?”

“Yes, what do you expect? I hate Andy Bangs and he’ll go out of his way to become victorious. And I’m not allowing him to get away with this.”

When Grizz turned to Griff, who’s holding onto the camera, he closed his eyes, still unable to help him in this situation. “I’m just pointing out, he actually kicked out the additional guests.”

Grizz signed with most of his plans thrown out in his vision. “Since when did I become the unlucky cub of this holiday?”

“I’m here!” Andy Bangs taunted while coming into the set.

“Here’s your role.” Nom Nom handed the script to Andy Bangs. “So...you think you can handle being the villain?”

Andy liked what Nom Nom did, even by making last minute decisions. “Who wouldn’t, as far as I’m concerned, any viewer would dig the bad guys rather than the good.”

“In your dreams.” Nom Nom getting irate while looking straight at Griff. “Start up the camera!”

While the actors were in place for the first shoot, Griff turned on the camera, not long until the crew member showed the screen the title card of the film. ‘Crowbar Jones And The Rewinding Noel Clock’.

Once the first scene commenced, Grizz layed on the floor for three seconds until Nom Nom came through the cardboard window. “Crowbar Jones!” He reacted while walking up to Grizz. “Wake up!”

Grizz opened his eyes while looking in his surroundings. “What happened?”

“You’ve turned into a cub!”

The cub looked at himself, shocked while getting on his feet. “How did this happen?!” He placed his paws on his cheeks.

“It must’ve been a shrinking experiment!”

After that line, one of the crew members opened the other door from the outside. “And I’m responsible for it!” Andy Bangs revealed himself as the antagonist. “I’m Coolster Kid!”

“Really...Coolster Kid?” Griff whispered to one of the crew members.

“It’s not my fault he never wrote an amature film before.” The crew member whispered back.

“I knew it!” Nom Nom clenching his hands. “You turned nearly everyone in the city into babies!”

Andy smirked while making a devious laugh. “You easily catch on quick koala coward.” He crossed his arms while turning to Grizz. “It’s like taking candy from tons of babies instead of one. And I’ve just taken one candy from it’s super spy.”

Grizz had always wanted his films to be about stopping the robots aside from his origin film. But he had nothing against Nom Nom’s plan of changing the villain. “But you will never destroy Christmas!” Grizz making a stand. “Once we defeat you, we’re gonna reverse the clock!”

“He already had!” Nom Nom rolled his eyes.

“Oh...well, we’re gonna set it back forward!”

The crew then lowered down baby rattles attached to the strings. “If you think you’re gonna save the city and Christmas, you’re gonna have to come through these.” Andy pointed at the rattles.

As Grizz and Nom Nom are surrounded, the cub uses a karate strike on the rattle before it hits him. The koala jumped on one of the rattles while ripping the string attached to it. Soon all the rattles were thrown out of the set, leaving Andy Bangs out of defence.

“We can do this forever.” Nom Nom smirked, trying to make himself the better character.

“Then I’m sure it won’t be a problem if you take down these!” The cardboard behind Andy were knocked over, taking Grizz and Nom Nom by surprise. Two little tikes decorated in Christmas ornaments with two of Andy’s friends in each one.

“Hey! That wasn’t part of the script!” Nom Nom shouted at his rival.

“Are you trying to cause physical damage!?” Grizz reacted.

Andy made a devious laugh while getting the upper hand. “You just gave me the script and you seriously think I’m just gonna accept it?”

The koala placed his palm on his face. “This was way too simplistic to work out to begin with.”

“Then let me tell you, how about you allow me to take over to make this film interesting.” He gets inside one of the tikes while a camera drone flies next to him with one of his friends coming out of the tikes. “Let’s turn this into a race while we drive around in the mall. It’s a game I like to call cat and mouse.” He then grinned while staring at the two small animals. “And I’m the mouse.”

“What’s your point?”

“I’m the mouse and you have to take me down.”

“You expect one of us to jump out of our tikes to fight you!? While driving!?” Grizz’s jaw hanging open.

“I’m not here to play baby games, I’m just trying to make the film epic. And if you don’t like it, you might as well give me the rights.” Without giving the two small animals a chance to think about their decision, Andy used his legs to move his tike to turn it around. “Try to take down Coolster Kid now!” He made a head start while driving through the mall, passing many citizens in the process.

“Come on, let’s play his game.” The koala walked up to the other tike. “He’s just begging for this.”

“He plays hard ball loser.” One of Andy’s friends crossed his arms.

Grizz can only wish he would stay as a grown bear if his wish never happened. “You're really gonna allow this?” He turned to Griff, who turned off the camera.

“As long as you don’t break anything and anyone...even though I doubt you'll prevent that.” Griff signed.

The cub can’t even reconsider anymore, to the point that his Crowbar Jones plans have been flip flopping like hot potatoes. “This will definitely put me in the naughty list.” He walked up to the tike where Nom Nom’s taking control of the wheel. But when he got in, he noticed that neither he nor the koala aren’t big enough to not only move the tike, but see where they’re going.

“If you expect me to move this thing while you take the wheel, it’s not happening” Nom Nom staring at the bottom of the tike.

“You’re the one who rewrote this film, I can’t even showcase my own vision.” Grizz getting annoyed.

The koala hated how others got in his way but he later sighed. “Look, I’m not the type of person to say sorry, but I doubt you would ever top what Grizz accomplished. Just get to the bottom.”

“This is the worst Christmas Eve ever.”

The grizzly cub got on the ground while Nom Nom got on top of him while handing the wheel. He moved the tike, turning to the direction while Andy took, leading to where the battle begins.

Andy Bangs along with his friend kept their attention on what's directly in front of them. Even with the crowd confused and distracted, Andy made sure not to run anyone over. He played tons of car video games and for not once has he crashed into anything, especially when he used an actual wheel controller.

When he turned around, he saw Nom Nom and Grizz catching up to him, but it was only the beginning of his plan. “Try to come out and stop me babies!” He taunted.

They drove by the playground section of the mall while the drone flew above them. The children took notice while the parents pulled them away before they got run over.

“Watch where you're going!” A mother shouted.

“Sorry!” Grizz responded while still moving the tike.

Nom Nom, unable to prevent any near incidents when he never drove a car. “Why is this so hard?!” He took out his rage and frustration. “I don’t even know where I’m going!”

After they left the playground section, Andy had more of the upper hand as he drove to the Christmas Tree section, filled with tons of trees decorated as he drove past them.

“Turn left!” The koala shouted as Grizz turned left. “Turn right! left! left again!” Soon they drove past the trees but Grizz couldn’t keep track of Nom Nom’s directions. “Look out!”

They drove into a small Christmas Tree, causing an impact with the ornaments flying from the tree while the lights struck onto the tike. Nom Nom had two ornaments in his eyes while he hit another tree by its side.

“I can’t see!” As they left the section, he took them off only for him to see a Christmas Carol singing while walking. “Out of the way!”

When the carol stopped midway through their song, they screamed in horror only for Grizz to turn, driving right past them, completely missing them. “I don’t know if I can do this for so long!” Grizz losing his stamina. “My legs are getting sore from this!”

Andy Bangs turned around again, to see his enemy’s tike damaged. He knew he would be on top in this contest against his rival, but he still had more strategies to win. When he saw the down escalator in sight with no one taking it.

“Let’s hope they won’t stay at the hospital on Christmas morning after this.” He grinned. He did the unthinkable as he drove down on the escalator, he and his friend lifted their legs up while holding onto the wheel.

Nom Nom saw what Andy did, he slightly lost his grip onto the wheel, realizing that he’s going back to the first floor. “Grizz Jr, get up now…” He got off of him.

“What do you mean?” Grizz looked straight up.

“Get up!!” He pulled him up from the bottom. “Hold onto something!”

When the cub saw the down escalator, he immediately held onto the koala as he screamed. The tike’s tires bumped onto the stairs, causing the two animals to shake inside. Soon afterwards, they drove out of there while crashing into a post.

The drone recorded everything while it flew over the escalator, catching the footage of a baby’s equivalent of a car crash. Both Nom Nom and Grizz got out of the tike while laying on the floor. “How is anyone not calling security over this!?” Nom Nom looking up at the celine.

“Ice Bear’s wish to be adventurous might be the cause of this.” Grizz rolling his eyes. “What is his adventure like!?”

When they slowly got back up, Andy Bangs came back while going in circles around them. “You just can’t keep up with the Coolster Kid? I don’t blame you.” He smiled. “As a matter of fact, I doubt one of you would even jump out and stop me.”

While Nom Nom had to lift his body up by his own will, Grizz couldn’t take it anymore. He’s feeling what Panda’s feeling, except it’s ruining Christmas Eve for everyone. Before the koala would reach its boiling point, Grizz ran and jumped into Andy’s tike, catching him by surprise.

“Hey, what are you doing!?” Andy reacted while stopped turning right.

“Playing your game!” Grizz grabbing onto Andy. “If I can’t get my way of doing Crowbar Jones, I’m not doing it your way anymore.”

“Get off of him!” Andy’s friend tried to stop him but Grizz pulled his hat down.


Soon the tike ran past more citizens while leaving Nom Nom out of the game. The drone continued to follow him in different sections of the mall. Nom Nom wanted to beat Andy Bangs in the deal he made with him but now, he’s not sure if he can rely on Grizz, even if he’s the main character of the film.

Griff and the crew walked down the escalator while witnessing the damages along the way. “Nom Nom!” He picked him up. “Where are they!?”

All that the koala did is pointed to where Andy and Grizz are going. As if it wasn’t enough of the reckless driving, they can’t be able to find them before it’s too late.

“There’s gonna be a lot of cleaning on Christmas Eve tonight.” Nom Nom commented. “And Grizz Jr. is definitely going to the hospital.”

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