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We Bare Bears Wish Upon A Christmas Star Chapter 2 Not So Holly Jolly Baby Bears · 6:46pm Aug 3rd, 2021

Christmas Eve has arrived, with the outdoors still freezing cold, even though there’s no snow falling from the sky. Sooner rather than later, the mall in San Francisco will be filled with many visitors, sharing their holiday cheer with each other. Unfortunately for the bears, their holiday cheer took a turn for the strange after the wishes they made last night.

Inside the refrigerator, Ice Bear opened his eyes but noticed that his refrigerator got bigger. He didn’t even touch the walls around him except the one he laid his head on. He pushed the door to get out and swore that the cave had gotten bigger, but it hadn’t. With the chairs by the kitchen table too big for him to sit in, he blinked several times, only to look himself through the oven glass's reflection.

Inside Panda’s bedroom, his alarm clock went off. He tried to reach out to turn it off but he couldn’t reach it. When he opened his eyes, he noticed that he’s slightly further away from his alarm clock than normal. He slowly moved to the side to turn off his alarm but once he’s close enough to press the off button, he lost his balance as he landed face first on the floor.

“Ahh!” He reacted with the alarm hitting the ground next to him, catching him by surprise. “Did...my bed grow larger?” He said, only to cover his mouth after hearing his voice. “And why does my voice sound like a child?” When he pressed the off button from his alarm, he went up to his bedroom door with the door handle too high for him to reach. “This can’t be right.”

Inside Grizz’s bedroom, he woke up just at the right time before he and his brothers head to the mall. Once he got out of bed, he was too tired to look at his surroundings. With his door not being closed all the way, he moved his door to get out, heading his way into the bathroom to take a shower. However, as soon as he slowly blinked a few times, he noticed that the bathtub was much bigger than it normally looked.

“Hey Panda, did we bring a larger bathtub home after shopping?” He responded which he took notice of from his high pitch voice.

“Grizz, can you help me? I can’t reach the door handle to get out!” Panda called after hearing his brother.

After hearing his brother, he looked at his hands, a lot smaller than they were last night. He managed to reach above the sink to look himself through the mirror. He doesn't weigh nearly six hundred pounds and now weighs only less than twenty pounds. “Why am I so small!?” He reacted.

Ice Bear immediately ran to Panda’s door to reach the door handle. When Grizz saw what Ice Bear’s doing, he got onto him while he opened the door. “Grizz?” Panda walked out only to witness his brothers at the same height as his.

“Are we dreaming or is this real?” Grizz walking up to Panda.

“I have no idea! It just...happened when I woke up.” Panda looking at himself. “We can’t go to the mall like this!”

The baby bears are now stuck in this position, without a way to reverse it. Along with their plans still happening at the mall, they won't be able to get there in time, while dealing with their bodies being shrunk down to the size of baby cubs.

In the living room, Panda and Ice Bear sat on the sofa while Grizz walked around in circles. Over the past five minutes, they couldn’t keep their eyes off of themselves. It was downright impossible for them to be back into their youthful selves when they have no idea how it happened. “I have never felt so devastated to be like this.” Panda spoked. “I don’t even feel like a cub anymore.”

“I’m pretty sure if anyone sees us like this, they won’t recognize us from our old selves.” Grizz commented. “And worst of all, our friends are probably heading to the mall right now. I doubt if we can do a slight change of plans on Christmas Eve.”

Ice Bear spent the majority of his time muted due to his current position. To think he is ready to make deliveries to share holiday cheer, he’s unfortunately gonna be mistaken as someone else.

“If we stay like this forever, we won’t be able to meet any of our friends anymore.” Panda lying on the sofa. “We'll probably be better off in hibernation during this holiday.”

“No!” Grizz reacted. “We can’t just stay here, someone could knock on the door. I never thought that we would live in a home when we’re cubs.”

Just by thinking about it, it was a long journey to find the perfect place for a home. No matter how much their ages have passed, they weren’t even teens when they finally found this cave. And now, it’s impossible to reconsider their choices of staying in the cave forever.

“Face it Grizz, even if we do go outside, it’s not like we’re starting all over.” Panda looking outside the window. “I don’t even know where to begin.”

This caused Grizz to lower his head in slight frustration. The odds were against them to the max as if hiding in the forest like every other animal wasn’t too inconvenient. All he did was collapse to the ground while his brothers took notice. “We’re never gonna move on like this. What did we do to deserve this?”

Panda and Ice Bear tried to think of different options then staying here. They might be lucky to still live in this cave by convincing any visitor, but knowing it could raise more questions than answers, their hearts couldn’t beat any faster.

“Okay, I think there’s one way to resolve this.” Panda getting off the sofa while Grizz lifted his head up from the ground. “I’m gonna text someone from my phone.”

“Who are you gonna text?” Grizz asked.

“I’m still thinking about it.” As the black and white cub head back to his bedroom, this leads to the two bears looking at each other. If they decided to call one of their friends who they came across more often, they would be more confused and would most likely walk away rather than helping out.

“You sure Ranger Tabes might figure out that we’re the same bears as she remembered?” Ice only shook his head, knowing how Ranger Tabes is so loyal to animals that she won’t remember a lot of what they feel whenever they’re in personal stress. “Pretty sure she would rather give us a newer home than listen to us. Our youthfulness doesn’t seem convincing.”

As Panda heads inside his bedroom, he gets onto his chair that’s by his table. He found his phone and turned it on. He doesn’t want to text Amanda because she thinks he was just having fun with her after the roleplaying they did over the past few months. The only people he can rely on are for sure, more believing when they don’t mistake them as different bears.

After Panda sent his text message, he headed back to the living room while also taking his phone with him. Over the next twenty minutes, the three bears are drinking ice water to cool themselves down from all the stress they’re dealing with.

“So, there’s more than one person coming to see us?” Grizz looking at Panda.

“It may be hard to believe, but they were heading to the mall and they messaged back just when they left their apartment.” Panda taking a sip of his ice water. “Chloe and her parents are already at the mall. I know to an extent that they won’t recognize us.” Ice Bear felt upset, knowing just when he’s about to give Chloe a gift today, he’s out of luck due to his age.

“You sure this is gonna work?”

“Possibly, I just hope they don’t mistake us as little siblings of...our older selves.”

“That would lead to more people finding out if that was the case. We would be in a zoo then living in the forest.”

“Is that a good thing...or a bad thing?”

“We were dogs at one point...and...that didn’t turn out well.”

This only gave Panda and Ice Bear glare looks, after Grizz was this close to losing his old pride of an animal. “I’m just gonna pretend that dogs aren’t the same as bears when they’re never really bears to begin with.”

“You don’t have to be hurtful.” Grizz feeling slightly ashamed.

Then just in the nick of time, they heard knocking on the front door. They got off the sofa while placing their drinks on the ground. As the bears stack up to open the door, Grizz opens the door but he and his brothers hide behind the door, just when the visitors don't see through the door window.

“You think we have enough time for this?” Tom asked with Griff and Issac following from behind.

“I don’t start work until thirty minutes, and the traffic is slowly picking up.” Griff added.

“Issac’s deliveries aren’t difficult when college friends team up.” Issac commented. When they entered the living room, they didn’t see one of the bears insite.

“Grizz, are you home or working on your Crowbar Jones film?”

“Panda?” Tom called. The bears popped their heads behind the door.

“Is this really the best you can come up with?” Grizz whispered.

“It’s still worth a try.” Panda answered. Without hesitation, the cubs got out of their stack formation as they stood out in the open. Ice Bear closed the front door which caught the attention of the adults.

“Hello?” Griff replied as he and his friends turned around. When they all looked at the floor they saw three cubs. Panda only waved awkwardly while Grizz didn’t make the next move.

“Issac sees...Ice Cub Bear?” Issac responded with his eyes wide open.

“Uhhh…” Tom blinked upon seeing Panda.

“Yeah...it’s definitely what it looks like.” Panda said, putting his hands down.

Their friends didn’t even make the next move when they saw cubs instead of older bears they remembered. They were mostly grateful to meet their friends on Christmas Eve, but not like this. “How...did you three turn into cubs?” Griff spoke.

“We don’t know!” Both Panda and Grizz shouted.

“Then why did you text us!?”

“Okay! Okay! Let’s just think this over!” Tom cooling things down. With their friends taking a seat on the sofa, the bears got on the stool, displayed in front of the TV. “What did you guys do last night?”

“Well, we did Christmas shopping before we headed home.” Grizz answered. “But we didn’t eat or drink anything to turn us into cubs.”

“We had chicken that wasn’t tainted.” Panda added.

“Okay well, did you guys do something before going to sleep?” Tom asked.

“We...made wishes.” After sending out the answer, this caused the bears to stand in place with their eyes shot open. “And...they came true.”

Tom and his friends thought they were hearing things, but upon seeing the bears just now, they can tell there’s no lies from a wish, but especially with three instead of one. “How did your wishes come true?” Griff asked, making an awkward look.

“I don’t know how!?” Grizz freaking out while trying to calm down. “I assume it could’ve been a miracle but...this isn’t.”

“And at a time we’re supposed to be at the mall while splitting up, I doubt there’s even a light at the end of the tunnel.” Panda added.

“Maybe it’s because you just started on the trail?” Tom guessed. “Last night I saw shooting stars from the sky.”

“Issac didn’t make a wish, but Issac’s eyes aren’t blind.” Issac commented.

“There were...shooting stars last night?” Panda breaking down in disbelief. “Now I’m afraid there’s no way a shooting star would come tonight to reverse the wish.”

Just when he’s about to leave, Tom picked him up. “Wait.” Tom looking at Panda. “You really think turning back to cubs is the end of the world? Maybe all of your wishes we’re just getting started.”

“Yeah like you probably have the whole day until the wish wears off.” Griff smiled.

The bears wanted to believe his friends, but if they made the choice to leave the cave, their wishes might stay permanent no matter what. Or even if they rather stay, it could not only make the people they we’re planning to meet at the mall upset, but also spend the rest of their lives as cubs until they get back to their normal ages.

“What if you're wrong?” Grizz wondered. “We can’t just go to the mall and go with our wishes. I don’t even know where to begin. I’m supposed to work on my Crowbar Jones Christmas film and it's the first time I’ll meet my crew in person.”

“Hey, we had a wacky time at the mall and we ended up winning.”

“Ludicrous, yes, turning into treasure, still yes.” Tom agreed. “Maybe if we split up by taking you to where you're supposed to be today, you might work it out.”

“Well, to be fair, our wishes were about cuteness, adventurousness, and memorability.” Panda recalled. “Granted it’s hard to believe, but maybe those have something in common with our wishes.”

“Yeah, I guess my wish did make sense.” Grizz smiled. “But I don’t know how I’m gonna work that out.”

“How about we go to the mall and see how it all turns out.” Griff standing up. “We can help out in case something happens.”

“Well, it won’t hurt to give it a try.” Panda added.

“Then let’s go!” Grizz cheered.

The bears along with their friends head to their vehicle, not before Grizz gets his script of his Crowbar Jones film. Regardless of how the day will turn out, they’re not gonna back down from their commitments after their wishes came true last night. The only thing they need to prepare for is what steps they’re gonna take to succeed at their goals, although it won't be easy, since they never experienced anything like this when they were cubs before.

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