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Character is what you are when no one is watching

More Blog Posts32

  • 18 weeks
    Interesting times

    It'd be nice if things went smoothly for just a few months. I don't things have been great for me for a longtime now. I'd had hope this year was my year. It is what it is. Just need to buckle down and figure it out.

    2 comments · 67 views
  • 103 weeks
    Update on Rules stuff.

    Hello everyone! Hope you all are having a nice day today. I wanted to start by saying just how sorry I am for missing my previous deadline. The last few weeks have been pretty busy for me, and I was aiming to upload chapter 8 right before I left on vacation. As you can see, that didn't happen, but I was able to finish up and get it out, albeit a week later then I intended. I want to promise

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    5 comments · 229 views
  • 106 weeks
    Long time, no see...

    Hey y'all. Just writing this to reassure everyone that Rules for Bodyguards isn't dead and apologize for how long this chapter had taken. Inspiration has been scarce these last months, and I've been pretty unhappy with what I've written till recently. As it stands right now I've got a little over 3000 words in the newest chapter, mostly written in the past week. Seeing how I try very hard not to

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    6 comments · 152 views
  • 137 weeks

    So I was hanging out in a discord today with a couple of friends (namely Eltirions, The Great Scribbly One, and Big Saij) talking about our stories and just chilling.

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  • 137 weeks

    I know exactly what I want to write and have no idea how to put it into words.

    0 comments · 118 views

The Road not Taken · 3:26pm Jun 1st, 2021

This is a passage from an early draft of "... Do as the Roamans do". I ended up cutting it entirely and going in a different direction, but I liked what I wrote and wanted it not to go completely to waste, so I'm posting it here for you to enjoy.





“I’m sorry-”

“Oh, sorry, are you? Do you have any idea how close you were to blowing this whole endeavor? You nearly cost us everything, Shining, and all you have to say is I’m sorry!?!”

“If I could just explain-”

“Be silent.”

His mouth shut with a soft click as he closed his mouth tighter than it had ever been. Cadance sat at her desk that had been moved from the Ambassador to her quarters in the embassy assigned to the Equestrians; just staring at him, as she had been doing for the better part of an hour.

After his little adventure in the bazaar, Shining Armor had loitered near the entrance to the causeway, waiting for the eventual Equestrian escort to arrive from the embassy to collect him, as well as objects of value to the mission, and made himself known as they approached. They had been confused and alarmed by his appearance, but taken it in stride like the professionals they were and taken him back to the embassy, where he was escorted to a room and left to stew for a few hours before being summoned to appear before Cadance.

Now she was looking at him as intensely as she ever had. He could feel in his bones that his very future was on the line at this moment. Whatever his destiny, it lay squarely at Cadance’s hooves. She stared at him for what felt like a long, long time under her withering gaze. At least, the spell broke and she sighed.
“Why you?”

Shining Armor picked up his head, daring to look at her for the first time since entering. “What was that?”

“Why did it have to be you?”

“I don’t understand.”

She waved the question away. “Never mind. It’s not important right now. What matters is what we are going to do to prevent anything like this from happening ever again.”

His heart began to slow as he realized the implications of her words. “You’re not dismissing me?”

There was a long pause. “No.”

“Why not?”

“Honestly? I cannot afford to. I have seen the information Barrel Roll and you have been putting together too, you know. I know there's a spy in the delegation somewhere, and for all your faults, I have no doubt about your dedication to protecting Equestria as a whole, and me in particular. That makes you one of a few I am certain about. I know Barrel Roll is safely in our corner, as well as some of my staff and the bodyguard, but the rest...”

The unspoken questions lingered between them. Out of the hundreds of ponies who had come on this journey, which one was a traitor? What had persuaded them to take up such a cause? And when would they strike next?

When he looked at it from that perspective, the answer about his place in the expedition seemed a lot more obvious. He needed to be here, protecting Cadance from their unseen enemy. He couldn’t do that very well if he was confined to the Ambassador. “I understand.”

“Do you?” she cocked her head. “You are in a position of trust very few will ever be in, and on our first day here you violated your responsibility to this mission to go on a stroll. If I did not need you right now, I would toss you out on your ear.” She closed her eyes and took a long slow breath. “That being said, almost causing an international incident is not the same as actually causing one, so I am going to give you a second chance.” She gave him a piercing look that cut through to his soul. “However, you will stay in the embassy at all times until and unless I, and only I say so. When you are not escorting me somewhere you will be here, is that clear?”

“Clear as crys... wait, ministry duties?”

She nodded. “While you were in recovery, you missed a scandal with one of the delegation members being recalled on the grounds of tax evasion and embezzlement of government funds. There is already a criminal investigation underway back home, and the minister in question has been stripped of his position. However, given our situation, we cannot turn around and return him to Equestria for prosecution, and until our sister ship arrives, we are down a minister. One who is supposed to be here helping in the negotiations. So, after conferring with Celestia, I have decided to make you Acting Minister of Trains and Railway Infrastructure until a long-term replacement can be approved and sent from home. Congratulations.”

Shining Armor’s jaw dropped. “You’re serious?”

“As a funeral.”

“But you just said I almost ruined everything!”

She glared at him. “Are you trying to remind me of that fact?”

He shook his head. “No, I'm just confused, that’s all.”

“Well, the decision was made before your little escapade today. If I had to do it now, I would not make the same choice.” Her expression softened slightly. “Or maybe I would. It's hard to say. At any rate, you are by far the best match for the position in demographics and skillset.”


“You look the part, and you have the necessary knowledge to fill the spot.”

“I know what “demographics” and “skillset” mean, Cadance, what I don’t understand is what you are talking about.”

“it's simple. You are Canterlot bred, through-and-through. You speak like the capital ponies, you think like them, you share their accent and mannerisms. As far as background is concerned, yours is the same as most of other ministers that are here. You are young, which is fitting for such a junior position. You are also fit, handsome, and intelligent, all characteristics of the nobility.” Her eyebrows furrowed as she thought about her statement some more. “Well, in theory those are their characteristics.”

Shining Armor cocked an eyebrow. “You think I’m handsome?”

Cadance blushed a little and took a moment to shuffle the papers on her desk. “It's not my opinion, it's just the facts of the matter,” she said pointedly. It wasn’t until after her words had left her mouth that she realized she hadn’t helped her case at all. Shining noticed she suddenly seemed a lot more interested in the paperwork then looking at him. “Let us move on.”

“Okay then. What about the fact that I don’t know anything about trains?”

“Neither did your predecessor when he was appointed. Can you do basic arithmetic?”

“Well, yes.”

“Then you are already a step ahead of him.”

“Cadance, this is crazy!”

“No, this is improvisation. You have a grasp on the political situation on the ground. You know the rules of the game well enough to fake it, and you look and sound the part. Plus, as a member of the government, you will be traveling with me everywhere, so you will still be able to fulfill your duties as my bodyguard. It’s a perfect fit so long as we do not have a repeat of today’s performance.” Her eyes locked onto his. “Can you promise me that?”

Shining Armor nodded. “I won’t let you down.”

“Good.” A faint pink light washed over him as a dozen scrolls floated out of the corner of the room and landed on the desk. “These are condensed reports for you to cover. They should give you an idea about the state of the rail network.” She took out a single scroll and laid it on top. “I suggest you read this one first, though.”

As I said, is was a possible direction I thought about going, before deciding against it, so if you don't like it, then great! It was cut, so no worries. If you do like it, then Great! You'll like the direction I chose better, I think.

Comments ( 2 )

I'm gonna keep this safe here until I've read the chapter. :raritywink:


It’s frustrating, being so close to having it done and still not able to put my seal of approval on it :facehoof:

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