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Story Notes: 16 (Plumsweet) · 3:06am Feb 21st, 2021

Source: https://derpibooru.org/images/1957617

Plumsweet's a case of 'what I planned for the character' and 'what the character planned for themselves' became two very different entities.

My notes for her are: moved to Earth to be with a penpal and things didn't quite work out when after two months of living together they realized neither felt an attraction to one another; write a good chunk of this in letters to one another; self-deprecating sense of humor; makes others laugh at her own expense; no self-esteem

It would've been very depressing. Instead, we got a self-conscious baker with a love of life... and dessert.

We see some shades of that self-loathing, and she struggles with self-esteem throughout. She kept the self-deprecating sense of humor. Sadly, a self-deprecating sense of humor often leads to having low self-esteem. There's a difference between saying something and believing it, but they often go hand-in-hand.

Eventually she comes to embrace who she is. In that way, she reminds me of Garfield. She's fat and she's proud of it. Nowadays, she's the kind of pony who would trot around in a shirt that says "I beat anorexia!"

There's still an underlying sadness pervasive throughout her chapter. The bullying has left some deep scars in her psyche that may never entirely heal. And thoughts like I’d heard all the jokes, and they couldn’t hurt me if the words were coming from my own mouth instead of theirs are simply not true.

It's funny how authors get attached to the characters they write about. I hate doing bad things to them, but sometimes it's necessary to advance the plot. Life isn't all fun & games, not even in Equestria. This one of the times I feel like I should apologize to the characters. I'm sorry, Plumsweet. ...And I'm just going to apologize to Rainbow Flash in advance.

Source: The collection of AlwaysDressesInStyle

It's amazing how different authors can up with different theories and head canons. For example, it's readily apparent that I'm firmly in the camp of 'ponies have a natural sweet tooth.' After reading Silver Glow's Journal for the first time back in December (yes, I know, I should have read it years ago), I became acutely aware that the protagonist very much doesn't have a sweet tooth.

It reminds me of issue 63 from the comics, where Pinkie Pie faces off against the Anti-Sugar League. The town splits into those who overindulge and those who completely refuse to eat sweets. Because of course everypony is going to go to extremes.

My canon involves ponies having a significantly higher tolerance for sugar than humans. This a warning to all living humans, that whosoever over-indulges on pony desserts will suffer the consequences.

We have three ponies with sweet-related cutie marks in our cast of sixteen: Cherry Pie, Plumsweet, and Sweetie Swirl, while Ploomette has a major sweet tooth, even by pony standards.

Not to worry, Sweetie Swirl's chapter will be going in a completely different direction. Interestingly, Sweetie remains the only character we've never seen through more than 150,000 words (Business Trip, Mr. Jones Goes To Equestria, and 16 to date). We saw half the staff in Business Trip, and all but two made an appearance in Mr. Jones. The exceptions were Cherry Pie, who had her debut as the very first pony featured in this story, and Sweetie Swirl, who'll be the final pony featured. As you've probably already guessed, we won't be meeting her early. I'm actually very excited to start writing her backstory, as the idea is one I've had kicking around the back of my head for years.

On the flip side, Silver Glow also manages to eat meat with no consequences in Silver Glow's Journal and real life equines will sometimes take the opportunity to stomp and eat small animals. But this is the exception, not the norm. For the purposes of my stories, ponies (and zebras, buffaloes, yaks, etc.) are obligate herbivores (while Abyssinians are, like real life felines, obligate carnivores). Hippogriffs are primarily piscivores, griffins are primarily carnivores, and dragons are true omnivores and can eat anything (but prefer gemstones).

So in-universe, ponies that eat anything more than a few bites of meat get sick (food poisoning).

Source: https://derpibooru.org/images/398944

For those questioning our inept assistant's 'bacon isn't a vegetable?' comment, this is based on something I heard on the radio about four years back. You know those annoying morning shows that most radio stations have when all you really want to hear is music? It was from one of them. They were discussing a survey in which 27% of high school students thought cheese came from plants. I don't know how accurate this is (I've never been able to locate the survey in question), but it's stuck with me for the last four years. Conveniently, those high school students would also likely be college-aged now, and potentially in the workforce.

Source: https://derpibooru.org/images/1255862

Okay, this one may blow a few minds. Not only have I never played DDR, I don't think I've ever even seen one of the arcade machines anywhere. It seems like the kind of thing that's hard to miss.

To be fair, my own taste in video games tends towards racing games and the Grand Theft Auto franchise, and in the interest of full disclosure, my newest system is a Playstation 2, and it hasn't been set up in years. A gamer, I'm not.

So I did my best with the research on this, but please let me know if I got any of the details wrong.

Source: https://derpibooru.org/images/617046

Her back of the packaging bio gives us this tidbit:

PLUMSWEET always has something nice to say! Her friends come to her whenever they need cheering up!

I've twisted that a bit, in that she always has something nice to say... about everypony else. But not for herself.

Plumsweet is also a bit of a butt monkey. That wasn't the original plan, but she just naturally puts herself into situations that she really shouldn't be in. It became one of her defining traits as the chapter progressed. In that way, she reminds me a bit of Minty (one of my favorite ponies to write).

Source: https://derpibooru.org/images/1146116

Cherry Spices has a very odd color scheme. I'm not sure a brown coat and red and hot pink hair really work together all that well.

She really does look like a cherry-covered chocolate dessert. Chocolate Cherry would've been a better name for her.

Dewey snuck into the image too. It's been a while since we heard from her. We'll be seeing more of her right after Rainbow Flash, once we get to the long-awaited Snowcatcher chapter(s).

Also, Toola Roola is totes painting away.

Source: https://derpibooru.org/images/308362

Two Plump Fillies is based on the Two Fat Ladies cooking show. I never actually watched the show (I don't do a lot of cooking or baking), and upon looking it up I'm sad to see that both hosts are now deceased. But once the idea was in my head, it wouldn't leave. It seemed like the right direction for Plumsweet, and the previous plot was completely discarded.


Source: https://derpibooru.org/images/165201

In the 'what might have been' department:

When I was thinking up potential love interests for Plumsweet, my first thought was a lovable loser, someone like Jon Arbuckle from Garfield. That transitioned to Plumsweet dates Jon Arbuckle, who just happens to have a dog named Snoopy. Jon makes lasagna ('your favorite!') but Snoopy ignores it in favor of sitting on his doghouse, pretending to be a fighter pilot. And because my mind is a strange, strange place, that led to them having a neighbor named Charlie Brown, with an obese orange tabby cat named Garfield. Good grief!

But it just didn't fit. The idea made me laugh, but it was just too silly and it probably would've broken the immersion in the story. It could be a great skit for a parody show of some sort, but it doesn't work in a story like this.

That's the thought process. At least I realized it was ridiculous before I started writing it. But the idea's here, preserved for posterity. Or, perhaps, as a warning from history to those who come after this: unless you're doing a skit for Robot Chicken, it's a bad idea, don't do it!

When I started writing the romantic subplot, Plumsweet's failed romantic interest left her because she kept putting herself down, telling her that he couldn't love her until she learned how to love herself.

It just didn't work for me Plumsweet, who insisted I take her an entirely different way. I won't be using that particular idea, but consider it up for grabs. We can always use more stories about ponies here on Earth, and 'penpal turns into a pony-human romance' can go in any direction from happy to sad.

This was the breakup scene:

“Your problem isn’t that ponies don’t understand you. You don’t understand yourself. You’re a wonderful mare. You’re smart, you’re pretty, but you can’t see it. Somepony’s been bad to you, and then you started being bad to yourself.”

“I’m sorry.” Tears streamed down my face as I latched onto his leg.

“It’s not me you need to apologize to.” He held up a mirror and I cringed. “If you can’t love yourself, how can you love someone else?”

“By not loving myself there’s more room in my heart for you!” You’re not like the stallions back home. Please don’t break up with me. Please don’t break up with me.

That's the only part of that abandoned subplot that I bothered saving. So, in the end, being a bit of a butt monkey isn't as horrible a fate as having her heart ripped out and stomped on.

This is also one of the reasons I prefer discovery writing instead of planning things out step-by-step in advance. It was a very organic transition for the character, and Plumsweet handled the changes like a veteran actress. Letting the story go where it wants to go instead of forcing it to remain confined to a set plan translates to better end results for author and readers alike.

Source: https://derpibooru.org/images/915011

This chapter was supposed to be sad. Instead, it ended up being a rare opportunity to cut loose. How is that when I try to write depressing I end up with slapstick? Not sure if 'win' or 'epic fail'...

I almost feel like I should apologize for the hurricane of puns and references in the ESPN 8 scene. Almost. I've been known to go for over-the-top comedy from time to time, and this is one of those times.

ESPN 8: The Ocho pays homage to Dodgeball: A True Underdog Story, as does the fact that the event is a dodgeball competition.

Philadelphia Phelons is a nod to the Dallas Felons from BASEketball, as well as the Philadelphia Eagles having had Michael Vick (dogfighting), at a time they were also pursuing Plaxico Burress (gun violation). Combine that with the fact that the Philadelphia baseball team is the Phillies, and we have Phelons.

Phoenix Firebirds is an entry from the Redundancy Department of Redundancy since a phoenix is a firebird. Their uniform emblems, are of course, 'Screaming Chickens' famously adorning the hoods of Pontiac Firebird Trans Ams (you didn't have to get the bird on your car's hood, but seriously, why buy a Trans Am if you're going to leave the decal off?).

Florida Panhandlers is a geography joke.

Girl Scout Troop 440+6 is a reference to the Girl Scout troop that wiped the floor with the protagonists in Dodgeball: A True Underdog Story, but with the number of a famous muscle car engine so as to avoid inadvertently referencing an actual real life Scout troop.

Also note that the 440+6 was available in several Dodge vehicles. Dodgeball. ...Yes, I went there. It was that or the Auburn Hills Chargers.

The Detroit Lions are indeed the NFL's lovable losers. They're the oldest team in the NFL to never appear in a Super Bowl, and they're the only team that was founded prior to the first Super Bowl to never make it to the big game. They've usually got one of the worst records in the NFL (having had only four winning seasons since going completely winless in 2008; they only won five games in 2020, and even that was an improvement from 2019).

Caldor Black Friday Shoppers is a nod to defunct retailer Caldor and the retail-centric 'holiday' that is the day after Thanksgiving.

Talladega Knights references Talladega Nights: The Ballad Of Ricky Bobby.

North Avenue Irregulars is a Disney movie.

Do I really need to explain Ventura County Aces?

Hadrian’s Bricklayers is a reference to Hadrian's Wall.

Tacoma Galloping Gerties of course pays homage to the Tacoma Narrows Bridge that collapsed just four months after opening to traffic.

If you think the New Jersey Legitimate Businessmen are actually legitimate businessmen, their Family thanks you. They weren't about to be indebted to somepony, so they immediately returned the favor.

I like sharing my references because it gives all of you an idea of my influences. Mostly how out of touch they are...

Source: https://derpibooru.org/images/196367

I wrote lyrics this chapter. If you know the song, that rhyme scheme is unmistakable. Every Breath You Take by The Police. And if you don't know that song, what rock have you been living under? It's one of the most-played songs of all time.

I should also mention that I wrote those lyrics between 4:00 and 5:00 in the morning (while pulling an all-nighter) and they sounded much better at the time...

Coming up next: Rainbow Flash!

Source: https://derpibooru.org/images/623280

Comments ( 15 )

When I was thinking up potential love interests for Plumsweet, my first thought was a lovable loser, someone like Jon Arbuckle from Garfield. That transitioned to Plumsweet dates Jon Arbuckle, who just happens to have a dog named Snoopy. Jon makes lasagna ('your favorite!') but Snoopy ignores it in favor of sitting on his doghouse, pretending to be a fighter pilot. And because my mind is a strange, strange place, that led to them having a neighbor named Charlie Brown, with an obese orange tabby cat named Garfield. Good grief!

:rainbowlaugh: This is amazing, but yeah, far too silly.

Plumsweet's chapter was fun to edit, all the darned references.

Thank you for writing. :)

Close enough on the DDR, I guess.

The way machines work (when set to default) is that you pick a song, and they're quite generous with the grading on it, allowing you to move on to the second song unless you have two (or four, in a pony's case) left feet. The grading is a bit more harsh on song 2, and moreso on song 3. If you try something hard enough on song 3 and get a near-perfect rating, you set off a fourth song with modifiers to make it extra hard, and the chance for a fifth song on sudden death - any step slightly off ends the game.

See https://dancedancerevolution.fandom.com/wiki/Extra_Stage_System

I've seen a machine set so that you can't fail stage 1, and I know that custom machines are out there to allow more songs per try, but hey, I'm past DDR age and my ankles are complaining from even THINKING of trying it again.


Thank you! I appreciate the tutorial. I'm too uncoordinated to ever even think about playing it. :twilightsheepish:


Glad you enjoyed, and thank you again for pre-reading!


If it made you laugh, than the idea was worth it! :pinkiehappy:

That classic Pinkie Pie Says Goodnight brings back memories.

As a somewhat self taught baker, tell Plumsweet that if she's ever in my neck of the woods I'd love to compare notes, grab a coffee and pastry while we chat. My specialty is homemade pies, I've also tried my hand at brownies, cookies, cupcakes, and a couple of actual cakes. I love to experiment and try new things unless we're talking spicy peppers (no thanks). Just a little over a week ago I made some tasty recipes based on the Civil War, I've also dabbled in mixology and flambe cooking.


I think the two of you would get along great! :pinkiehappy:

Do you have the mareiott's address on file by any chance? Maybe I could send her a couple of pictures of my work and a resume?

Today at work I was stationed at the cashier station which is very much hurry up and wait in nature. To keep myself occupied I've taken to doodling. Today I doodled a pencil sketch of Plum inside an old-timey sweet shop as the proud co-founder I decided to name the shop Sugar n' Spice Sweet Shoppe & Pâtisserie. D'ya think the girls will like that name?


Do you have the mareiott's address on file by any chance? Maybe I could send her a couple of pictures of my work and a resume?

I don't, however I've toyed with the idea of driving around the Wayne/Little Falls area until I find a suitable location. Perhaps one of these days I'll make a trip to the Garden State to do so.

Today at work I was stationed at the cashier station which is very much hurry up and wait in nature. To keep myself occupied I've taken to doodling. Today I doodled a pencil sketch of Plum inside an old-timey sweet shop as the proud co-founder I decided to name the shop Sugar n' Spice Sweet Shoppe & Pâtisserie. D'ya think the girls will like that name?

Considering Plum's best friend is Cherry Spices, I think that's a perfect name and I'm sure they would too. I'd love to see the doodle!

Do you want me to post it here ir send it to you via email or something? I was considering giving it a digital paint over and if my boss doesn't object sticking it up at register as a friendly welcome card sort of thing.

One of my other foodservice inspired doodle concepts is a Pizza Shop called " Pizza Princess" (Burger King, Dairy Queen...)


I'm patient, you can color it first. :raritywink: Posting it here would be great! If you get permission to put it up at work, I'd be interested in hearing people's reactions. :pinkiehappy:

As for Pizza Princess, sounds like a great story idea - you should write it!

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