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Rated Ponystar

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Path of The Dragon Info Dump Part 1 · 12:43pm Nov 7th, 2020

Hey everyone, so this is Part 1 of the Info Dump for Path of the Dragon, part of the original AssassinationVerse series before I decided to redo the whole thing. For info on that, see here: https://www.fimfiction.net/blog/916953/important-news-assassination-of-twilight-sparkle-remake-and-commissions-are-open

There is a lot of stuff to explain about not just my idea for Path of the Dragon, but also Path of the Tyrant and later on the final fic Ragnarok. So a few things that should be know about both Path stories. They were going to be spread out on a timeline of year and follow closely with each other until both were happening at the same time. There was a point, near the end, where Spike and Majesty were going to meet because Majesty, who becomes Empress at the end, invades and takes over the Erebus Islands, forcing Spike and his friends to flee which leads to the start of Ragnarok. For now, I'm going to just focus on Path of the Dragon's Info Dump Part 1. I'm not going to go over EVERY Detail, but just enough of the major parts I had planned.


-The first major thing to talk about is what caused Spike to be more relaxed on killing and fighting in Erebus. Spike's first official mission as a member of the Red Lightnings, with Aquilina, was to help find a missing child from a village. Later on, Spike and Aquilina would learn that the village was being harassed by a group of Diamond Dog raiders, lead by someone named Scarclaw, who wanted their mines for their gems. Spike believed that a peaceful method could be achieved and eventually got the Diamond Dogs and the miners to agree to provide gems for the Diamond Dogs if they provided protection from other raiders. Everything seemed to have worked out, but months later, Spike would learn that the Diamond Dogs betrayed the miners, killed them all, and took all the gems for themselves. This broke Spike and put him in utter depression and anger.

-Thankfully, Aquilina broke him out of this in a scenario where the Red Lightnings were hired to help fight a rival city fight against another city by convincing him to keep fighting. It's also here where Spike reveals who he really is to Aquilina aka Twilight's adopted son. It turned out that the daughter and son of the mayors of this town loved each other and Aquilina and Spike managed to get both sides to stop fighting and make peace with an arranged marriage between the two. This made Spike realize he can bring friendship to Erebus, but can't be idealistic about it and understood that you need to fight and kill sometimes against those who cannot be saved.

-Spike would later get a chance to face off against Scarclaw, but tries to take him and his gang on by himself. However, all his friends come by and help him out and he later avenges those who died against Scarclaw by killing him with a new technique taught to him by Mark.

-Now about Aquilina and Spike. I didn't build up enough of it, but I was going to hint more of it in the carnival chapters which were going to be breather episodes. Aquilina develops feelings for Spike, but he doesn't notice. Later on, however, when Spike goes to the Dragon Lands, he develops a close bond with Ember which causes sort of a love triangle between the three. I wasn't yet sure who I would have put who together as a paring in the end. I wanted to see how it flowed before coming to a final decision. As for Aquilina's own personal story, she would get captured mid-way though the story by Ars Arcanum on orders of her Aunt who wants to make Aquilina suffer for killing her brother aka Aquilina's father. Calling in a favor from Agent Rexius of The Legion, the group manage to save Aquilina and she kills her Aunt before leaving. What really finally seals the deal for Aquilina's love for Spike is that he finds a means to remove the slave tattoo for her on her birthday soon after, which causes her to finally admit she loves Spike.

-Windward has no special backstory. He's just an orphan raised on the streets, but he's tied to Azura. Azura as was known is formally from Unicornia and lived a rich and popular lifestyle. Azura's mother died giving birth to her so it was just her, her brother Penta, and her strict father. Now, one thing to note is that I had Azura always covered in long dresses and later on I would have it so that Azura refused to be seen naked by anyone save for Aquilina who found out by accident. Azura was born a hermaphrodite much to the shame of her father who saw his daughter as a freak, and one who couldn't get pregnant, so he forced her to hide her condition not out of fear for her, but out of fear of his own reputation. Penta, her brother, was really the only one close to her and wanted to change Unicornia. He was part of a small underground resistance trying to help Flutter Ponies escape Unicornia, but when he gets caught and executed, his father following suit, Azura faked her death and managed to escape with her brother's friends to Eberus. During the events of Ragnaroc, Azura and Windward would be captured and Azura's secret is exposed. However, Windward doesn't care if Azura has a dick and genially does think she is beautiful. This actually makes Azura start to like Windward and the two eventually start a relationship near the end of the series.

-I won't get into Yasahiro in this one. But no, he doesn't speak at all in Path of the Dragon.

-Marc/Ashwing is the son of Dragon Lord Torch and the older brother of Ember. The reason why Ashwing is hated by all of the dragons in the world, save for Erebus, is because he ruined the dragon's chance of finally uniting under a leader they all could respect and love. As mentioned in the lore, Septum Cain, the Dragon God, was separated into seven different crystals that seven of the major Dragon tribes owned. It was believed that if a Dragon Lord, chosen by all seven jewels and passed the tests, could unite them all then Septum Cain would return and restore the Dragon Empire. Ashwing, while the son of a dragon lord, grew up with two close friends, another son of a dragon lord from a different tribe named Stormlight, and a female dragon named Crest. The three were best friends until one day Stormlight's father passed away and he soon took the trials for his tribe to become the new Dragon Lord. However, the other crystals of the Dragon Lords were shining and summoning Stormlight, seeing him as worthy as well. To the amazement of all, Stormlight began to win each trial until he had managed to become Dragon Lord of five of the seven tribes. Many believed Stormlight would be the one who would finally unite them, bring back Septum Cain, and become the new Dragon Emperor. While Ashwing was happy for his friend, he was jealous of the fact that Crest and Stormlight were falling loved and Stormlight wanted to make Crest his mate. Ashwing, who loved Crest as a child, couldn't take it anymore and challenged Stormlight to a duel for Crest's love.

-This duel took place and, despite Ashwing's best efforts, Stormlight defeated him. In anger, Ashwing dishonored himself by striking Stormlight from behind and killed him much to the shock and horror of all including Ashwing. All of the dragons mourned the loss of their best hope of unity as the crystals were returned to their tribes. Many demanded Ashwing be killed, but Dragon Lord Torch couldn't have his own son killed, and instead banished him forever under penalty of death. Ashwing tried to talk to Crest but all she did was tell him she hated him and never wanted to see him again. Thus Ashwing changed his name and ran of to Erebus where he later became the head of the Red Lightnings.

That's all for now. More details about important stories of Path of the Dragon in the future.

Report Rated Ponystar · 1,084 views · Story: Path Of The Dragon ·
Comments ( 11 )

This is all very interesting. Thank you for posting this information. I am still a little disappointed we won’t get to see the finished series, but this is the next best thing, getting to know what would have happened.

Nice summary for Spike.

Done posting on tvtropes. Neat ideas overall. I never could have guessed what you had in mind for Spike and Co.
Marc's story, I had some guesses due to how extreme his relationship to other dragons in general. However, I have a few issues.

-I noticed copious use of the Love Triangle trope, with one being the cause of tragedy (Ashwing).

-Not to mention, by having Majesty takeover Erebus Islands, it pretty much renders Spike's efforts all for nothing, making reading his efforts in Path of the Dragon a waste of time as well. Maybe not just have him and his friends escape but also all his allies he gained throughout the years in a massive exodus to hopefully Equestria, Danny Targaryen style. That way, Majesty can still have the islands but Spike's efforts will not be a complete waste of time.

I wish more authors would do this when a project gets scraped its delightful thanks

Comment posted by Luna Lover19 deleted Nov 8th, 2020

this was all pretty interesting, will there be a similar dump for the path of the tyrant story too?

What about the rslationship between Ember and her brother?

Ember still loves her brother

ah cool, can't wait to see it.

When Ashwing said it was “wroth it” for what he did in order to have her, I was wondering if he meant those words. But looking at this, I have to question that. He unjustly killed his friend in a fit of rage and lost everything because of it.

Had it been a different situation maybe he could justify what he did, but no. I have a feeling he really does regret what he did, but doesn’t want to admit it.

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