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Fuck Off And Die Nazis · 6:53pm Jun 28th, 2020

>tfw your follower count drops by twenty after making a blog post about how black people shouldnt be murdered by the police

any of you still left on the right get out of here. git.

I'm getting into some FimFic muckracking. There's been a lot of awful fucking people on the site for a long time, who have done inexcusable things to other users (including myself), and it's about time that shit was bust open and thrown to the public.

Sadly, I know that our "public" usually doesn't give a fuck about that. The Parasprite is still allowed on the site and all even after what she did. A lot of people just straight think I'm lying or what happened to me "wasn't rape".

A very telling thing about the state of the site is that, back in 2018, the blog post I wrote describing what she did to me was taken down by the moderation team for being “incendiary” and “not the place”.

One of the users of the site these fuckers moderate raped another user when he was underage and their response to him coming forward is to delete the post and pretend it never happened.

Another very popular user did something awful to one of my friends at a convention years ago as well; when I came forth about that it was denied heavily and my posts were once again deleted; this site has a lot of purging needed.

Para should have been banned from the site for what she fucking did to me. And she is still here being a “one of the good ones” trans pet for fascists and neonazis, and I still see this other as of now unnamed user around acting as if they're any sort of moral authority when they harassed someone for sex repeatedly after being told no. And the same moderation team who made this deliberation is the one who will decide what to do about this rising tide of sexual abusers, racists, and general bigots on the site.

Can't say I have high hopes, especially considering that someone on the moderation team themselves was involved in a similar sexual harassment incident at a convention with another user. They were not removed from the mod team at the time. They are still a mod as I type this. And while I have my own hodgepodge of emotions surrounding that due to interpersonal attachments, I am FIRMLY of the opinion they should have at the very least been retired from the moderation team.

I dunno. Looks like we might have to take things into our own hands.

Give them no quarter.

Report Regidar · 2,259 views ·
Comments ( 82 )

Sic semper tyrannis

spam4096 #2 · Jun 28th, 2020 · · 42 ·

Have you ever thought about how it looks form the moderator's perspective :unsuresweetie:?

1. User A claims User B did something in real life (NOT on the site!) and should be banned
2. User B claims that the story of User A is NOT what happened and gives his/her own version of events

This leads to two questions:
1. Who should the moderator believe, and WHY? And how should they verify it?
2. Assuming mods somehow could verify user A is telling the truth, why should anyone be banned from the site for OFFSITE activity?

What you're calling for is basically mob justice and your own version of 'believe me, not her!' I'm glad we have mods that are still following commons sense and not falling into that trap.

Some users being here offends you? Well, sorry, but until he/she breaks the SITE rules, he/she has as much right to be here as you have. You want Parasprite punished, go to the authorities. Cancel culture is NOT the way to do it.

Regidar #3 · Jun 28th, 2020 · · 4 ·

I have evidence of her admitting it. It's a very cut and dry situation. I can provide said evidence if you'd like. I did in the blog that the mods took down though, so maybe it's not good enough for you either to read The Parasprite admitting she forced herself on me without my consent.

Fuck off with your bootlicking and rape apology.


What's it like, living with such a smooth brain?


I knew this comment was going to happen. It's devestating to me it was this fast.

As a note: The claims should have been investigated and corroborated by other people. And if they'd used the site platform to organize the meetup that caused this to happen, not allowing them access to the platform would be relevant.

If your definition of "cancel culture" going too far is credible allegations of sexual assault - then I'd point to this comment as an example to everyone else who complains about it, to know what kind of bullshit they're siding with.

Sorry this shit's been dragged out this long man

Nazis, fascists, racists, haters, begone! You all stand no place in a site made for friendship and peace!

I'm not sure whether you made this comment because you doubt Regidar's statements or because you are one of those haters in disguise, but either case you seriously need to reconsider your thought process, or, for the latter, your morals.

I do know that both sides of the story need to be heard, but when there's evidence, you review them as well. You don't judge people without getting the entire picture.

inb4 the free speech defense force comes out swinging and then smacks themselves in the face with the bat.


It's devestating to me it was this fast.

And it's devastating to me how much down-votes a comment about using common sense, and the LAW gets these days... But OK, let's say that it was, in fact, confirmed, and mods have indisputable evidence. Now what? You honestly believe that people should be banned on this site, Facebook, Twitter or anywhere else for something they did off-site? When does it end?

1. Should she be banned from entering local Walmart because Regidar shops there too?
2. How about the church Regidar attends?
3. Or a university?
4. Or a bus or subway?

This is a pandora's box that mods don't want to open, and I fully understand why.

You want to punish her, there is an established system for that. Use it and put her to jail.

Mousse #13 · Jun 28th, 2020 · · 5 ·

Fuck off.

Shut the fuck up you blithering idiot.


You honestly believe that people should be banned on this site, Facebook, Twitter or anywhere else for something they did off-site? When does it end?

It ends when sexual predators, abusers, Nazis, rape apologists, transphobes, homophobes, and racists no longer have a platform to stand on.

Social pariahs remain social pariahs regardless where they congregate. Allowing them to exist on a platform only leads to the dissolution of the validity of that platform.

Nothing exists without context. All things are connected.

dude, make like a tree and fuck off

Edit to add: And that's the core of the thing right there - freedom of speech is only a right in that the government can't tell you what you can and cannot say. If you want to use a private platform to express yourself, the owner and management are within their rights to allow or disallow whatever they want.


I hope you feel proud of yourself, now that your entire reputation is defined by fighting for the honour of a rapist Nazi.

RoMS #18 · Jun 28th, 2020 · · 5 ·

People like you, who put victims and perpetrators at the same level, are why victims don't come out.
People like you, who don't know the story where proof is rife, are quick to use an anecdote to deny victims their rights.
People like you, who called to go to the authority, know that those cases are too likely to be dropped, and still...
People like you, who're quick to call for the assumption of innocence, are too ready to deny a victim their platform.
People like you, who equate seeking justice to canceling people out are why toxic behaviors are still so prevalent in this fandom.

I see you coming. Yes, there are people looking to hurt others by making up accusations. But how many of those do you know? One, two? When I am asking you, will you go search google to give me an example; just because you want to be right, because you've convinced yourself an insignificant possibility has become a certainty?

Meanwhile, it's people like you, who're quick to jump to defend perpetrators, who make it hard to seek justice. Ask yourself, what does Regi has to win out of this? The moment he calls someone out, people like you swing by and spit their venom, gaslights, and denials.

Victims have all the obstacles to climb over to get justice, and people like you are part of the problem.

Jeez, I'm sickened to hear what happened to you,. I agree what you said and I really don't know what should do about the site. For what it's worth you have my support.

I'm going to post something a little longer on Regi's behalf. I know how a lot of folk on this website think, and it's deeply conflict avoidant. They're going to see something like this and go - fuck, man, calm down. You can't just attack people like this. Like, even if you're right, this isn't how you go about it. Nothing's going to change if all you do is swear and yell about it.

Because it's kind of what I see happen here a lot.

Here's the problem. You're telling a guy who's been telling this story through a megaphone for years now. And the response to that has always been to tell him to calm down, and the fact that he's this mad is used as evidence that he shouldn't be taken seriously.

Wow. Fuck that.

Like, normally I'd try to say something smart here, but I don't need to. It's obvious. It's easier to be a calm rapist than a calm rape-victim. it's easier to be calm and reasonable about your side of the situation when you have all the power in it, and nothing happening strictly benefits you.

You don't need to be anxious about outcomes, because nothing changing is what you want.

And here's the problem with that - that creates a situation where Regi's response to abuse is being used to justify that it happened to him. And the idea that he can't be reasonable in dealing with it, or he can't just go off and be quiet about it, justifies why it's not resolved.

You know what's actually unreasonable? Denying victims justice unless they seek it on terms you're comfortable with. In this, or any context. And platforming Parasprite is, sincerely, an issue of public safety for this and other reasons.

It's a good sign that there's only one dipshit holding this position and they're getting ratio'd into the core of the Earth though. Gives me a lot of hope.

Posh #22 · Jun 28th, 2020 · · 2 ·

When you said "one of the members of this site team sexually harassed someone repeatedly," I thought "ah, I know who he's talking about. Good on Regidar for bringing that up."

Then you mentioned a second unnamed member of the administration who sexually assaulted someone at a convention, and I came to the bleak realization that there was, in fact, more than one such person on the moderation team.

That says a lot about the way this site's run, and why things are the way that they are.

Anyway, thank you for saying all of this.

EDIT: whoopsie-doodle, I misread what you wrote; it was just one of the members of the moderation team who sexually assaulted someone.

That's still one too many, and it's still just as appalling that he's allowed to remain on staff.

There's no reason one needs to accept anyone with open arms. Act like a dipshit, the community has the right to blacklist. This is a community for entertainment, not food, shelter, electricity, communications, or water.

If your first reaction to someone saying "hey, I was raped", whether it's with or without evidence, is "UGH, what is this CANCEL CULTURE", you're a genuinely awful human being. The fact that you're more concerned with the blog possibly being an inconvinience to the mods or that it broke a site rule, more than the fact that SOMEBODY GOT RAPED, is more than reprehensible.

I'll choose to refrain from calling you names you very much deserve. But know that you valuing the arbitrary rules of an pony fiction site over the very real crime and trauma of rape means you have none of the common sense you claim to hold dear.

Be better.

that matters, thank you :heart:


Hey I just wanna point out that Spam isn't following Regi, or anyone for that matter. Meaning they had to specifically either know about this blog and seek it out, or directly seek out and defend a rapist on Regi's own blog condemning her.


The thing I find saddest about this exchange is you're going to take all this hostility as a sign you're a brave and noble truth teller, standing up against the mob.

The real reason this many people are yelling at you is because you're doing the social equivalent of masturbating to lolicon in a maternity ward.

Author Interviewer

In case it hasn't been said enough, you can fuck off.

Wonder who's alt it is. Nothing says coward like using an alt to defend rapists.

Appalled to hear about what happened to you, Regi. Whatever my solidarity and support are worth, you've got them.

This is a dreadful hill to die on. Consider why everyone's giving you the advice they are, and then follow it.

Those of us who have spoken at length to both parties about the situation, were around for the initial flare-ups of Big Blog Mod Squad, and/or have ourselves been raped, molested, et cetera can say without a doubt that the best course of action for you would be to


fuck off.

R5h #33 · Jun 28th, 2020 · · 2 ·

As always, sorry this happened to you, Regi: you have my full support.

Fuck off, Nazis!


No, it's people like me who guard people like you, who - acting in their best conscience - are making terrible mistakes, thinking they're making the world a better place...

All the people who told me to fuck off would rather believe that I'm some kind of rape apologist, just because I said that the proper way to deal with this is to use the existing path of LAW instead of mob justice and shaming. Unlike you, I do believe you people have good intentions, but the proverb 'the road to hell is paved with good intentions,' didn't come from nowhere.

If telling people that mob justice is wrong makes me a nazi, then I guess I am one. But judging by their previous actions on the matter so is knighty, mods, and the entire staff of the site...

Fine, I'm going. This thread is probably going to disappear anyway for breaking the "No personal attacks, in public or otherwise," rule in regard to Parasprite...

After all these years, after all the dumb shit Regi's said and done, and the anti-racism post is the one that made 20 people go, "Nah bro, I can't deal with this anymore."

Wait, Parasprite has over 1,600 followers, despite being a mind-bogglingly stupid and malicious person? That don't sound right.

Posh #36 · Jun 28th, 2020 · · 2 ·


If telling people that mob justice is wrong makes me a nazi, then I guess I am one. But judging by their previous actions on the matter so is knighty, mods, and the entire staff of the site...

Oh, son. You're so close to getting it.:twilightsmile:

We're not calling you a nazi. We're saying you're literally defending a nazi rapist and disguising it as civility and law. You're literally arguing that a rapist with evidence, and with moderator protection (as evidenced by the first blog about this was deleted and Para is still on the site) should remain on the site. That's why everyone's telling you to fuck off. Because you think you're being virtuous right now, but you're talking out of your ass, which happens to be where your head is right now.

RoMS #38 · Jun 28th, 2020 · · 5 ·

fuck off, mate.

Please explain to me the legal mechanism i'm supposed to go through when the person who sexual assaulted me is in a different country and i don't know his actual name?

"Yes officer, i was groped by Ebony Darkness at BronyCon."

We’ve already talked before about this matter, but it still fucking sucks you had to go through that, and that this seems to be something that has happened one too many times in our community.

Fuck that noise.

Solidarity, friend

Last time I lost this many followers from a single post was back in 2014 when i said i was glad princess molestia got taken down
love this site


This thread is probably going to disappear anyway for breaking the "No personal attacks, in public or otherwise," rule in regard to Parasprite...

Oh, so when Para breaks the rule of "no personal attacks" (via, you know, rape), she gets excused, but when the person she raped speaks about it, suddenly it's a problem.

Or does it only apply to mean words? Does violating someone's body and mind not count?

Regi I'm sorry that this is something you've ever had to deal with and even sorrier that you have to drag your trauma back into the light. I'm here for you in whatever way I can be. Fuck nazis, fuck rapists, and fuck racists. I hope you can relax someday.

I would, in principle at least, agree that the points you're bringing up are things that need to be discussed. However:

:facehoof: Why would you bring this up on a blog where somepony described being raped?

:flutterrage: And why the bloody hell would you show zero compassion for a possible rape victim when you try to make those points?

This is the perfect comment. (Which I echo.)

I hope you're not implying that all the Fimfic staff are Nazis, are you?

Wanderer D, Majin Syeekoh, Present Perfect, and RBDash47 I consider friends and would be very surprised (and unbelievably disappointed) to hear they have Nazi sympathies. I don't know the rest of the staff well enough to have an opinion.


who - acting in their best conscience - are making terrible mistakes, thinking they're making the world a better place...

Now consider this description and compare it with the actions of a user who, minutes after seeing a post about banning rapists and racists access to a story-sharing site, immediately rushes in to defend the rapist's (and presumably, all rapists' and racists') right to a site for a fandom with a confirmed, publicly notorious history of harboring hostile and outright criminal people in it, as if doing so was going to bring down a major catastrophe. Uh, hello? Do you have any self-awareness here?

Somewhere in your self-appointed moral crusade, you don't see the hugely skewed priorities you're picking? You want community access for people who commit rape and violate other human rights issues - access to the same community as their victims - on the grounds that we'd be the bad people for stopping them?

Has it not occurred to you, as you rushed in on your high horse, that the legal option was actually pursued as well as this current on-site one? That it might be worth stopping and checking to understand Regidar's position before you jumped in? That, in fact, you are not the sole genius who has ever thought to report to any kind of authority when someone discusses rape? Moreover, that the law is not the only moral way of dealing with people who go out of their way to inflict trauma on others?

And does it not at least give you pause that people are getting angry with you, for your showing neither tact nor sympathy for someone fed up with unrepentant rapists and racists sharing the same public platform as themselves with a transparent bias in their favour - that the people getting angry about this are not, in fact, demonstrating slippery-slope-fallacy "mob justice" (because sticking the word "mob" in there suddenly makes them wrong, apparently) but are wondering why you are going out of your way for rapists and racists based on rule nitpicking? That you are, in fact, being an apologist for such rapists and racists?

Lastly, roads to hell are one thing. Actually getting there, though, requires callous disregard for other people's feelings, lack of all sense of moral proportion, and invoking reason and law as an excuse to be unapologetically hostile to someone, especially when they're trying to stop similarly unpleasant people from getting away with worse. Perhaps it would be best if you practised what you preached, unless you're proud of the fact that you have no regard whatsoever for someone else's unhappiness. In which case, congratulations: you are in hell, road or no road.

To Regidar: I apologize for all the unpleasantness that you've put up with on this site and off it, and for what it's worth, I frankly support the move to detoxify the My Little Pony fandom and reclaim it as a forum for civilized, decent, respectful and respectable people to share their art in peace. And to hell with the criminal apologia masquerading as "free speech".

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