• Member Since 18th Apr, 2012
  • offline last seen Saturday

Jade Ring

The purpose of a story is that it's a story. It can be more, but it can never be less.

More Blog Posts267

  • 6 weeks
    Story #100 Teaser

    Premiering Tomorrow

    No. I will not elaborate.

    2 comments · 99 views
  • 17 weeks
    Friendship is Magic: the Musical

    So I've been trying to find ways out of my recent funk, and this was one of the most recent attempts. I thoroughly enjoyed the freshman season of Hazbin Hotel, particularly the outstanding musical numbers and how the whole season could, with just a few small modifications, be made into a Broadway style stage musical.

    So I figured hell, why not do the same with Friendship is Magic?

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    5 comments · 236 views
  • 21 weeks
    Our Last Anniversary

    I've been radio silent on social media since my now ex-wife and I announced our split. A few days ago, I was moved to write this and post it on Facebook. Figured I might as well post it here as well.

    Folks say it's pretty good.

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    6 comments · 369 views
  • 25 weeks
    State of the Author 2023

    It's bad.

    Real bad.

    So it should come as no surprise that my wife and I are divorcing. We're having to take it slow because she's so close to the end of her degree and I want her to be in a good place to help take care of our boys. We're still co-habitating, still friends.

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    13 comments · 417 views
  • 26 weeks

    Have you all been good this year? If not, you'd better watch out...

    Before you dive into the Last Hearth's Warming Horror Story, why not refresh your memory with Scribbler's amazing full cast reads of the first two?

    All caught up? Good...

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    1 comments · 167 views

Signal Boost: My Favorite Stories With Less Than 800 Views! · 8:07am Jun 3rd, 2020

Hey! You! Yes, you! Sitting on your phone or behind your keyboard. Are you a fan of Jade Ring's fanfiction? Are you a devoted follower of the Continuity and getting antsy about the next chapter? (I swear it's coming soon, it's just very big and I'm a bit of a perfectionist when it comes to dialogue) Are you looking for something to read that, statistically speaking, you probably haven't yet?

Well, you're in luck! I have here a collection of stories that I'm very proud of that, for some reason, simply passed everyone by! Each of them has less than 800 views, and... what's that? Why did I pick 800?


What are you? A cop? Stop asking so many questions.

Anyway; go and take a look! Maybe you'll like them as much as I did. Or maybe they just suck and I'm a delusional idiot. YOU BE THE JUDGE.

Check 'em out after the break!

'A Moment in Time' is the toned down version of my third entry into Dirty Little Secret's Dirty Little Contest. What originally began as a guest chapter for Grand Moff Pony's 'Red Shoe Diaries: Equestria' eventually ballooned and became this absolute beast of a fic featuring a tragic romance born in the midst of a terrible war. While I think the original cloppy version has some fine prose, the edited version is nothing to sniff at. I'm quite pleased with the dialogue, and I hope that with the explicit details cut a wider audience might find a sweet little tale featuring a very underused pairing.

In the mood for something scary? Then do I have a few tales for you!

-Enjoy classic ghost stories? Why not try 'Ghosts in the Graveyard?'

-Does the thought of deep water give you the heebie-jeebies? Why not take a gander at 'Thalassophobia?'

-Do you like Stephen King and want to see a lifelong Constant Reader try his hand at aping his style? You might enjoy 'the Trouble.'

-The previous question, but with H.P. Lovecraft? There's 'the Abyss Gazes Also.' Bonus; it's a sequel to 'the Thirteenth Hour,' and everyone LOVED that one.

Okay, so spooky's not your style. I can dig that. How about a bedtime story? 'the Last Temptation of Chrystabelle' might scratch that itch. But beware; there are no happy endings here.

And then, of course, there's 'the Wicker Mare.' Nearly three years of work went into this loving tribute to one of my favorite films of all time. I still consider it to be in the top five pieces I've ever written, and nothing would make me happier than it getting just a little more love. The size may be daunting, but the tale is worth it.

All these tales are worth it.

Happy reading,

Jade Ring

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