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  • 22 weeks
    Happy Holidays^^

    Thought I would take a break from playing dead to wish you all happy holidays^^ Hope you are all safe and healthy and surrounded by loved ones, and those who aren't, well, I hope this little post makes it a bit better somehow:twilightsheepish:

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  • 46 weeks
    Yes I am alive 2

    Really, really sorry about being so quiet as of late. Been busy with work and other stuff, and that non-pony story.

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  • 69 weeks
    Yes I am alive

    Sorry I've been so absent as of late. My new project kinda absorbed me a bit :twilightsheepish: Actually, for the past year ever since I decided to write a Warriors fanfiction I couldn't really think about much else as far as writing is concerned, even right now.

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  • 77 weeks
    My Warriors fanfiction is ready^^

    Well, maybe not ready per say, but the prologue and first chapter were published on AO3^^

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  • 85 weeks
    It's been 10 years!

    Yeah, it's been 10 years since I've made an account on this website and published the first two chapters of Rebirth of the Damned, my first story (you can't tell now because back then when you would edit chapters and save them then it would overwrite the date of publication).

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World of Warcraft: Shadowlands · 7:30pm Nov 1st, 2019

Yep, the leaks were true.

Wow, just wow. I had made a guess that the shot had been from cinematic and that it would be Sylvanas fighting the Lich King, but I hadn't expected that she would actually destroy him! Hell, I thought about her maybe killing Bolvar and claiming the Helm of Domination for herself, but not destroy it! I'm... I gotta be honest, a little conflicted about it. I mean, sure, this Lich King hadn't been as powerful as Arthas and Sylvanas had been showed to grow more in power ever since Cataclysm and especially in Battle for Azeroth, but still... so much for building up the Lich King this past few expansions. Still, it means that we get Bolvar back. The good guy, not the Lich King with only some morality. (On the side note, since he apparently knows about this mysterious being imprisoned in Shadowlands because of the Helm of Domination, I guess Arthas in Rebirth of the Damned also should know about it... even though I don't plan to continue this story past the end of Legion at the very least so there shouldn't be any reason I should bring it up... oh well...)

Btw, now I REALLY want to kill that elven bitch! I might make a new DK called Aŕthas or something just to kill her with him just for the kicks of it. Should it be human or Forsaken?

Anyway, the features overview... was kinda surprisingly small, huh? I mean, only talked about new realm, some of the new zones and those Covenants things which I guess are gonna be the new factions now that Alliance and Horde not only are at peace but literally can't fight at this point. But nothing about new level cap, let alone about new races and classes. Kinda weird :/ The only expansion we didn't get new races or classes was WoD, but in return we got graphic updates (that ruined my previous laptop.

Well, overall, I am certainly interested where this story is going. And hell, I'll subscribe for the sole reason of killing Sylvanas. So looking forward to the Shadowlands. What do you guy think?

Comments ( 27 )

I am hopeful actually. Apparently there's going to be a ton more character customization.

Also, now it's confirmed that she's been empowered by Death.

Bolvar can still raise Death Knights

A New Army of the Dead Rises: To combat Sylvanas’ assault on Icecrown, Bolvar Fordragon— the revered former paladin who took on the mantle of Lich King to keep the Scourge at bay—has raised heroes from among all the peoples of Azeroth to bolster the Death Knights of Acherus. With Shadowlands, pandaren and all allied races will now be able to become Death Knights.


New Cap is 60

Wonder where Kel'thuzard is, he never did die after all. (or rather we never got his phylactory.)

Yeah, me too. Always glad for new customizations^^ and nice to get it finally confirmed, though I wanna know what this being imprisoned there actually is... a fallen titan of some kind?

Yeah, expected as much, I'd imagine that he's still a very powerful Death Knight and Arthas had made Death Knights even before becoming the Lich King.

Also I love how he's called "revered formed paladin" while people are still taking crap on Arthas ;p

So THIS is what they took from Classic, huh? Oh well, admittedly, it's a clever idea, and they're gonna make "every level count", which is good.

I am personally more interested in this bit:

In their journeys through the Shadowlands, players will also come face-to-face with some of the departed legends of the Warcraft universe, such as Uther the Lightbringer, who struggles against dark forces that seek to transform him into a symbol of retribution, and Kael’thas, who pursues vengeance on an enemy from his past while confined to Revendreth for the crimes he committed in life.

Glad to see Uther, of course, but they are bringing back Kael'thas and not Arthas? Unless he's the enemy from his past... or they just want to keep it as a surprise. In any case, sounds like this Revendreth is the place where Sylvanas sensed Arthas in Edge of Night.

EDIT: Ah, nevermind, read the thing again:

all souls are being funneled into the Maw, where the most wicked are damned to suffer for eternity.

Okay, that explains that.

In Chronicles volume 3 it was mentioned that his second defeat cast his spirit deep into shadows and wasn't able to reform, or something along those lines. So hopefully we'll get him this expansion somewhere.

screw forsake or human or all the other race, just roll a vulpera dk, cuase I freak going to, and shaman and hunter.....

Strange that is what happens to Ke'thuzard, I actually kinda find it stupid. All well, so long as we get the best lich back for even a bit it'll be worthwhile.

They did say that the Shadowlands predates the Titans. So that's probably legit capital D, Death

i think in maw is going to be either true lich king Arthas bound and shackle wait for the sylvanas to show up to break him out for some twisted reason, or it could be the fallen titan.

btw huge fan of your story found it early this year and have reread it atleast 4 times,

It’s been a while since I’ve played the game but couldn’t nerzul be the lich king in the shadow realm?

With the resent issue with Blizzard I think I am gonna stay clear of them, as someone who used to enjoy WoW it breaks my heart to say that but I just can't support a company who values money over people freedom.

How long until release? I'm guessing a year at least, right? I don't keep up with blizcon, so I never know how long the expansions are supposed to last.

So does this mean we get an evil alliance in the shadow lands?

...Literally can't fight? No PVP above a certain level?

This hasn't done anything to rekindle my interest in playing, but I'm happy that you're happy. :)

Nah, it's gotta be either human or Forsaken, there needs to be a poetic justice here... think I'll go with Forsaken, although I'll wait a bit to see the new customization options. Might make him my new Horde main just to kill Sylvanas with him.

Well, let's give Blizzard some credit, they get paid for creating all of this, I'm sure they have some sort of reason and plan for this.

Possibly. At the very least, I am intrigued. Though I doubt it would be like the best version of Death I had seen in any media:

Although even that Death was eventually dealt with, so I guess everything is possible...

Nah, I don't think this can be Arthas. Bolvar wouldn't refer to him like that. Plus Sylvanas seemed to be on this being side, and there is no way she would join Arthas.

Oh wow, thanks, it's always nice to hear such a thing, even though the story isn't exactly the best :twilightsheepish: To be honest, I been thinking more and more about "reforging" it, core of the story would stay the same but would cut out some stupid things that I regret now. Buuut I am extremely lazy, so I doubt that would happen anytime soon. I any case, thanks, I'm glad that you enjoyed this story^^

Unlikely, whatever was left of Ner'zhul was bound in the Helm of Domination, and besides, Sylvanas would hate him almost as much as Arthas, so no way that she would join him.

To be fair, at the opening of Blizzcon they started by admitting that "that they were too hasty with their initial response, and then too slow to talk with 'all of us'", and that they "had an opportunity to bring the world together during that tournament, and they failed." I hope they learned their lesson, but I can understand that you and many others don't want to support them anymore.

They said that the expansion will launch before 2020 December 31, so about a year. Expansions last around 2 years.

Hm, not sure. We seem to ally ourselves with one of the 4 factions that exist there.

I'm not sure, I hadn't heard anything about PvP so far. I think it would depend on which faction we ally with?


I last played retail a few days after when the drained bit of sea, and mechagon island were released.I stopped because blizz fucked with the murlock mount because they're pricks and decided they didn't want the mounts to spread yet, when the event spawned naturally. It killed the good vibes I had with the new content.

Turns out Sylvanus is allied with The Jailer the ruler of The Maw the black hole where the worst souls are sent. I.E. the black oblivion that she saw.

Also, Best Death.


Sorry if I don't take them at their word, but all it is right now is Desperate Damage Control to try and save themselves.

oh well I hope if you do reforge it you had our favor drawf pop in more often and fall on his face just make that a running gag. that and have Arthas and twilight hook up sooner and maybe right before he end up leave to go save azarath twilight drop the bomb she pregnant.

That's plausible, at least.

Here's a pattern that's happened for recent WoW expansions: WOD was considered trash, Legion was considered great, and BFA is currently considered to have had a strong launch but quickly lost its luster. If we follow this pattern of low quality, high quality, low quality, that means the next one should be high quality lol. Then again, we'll need to see as more things are announced. I need to know if they're going to be reworking my beloved demonology AGAIN. Because apparently that's their thing now, changing it every expansion.

I'm still conflicted right now because I'm torn between keeping my Alliance toons or going back to my beloved Horde for Vulpera (honestly I wanted Sethrak but meh. Sethrak actually have potential as a neutral race as they're split into two major factions so yeah)

On top of that, I'm not sure if I will want to return to WoW at this point. I've kinda dug deep and found other things to support (though they are not yet out, so that's what is making me think. To be specific I've backed Chronicles of Elyria and Camelot Unchained because I want to see those concepts realized as full fledged games) and as a result it's really tough for me to know whether or not I will want to play this.

The level squish seems a bit fucky in how it will be implemented, considering how they already did stat squish and ilvl squish without issues. I guess I can see it fucking with talents but that's because we have 7 talent tiers which doesn't exactly fit nicely into 60 levels. If they add another talent tier to make it 8, I guess it could work for a global 60 level setup which would let us have talents at 10, 20, 30, 40, 45, 50, 55, 60 but that completely misses the point of having 10 levels per expansion, especially this new one. This is a pretty good way of visualizing why they chose to do the level squish AS you enter the new xpac's content.

Currently for me my Lock is a velf, but I'm considering swapping back to horde for vulpera, purely because that would make farming old content (and whatever new content comes) easier and less time consuming.

Hello damage control. :eeyup:

Are you sure you want your story to end at Legion? I feel like Shadowlands might be a good expansion to end your story on since it has plenty of ties to Arthas' past compared to other expansions after Cata.

I would go human DK but that's just me

I hate what thay are doing now with sylvanas like realy she is starting to dout her own axions if blizzard desaids to go with the 'redemption' story for sylvanas i will facking die by a coffiemug

I don't want to end the story at Legion, I want the story to END at some point xD Legion would seem like the best to end on. That being said, there are several things I want to... change... Originally, I planned to stick to WoW storyline while abandoning MLP storyline after season 3 ends, buuut maybe I'll make some alternations... that being said, the story is taking place on Equestria, not Azeroth, and it's not like there is a reliable way to cross between the two, so it's a moot point :derpytongue2:

I sincerely hope they are not going for redemption story with that evil b*tch. Out of ALL the characters... they could have a f***ing ARTHAS have a redemption story, but they'd go with Sylvanas? Hell, I would sooner see BLACKHAND have a redemption story (mentioning him for no particular reason, don't look too much into it :derpytongue2:) than her. If they go that way I might kill her off in Rebirth of the Damned just out of spite.
For the moment, I chose Sylvanas' reactions in the new patch trailer and her interactions with Anduin to be not precisely doubt but rather... what Anduin says in their last conversation, there was a part of her that wanted to see him give in, so she could be reassured that it was alright to give in to the Jailor. It is also possible that he reminds her of her younger brother, Sylvanas have been shown in the past to make mistakes when she'd get emotional over her past and family.
I guess we will get our answer with the next patch, when she'll be the final boss of the new raid. With Kel'Thuzad being only second-to-last, ugh...

World of Warcraft: Shadowlands expansion offers a thrilling adventure in the Warcraft universe. As a fan of WoW, I appreciate its immersive gameplay and rich storytelling. In modern gaming, WoW stands out for its vast world, diverse classes, and engaging multiplayer experience. Recently, I tried to buy wow gold from WoWVendor site, and it significantly improved my gameplay by providing resources for gear upgrades and progression. Moving forward, I plan to explore more of Shadowlands' content, participate in raids, and engage in PvP battles. WoW continues to captivate players with its endless possibilities and ever-evolving world.

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