• Member Since 11th Aug, 2015
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"Never let your fear of being criticized stop you from expressing yourself through art." ~Fluttershy.

More Blog Posts63

  • 63 weeks
    Status update

    I've been getting various comments on stories and in PM's from people asking me about the future of stories and whether or not I plan to update things or just generally what the heck is going on, since my stories haven't been updated in like... forever and a half.

    So, here's things as they stand.

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    9 comments · 732 views
  • 198 weeks
    Ah, if only...

    If only we lived like a hundred or so years in the future, where mankind finally invented devices to record our thoughts straight onto a computer.

    "But Aprion, you dastardly daydreaming villain, why do you wish this?" I hear you asking. I shall explain.

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    4 comments · 1,143 views
  • 203 weeks
    Evergreen Art

    Made this a while ago, figured i'd share it here. For the fans. I was originally planning to include it with the next chapter. But it might be a while yet before i can finish that one.

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    10 comments · 1,070 views
  • 207 weeks
    Happy Birthday to me.

    Happy birthday to me. :pinkiehappy:

    Another year closer to being old and decrepit. Maybe i should start looking into Necromancy. Being a lich can't be all that bad can it?

    8 comments · 305 views
  • 207 weeks
    Pony Life

    So....... yeah....

    I watched the first episodes of Pony Life. And just as I feared, this crap is just terrible. :pinkiesick:
    This is like Friendship is Magic as seen through the eyes of a five year old on crack. Or maybe some extremely bizarre Discord reality. :pinkiecrazy:

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    6 comments · 465 views

my thanks · 4:29am Jan 21st, 2019

Just wanted to say thank you to everyone who responded to my last blog entry, and this seemed quicker than writing a lot of individual messages. Even though it might not lessen the pain, its still comforting in a way, to know people care, or can somehow relate.

So again.. thank you.

Report Aprion · 487 views · Story: Evergreen Heart ·
Comments ( 9 )

What KHAAAAAAN! we say except... You're welcome...!

OMNI:In the end we all die,it's a part of life what you must do is accept that and move on.Don't be sad,mourn them yes but keep smiling for them do not think about how they are gone instead fixate your attention on how they lived.And above all realize and accept that life is not fair,the world will not stop for you,so you must not stop for it.

No worries mate, we're all here for ya.

I think it was maybe two weeks after my grandmother's funeral that I was still just walking around in a daze, going through the motions. I was sorting through some stuff when I found a copy i made of her recipe for snicker doodle cookies, and for no reason at all, I gathered the ingredients, and started making them. Halfway through I turned half around and almost said, "Grammy, can you hand me the mixing bowl?" Let us not forget she was almost three weeks dead and I was in my own apartment. That's what seemed to finally snap me out of it. She had never set foot in my apartment, and in truth, lacked a physical presence in most of my life. But that didn't make her any less a part of my life. Any less a part of me. So long as I remember, even death can't change that. I make those cookies for every potluck I go to. I have several co-workers that give me this stare around the holidays that I'm sure has made many a girl-scout break out in a cold sweat. And my little sister still has Grammy's cherry bar recipe. (Which she says we are all welcome to pry from her cold, dead fingers:applejackunsure:)

Just felt like sharing.

we'll always be here for you

I have to say, it's nice to know you have so many fans and friends that care about you, dude. And I'm right here with them. Take care, bro! :raritywink:

It's never easy, and it never hits less hard, but the feeling does blunt with time.
For some folks, it's a moment of clarity where it all suddenly changes, for others it's a long period that just slowly shifts until one day they realize it's alright to greet the day. Do what you need to. Connect with those who comfort and support you. Breathe and remember what you cherish about them and laugh quietly at all the little pointless things that you just plain HATED that now seem so trivial. Be alive and take the most important parts of them with you.

But most importantly, take care of yourself. If they meant enough to you that it hurts as much as it does, you know, deep down, that they wouldn't want you to let yourself go. Stay healthy. Stay as active as you can. Eat your meals and get your sleep and go out in the sun (yuck! Ignore the sun, It's a trap!).

My parents passed about a decade apart from one another, one expected and one out of the blue. Neither hurt more or less than the other, though the shock of the unexpected certainly hit hard. In both cases, my family kind of dropped the ball. And in both cases, it was a shock that the world didn't seem any less bright for their passing. Days passed and people went about with their lives, and all the while I kind of just... drifted. It took the holidays to bring that pain back up again in full force, and it took my brother being legally adopted by my stepmother (and myself being kicked out of my own home) before it really hit home that things weren't going to work out somehow.

But, life continued on, and in time, things did get better. My friends and family remember my folks fondly. We still joke around about things that we know they'd like and a few traditions continue on despite their absence. It's the little things that build you back up and I hope, against all the pain that you're going through right now, that those little things start to take root for you.


I’m very sorry you went through that stuff, and also that I didn’t see your blog post yesterday because of work. But just know that I’m along the other fans of your work in supporting you.

No problem bro. 👍

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