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Vivid Syntax

Convention Runner, Statistician, and lover of all things Soarburn

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Sensation Order Forms and Cover Art Preview · 4:28am Feb 12th, 2018

Hello, everyone!

It's finally here: the order form for physical copies of "Sensation!" Thanks to everyone for their patience, and without further ado,

Click here to be taken to the "Sensation" order form.

Note that this is for the NSFW version, so I'm selling only to readers age 18+.

Bonus: follow the the link and scroll to the bottom for a preview of the cover art by Stratus35. The final art will be cleaned up, but I'm so happy with the draft that I want to show you all right away.

Y'all are amazing, and I still can't believe this is happening. Take a look below for a few questions that I tried to anticipate.



1) How much is each book?

I'm doing a pay-what-you-want, with a minimum of $35 and a suggested price of $45. I'll send out invoices via PayPal on or around Saturday, March 10th when the form closes.

2) Why those numbers?

With the current quote, each book will cost about $38 to print (it's around 950 pages), and then I'll pay for shipping with USPS. For international shipping, it's going to vary by country, but I'm going to try to balance speed and price.

3) So… you could potentially lose money on each book sold? Why?

I quoted $35 when I first floated the idea, and I want to honor that. I'd rather lose a little cash and have someone get a book who otherwise wouldn't.

Any extra money from generous buyers will go to cover shipping costs.

4) When will the books be delivered?

I'm going to send the books out by the end of March, but hopefully I can get them out sooner. They will hopefully arrive in early April.

I generally check the order form once every week or two to see if there are any new orders, but I also check if someone lets me know they're ordering. When I get a new order, I send the invoice, and once that's paid, I usually ship within 2-3 days.

5) Didn't "Sensation" wrap up a couple months ago by now?

Yep! There are two big reasons for the delay: first, it takes a long, long time to edit a 400,000-word fic. I'm very grateful for my editors: WordGuru, AkatsukiBritt, Silly Duck, Zyrian, Wireframe, Rock, and Forrest. I'm also looking over it myself, and with the additional steps in producing the book, it's a much bigger process than I was ready for.

Second, I'm scared. I've never done anything like this before, and I'm worried that by the time I'm done, everyone will have moved on. I can't tell you how much I appreciate you taking a look at my story, and I hope that the final product will make you smile.

6) How long will the form be open?

I'm taking orders through Saturday, March 10th.
I'm currently leaving the order form open indefinitely.

7) I have another question. How can I contact you?

The best way to contact me is by emailing VividSyntax [at] gmail [dot] com.

Comments ( 29 )

I was about to get upset because I don't currently have a visa pre-paid gift card to pay for this. but then you said it was only for ages 18+. I would normally just say "fuck it" and buy it anyway, but I find that is the perfect excuse so I don't have to bother. (trying to buy all physical printings that get done is hard work when your family is really difficult with online purchases)

edit: I do like the look of the story though, so I might give it a read anyway at some point, just not in physical form unfortunately.

Looks like I'd better get a move on with the essay. I don't remember if this was brought up before, but I was thinking it could be included as an appendix or something if you'd be interested.

How long is the order form open for? Only circumstances have forced me to start moving plans earlier than expected and I really would like to get a copy, but money’s a bit tricky right now, especially since I live in the UK it means shipping is gonna be sky high..

Glad to purchase a copy! Fell in love with the Fic and it'll be fantastic to possess an physical copy. Can't wait! <3

And no better way to show appreciation for all your hard work!

That cover art looks really nice! How long will the order form be open? I was planning on finishing the story online this weekend. I prefer to have read the entire story before getting a physical copy.

Thanks for considering it! I hope you'll give the story a read sometime. I'd love to know what you think.

That might be interesting, though I'm leaning towards only putting my own writings in it. It might be a good foreword, though. How long do you think it will be?

Good question! I'll add it to the list. I plan on keeping the form open through Saturday, March 10th. If you are unable to pay now, I recommend filling out the form so I'll have an accurate count of how many I'll need, and I can always hold it for you for a while.

I can't wait to hold it, either. <3 And thank you! I'm so happy you enjoyed the story enough to grab a physical copy.

A new FAQ! :raritystarry: I'll keep it open through Saturday, March 10th, but I encourage people not to wait.

And I hope you enjoy the rest of the story. How far into it are you?

About five pages, maybe

Awesome! That should work for me.

I've read up through chapter 44. About 65k words left to go. Problem is I kinda want to finish it all in one go, so I need most of an afternoon or evening free to read. The past few weekends have been busy, but this weekend is completely open, so reading the last few chapters of this story is high on my list of things I want to do!

Let's chat about that. I'm kind of torn between leaving it all as my own work and including others', but the essay sounds cool. When do you think you'll finish it?

I can totally understand wanting to finish the last parts in one go. I hope you enjoy the rest of it, and as always, I love to hear what you think!

At this point, I don't know. I'm also at the same time rereading Sensation to pick up on things I've forgotten or missed. We should set up a time and place to meet soon to talk more.

Sure thing. Shoot me a PM with what your availability looks like for this week when you get a chance. Thanks!

Hello import tax. This will be one of those books that end up being $70 in the end or something. Oh well, that's what I get for wanting printed fictions I guess ($3 actual import tax and $15 "administration costs").

Quick question before I order: just how bad is shipping overseas (Netherlands, to be precise)? I don't mind waiting 2+ months for it, and I plan on dropping $50 for it anyway, but I've seen some crazy shipping prices in the past even on the cheaper options. I just don't want to force you into something like $25 shipping.

Hey there! Thanks for your interest, and sorry about the import fees. As for the price to ship to the Netherlands, I don't think it'll be more than $25 based on international shipping I've done before, and if that's the case, then that's okay. I'd rather take a slight hit and help someone get a copy. I can give you a better estimate once I have the proof and can weigh it.

Oh boi, took a while, but now I can have this alongside two fanmade comics I bought in the meantime.

Definitely gonna look into it, soon as I get some cash deposited.

Awesome! And if you need to delay payment or anything, let me know. I can be flexible.

Ohhhh my Gooooooood. A Soarburn fic in a physical copy?!?! Jesus H. Christ, I have to get this! I'll have money on Saturday I hope, if not, next thursday.

Awesome! If you wouldn't mind, could you please fill out the form now so that I can reserve one for you? I'll send out PayPal invoices on Saturday, March 10th, so you still have time to save up the cash for it.

Oh no! Yeah I just tried to, but currently I only own a 3DS and Xbox 360 as my internet capable devices, and tne 3ds browser can't seem to handle that form. I'll brb. I'm gonna try the 360. I was homeless, but nowadays I donate plasma for cash and have an apartment so I'll get 50$ on saturday don't worry. Stuff like Soarburn fanfiction in hard copies doesn't come by every day... seriously, I'll bet that's like a once or twice in a decade kind of thing, I need that more than I need a cell phone. You've no idea. I virtually never checked my fimfiction notifications over the last year or 2 so I had over 1500 and this is the one that caught my eye. I think I liked this back when it had just a few chapters or something. Anywho, omg, this is great! Woohoo, brb.

Hey G, sorry about that but it doesn't finesse on 360 either. I'll hit the form up tomorrow or saturday tomorrow for sure from the library and you'll have the dough whenever I get the invoice. Thanks homie! ~

No worries. I'm not in a super rush to get the cash, and the invoices aren't going out until next week, anyway. Besides, I'm also getting several extra copies printed in case people can't afford them right away.

Has the link changed at all since you first posted this? 'Cause I might have given bad information on it...

The link shouldn't have changed at all. If you want to check something, you can DM me the email address you used to order, and then I can show you the information I have associated with it.

Actually it should be alright, I just put some words into the "how much are you willing/wanting/whatevrthewordingwas money into this" but the numbers I put in should be met.

Perfect. Sounds good to me!

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