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Vivid Syntax

Convention Runner, Statistician, and lover of all things Soarburn

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Sensation - Interested in a Physical Copy? · 5:20am Oct 15th, 2017

Hey there, all,

By now, you might have read the end of "Sensation," and I hope you've enjoyed it. If not, read away!

I've been thinking for a long time about getting a physical copy made for myself (plus one to bury in the desert somewhere to confuse future archaeologists), but why stop there? A few readers have already mentioned that they'd be interested in getting a copy, too, and assuming I go through with it, I'd be more than happy to get some made for you all as well.

Would you be interested? If so, let me know in the comments below. You're not committing to anything at this point; I'm just trying to gauge interest.

In terms of cost, I'd try to keep it below $30. It'll end up being 1,000+ pages, and shipping will be a bit of a drag, but I realize not everyone has the funds for more. I might do a similar thing that I did with the Soarburn shirts: have a baseline asking price and give people the option to pay extra to help with shipping.

Expect a big, tearful message tomorrow about this whole experience, and until then, love each other, cherish each other, and may you find someone that's right for you. :heart:


Comments ( 35 )

I would be interested in a physical copy, but that would depend on the price.

Fuck yes! I would love a physical copy of this story! Go for it!

...please don't be too expensive...

Hell yes I'd love a physical copy.

I would love! love! love! to have a physical copy!

Depending on the price.

OH YES!! I'd love a physical copy if the price is reasonable.

Sounds good to me!

Do eet! I'd love to have a copy of this story!

Somewhat related, yet the idea of having an MLP M/M Romance novel on a relatively prominent bookshelf amuses me.

So much yes!. After Fallout Equestria and I'll always be therd for you I've grown quite fond of physical books to read through. Sensation is one that cannot be missed in my bookshelf ^^

Yeah I'd be interested in a physical copy, depending on price of course


Noted! :rainbowlaugh: I added a bit about the price above, since of course we need to be sensitive to that. Would $30 be reasonable for you guys?

Sorry. But thats a bit out of my price rang. Because we got shipping handeling tax etc. Beside poor student overhear.


Sign me up, even if it ends up slightly more. Sensation would be more than worth it ^^

I'd be interested! And that price seems reasonable.

Colour me an orange horse (meaning yes, i'm interested in that bag of hay, err book)

That's fine, but what would shipping to the UK be? I know from ordering FoE that it's not cheap... ^^

Totally on board with a physical copy!

Yeah, I guess that sounds reasonable enough, I'm only a tad apprehensive of the price but whatever works.

Be sure to bury that extra copy in a vaccum-sealed metal box, don't want it to rot before they get to it!

The price is totally reasonable to me:twilightsmile:

I am sooooo down for having a physical copy!!!!! And that is a very reasonable price

Having never done this, I don't know what the price would be, but I'd try to keep it reasonable (or supplement it with my own cash – to me, it's worth it if more people can have a copy).

I would definitely be interested.

Oh hell yeah I'd want a physical copy. Though if my other physical fanfic book is any I diction it'll be a late Christmas present if you did it any time after two weeks ago...

I would definitely enjoy having a physical copy. $30 also seems a reasonable estimate, and of course the price would fluctuate depending on b&w vs. color and hardcover vs paperback.

My goal would be the end of the year, but it might take a little longer than that. With Ciderfest coming up this weekend, I'm a bit tight on time, but I'll be diving into the physical copy shortly after that.

OMG!!! Absolutely yes! Though I’d imagine the international shipping may be a pinch but having read this all the way through it’d be nice to pull it out offline. That and I’d love to see the artwork for the cover too :twilightsmile:

Thanks for letting me know! I'll have to figure out international shipping, too, but I bet we can make it work.

That and I’d love to see the artwork for the cover too

Do you mean new artwork? I've been thinking about what I'd want it to be, and I'm open to suggestions.

I'd totally be up for a physical copy!

i know i'm a bit late to the party here, but a physical copy would be a great idea

as for cover art, if you wanna use art from this fic, here's a list of all the fanart i found:
Chapter 20 - Soarin throws a pillow at the razzo
Chapter 22 - pics from Las Pegasus. there are a lot
Chapter 29 - under the apple tree (aka story cover art)
Chapter 37 - Streak and Soarin in the restaurant
Chapter 38 - Soarburn hug (ft. earrings)
Chapter 41 - Soarin contemplates red flags while Brae sleeps on the couch
Chapter 43 - Soarburn mixed cutie mark; date at Sapphire Shores concert

Thanks! This is going to save me a bunch of time.


Sounds good to me!

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