• Member Since 28th Jan, 2012
  • offline last seen Mar 3rd, 2018

Cloudy Skies

Cloudy writes stories. Cloudy likes it when ponies like each other maybe a little too much and sometimes end up in love. Cloudy writes stories about these things, often.

More Blog Posts57

  • 327 weeks
    Longpost: What's Next? Also, To Perytonia Resources, Art, Thoughts

    To Perytonia ate a year and change of my life. Dramatic? Yes, dears, I am dramatic, and thank you for finally realising. I’d even add “and I wouldn’t have it any other way” because that's certainly true. However, instead of revelling in its completion and trying to drive hype, I've partially disappeared, so clearly it's complicated.

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    13 comments · 2,854 views
  • 329 weeks
    To Perytonia Completed

    The longest story I've written to date, To Perytonia, is complete.

    If you've been waiting for it to finish, and if you're in the mood for a grand, dramatic adventure to foreign shores, I invite you to give it a read. Bring plenty of food and drink, pack a blanket, and ask a friend or two to come with you. It's a doozy.

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  • 336 weeks
    Today and the Future

    This post features no spoilers of any kind.

    Everyone’s talking about S8 and movies and who knows what else. Goodness, I’ve not even watched S7 yet!

    And you know what, dear reader? I don’t think I ever will.

    This is not a protest against anything, I’m just observing a fact. At this moment I do not know that I will ever engage with the newer content.

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  • 341 weeks
    Pony Fan Fiction and Positivity

    Alternate titles: “The post wherein Cloudy justifies their tastes”, “let’s talk about positivity”, or “I’m not just gonna bash on sadfic, I promise!”

    (There are some words about To Perytonia at the end, hence the tag.)

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  • 345 weeks
    RariJack? RariJack.

    Shortfic is an art. An art I've never mastered.

    I understand that my latest story, To Perytonia, may be daunting to some/many/most because of its sheer length. Some are waiting for it to finish, some are simply put off by the prospect of a fic that, if printed, could be used as a coffee table.

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    9 comments · 978 views

Saturday. Fic goes up on Saturday. · 3:24pm Aug 24th, 2017

In two days I get to say words that I so love saying. I get to ask you to join me on a journey.

On Saturday the 26th of August, the prologue and the first chapter of this mammoth of a fic will go up. I'll repeat all the details on the post I make on Sat, and I've said some of this before: Expect one chapter every Tuesday, one chapter every Saturday. Expect chapters to average 10k words, but vary a fair bit.

For those who prefer to wait for fics to finish before they read them: Even at this high pace of posting 20k words per week, this story won't finish in 2017, so that's a thing.

As for what to expect? Well, I've worked on this for nearly nine months, and I've done precious few teasers, haven't I? Have a "teaser" in the form of cover art.

I've been wanting to do cover art myself for a very long time, and here we are. Go me.

I'll see you Saturday, when you, I, and three very close friends head to Perytonia together. Bring your own scarf and hoof ointment.

Report Cloudy Skies · 456 views ·
Comments ( 21 )
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I like how you're handling your canon -- " A season two story." Nice way to do it.

I'm so excited for this! And nicely done on the cover art!

Another fic from THE Cloudy Skies? Yes please. :twilightsmile:

4646509 I thought it sounded nice, thanks! But rest assured, it's 200% motivated by nervousness, defensiveness, and an impending fear that the only thing worse than no one liking it for this reason is that someone will feel betrayed by going into the story expecting something it is not.

4646513 Thank you! It was a bit of a... whatever the minor version of a "dream come true" is, I guess? I tried to Git Gud at arting years ago, and while I'll never be as good as I wish (that's the nature of self-improvement), it's a milestone! I hope you like the story, too.

4646534 Pff, I don't know what a "the" in front of my name would even suggest, but hey, I really hope you enjoy the story when I publish it! Am very nervous, and it's a busy year for me, so I hope I can keep on top of peoples' impressions and reactions to it.

I'm quite looking forward to this classic pony goodness.

This is pretty awesome and I love the art! Can't remember now if this goes into OT3 or not, but it'll be good regardless.

Perytonia? Is it full of carnivorous bird-deer?

Anyway, I'm sure I'll enjoy reading it.


So it's the 'road trip' brand of adventure, then? Exactly what I was hoping for. Can't wait to get started.

this story won't finish in 2017

You're saying it like it's a lot of time :twilightsmile: I think I can wait year or so, I've done that before :pinkiecrazy: What really matters that it will be finished some day and your work is totally worth waiting :heart:

4646560 I usually try to avoid nostalgia, but hopefully this story comes across as very aware of the period it tries to represent. I'm not "against" the new seasons really, but it's full title includes "A Season Two Story". Well. Not the title as released, but, uh. You know what I mean. Classic good. yes.

4646619 I don't think I even said anything about whether it's a normal ship or a three-way, actually. I don't know whether that is a spoiler or information people usually want before they read a story, actually, huh.

4646624 Maybe! Maybe not! I am aware of what comes up when one googles "peryton", I will say that. Otoh, most people are actually not aware that they are kind of a thing. And I do mean "kind of".

4646631 Not entirely inaccurate. At least, I won't dispel you of that notion!
(You know me well enough at this point, I think. I generally don't try to surprise people. It's an adventure fic, with all that entails!)

4646635 To clarify: I have all the chapters written. The speed of release means that it will finish at some point in 2018, and I even know the exact date. There's no ambiguity or uncertainty, I just mention it because while I respect that some people want to wait 'till it's done, this is probably the kind of fic where reading as it's published may work to the reader's advantage, that's all! A lot of people had positive experiences doing that with other adventure fics, I believe!

well, I just enjoy reading everything at once :twilightblush: It's easier to me don't touch a story at all instead of wondering what will happen next. When I read something I can almost see the world created from words, and it's kind of annoying to 'stop' in the middle of it. Like your favourite movie suddenly stopped after first 30min and will continue only tomorrow. So naturally I try to avoid 'wait for update' part and even now I have few stories in my library which I check every few months for updates/complete status.

I just realised I kind of wrote a lot trying to explain things :facehoof: In conclusion I'd like to say I really appreciate your work here on FF (Lost and Found is a masterpiece), and no matter how you decide to release I'll sit and wait for that mystical world to be completed. Every story is a world of it's own and it comes to life with a power of imagination

My personal 'achievement' was reading devouring whole Savage Skies ( ~1.5mil words) in 4 days :twilightoops:

I suspect 'adult fans of MLP' and 'players of D&D' overlap, though. Certainly that's how I'm familiar with the beasts.

Woooooooooooooooooooo! :yay: I can't wait!

Also, the cover art is beautiful! Grats.

Looking forward to it! :twilightsmile:

Oh frabjous day! Calooh! Callay!

4646805 Oh, I get that, absolutely, and I have nothing but respect for it if that's your preference, it's just a warning about the length. I fully understand why people have these preferences, I just personally appreciate lengthening a long burn.

Thank you so much for the kind words though, and I'm anxious to hear what you think, sometime in 2018, hah. (And darn, I thought I was fast having devoured LotR in four days at the age of 13 myself).

4646943 Ah yes, the D&D peryton. I keep forgetting that's a thing! It's interesting because it's not necessarily concordant with the confused myths elsewhere, but that's the fun with peryton: there's no super-authoritative source anywhere anyway!

4647070 Aw, thank you so much! I hope it's worth the wait!

4647230 And I! Until, you know, I realise I've forgotten something important, or the story fails to gain any traction, or... or—

Okay. Breathe.

4647251 Prepare your burbling noises, this fic will whiff past you before you know it!

I just logged back on for the first time in months and boy is this a nice little surprise to return to!

If there is a monster, there's probably a Dungeons and Dragons version that's not perfectly concordant with pre-existing stories.

Oh my god I'm so excited :twilightsmile: Can't believe it's been nine months!

4648022 No pressure, right? Just gotta type up this release post and we're going!

4648278 I can. Oh goodness, can I ever, hah. I really hope you like it.

Having just come off of a binge and not being sure what day it is, I probably shouldn't jump straight onto another "Rainbow Dash goes on a million-word epic quest" story.


*jumps on*

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