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Two facts according to the internet. 1. Your mother is the largest object in the known universe. 2. Despite fact 1, everyone still slept with her for some reason.

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Guilt of a Phantom. · 4:53pm Jun 9th, 2017

Okay, I’ve got some news.

I understand that you all are eagerly waiting, almost impatiently in some cases, for the next update to my fic. Now, over these last several years that I’ve written this story, a lot of things happened to this fic. Some good, some bad. A lot of things I didn’t even expect. And to think it all started with a silly day dream I had after reading another Danny Phantom fic, named Fantasma.

Now, you might wonder where I’m going with this blog, but bear with me for a bit.

So, there I was, just some ordinary guy having some silly fantasy about ghosts and ponies. And at one point I thought, screw it, I’m writing this shit down. There was not much of a plan. Just some random ass idea I wrote down in poor English. Then, the impossible happened. You guys actually liked it. I was shocked, amazed, and, as I soon figured out, overwhelmed. As I said, there wasn’t much of a plan, just a thought I played with. And at first, that was just what I used when I wrote the next chapters. Cramping them out as fast as I could in a squatting position, after drinking a full bottle of laxatives. But it was soon after that a serious problem made itself aware to me. Mainly, as I said, I had no plan. And this is something which has haunted me for far too long.

Now, back when I first started this fic, I just wrote down the first thing that came to me, and somehow spun it in a story. But, as should be obvious, this also resulted in me making a lot of mistakes. Some small, some big... and then there are those which have been staring me in the face, pointing their finger at me, and laughing like Nelson.

Now, though, years later, I have a solid plan with where I want to take this story. And with it, the responsibility to take on these glaring errors, and kick them half-way to the moon.

So, since the last update of GoaP, and SS, I have spend most of the time rewriting, editing, and fixing the first several chapters, which I’ve send to my editors not too long ago.

Now, about these mistakes. Just how bad were they? Well, it depends. There are just the simple punctuation mistakes; wrongly capitalized words, or just awkward writing. Things like that. As for the big mistakes... well, like I said, I wrote things down without much of a plan. Take this, as example, copied directly from the chapter, A fresh Start:

The guards at first thought that these weird beings weren't much of a threat, they beat them easily enough. But, when the tear opened again the following day, they were in for a big shock. Heavily armored humans with strange devices on them, and large, heavy and menacingly looking vehicles were standing on the other side. All of them came through to rescue the humans that came through the previous day. This time the guards didn't stand a chance. It only took a short hour before the last of the guards was captured and interrogated. It was here that both Celestia and Luna came forth, trying to stop the hostility, and negotiate the release of their ponies in exchange for their own kind, as long as they wouldn't invade their world. The shock on both Luna's and Celestia's face was massive when they learned that the invading force was nothing more than a small group of civilians, coming through to find out what this weird phenomenon was. They immediately ordered the release of their captives, and apologized to the commanding officer of the human army.

Now, this scene is from a flash back Celestia has, about when she first encountered us humans. Nothing too weird about this, until you take in account the moment in time this happened. Luna is still trapped in the moon when this happened, something which was also established in The Baltimare Incident, yet here she is. Now, the way I see it, there are two possibilities as to how this can be. One, Luna took a short break from being Nightmare Moon, stopped by for some tea, and joined her sister when the first tear formed and humanity made an appearance. Or, even less likely, I screwed up. Take your pick.

So, there you have one example of a rather prominent mistake, which I let be for far too long. There are some others, but I'm not going to list them all. Of course, having spend all this time fixing my older work, obviously I didn't do much on the next chapter. And speaking off new chapters, The Baltimare Incident has gone far too long without an update to speak off. The reason for this... well. Strong Will.

Who? That annoying guard we've met in the Crystal Empire, and who was less than impressive with how he acted around Twilight and her friends. Of course his personality was meant to be like this. He was meant to be such an annoying prick, because of the back story which I planned to reveal in TBI. The first chapter, A day in the Life of a Royal Guard, was supposed to be a two parter. However, the first chapter was already difficult for me to write, but things got even more difficult during the continuation. Strong Will was meant to be annoying, but I overestimated just how much he would even affect me. So, I guess this can be considered a success. Or perhaps a failure, depending how you look at it. Regardless, because of this, I simply couldn't get myself to work on the second part, and instead just ended up procrastinating, or just work on my other fics; continuously ignoring this fic because of it. Well, no more. I have made a decision. I'm going to drop the second chapter, and just continue with the main story about Pinkie Pie, Maud, their grandmother, Scootaloo's parents, AJ's folks, and Rainbow's dad. Oh, right, there is also Soarin, and all the others.... Dang, what have I gotten myself into?

Now, this won't mean you can expect a new chapter within the next few days, but this does mean things are moving back on track, and a lot of improvement in general has, and will be made.

So, in short. I wrote a story without a plan, and made a lot of crappy mistakes. The kind of crap which runs down your pants. Now though, it's much better. Don't get me wrong here, it's still crap, but a lot more solid.

So, there you have it. Several weeks gone by, and all you've got is a blog telling you there won't be a new chapter for, possibly, several more weeks to come. Yes, I know. Pitchforks and torches, right?

... I'll just let myself out.

Report Powerdrainer · 578 views · Story: Guilt of a Phantom ·
Comments ( 2 )

Long hiatuses are a common occurrence among fan fiction writers, it's nothing new. And to be honest, I'm kind of used to it by now for you.

that just mean that you care about your world, like any autor should
so yea take your time
tell us your story
i will wait like many others

and tank you for keep your world alive

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