• Member Since 5th Jun, 2013
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I live for this! (Profile pic by Wrangle Wolfe)

More Blog Posts142

  • 18 weeks
    Tomb Kings Updated

    The second meetin gof Equestrians and Tomb Kings begins, but will it go smoothly?

    The next chapter is out now following a bit of a re-write, Thank you for your patience and I hope you enjoy it.

    2 comments · 81 views
  • 30 weeks

    Just posting an update regarding the next chapter of Tomb Kings.

    The chapter is currently half drafted but I'm afraid I stopped writing as both my grans have passed away in the last few months, and I lost my job so I've not been in the mood to write much as a consequence of it all.

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    3 comments · 144 views
  • 49 weeks
    I'm baaaack!

    With an update to Tomb Kings of Equestria, so enjoy!

    0 comments · 138 views
  • 58 weeks
    Family, Final Chapter

    That's right, the final chapter of my long running fic 'Family' is finally up after a long time of writing, doubting and general freaking out over if its good enough or not.

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    3 comments · 451 views
  • 72 weeks
    Family Updated once more!

    The penultimate, yes PENULTIMATE chapter of Family is up, I won;t lie, this took some work to draft, write, edit. alter, swap bits around and throughout the whole thing I;ve been plagued with self-doubt.

    BUT, its here, I'm happy with the result, and I hope you all are to.

    One more chapter to go...I'm going to miss this fic.

    1 comments · 230 views

Moving is so haaaaaaaard. Possible rant ahead. · 4:10pm Mar 21st, 2017

Moving is difficult, I get that, but when the house you are moving to also needs some work done it gets really difficult.

This house needed work done, and we are wondering if the previous owner might have been cheated a little. The kitchen was supposed to be some fancy brand. But it was just expensive looking doors on the husks of the last kitchen. Then there's the oven, which is smaller than the standard style, which made it more expensive.

The dining room had a 'wood panel' wall, which was actually wood flooring put on its side with a hole cut in for the sockets. The carpets are outdated and musky, there was a boiler in the kitchen and one of the bedrooms for some reason, and to top it off, the surveyor did not find the asbestos in the utility room.

It gets especially difficult when no one will listen to you regarding little things like, I don't know, putting up a shed in high winds! We had to take it down, (surprise surprise), and it didn't help that the thing had two missing brackets for the roof. That day was bad for me, in the end I walked away and went for a drive to calm down.

I know I'm focusing on me, but this thing is stressing everyone out no end. My brother and I typically deal with the physical stuff, stripping wallpaper, ripping up carpets etc, while my mum focuses on organising the builders and tradesmen. It isn't helped by the fact we have to be out of here before April, we cant move anything into the house until it's done.

*Deep breath*

Fiction updates may be delayed further while this is done, however I have started writing the next chapter of 'Family', I just cant say when it will be finished or published at this time.

Anyway, thanks for listening, hopefully this will be, more or less, smoother than the last move.

Comments ( 6 )

Aw damn man, asbestos is nasty stuff. How the hell did the guy overlook it!?

Damn, sounds like you're just all round having a rough go of it. But hang in there, it'll get better, and if you ever need a friendly ear, that's what we're here for.

All this sounds deliberate! Personally, I'd start talking to lawyers but that's me

Moving's always hard. Especially during the holidays when the movers aren't around to help. I'm pretty sure that asbestos shouldn't be hard to miss.

4466017 4466169 It was behind some plasterboard on the ceiling, but even then, you would think the guy who was paid to survey the building would have noticed it.

4466078 For us or the previous tenant?

4466042 Thanks, nice to know you guys are willing to listen. :pinkiehappy:

I've had two places inspected before I bought them, and in both cases the inspector completely overlooked extremely obvious problems. I'm starting to think the whole "inspection" requirement is a scam.

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