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Twelve More True Tales Of Interdimensional Travel · 1:39pm Feb 9th, 2017

Twelve More True Tales Of Interdimensional Travel

Today I am going to share some interesting true stories I found about interdimensional travel. You can read the first journal entry I posted on this subject here.

Throughout the ages there have been stories of strange people appearing out at sea or in random towns/ cities across the world. We may never know who these people are or where they came from. But one thing is for sure; their stories will continue to mystify the people who learn about them for years to come.

There are also stories of people who have somehow found themselves transported to another dimension and lived to tell the tale. This is a collection of true stories about interdimensional travelers of all sorts. They are stories that show us that planet earth is still a mysterious place and we still have a lot to learn about the multiple universes, alternate realities, alternate timelines, and dimensions around us.

So join me on this journey as I talk about twelve true tales of interdimensional travel. And if you know of any other true stories about interdimensional travel feel free to leave them in the comment section below.

First True Account: Markawasi Stone Forest

The Markawasi stone forest lies in the Andes Mountains in Lima, Peru. The stones are almost like sculptures, taking eerie shapes like human faces, but no one is sure how they formed. As if that isn’t spooky enough, the real mystery is the possibility of a dimensional door that is said to be located in the forest.

According to Dr. Raul Rios Centeno, an investigator of the unexplained in Lima, a patient came to see him about her extreme case of hemiplegia, a disorder that results in a complete loss of motor function in half of the body. When he inquired about the woman’s condition, she revealed that she had been camping with friends in the Markawasi. According to the patient, they had gone out exploring late in the night and happened upon a torch-lit stone cabin filled with dancing revelers in 17th-century attire. The woman said she felt an otherworldly pull toward the cabin, but she was yanked away by one of her friends before she could fully enter. The incident left the side of her body that had entered the cabin paralyzed.

Her test results revealed no discernible cause for her paralysis. Centeno believes the woman experienced a dimensional shift, producing a change in her nervous system’s energy flow. Many natives as well as scholars believe that a dimensional doorway exists in the stone forest of Markawasi, which the woman and her friends may have unknowingly crossed. Hemiplegia may not be a great consolation prize, but had she not been pulled away, the woman may have been lost forever.

Second True Account: Shadow People

According to Albert Einstein, there are four dimensions, three of space and one of time, with the special property of the ability to bend light. Stephen Hawking furthered this theory by questioning the possibility of many more dimensions existing in the realm of our universe. However, according to Hawking, matter and light are confined to the “membrane” of the dimension, making interdimensional travel impossible. Because space-time has the ability to bend light, however, there exists the possibility that we can see the shadows of people and even galaxies from other dimensions in our own, and they ours.

Supposed encounters with these “shadow people” are common in North America. One tale describes a woman’s meeting with the mysterious entities as a little girl while living in Dorchester, Massachusetts during the mid-1990s. During her first night sleeping in a new room, she claims to have seen a tall and unnatural shadow on the wall. To her surprise, the shadow stepped off the wall and glided around the room, wearing what appeared to be glasses.

She saw three more of these shadow people near her closet. She eventually realized a large shadow was slowly enveloping the entire room, leaving her in pitch darkness before she leaped from her bed to take comfort in her grandparents’ room. She believes that what she encountered that night were dimensional travelers, who most likely saw her as a shadow person.

Third True Account: The Man From Taured

On a seemingly normal day in 1954, a seemingly normal man allegedly flew into Tokyo, but upon landing at the Tokyo International Airport, his seemingly normal trip had taken a very drastic turn for the weird. When he handed over his passport to be stamped, the man was immediately interrogated as to the whereabouts of his origins. It wasn’t a case of racial profiling: While his passport looked authentic, it listed a country no one had ever heard of called Taured.

The mystery man claimed his country was located between France and Spain, but when he was asked to point it out on a map, he pointed to the Principality of Andorra. Insisting he had never heard of Andorra and that Taured had existed for 1,000 years, he claimed that he was in Japan on business, something he had been doing for the past five years. His passport seemed to back up his story, as it was covered in previous customs and visa stamps, and he carried with him legal currency from several European countries. He even had a driver’s license issued by the mysterious country and a checkbook containing checks from an unknown bank.

After more interrogation and confusion for both parties, the traveler was sent to a nearby hotel until an official decision could be reached. There, two immigration officials stood outside the hotel door until morning. It was then that they discovered the mystery man had vanished without a trace, which was troubling, since the only possible exit was a window with no ledge 15 stories above a busy street. The Tokyo police department conducted an extensive search but continually came up empty-handed. Hopefully, if he really was from a parallel Earth, he was able to find a way back to the comforts of his home in Taured.

Fourth True Account: Hey, The Beatles Are Still Together!

While many have attempted to recreate the famous stylings of The Beatles, none have been able to match Fab Four’s unique vibe that made them so revolutionary. But you don’t have to feel bad if you missed out on the ’60s—all you have to do is take a trip to an alternate universe where John Lennon and George Harrison never died and the group is still making music.

On September 9, 2009 at around 2PM, a man from Livermore, California named James Richards claims that he had been driving home with his dog after visiting a friend. On the way he had decided to take a detour through a scenic drive in an area called Del Puerto Canyon, just west of the town of Turlock. As they meandered through the rugged landscape, Richards’ dog apparently started to whine to be let out of the car, as if she needed to relieve herself. He stopped the car to let her out to do her business, and at some point she apparently started chasing a rabbit out into the wilds. Richards claims to have given chase, and at some point he tripped on a rabbit hole and fell down, hitting his head and being knocked unconscious in the process. This is where things would take a turn for the decidedly bizarre.

Richards claims that he had awoken in a room with furniture and “some electronics” within it, and that there had been placed upon his head bandages put there by some unknown person. He was particularly startled by the sound of traffic outside, which in no way matched up to the secluded, quiet rural area in which he had been when he had fallen. In one corner of the room sat an unusual and sophisticated looking electronic machine the likes of which he had never seen and whose purpose he could not fathom. As he struggled to take in all of this new information, the door then opened and Richards’ dog purportedly ran in to give him a warm welcome, as if he had been gone for awhile. As Richards hugged and played with his beloved dog, still wondering just where in the world he was, he noticed a man standing in the doorway.

The stranger was described by Richards as being "about 6 ft tall, had medium long black hair and was dressed casually nice but gave me a 'greasy' vibe, if you know what I mean." The strange man introduced himself as Jonas, and claimed to have found the unconscious Richards lying in a field with his dog barking nearby. The weird thing was, according to Jonas, that field was only about 20 feet from the room they were now in, which was preposterous considering Richards had been in a totally uninhabited and remote area at the time.

When Richards objected to this idea and insisted that he had fallen and been knocked out in an area with no houses around, the mysterious Jonas gestured to the machine in the corner of the room and came up with a truly weird story indeed. He admitted that he was in fact an inter-dimensional traveler using his strange machine to jump about to parallel universes, and that he had by chance come across Richards laying unconscious upon the ground, alone and with nobody to help. Jonas claimed to have taken it upon himself to pull Richards into a portal back to his own dimension, something which he said he never normally did but had made an exception in this case. As the conversation dragged on, things would become weirder.

Jonas claimed that in his world, such inter-dimensional travel machines, or “Parallel Travel Machines,” as he liked to call them, were readily available, but that they were considered to be incredibly dangerous. He also explained that there was an infinite number of Earths, and that hopping about between them was a harrowing task at best, holding the risks of a portal opening from a large height, underwater, into fire, or countless other unpredictable factors. This had apparently ended up with the government coming up with a list of worlds that were considered safe for travel, many of which were sparsely inhabited, untouched by mankind. Jonas himself claimed to be involved with staking out new, uncharted worlds into which common people could travel without danger when he had come across the dimension in which he had found Richards lying upon the ground.

The fascinated Richards began a conversation with Jonas about all of the intricacies of the world he had come from, trying to come to an understanding of the similarities and differences between the two and covering a wide range of topics including food, pop culture, and technology. It was then that the topic turned to music, and when the great band The Beatles got brought up, Jonas said that his brother had just gotten back from their concert recently. When an incredulous Richards claimed that they had long ago broken up and that John and George had died, Jonas insisted that in his world they were still alive and well. As evidence, Jonas apparently guided Richards into a room with strangely designed speakers and a wealth of Beatles output that had never existed in the “real world” that he was familiar with. While many of the songs were the same, there were also some that had never been released or made in the world from which Richards had come from.

It all seemed to be bizarre but in good fun until Richards suggested that he take a recording from one of these never made Beatles songs back with him to his own dimension, to which Jonas took on a rather somber and sinister demeanor. He allegedly made it very clear that none of it was to go back, explaining: “No, you are not to take anything with you back to your world. No pictures, no souvenirs, no tapes, NOTHING.” Richards breathlessly agreed, but when Jonas was distracted by someone coming to visit he allegedly covertly stuffed one of the tapes into his pocket. When Jonas returned, they apparently had something to eat, with more differences between the realities making themselves known, such as purple ketchup and various foods with different names, and then Richards expressed his desire to be getting home.

They went back into the room with the machine and went through some sort of portal, and going through it purportedly had the sensation of "getting wet and staying dry at the same time," which seemingly freaked out the dog a great deal. When Richards returned, he found that there was a burn mark on the ground where the portal had appeared, and that the tape he had stolen would not play even when he bought a new tape player to play it. All he could ascertain was that the title of the album was "Everyday Chemistry." One wonders what was on that tape, or if any of this really happened at all.

Fifth True Account: Ong’s Hat

Ong’s Hat, New Jersey was founded sometime in the 19th century by a man named Ong after he threw his hat up in the air and lost it to a tree branch. (Or maybe it slipped into another dimension. Who knows?) By the 1920s, the city had become a ghost town, but Ong’s Hat wasn’t forgotten. On the contrary, the abandoned town became the topic for one of the earliest Internet-based conspiracy theories.

During the 1970s and ’80s, a new scientific paradigm called “chaos,” which is concerned with everyday experiences such as the sound of a fan or the buzzing of a computer, began to gain popularity. Two chaos scientists named Frank and Althea Dobbs developed a theory that consciousness could be modeled as its own universe, and if one could master one’s own “mind map,” the ability to control the chaos and possibly travel to other dimensions would be achieved.

According to a long-debunked hoax pamphlet, three other chaos scientists joined the Dobbses in founding the underground Institute of Chaos Studies in Ong’s Hat, New Jersey. It was here that they discovered the “gate” to alternate dimensions by putting scientists in a modified sensory deprivation chamber called “the egg.”

Allegedly, they succeeded and mastered the science of interdimensional travel. On their explorations, they discovered a world that never developed human life but sustained plant life and water, which is where the chaos scientists were said to reside ever since.

Sixth True Account: Crosswalk to Another Dimension

Tim’s most powerful experience is a really strange one, and if it hadn't happened to two friends at the same time, he might even doubt it himself, now. The three of them (Tim and his two friends) were walking through London, from Camden Town down toward Mornington Crescent. They stopped to wait at a pedestrian crossing for the lights to change -- the unusual plain green silhouette of a man walking for go, and plain red silhouette of a man standing for don't go, in case yours are different.

As usual, when waiting for the lights to change, the three friends all watched them impatiently. Eventually they changed, and the young men started crossing, keeping an eye on them to make sure that they had time to make it across comfortably -- some of those crossings in London are a bit rough.

About half way across the road, there was -- quite literally -- a ripple in reality, a brief flash of disturbance. Tim looked up, and the lights had changed again... but not back to red. Suddenly, the plain green guy was wearing flares and glasses, had long, flowing hair cascading out behind him, and was surrounded by stars. Astonished, the group of friends stopped and exchanged glances. One of the others said "Did you...?"; The two others replied "Yes" before he could finish the sentence.

Not wanting to get killed by oncoming traffic, they finished crossing the road, and then waited, looking nervously at the lights, for them to go red again. Sure enough, the red guy had changed too. He was now carrying a briefcase, smoking a pipe (with wisps of smoke rising), wearing a little homburg hat, and he had big brogues on his feet.

They stared at the lights for a while, but eventually continued on, feeling very confused.

Tim mentioned this to a friend a couple of days later. She told him that she'd seen an article in the press talking about how the council had changed the plates over on the signs, to mourn the death of a singer who had been famous in the sixties and who had lived on that street. She promised to bring him the article to have a look at, the next time they met (which was once a fortnight, at a regular social gathering).

The council changing the plates makes sense; they most certainly didn't change them in less than the blink of an eye, though.

Tim went back a few days later to look at the lights more closely. The construction was standard -- they were just normal plates of black-dyed glass, based on the original template of the walk/go men, but with extra details etched out on top of them to provide the outfits. The plates were bolted in, and took up the entire casing; there was no mechanism by which they could have slid down in front of the other plates, or anything similar.

To be absolutely sure, he hung around looking at them from a cafe across the road for about an hour, but they stayed changed.

A week after that, Tim went back again for another look, to get a sketch. The lights were back to being perfectly normal.

A couple of days later it was time for the meeting with the girl again. When Tim spoke to the girl who had known about the singer, she looked at him blankly -- neither she nor anyone else had any memory of Tim mentioning the changing lights, singers or Camden before; no knowledge of any article; nothing at all about any commemorations.

It still feels like to Tim like he had a brief swap into a closely-aligned parallel dimension.

Seventh True Account: The Day the Creek Disappeared

Along with her family, Anita experienced what she believe to be two alternate reality-type space-time slips. It took place on a never-to-be-found-again Oregon beachfront. The second occurred in southern Utah near a high mountain stretch known as Duck Creek.

After Anita’s husband's untimely death from kidney cancer in 1992, she relocated her family from eastern Oregon to New Harmony, Utah. This tiny little burg is just 15 miles south of Cedar City and 30 miles north of the state's banana belt, St. George.

And how Anita loved her years there. To the west was the great Pine Mountain and to the east the western rim of Zion National Park, where the massive Navajo sandstone formations known as Kolob's Fingers burn red in the evening sun. Surrounded by national parks, Anita and the kids could jump in the car with a picnic lunch and within 60 minutes be settled at any number of incredible sites: red cliffs, turquoise lake waters, in a stand of aspens, at Cedar Breaks, or along the shores of Duck Creek on Cedar Mountain.

One of the family’s favorite picnic treks was just off of Highway 14 heading up Cedar Mountain, east of Cedar City. Between Cedar City and Duck Creek (at the crest of Highway 14), there is exactly one road that heads north off of 14. It will eventually take you to Panguitch Lake.

Anita and her children enjoyed exploring along this road, and a few miles from the Highway 14 intersection, would often stop at a creek at the foot of a hilltop clothed in aspen. There was a metal plaque mounted next to the creek near the road, sharing a brief history of the area.

Over the years, Anita and her family spent many a summer afternoon, blanket spread out next to the creek, picnic basket filled with oven-fried chicken, homemade brownies, potato salad, and soft drinks. They’d hike up to the aspens, swish bare feet in the ice-cold creek, and just plain enjoy the solitude, soft breezes, and sunshine of their special spot on Cedar Mountain.

The summer before Anita left Utah to teach in the Alaskan bush (June 1998), friends from Juneau came to visit. One afternoon Anita loaded up the car with kids, her out-of-state friends and her trusty old picnic basket to explore Cedar Mountain.

Before hiking Cedar Breaks and sloshing in Duck Creek, the group planned on eating their lunch along that little creek off of Highway 14. But that's when things got strange. Anita couldn't find it. The group spent 90 minutes driving up and down the length of that northerly road three times and could not find the creek. The hilltop aspen grove was there, but the little bridge crossing the creek, the post-mounted plaque, and that bloomin' creek were nowhere to be found!

They finally settled for eating a belated lunch at Duck Creek. Anita was flabbergasted at their inability to find the creek! To date, Anita and her family have not been back up Cedar Mountain to have another shot at locating it; the next year they moved to Alaska where Anita completed her full-time teaching career in 2011.

But one day Anita will definitely travel back up Highway 14 east of Cedar City, and try to determine which reality is currently intact - the one with the creek or the one without it. By the way, Anita has photos of herself, her children, and the family’s remarkable old hybrid wolf, sitting smack dab along the rims of the creek as proof that it was indeed there!

Eighth True Account: Dimension Shift in Tacoma

Gary was walking in downtown Tacoma, Washington one evening around 9:00 o'clock. He was on his way to meet a friend at a certain intersection. The year was 1976. He was enlisted in the U.S. Army and was stationed at Fort Lewis. He remembers that it was the month of April. As Gary was walking, he started wondering what time it was. So he looked around for the nearest store where he could find out the time. He looked across the street and there was a walk-in movie theater. He figured that was as good a place as any.

Then the weirdest thing happened. Gary started to cross the street...and the next thing he knew his vision was clearing up and he was standing in front of the ticket counter inside the theater lobby! He had a ferocious headache and his legs felt very unsteady. He recovered a little, but that headache was something else. He bowed and started rubbing his forehead. After a minute or so, he heard a gasp. He looked up and there was a pretty girl on the other side of the counter with a surprised look on her face.

She asked him how he got in! With the throbbing pain in his head, he looked at her and didn't know how to answer her. Gary was confused. He started to walk toward the counter and she backed away. Now she had a scared look on her face. She asked him again how he got in. Gary looked up at the wall behind her. There was a clock hanging there. He started to mutter, "What time is it?" She then told him that he had better leave or she would call the police.

He felt so weird; it was hard to explain. He felt like he had broken through into a territory he didn't recognize. Gary stood there for a few minutes. That's when the girl went into the back room. He could hear her talking to someone. He turned around and started to walk toward the entrance. That's when a big guy came out of the back room, walked around the counter and before Gary could say anything, grabbed him by the arm, pulled him toward the entry way, unlocked the door and shoved him outside. The man told Gary to get out of there and went back inside.

Gary still couldn't figure out what was going on. He stood there outside of the theater looking around and rubbing his head. Then it dawned on him. The time on the clock had read past midnight! He looked back at the theater. It had the "CLOSED" sign on the front door! The girl and the guy were still there looking at him. Then the big guy opened the door again and warned Gary that if I didn't leave that instant he was going to kick him in the butt. So Gary started to walk away, still confused, and as he was walking he heard the guy say, "I don't know how you got inside with the door being locked, but you better not come back!"

The headache eventually went away and Gary never did meet with his friend. It was too late. He had heard of incidents like this happening before. All he could say was, that his experience was very weird!

Ninth True Account: Dimensional Shift on the Hutchinson

This happened in 1986 in New York on the road between White Plains and the Throgs Neck Bridge. Kathleen was travelling the road one afternoon on her way home from White Plains to Bayside, Queens. The journey required her to travel the Hutchinson River Parkway, pay a 25-cent toll, and cross the Throgs Neck Bridge.

The road before the entrance to the Hutchinson River Parkway was confusing. It was easy to miss the exit. Kathleen remember nervously looking at the 25 cents on the tray of her Volvo, wishing the toll would come sooner than it did so she could be on her way.

That is when she missed the exit. She travelled about half a mile beyond it, and then in a panic, she decided to back up on the highway and see if she could get the exit after all. She backed up with oncoming traffic behind her, swerving the car to the shoulder to make the exit amid beeping and skidding, but she attained the exit with no damage.

Just as Kathleen reached the Hutchinson River Parkway and got on it, she heard the siren.

It was a highway patrol car coming after her. She figured that the police officer had witnessed her crazy driving move.

As Kathleen pulled over, she looked in the rear view mirror. The policeman that was getting out of the patrol car was the scariest one she had ever seen. Never mind the boots and the hat and the sunglasses, he just looked completely mean. She looked down at her lap and said out loud, "Dear God, I'd rather be anywhere but here."

She went into her pocketbook to get her license, and when she looked up, she and her car were sitting on the side of the entrance to the Throgs Neck Bridge -- well beyond the Hutchinson River Parkway, which she hadn't driven yet. The 25 cent toll was still on the tray in her car.

Kathleen had this funny feeling that she was frozen and she did feel stiff, so she flexed her wrists, rubbed her eyes and looked again. She was still on the entrance to the bridge -- a good 20 miles beyond the Hutchinson River Parkway. In order for this to happen, she and her car would have had to have been lifted in the air and placed back down 20 miles up the road.

After sitting for about 20 minutes in shock, Kathleen put the car in gear and drove over the bridge. Just beyond the bridge was her neighborhood. Kathleen always wondered what the cop saw. Did he see her vanish? Did it just "un-happen" for him? She will never know.

Tenth True Account: Dimensional Shifts in Yorkshire

Mandy lives in an area in England (Yorkshire) which is rural but still close to urban areas. Sometimes she and her husband hop in their car and go to the farm shop for their veggies, salad and meat. In order to get to the farm shop, they have to go through her sister's village and past her house, which is set next to a church.

During the late summer of 2007, Mandy and her husband decided to go and get some shopping done. The air quality that day did seem rather different than usual in that it seemed quite thick -- enough for them to each comment that people with asthma might find it difficult to breathe. It wasn't particularly hot, just atmospheric (for wont of a better description). It is instinct for the two to look at her sister's house as they go past to see if they can see Mandy’s sister or her brother-in-law in the garden.

On the way back from the shop, Mandy and her husband had a very strange experience. They travelled along in silence. They didn't even have the radio on, which was unusual for them, but they were happy just thinking about nothing. Mandy was looking out of the window to her left, ready to wave if she saw her sister or brother-in-law. Suddenly, she felt strange inside; a weird feeling difficult to explain. A sort of whooshing sensation was speeding through her body. At the same time as this strange feeling, she noticed with panic that the road they were travelling on had slightly changed. It looked very similar, but the worst thing was that her sister's house was completely missing and the terraced houses that usually surrounded it had taken on a small but significantly different appearance!

Now all of this happened in a flash as they were still travelling in the car at normal speed, only it felt as though they were going at a hundred miles an hour for that split second. As they got past where the house should be, Mandy screamed out in panic for her husband to stop the car. At the exact same time, her husband shouted at her, "Mandy, where has Chris and Alex's house gone? My god, what has just happened?"

He slammed the brakes on and pulled over into the side. As they looked back, they could see the road had returned to normal and the house was back in place. Gobsmacked, they just stared at each other, thinking, "What the hell had just taken place?" Individually without realizing it, they had just had the exact same experience at the exact same time.

It felt to them both as if they had just taken a sneaky look at another dimension. The time period had felt the same to them and the road was the same, it had just taken on a slightly different appearance. They felt excited to have had this experience as they are both quite skeptical about such things. It was extraordinary and remains unforgotten.

Now the story deepens a bit. The two did not reveal to Mandy’s sister what had happened until the next day. Mandy’s sister Chris was shocked and then went on to inform them that on the evening of their event she and her husband Alex had invited some friends (a couple) to their house for a meal. The couple had been to their house many times. When the couple arrived for the meal, they told Alex and Chris that they had problems finding the house. Her husband had pulled up outside where the house should be and was told by his wife that "Alex and Chris don't live here."

"Don't be daft," said her husband. "The house should be here. What has happened?" So they drove off in a very confused state back up the road. When they came back down again, the house had reappeared!

All of this had occurred on the same day. The couple nor Mandy’s sister and husband knew nothing of their story at this time. To further add to the mystery, Chris had seen Mandy and her husband go past in the car earlier that day and she had seen the couple pull up outside and drive off again!

Eleventh True Account: Disappearing Hole

Chis grew up in a house at the top of a street that dead ends along the Mulhollond Drive in Sherman Oaks, California. He spent many hours up the dirt fire road that lead up to Mulholland itself. Approaching a tiny street that shoots off of Mulholland there used to be (he’s not sure if it’s still like this) a plateau that appeared to be like any other in the area designed to hold a house. He really liked this area because of its isolation and slightly magical feel (his father told him that as a child he used to call it the "bat cave").

One day when Chris was around 10, he hiked up there. While he was exploring the area, he found a "hole" in the ground. This was a VERY strange hole. It was about 18-24 inches in diameter and appeared to be perfectly circular and vertical. The dirt in the general area is very loose, but when he touched the wall of this hole/shaft, it felt hardened. About a week later, this "hole" was gone. There was no trace of it at all; it was just gone. Like he had dreamed it. However Chris knows that he did not dream this. He remember dropping a rock into it to find out how deep it was and he never heard a sound of it hitting anything. Therefore, he got the impression it was extremely deep.

Twelfth True Account: Lagoon Mystery

On a hiking trip when he was 16, Jacob got separated from his group. He wandered around for hours looking for them. He came to the edge of a cliff overlooking a small lagoon. He attempted to yell for help when the edge he was standing on gave way.

As Jacob started to fall, the thought of his death began flowing through my mind. Before he reached the halfway point of his fall, he saw a strange shadow approach him out of the corner of his eye. The form of a black-haired woman appeared from the shadow dressed in what appeared to be animal hides. Her eyes were what Jacob noticed most, though. One a silvery blue, the other a glowing green.

She grabbed hold of him in her small but strong arms and their fall began to seemingly slow. They landed softly, almost like a feather, next to the small lagoon. Jacob asked her if she was an angel. She smiled at him and said no. All she told him was that this place belonged to her, then turned and walked into the shadows of the forest and disappeared.

Jacob shortly met up with his group and told them what had happened. They laughed at him and said no place like the lagoon was around here. They went home. Jacob returned the next weekend determined to find her. He retraced all of my steps. But the lagoon and the cliff were gone.


Original Source One: http://www.lolwot.com/10-strange-and-amazing-tales-of-interdimensional-travel/

Original Source Two: http://listverse.com/2014/05/05/10-creepy-tales-of-interdimensional-travel/

Original Source Three: https://www.buzzfeed.com/christopherhudspeth/9-eerie-stories-of-people-who-mayve-experienced-a-parallel-d?utm_term=.keXnwN5zp#.vf6gV0LRY

Original Source Four: http://psychicfocus.blogspot.com/2015/10/5-mysterious-travelers.html

Original Source Five: https://www.thoughtco.com/time-dimension-travel-missing-time-stories-2596697

Original Source Six: http://paranormal-phenomena-site.blogspot.com/2012/05/dimension-shifts-in-yorkshire.html

Original Source Seven: http://mysteriousuniverse.org/2016/10/bizarre-tales-of-real-inter-dimensional-travelers/

Comments ( 19 )

To the west was the great Pine Mountain and to the east the western rim of Zion National Park, where the massive Navajo sandstone formations known as Kolob's Fingers burn red in the evening sun. Surrounded by national parks, Anita and the kids could jump in the car with a picnic lunch and within 60 minutes be settled at any number of incredible sites: red cliffs, turquoise lake waters, in a stand of aspens, at Cedar Breaks, or along the shores of Duck Creek on Cedar Mountain.

Seems like a beatyfull place to live.

He remember dropping a rock into it to find out how deep it was and he never heard a sound of it hitting anything. Therefore, he got the impression it was extremely deep.

Maybe the hole was a portal.:rainbowderp:

Are you serious?

4415636 I was thinking the same thing about the hole story. It makes me wonder what would have happened if he stepped into the hole. Would he be transported to another dimension, planet, or parallel world? Or would he simply cease to exist? I guess we will never know for sure.

4415652 What do you mean?


Do you actually believe any of this?

4415672 I've actually had personal experience with time travel/ interdimensional travel. So it really wouldn't surprise me if people have gone through the same kinds of things. Some people might be exaggerating things. Some people might just trying to be getting attention. But in the case of these stories, based on what the people witnessed and how they described things, I really believe that they more than likely experienced these things. But hey who knows. In any case, I find it to be a very interesting subject, both because of my personal experiences, and just because it is interesting to learn about the paranormal. Which I guess just makes me a weirdo. But oh well. :P


I've actually had personal experience with time travel/ interdimensional travel.

Do you have any evidence?

4415674 Well I had witnesses in a few of these experiences. Like the experience I wrote about in my blog here: https://www.fimfiction.net/blog/618486/my-true-paranormal-experiences-the-disappearing-store

Here are some other blogs I have written about time travel/ interdimensional travel experiences I have personally experienced. There are other ones too but these are the blogs I have posted at the time.

My mandala effect experience: https://www.fimfiction.net/blog/705200/my-personal-experiences-with-the-mandela-effect

Time travel-ish thing: https://www.fimfiction.net/blog/675193/my-true-paranormal-experiences-seeing-through-a-glass-darkly

Growing up in haunted house: https://www.fimfiction.net/blog/674887/my-true-paranormal-experiences-i-grew-up-in-a-haunted-house

May have taken me a long time. But this was definitely worth the read

4429831 Cool! I am glad that you you enjoyed reading the different stories. :)


Thanks once again for making this blog! ^_^

4433232 You are very welcome. :)


I see you've made new ones as well.

4438140 I've made lots of blogs on the subjects of interdimensional travel and time travel. :)


Indeed. Looks like I have some things to catch up on.

4443465 I hope that you will enjoy reading them. :)

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