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My True Paranormal Experiences: Seeing Through A Glass Darkly · 6:42pm Sep 21st, 2016

Seeing Through A Glass Darkly

One of the more interesting time travel stories I had was meeting an older version of myself in this forest outside of a house I used to live in that was haunted. You can learn more about my experiences living in that haunted house by clicking this link here. The older version of myself told me a lot of stuff that ended up becoming true later on, but the weird thing was that I appeared to be different, like almost a ghost or translucent (time distortion?) so when I was younger I thought it was my imagination or that maybe I was talking to a celestial being of some sort, but for whatever reason I was guided by this older version of myself for a while through my childhood. And then I recalled having dreams later in my life about talking to my younger self, so it was like my older dream self was communicating with my younger self. It has given me a lot of insight into the power of dreams and how you might actually be transported to different places in the world, other dimensions, or even moments in time, when you are asleep.

Comments ( 23 )

Your childhood was so interesting. I wish mine was the same (but I don't regret growing up watching Digimon. I would take that show over paranormal experiences anytime! :rainbowwild:).

4220376 I loved Digimon. It was a great show. I also really loved watching these shows called Monster Rancher, Street Sharks, and Mummies Alive. They are kind of underground but I enjoyed watching them a lot.


It was a great show

It's STILL a great show. No, I'm not talking about the new seasons, I'm talking about Digimon Adventure Tri.

4220382 I think the whole brand is great. I've also played the Digimon games. Monster Rancher was an anime as well, and had a very successful game line. I played pretty much all of the Digimon and Monster Rancher games. I preferred them in many ways to the Pokemon games. But I still liked playing those game as well.

4220384 It's pretty amazing how Digimon came out after Pokemon, had a similar name, yet it managed to be a distinct show that rivaled Pokemon in quality.

4220388 The funny thing is that when I first saw Digmon come out I was kind of mad because I thought it was copying Pokemon. But after watching the show, I ended up liking it a lot better than the Pokemon television show. lol

4220392 Many people were like you. Many people also say that Digimon is more mature and dark than Pokemon, which is most likely true (I didn't watch a lot of Pokemon, but from what I've watched, I can tell that Digimon is darker).

4220394 Pokemon does have its dark themes, but these are usually saved for the feature films as opposed to the actual show, whereas Digmon has dark elements in both the show and movies.

4220399 Yeah, and let's not forget DEM FEELS! I recall the first season of Digimon having a lot of tragic and emotional moments, and the music that plays in these moments is an all time favorite of mine :pinkiesad2:

4220412 That is did. I remember being surprised as a kid at how emotional I was getting over a show. lol

If I could talk to my younger self. I would tell myself to not act so ridiculous. And to not run into a window and cut up both my arms in the process.

4223396 Those would definitely be useful things to tell to your younger self. :rainbowkiss:


YES. Yes they would. I would also tell myself not to nearly drown in the swimming pool, TWICE. And to become a brony MUCH earlier.

4223691 Drowning is no fun. :( I've had some experiences with that as well. Sorry you had to go through that.


Oh that's just in the pool. I also almost drowned in a lake and twice in the ocean. Yeah, somehow I'm not afraid of water.

4224132 Wow. That's a lot of times of almost drowning. :0

4225190 It sounds like it. :O


Maybe it's mad I drank so much of it X3

4225743 Lol That's one way of looking at it. :P

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