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My True Paranormal Experiences: I Grew Up In A Haunted House · 2:23pm Sep 20th, 2016

I Grew Up In A Haunted House

A more accurate title for this story would probably be that I grew up in a few different haunted houses. Even now we have an entity in our kitchen who we jokingly call the Fridge Ghost as it likes to hang out by the fridge and occasionally open it in the middle of the night.

But for this post I am going to talk about a house I lived in until middle school. It is located on a street called Cherry, which my friends and I always joked about for obvious reasons. However, nothing about the feeling I had when I lived in that house with my family was anything to joke about.

My friends never wanted to spend the night at the house I grew up in. All of them had the same bad feeling staying there; this sinking feeling that formed in the pit of their stomachs before something would happen. And unusual things enviably would, more often than not, happen.

Doors would regularly open and close on their own. This was something that I chalked up to the tilt in the foundation; at least at first. But when you hear doors (cabinets, doors leading into the house, essentially any door) slam in the middle of the night, you start to question if it is just regular house noises.

The windows would open and shut on their own as well, which is a little harder to pin on a shifting foundation. There were a couple times that the televisions would turn on and off on their own. Sometimes, the volume on the television sets would go up and down on its own as well. And there were other times that channels would show up on the television sets that I have never seen except for on those sets.

I could probably blame the odd television behavior on magnetism, or the fact that both television sets were quite old. However, the strange things I would see on those off channels through the static are enough to convince me that there might have been something else going on there.

I would often hear noises in the vents like things were crawling around in them. Sometimes it sounded like bodies were being dragged through the ventilation shafts. Sometimes I would hear scratching on the walls, or the windows, or other out of the ordinary sounds like footsteps on the floor.

My mom used to tell me that it was little woodland creatures who got into the insides of the walls. But I never saw these animals. The closest I came to seeing anything close to that was one family of skunks we found living under our porch. But after moving them out safely to the woods, we never saw any other animals that could account for making the types of noises I was hearing.

Sometimes I heard whispering, other times I heard yelling (like a faint cry through the walls). There were other times I would find weird yellow liquid on the walls, or other similar substances. My mom used to say it was mold and not to touch it until she could clean it up. But it didn't look like mold to me. It didn't look like any of those substances could be made by anything living.

I would also see ghostly figures wandering through the house. When I was young, I used to talk in great detail with what I think was a child, female entity. It was more like a one way conversation with the entity although sometimes it would answer in its own way. I wrote an essay about my friendship with that ghost for one of my classes later on and submitted it as fiction so the teacher wouldn't think I was crazy. But the truth is that my friendship with that ghost and some of the other presences was real.

Of course, there was the typical haunting stuff too, like objects being thrown, pulled, or just simply going missing all together. I used to joke with my mom that the wall trolls or house gnomes had made off with our stuff to which she would just roll her eyes.

When my mom started seeing some strange entities peering at us through the windows or as we were sleeping, she started to take my stories more seriously. She won't agree with everything I've claimed to see in that house, but she will definitely admit that there were presences that would appear.

I often saw toys come to life including a doll my aunt had brought me back from Russia. I had a dream that the doll was trying to kill me by choking me to death. When I woke up the doll was sleeping next to me in my bed. No one had ever moved it there that night. I ended up blessing the doll and throwing it away. To this day I don't like dolls and will not sleep in the same room with one.

I remember that the landlord who lived in the house next door was always asking us how things were going in the house. My mom told me to keep quiet about the things we saw because the rent was cheap and she didn't want to upset her. But even though I never got any direct answers from the landlord, I could see by her behavior that she must know something was wrong with the house.

Perhaps the strangest thing was that the house didn’t particularly have a dark past or a history attached to it that would make it stand out as a hub for spiritual activity. The landlord was cranky and her attitude could have contributed to the overall negative vibe. But other than that we never knew what in particular made the house haunted.

I didn't exclusively see evil entities in the house either. Like I said, I made some friendships with the ghosts, and I even saw other entities like what I can only describe as being little people, and entities that looked like what people say greys look like, but they were not aliens. This leads me to believe that the house was built on top of some leyline or portal that opened up into other realms. Maybe a more accurate title would be that my house was a gateway.

I am not sorry that I had the experience that I did. In fact, I think it broadened my horizons and showed me from an early age that there is more to the world than what we can physically see. I will always think of the friendships I formed with ghosts and other entities fondly. For some people, my experience might have a rational explanation and that is fine. I have always had an open mind and am happy to listen to many sides of an argument. But for me, the experiences I had in this house growing up were tangible and not just the imagination of an elementary school kid. They are something that has colored my view of this beautiful and mysterious world and has opened my eyes to all kind of realms of possibility.

Comments ( 21 )

4219032 It as an interesting experience for sure.

You've seen some shit in your life, that's for sure :pinkiegasp:


I've never had any paranormal experiences before. I don't know if I should be envious or glad that I haven't

4219124 I have indeed. ;)

4219249 I've seen a bunch of paranormal stuff for whatever reason. Some of it has actually been pretty cool, such as seeing certain types of cryptids and other supernatural beings. Some stuff has been creepy, like encountering malicious spirits and energies. In any case, I am glad that I have had these experiences because they opened up my mind to all sorts of realms of possibility. They taught me to have an open mind about everything I encounter out there in the world. And that is a very special gift in itself.


you truly have had unique encounters. I wonder how many more are yet to come

4219316 I am trying to share as many as I can remember each day. I am going to share another one tomorrow. :)


These tales of yourself are quite intriguing. I can't wait for the next one

4219371 Hurray! Well I will be posting a lot more. So be sure to look for them. XD


Don't worry, I've been keeping better tabs on my feed X3

I started going through your blogs randomly, it's a thing I do. And I can safely say after reading this that I'ma have nightmares tonight. I have a small interest in the paranormal but I have been told to never delve directly into it for fear of letting something in, or bringing harm to my dear ones. I can see shapes of spirits, my mother is a Wicca and she can sense spirits, my sister too. I am very cautious with spirits and the paranormal. Especially since I became aware of people haunting's (haunted people are in situations worse than people living in a haunted house), so I'm just over cautious. :twilightsheepish:

However, it was interesting to read this blog. :twilightsmile:

4228911 I've always had some various spiritual gifts like seeing the past, future, being able to see/ talk to spirits, etc. since an early age. This comes with being an Indigo, Starseed, Rainbow, Crystal, etc. Individual. So I can relate to what you are talking about. I am also somewhat of a paranormal magnet because of this and have had all sorts of paranormal experiences as a result.

I am trying to write about them all and collect them into sort of a short book sized manuscript that I eventually want to read on YouTube. Although some people will probably think I'm crazy. :P

On the other hand, other people might be able to relate and take comfort in knowing that they are not alone in seeing paranormal stuff or having paranormal experiences. So it's something I want to do at some point down the road.

4229041 Well hey, I say go for it. :derpytongue2: You're not crazy, open minded people will take the time to hear you, while believers will take what you say to heart, and your fellow psychics will relate. It's an awesome idea. :pinkiehappy:

I don't think you're crazy, though I think you should also be careful in places where spiritual and negative energy is strongest. I do not doubt you with your experience and how long you've had your ability. Basically just be safe, and strong willed. :twilightsmile:

4229058 I have a lot of experience dealing with both good and dark entities. So I am able to discern between negative and positive energies. I also have a lot of experience binding dark energies and sending them back to their origin. I am glad that I have these abilities/ this spiritual knowledge because I've been able to help a lot of people get rid of negative energies/ paranormal presences that they were troubled with over the years.

I personally choose to only communicate with good spiritual presences and paranormal entities because I don't trust the ones that give me a bad feeling. And as soon as I come into contact with those presences I take the necessary steps to get rid of them.

I've built a bunch of crystal grids around my house which help to keep the good energy in and for the most part keep the bad energy out. So I don't deal with a lot of dark or evil presences anymore. Although sometimes a few will slip through the cracks. And in that case I just find them and expell them.

4229090 You're the G.I. Jane of the paranormal by the sounds of it. I'm sorry if I sounded presumptuous of your ability. I hope everything stays positive and well for you. And again, I hope everything works out for you and your mother. :twilightsmile:

4229112 That's an interesting comparison. :P

Thank you for your kind and encouraging words. They mean a lot to me. :) And just keep sending lots of prayer and positive energy our way.

Came looking for this just to read up on it again. Now I'm creeped out like crazy. :applejackconfused: I love hearing about these paranormal experiences, though I pick the worst times to read up on them. :rainbowlaugh:

4928486 I am sorry. I didn't mean to creep out. T^T Thank you for reading my true experience though. Many hugs and snuggles to you. :heart:

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