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Ten More Amazing True Tales Of Time Travel · 7:10pm Feb 1st, 2017

Ten More Amazing True Tales Of Time Travel

In this journal entry I will talk about ten more true instances of time travel that have occurred throughout history. You can read the first journal entry I posted on this subject here. You can read the second article I posted on the subject here. You can read the third article I posted on the subject here.

Some have occurred fairly recently and others are cases that took place long ago. But they are all interesting and make you wonder about the circumstances that led these people to travel back or forward in time.

If you happen to know of any true time travel cases, feel free to share them in the comment section below. I always like learning about new things concerning the paranormal.

First True Account: Blip in Time

This incident happened to Glenn when he was a university student in Nova Scotia, Canada in about 1991. He decided to take the express bus to his home town one night to visit his parents for the weekend. He sat at the back of the bus and there was nobody around him, but there was a family sitting behind the driver in the front. The bus ride was uneventful until it came close to his parents’ home town.

Glenn was looking out the window and he looked at the Michelin tire factory as they went by it going uphill. When the bus reached the top of the hill, he got a strange feeling and for some unknown reason he started to imagine many people on the bus laughing at him!

Right then, there was a blip in reality and the bus was suddenly about a mile back on the highway! Glenn at that moment had the experience of watching the bus drive by the tire factory again! This kind of scared him and he noticed that the family sitting in the front, who were talking loudly before, were now dead quiet.

Glenn approached the bus driver when the bus reached its destination and told him what had happened. The bus driver looked really nervous and he said something like, "Things like that happen." Glenn had experienced a distortion in time and space.

Second True Account: A Brief Leap in Time

The bus driver was right, apparently. Things like that do happen. Just ask Sue, who in the autumn of 1994 was driving with her boyfriend Jim to their home in Fallbrook, California when they might have narrowly escaped a larger rift in time.

There are two roads into Fallbrook, says Sue, from the north and from the south. We approached from the south heading north on Mission Rd., which is a four-mile, curvy, two-lane road. It was a Friday evening and I blurted out how weird it was that we hadn't passed any cars in the opposite direction since our turn onto Mission Rd. Fallbrook is a small town, but this was a very well-traveled road.

I knew it was 6:24 because I had just looked at the big amber display on the stereo when all of a sudden the car died, the pedal went hard and the lights went off. I remember feeling confused, thinking that we ran out of gas, yet knowing that we had plenty of fuel. We coasted off to a dirt turnout immediately ahead. Jim asked what happened and I had no answer, but I felt like I had just dozed off or had gone through Jell-O or...I don't know what.

I put it in gear, Jim jumped out, came around to my side and opened the door. I jumped into the passenger seat, he got in, cranked it over and vroooom! Off we went. As we pulled away I felt irritated, a little nervous, but sure something really weird had just happened. Then I glanced at the clock on the stereo again. It was 6:36 p.m. Twelve minutes had passed when, being generous, the whole incident couldn't have taken more than ninety seconds, max.

Third True Account: He Got There Before He Arrived

We are used to time progressing in a linear fashion, one event leading to another. Strangely, it doesn't always work like that. Consider the experience of Eula White in rural Alabama when she was a young girl in the 1920s.

In those days, Eula says, rural Alabama was still kind of backward. Little electricity, and horses and wagons the only transportation for many farm folk.

I remember it was a bright summer day. Early that morning the other women and I had gathered on the front porch of the Hawkins' farmhouse to shell quite a few bushels of peas and beans.

About mid-afternoon we were still on the porch shelling peas. We looked up and saw Mr. Hawkins approaching the house.

Thrown across the saddle in front of him was a large white, cloth sack of flour, and cradled in his left arm was a brown bag of other groceries. We watched as he rode up to the gate, and he stopped there, waiting for someone to open it. One of the boys ran to the gate and opened it. Then, in full view of all of us women and children, Mr. Hawkins vanished! He just disappeared, instantly!

We sat there for a second or so, just astonished. Then, terrified, we began screaming. After a few minutes, we calmed down, but were still shaking and confused. We just didn't know what to do. So after a while we went back to shelling peas. Mrs. Hawkins made one the boys close the gate.

About a half hour later, we looked up and again saw Mr. Hawkins riding toward the house with that same white sack of flour across the saddle in front of him and that same brown bag of groceries in his left hand.

Again he rode up to the gate without a sound and stopped. None of us had the nerve to open the gate. We were all just too afraid to move. We just sat there staring at him, waiting to see what would happen next. Finally, to our relief, Mr. Hawkins spoke: ‘Well, is someone going to open the gate for me?’ Mr. Hawkins got there before he arrived.

Fourth True Account: Instant Replay

A similar replay of time happened to Ryan Bratton at the age of eight. It was an otherwise ordinary day for him and his friend as they were sitting in his yard while other kids rode their bikes up and down a driveway.

A car came down the road and stopped at a house, Ryan remembers. A kid got out and ran inside making noises that kids around his age make. Then a girl rode her bike down the driveway.

A couple of minutes after this happened, the SAME car went down the road, stopped at the house, and the SAME kid got out of the car and ran inside screaming the EXACT things he had been saying. Then the girl went down the hill on her bike AGAIN. I looked over to my friend and he said he had no idea what had just happened.

Fifth True Account: Journey to the Past

The most amazing experiences of slips in time, perhaps, are those in which people actually see, hear and even interact with other people and things that seem to have been in another space and time.

John was a six-year-old in Stoke-on-Trent, England when his brush with the past occurred. He was on his way to school with his friend when they stopped to watch some builders working on some new houses.

As they approached the site, they noticed an old cottage nearby. An old lady came out and offered John and his friend some lemonade, and they went into her house.

After leaving the cottage, they continued on to school, only to discover that it was almost 4 o'clock and school was just closing. They had left home at 1:30 p.m. on a journey that should have taken about 20 minutes!

The next day, John and his friend took the same route to school, but to their amazement there was no sign of any cottage or the old lady they had seen the previous day.

The only explanation seems to be that John and his friend experienced some sort of time slip in which for a few hours they were transported back to an earlier time when indeed a cottage and its occupant did exist on that land.

Sixth True Account: A Futuristic City

As strange as it was, it may be easier to understand John’s experience with something that has already taken place than it is to comprehend Daisy’s encounter with a place that doesn't yet exist and may not for centuries.

Daisy and her friend Rick were driving to another friend’s house in September of 2004 in Rick's beat up old truck.

Suddenly, the truck's engine died and Rick and Daisy were stranded on a deserted highway in the middle of the night. They were surrounded on both sides of the road by cornfields that stretched into the distance.

Rick began a desperate effort to restart the truck, but nothing seemed to work.

The two decided to walk to the nearest town about two miles away to find a payphone to call their friend. They walked for what seemed like hours and the town was nowhere in sight.

However, just when desperation was about to grip them, they saw a light, a gloriously bright light, shining over the steep hill ahead of them. They ran up the hill that blocked them from the light and were flabbergasted by what they saw. Just over the hill, Rick and Daisy saw what could only be described as a futuristic city with lights streaming out of every window of the massive, metallic towers. In the middle of the futuristic city was a huge silver dome.

Daisy stared at the city, stunned, until Rick elbowed her, which pulled her out of her trance and he pointed to the sky. Hovering above the city were hundreds of hovercraft. One flew toward them with amazing speed.

Rick and Daisy were so scared that they took off running back to the broken down truck. They never looked back, but they felt someone watching them the whole way. When they got back to the truck, it started without difficulty. Rick and Daisy took off as fast as they could in the opposite direction. They never went back to the location after the encounter or spoke of it with people they weren’t comfortable sharing their story with again.

Seventh True Account: Baby Monitor Time Warp

As usual, the long work day was coming to an end and Sheri was dutifully putting the last load of laundered clothes away in her master bedroom when she heard a ruckus on the baby monitor just a few feet away from her. She thought that it was strange when she knew her husband and toddler were both in the living room. Her husband was quietly watching the evening news as her two-year-old drifted silently off to sleep curled up in her husband's lap. The bedroom door was straight in front of her and she could see all the way down the hall to her husband and son in the Lazyboy chair as this ruckus over the monitor continued.

It didn't take long for Sheri to realize the sounds were very familiar. Earlier in the day, she was in her toddler's bedroom putting a load of folded clothes into the drawers. She picked up some stray toys and books that weren't being played with at the time. As she was doing so, she was telling her son about the story of "Jack and The Beanstalk" for the first time.

Now she stood in disbelief as she heard the drawers being pulled open and shut and the rustling of the toys and books being put into their proper places.

But she nearly fainted when she heard her son's voice over the monitor! She kept looking back and forth at her husband and now-sleeping son in the chair in the living room and the monitor sitting on her dresser that was literally replaying the specific events from earlier in the day!

The monitor was a standard baby monitor bought from Wal-Mart and was NOT a recorder. Instead, it monitored the sounds coming from the room as they were happening at the present time only. Sheri listened as her voice retold the story of "Jack and The Beanstalk" and listened with familiarity as her son responded in baby-talk to the tale he had never heard before. The incredible part was this all happened five hours earlier on the same day!

Sheri quickly called her husband into the room after witnessing the strange event. As he listened to the last part of the story with his wife’s voice coming through the monitor and their son’s coos and chuckles he couldn’t fathom what was going on. He stood stunned and turned his head to look at their sleeping son flopped peacefully over his shoulder. In shock, he asked, "How in the hell...?!" As his voice drifted off trying not to miss a thing. Sheri just stared at him in disbelief and they both just shook their heads.

Sheri claims that something like this had never happened to her before that day and nothing like it has happened since. It became pretty clear from the beginning that she and her husband were listening to some kind of warp in time. She never imagined in a million years that she would be a witness to it. Sheri admits that if it should happen to someone else, it is indeed, one of the most incredible moments someone can ever experience!

Eighth True Account: Church Apparition

This story took place several years ago, but Laurie and her husband Charlie have never been able to forget it. It keeps popping up at random, quiet times and makes them wonder what the hell really happened.

Laurie and her husband were considering moving further from the city than where they are now. They live about forty five minutes west of St. Louis, Missouri. They drove outside of Union, Missouri to a town called Rosebud, to look at a home that sat on some acres of land in the countryside.

After looking at the house, Laurie and Charlie decided to drive around the area to see what the neighborhood was like. This was a very rural area and the roads off hwy 50 were primarily gravel. They took one road after another and were pleasantly lost in the beautiful countryside.

The couple got on one little gravel road that was in bad shape so they had to go real slow to keep from sliding. They came upon a little abandoned church that was sitting right next to the road. The two crept by it in their car real slow so they could get a better look at it.

The windows were gone and there was no paint left. The bell tower was still there, but it no longer had a bell.

Both Laurie and Charlie could look right through the front windows to the windows on the other side. There were old pews still there, which surprised them. They would have thought that the pews would have been stolen long ago.

Neither of them said a word and just drove on in silence. Laurie was thinking what a crime it was to let such a neat old structure fall into ruin and assumed Charlie was thinking the same. Then Charlie turned to her and asked, "What do you think they were doing in there?" Laurie didn't understand what he meant and he continued, "...all those people."

Well, the gist of the story is that Laurie saw no one in the old structure but Charlie saw a church full of people just sitting in the pews looking ahead or with their heads down. After a couple minutes of bantering with each other, Laurie insisted that they turn around and have a second look.

They headed back and this is where it gets even weirder. There was no church. At first they thought that they had not gone far enough. Then they thought that they had gone too far. But no matter how many roads they drove down there was no church to be found! They eventually found the area where it should have been and there was just some old crumbling foundation on top of a patch of wild grass that looked like it had been there a long time.

The two of them talk about their strange experience now and then, but they still can't figure out a reasonable explanation for what took place on that day.

Ninth True Account: The Conversation That Never Was

At around 2:00 p.m. on an otherwise uneventful day, Jessica’s mother-in-law asked Jessica’s biological mother if she was going to go to the bus stop to pick up Jessica’s six-year-old, first-grade daughter Belinda, or if she wanted her to go while she stayed with Jessica’s four-year-old son Joseph, three-year-old son Jesse and her one-year-old daughter Cadence, who was napping. Jessica’s mother asked her mother-in-law to go ahead and pick up Belinda from school while she remained at home to help take care of the other children.

As Jessica’s mother-in-law was walking out the front door, Jessica went to the back part of the house to her bedroom. She heard her mother-in-law having a conversation with her mother, as if her mother had just arrived and was letting her know what was going on. She heard her mother's voice as clear as day, figuring that any minute her mom would make her way through the house to say hello.

But to Jessica’s surprise, that did not happen. So she decided to go say hello to her mother, looking for her, but she was nowhere to be found. Puzzled, Jessica decided that her mother must have gone to pick up her daughter with her mother-in-law to the bus stop. Waiting for them to return, she thought nothing of it.

Later on, Jessica’s mother-in-law and her daughter arrived home without her mother. So Jessica then asked where her mother was. Jessica’s mother-in-law said that her mother must be at home and mentioned that she had visited with her yesterday for most of the day, and that Jessica had missed her visit. Jessica asked her mother-in-law if she was talking to her mother before she left to pick up Belinda, and her mother-in-law said no. Apparently Jessica had somehow heard a conversation that had taken place between the two of them the day before!

Tenth True Account: The Delayed Message

In August, 1968, James was standing in the parlor of a house in South Jersey looking out the window when he heard a voice saying, "Hey, Jim. Hey Jim!"

James couldn't tell if it was male or female. He went outside on this dreary day to see who it was and saw nothing. The room had a strong smell of flowers.

That night James mentioned it to his wife at the time and she told him that she had experienced the exact same thing the day before, flowers and all. Not thinking too much of it, it was forgotten by the two of them in time.

About a month later, James did some painting for a guy who hired him and the man told him he would drop off a check for him later that evening. Sure enough, his employer came that night and James invited him in. After some conversation, his boss told James and his wife that he was in their house 18 years ago when his friend Jim Smith was laid out under the very window James and his wife experienced the voice and smell.

His boss went on to tell them about all the flowers that were present at Mr. Smith's funeral! Jim Smith was killed in an auto accident years before and he and his sister Mary were to move into the house on the day he died.

Though she was still alive at the time, it was said she called out to him, not knowing about the unfortunate accident. Did Jim and his wife both hear her message 18 years later?


Original Source One: https://www.thoughtco.com/time-dimension-travel-missing-time-stories-2596697

Comments ( 15 )

Einstein once said the only reason for time was so that not everything happens at once.

4406024 That's a great quote. And so true. :)


I'm glad you think so Lyra. And it does sort of fall onto the idea time is fragile

4407560 You are right. Time is indeed fragile. And this is why time distortions are pretty common. And why so many people experience time travel in various ways.


Time like every other fabric of reality will bunch and fold; the rifts and flaws in it are evident of that.

4409259 That's a great way of putting it! And it is very true. :)

This is exactly why I love your page.

(Also, cause ur friendly and nice and stuff. :P)

4411401 Awww thank you so much. I am happy that you do. :)


Glad you think so. And indeed :)

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