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Nine True Tales Of Time Travel · 4:31pm May 30th, 2016

Nine True Tales Of Time Travel

In this journal entry I will talk about nine true instances of time travel that have occurred throughout history. Some have occurred fairly recently and others are cases that took place long ago. But they are all interesting and make you wonder about the circumstances that led these people to travel back in time.

If you happen to know of any true time travel cases, feel free to share them in the comment section below. I always like learning about new things concerning the paranormal.

First True Account: Sir Victor Goddard Experiences A Time Sip

Sir Victor Goddard had a bizarre experience in 1935 over an airfield in Drem, Scotland.

He was flying to Edinburgh from Andover, England on one particular occasion that year. While on this perfectly ordinary flight, he passed over a dilapidated airfield in Drem, Scotland. This place had long been abandoned, to the point where foliage had overtaken most of the area and cattle had made themselves at home. That’s what Goddard saw as he flew over — a farm, with a whole lot of nothing going on.

So he continued on his way, until he reached his destination at Edinburgh.

A few days later, Goddard began his trip back to Andover. He took the same route, which would lead him once again over Drem, but before he could get there, he ran into a peculiar storm. Along with high winds and torrential rain, the storm clouds were yellow. It didn’t take long for Goddard to become disoriented and lose control of his plane.

He tried to regain control by climbing above the yellow clouds, but they seemed to have no end. His plane began to fall. Fortunately for him, that’s when something unexpected happened: the clouds broke, and he could see the ground again.

Off in the distance was the Drem airfield.

As he approached the airfield, hoping to reorient himself, suddenly the storm vanished and the sky turned bright and sunny. It stopped raining. Everything became clear. But something was different, this time.

The airfield at Drem was no longer abandoned. In fact, it looked good as new. He could see mechanics down below, and four planes, each painted yellow, sat on the runway.

One was a model he’d never seen before, a monoplane unlike anything in the Royal Air Force in 1935. The mechanics were wearing blue overalls as they worked on the yellow planes below. Goddard found this strange as RAF mechanics in 1935 wore brown overalls, not blue, and there were no yellow planes, to his knowledge.

Goddard didn’t have much time to think about it, though, because he was flying too quickly to truly understand what he was seeing. By the time he’d passed over the airfield, the storm had suddenly returned, and the bright sunshine dissolved into hard rain and those strange yellow clouds engulfed him once more. Once again, he found himself battling for control of his airplane. But this time he won, and was able to land safely at his home base.

When he finally landed, he couldn’t help but tell his friends what had happened. As you’d expect, he was met with skepticism, and afterward he mostly kept the story to himself. He didn’t want anyone to think he was crazy, after all. He’d later retell it (among other things) in his 1975 book Flight Towards Reality.

The final twist to this bizarre account was that in 1939, the vision that Sir Victor Goddard saw at the Drem airfield actually came to pass. The RAF began to paint their training planes yellow, and a new monoplane, the Magister, just like the one he witnessed in 1935, joined the roster.

By that year, even the mechanics’ overalls had been updated to blue. And, of course, the airfield at Drem had made a comeback.

Had Sir Victor Goddard truly experienced a time slip, or could there be another explanation for what happened that day in 1935? Was he an inadvertent time traveler or was something else going on? This is a mystery we may never have an answer to.

Article Reference: http://www.strangerdimensions.com/2015/02/25/sir-victor-goddards-time-slip-adventure/

Second True Account: The Abbeville, Louisiana Time Slip Incident

In the Spring 1988 issue of Strange Magazine, Ken Meaux shared a remarkable tale about a time slip incident that occurred on Highway 167 north of Abbeville, Louisiana.

It happened on October 20, 1969. A man, revealed by Meaux only as L.C., and his “business associate” Charlie, were driving down Highway 167 at about 1:30 in the afternoon. It was a cool but comfortable day, so they had their windows rolled down.

After driving for a while, they noticed a very old “turtle back” car traveling in the next lane over. They pulled up alongside of it, matching its speed. It was “mint,” they said, with an orange license plate dated 1940. They thought, perhaps, that it was off to a car show, or maybe it belonged to a collector.

What was truly strange, however, was that its driver — a young woman — also appeared vintage. She wore 1940s attire, and there was a child in the passenger seat. The child was also wearing 1940s clothing.

Their confusion turned to urgency when they realized the young woman was in distress. As Meaux described, “She appeared on the verge of tears.” This prompted L.C. to ask the woman, through her rolled up car window, if she needed help. She nodded yes. So he motioned her to pull over, and she nodded again. L.C. and Charlie then drove in front of her and pulled over to the side of the road.

But when they turned to look back at the woman and her old car, expecting her to pull up behind them, she had seemingly vanished. They were alone.

At that moment, another car pulled up behind L.C. and Charlie. Its driver jumped out, he panicked, asking what had just happened to the car in front of him. From his point of view, it had simply blinked out of existence!

After discussing what each had seen from his perspective, the three men walked the area for an hour. The third man, who was from out of state, insisted on reporting the incident to the police. He felt that it was a “missing person” situation and that they had been witnesses. L.C. and Charlie refused to do so as they had no idea where the woman and child along with the car had gone. They were missing alright, but no police on this plane of existence had the power to find them.

Article Reference: http://www.strangerdimensions.com/2014/10/15/abbeville-louisiana-time-slip-incident/

Third True Account: The Thompson Park Vortex

Thompson Park in Northern New York has its own story that seems to stand alone amongst the others. According to town legend and as reported on StrangeUSA.com, the park is home to a time vortex that can send people through space and time. There have been several reports and eyewitness accounts of people who have vanished and turned up later with no memory of the passage of time.

The park was developed in 1905, more than 100 years after the city of Watertown had been settled and nothing in its history can explain the appearance of this vortex of time and space. Yet, the story endures with endless rigor and new claims are recorded every year of the strange phenomenon and no one has ever been reported lost for more than a few minutes. Some people claim that they have been sent to other dimensions. Some claim that they have been sent through time. And there are legends of those who have disappeared completely never to return although the validity of these claims and has never been confirmed to be true.

Despite the tales of the vortex, thousands of families go to the park every year looking for a day to have cookouts, let their children play, and visit the small local zoo connected to the park in the summer while in the winter it becomes home to the sledding masses down its steep hills.

All though a very strange tale, the people of Watertown are undaunted by the lingering reports of the strange time shift and minor disappearances.

While this sounds like a fun urban legend, the city of Watertown has recently come out and acknowledged the strange tales. They've even put up a warning sign to help visitors remain cautious while in the vicinity of the "supernatural vortex".

If all of this wasn't weird enough for you, get this - the codename for Nevada's infamous Area 51? Watertown. Turns out that the head of the CIA, Allen Dulles, was a Watertown native. Just a strange coincidence or is there more to this bizarre connection? I'll leave that up to the reader to decide.

Article Reference: http://www.strangerdimensions.com/2013/11/18/town-erects-sign-commemorating-local-space-time-vortex/

Fourth True Account: China's Time Travel Tunnel

Some locals of GuiZhou Province, China claim that a 400-meter-long tunnel can distort time. Those who drive through the tunnel, located in Zunyi City’s Honghuagang District, find the time on their cell phones — and only their cell phones — inexplicably reversed by exactly one hour.

The tunnel was built years ago, but locals have only encountered its strange time travel side effects in the past year or so. Some think it’s caused by a distortion of the magnetic field. Others think it’s just simple interference or a problem with the cell towers. But that’s no fun, so many have started calling it China’s “time tunnel.”

Anyway, here’s how it goes: Enter the tunnel at 7:00 am and exit a mere five minutes later at 7:05 am. But when you exit the other side of the tunnel, your cell phone will read 6:05 am, one hour earlier. The phone will correct itself after a while, say a mile out of the tunnel, when it syncs back up to the actual time.

Since November 2012, reporters from the Chinese news outlet Gui Yang Evening News have apparently tested out China’s time travel tunnel on multiple occasions, using their own cell phones. They’ve found that the time reversal occurs 80% of the time. Tests from telecom operators haven’t detected anything abnormal, though.

Could this be nothing more than simple interference? A problematic cell tower? Or is something else to blame?

Perhaps China’s Time Travel Tunnel contains a warp in space-time, where the boundaries of the universe curl into themselves, allowing the cell phones — and only the cell phones — of unsuspecting commuters to briefly travel one hour into the past. With our limited understanding of the mechanics behind time travel, there is real no way to know the reason behind this strange occurrence. However, it is still fun to speculate just what might be going on in this tunnel at any given time of the day.

Article Reference: http://www.strangerdimensions.com/2013/06/23/chinas-time-travel-tunnel/

Fifth True Account: Time Distortion In The Otherworlds Of Ireland

They say time passes differently in the Otherworlds of Ireland.

These are the paradises that exist on Earth in Celtic mythology, inhabited by faeries, demons, spirits and other supernatural creatures, as well as the Tuatha De Danann.

They are said, perhaps, to exist underground, or on islands west of Ireland. Or maybe they’re all around us, inhabiting another dimension or plane of existence.

They have many names, as well: Tír na nÓg, the Land of the Ever-Young. Tir na mBeo, the Land of the Living. Mag Mell, the Delightful Plain. And then there’s Tech Duinn, not quite a paradise — the Celtic realm of the dead. But each are hidden, invisible to human detection.

However, lucky (or perhaps unlucky) humans have found their ways into the Otherworlds, through hills, faerie mounds and deep caverns, and often by invitation from mischievous faerie maidens.

Take, for example, the story of Oisin, the Irish poet.

One day, Oisin crossed paths with a fairy named Níamh Chinn Óir. She confessed her love, and together they ventured to Tír na nÓg. There, they had children, and for three hundred years they lived happily in that land of fruits, feasts, and enchantment.

But it had only felt like days.

Eventually, Oisin became homesick. Niamh, understanding his feelings, granted him her white horse, but cautioned him not to touch the ground.

So Oisin left Tír na nÓg, riding carefully on his horse, certain not to touch the ground as Niamh had warned. When he arrived home, however, everyone was gone. His friends. His family. His old home was abandoned, and the passing of three hundred years had left him nothing. His new life, then, was in the Otherworld.

Unfortunately, on his way back to Tír na nÓg, he accidently fell off his horse and touched the ground of Ireland. In that instant, all that time caught up with him, and he aged to his death.

It is said that Niamh, to this day, still wanders Ireland upon her white horse, searching for Oisin.

But she will never find him.

If a faerie invites you into the Otherworld, perhaps you should think twice…for you will be forever changed.

Coincidentally, the Otherworlds of Celtic mythology, including Tír na nÓg, are very similar to the concept of Shambhala and Agharta in Tibetan Buddhism — all places located on Earth, either beneath the surface or hidden away in an etheric plane, inaccessible to humans except under specific circumstances.

It’s curious how these myths and legends seem to overlap. Perhaps there is something to this whole interdimensional travel thing after all.

Article Reference: http://www.strangerdimensions.com/2013/01/25/the-otherworlds-of-ireland/

Sixth True Account: Time Travel While Asleep

Many people have claimed to travel through time or enter alternate realities while dreaming.

Spiritualists believe the soul travels to different realms or moments of history when people are asleep.

This can also happen during states of Lucid Dreaming, where the individual has the ability to control what they do in their dreams.

Whether or not people can actually journey across the multiple realities of existence while they are sleeping is still up for speculation. But it is something interesting to consider, especially after waking from a vivid dream where you really felt like you traveled to another place in the multiverse or specific moment in time.

Article Reference: http://www.strangerdimensions.com/2013/01/21/time-traveling-in-your-dreams/

Seventh True Account: Argentinian Highway Time Anomalies

A translated report was posted at Inexplicata of an alleged “time slip” incident on a segment of National Route No. 5 in Argentina.

Here’s an excerpt:

“Two young men whose duties cause them to travel National Route No. 5 on a regular basis between the communities of Catriló and Santa Rosa reported feeling “disoriented” during the trip on three separate occasions. After several minutes had elapsed, they noticed that they continued the trip without any further incident, but without any recollection of the distance they had already covered.

This occurred to them on three separate instances and at different times, both noon and sunset, without any apparent explanation. Joel, one of the protagonists of the strange story, told CEUFO that they were chatting normally at one point and suddenly became disoriented, having no idea of what happened to them, but upon reacting, they realized they had covered several kilometers without any memory of doing so.”

Apparently, this isn’t the first “time anomaly” that’s been reported on this stretch of road, and others who may have experienced such a phenomenon are asked to file a report with the Centro de Estudios OVNI de La Pampa (the Center of UFO Studies of La Pampa).

Article Reference: http://www.strangerdimensions.com/2012/12/12/after-dark-time-anomalies-reported-on-argentinian-highway/

Eighth True Account: The Vatican’s Time Machine

The Vatican is a sovereign city-state in Rome, Italy. It has its own government, led by the Pope and the Holy See, which represents and speaks for the entirety of the Roman Catholic Church. It also has its own small military force, called the Swiss Guard. Oh, and a time machine.

The 2002 book The Vatican’s New Mystery by Francois Brune contains the peculiar testament of Father Pellegrino Maria Ernetti.

According to Ernetti, long ago the Vatican commissioned the development of a strange machine: a large cabinet with a cathode ray tube, like a television set, and dozens of buttons, levers, and switches. Ernetti himself helped construct it, alongside scientists from around the world, including Enrico Fermi and, some say, Nikola Tesla.

But this wasn’t any old device. It was a time machine. But not in the traditional sense — they called it a chronovisor, a type of “time viewer.”

This machine would allow its user to view events throughout history, or even focus on specific people, to watch them through time.

“…it worked by receiving, decoding, and reproducing the electromagnetic radiation left behind from past events…”

Ernetti claimed to have, himself, used the chronovisor to observe the crucifixion of Christ.

* * *

There’s no particular reason to believe any of these claims. As popular as they are with conspiracy theorists, it’s even questionable how much power and control would be gained by simply viewing past events.

Article Reference: http://www.strangerdimensions.com/2012/10/22/the-vaticans-time-machine/

Ninth True Account: Evidence of Time Travel In A Chinese Tomb

In December 2008, Chinese archaeologists allegedly removed the opening of a giant coffin within what was believed to be an undisturbed, 400-year old Si Qing tomb in Shangsi County.

As they removed the soil around the coffin, however, they were shocked and amazed to find this: A small piece of metal shaped like a watch, with the time frozen at 10:06. “Swiss” was engraved on the back.

A Swiss Watch?

If the tomb was truly undisturbed for 400 years, what could explain the existence of this modern artifact? Only one thing: an absent-minded time traveler!

Article Reference: http://www.strangerdimensions.com/2012/03/22/are-these-images-proof-of-real-time-travel/

Comments ( 10 )

3983466 I've always found the subjects of time travel and interdimensional travel to be very interesting. Especially when you hear about the true accounts of people who supposedly crossed dimensions or went back in time. Or the times when people crossed over from another various times or dimensions and ended up into our plane of existence.

Question, though. i can sometimes see in the future, mainly when I dream. Is that a "time slip", too, or is it just a neat little 'power' I have?

3983482 If you are seeing the future while you dream as an outsider looking into a situation, then you probably have a form of precognition. I have also had dreams about the future that ended up happening in real life. This is a little different than going back in time or forward into the future when you sleep though. In those cases, your soul is removed from the body (so they say) and you are physically transported to another time. Some people who have been in a coma for years have claimed to have gone back or forward in time while they weren't in their bodies, or even to other realms of existence. It is a really interesting subject in itself.

3983481 Well that's a mouthful aint it? :rainbowlaugh:

It truly is amazing how little humanity knows about the universe.

3984068 Yes indeed. The universe is highly complex and there are always new things to learn. This is part of what makes life so interesting. There are many mysteries out there just waiting to be uncovered. Some will be solved. And others will remain a mystery. But they are fun to learn about whatever the results may be.


I once started delving into the calculations required for time travel and zero point energy. The conclusion I came to was that:


3984786 Sometimes things happen that are beyond explanation. And the more you think about them, the more confused you get.

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