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Nine Additional True Tales Of Time Travel · 6:13pm Jun 4th, 2016

Nine Additional True Tales Of Time Travel

In this journal entry I will talk about nine more true instances of time travel that have occurred throughout history. You can read the first journal entry I posted on this subject here. You can read the second article I posted on the subject here. Some have occurred fairly recently and others are cases that took place long ago. But they are all interesting and make you wonder about the circumstances that led these people to travel back in time.

If you happen to know of any true time travel cases, feel free to share them in the comment section below. I always like learning about new things concerning the paranormal.

First True Account: Time Traveler in a 1938 Film

In an excerpt from a historic video there is footage of a crowd of people exiting a DuPont factory in Massachusettsas sometime in 1938. In the video, one woman is clearly seen holding another cell phone up to her ear.

Here is a close up image of the woman in question.

Is this really a time traveler captured on film outside of the factory in 1938? Or is there some logical explanation for what is going on, as some skeptics have claimed? I will leave that for you to decide.

Article Reference: http://www.strangerdimensions.com/2012/03/22/are-these-images-proof-of-real-time-travel/

Second True Account: Compact Disc Case in the 1800s

Allegedly, there is a painting that was created sometime in the 1800s, that appears to be of a man holding what looks like a fancy CD box. At least, that’s what they say.

Here is a picture of the painting in question that has left many paranormal researchers and skeptics alike to scratch their heads.

The earliest form of plastic wasn’t invented until the mid-1800s, and (obviously) Compact Discs weren’t in use until the 1980s. Leaving us with a single conclusion: this box is no mere box, but rather the container for some kind of time-bending wormhole device.

Article Reference: http://www.strangerdimensions.com/2012/03/22/are-these-images-proof-of-real-time-travel/

Third True Account: Time Traveling Celebrities

Here’s a photograph of John Travolta just kind of hanging out there, back in the Victorian era. Nothing out of the ordinary, no, not at all. No big deal, time traveler, just keep breaking the rules.

Jay-Z, Nicholas Cage, Keanu Reeves — all celebrities who have no problem riding the timelines without a care in the world. If you want to see more photos of their temporal journeys and reckless disregard for the arrow of time, check out this article I found about the Top 5 Celebrity Time Travelers.

Article Reference: http://www.strangerdimensions.com/2012/03/22/are-these-images-proof-of-real-time-travel/

Fourth True Account: The Versailles Time-Slip

Time travel is usually the stuff of science fiction and fantasy, but if the account of two women in the first years of the 20th century is to be believed, then time travel is not only possible, but it can happen spontaneously and without warning.

In August of 1901, Charlotte Anne Moberly and Eleanor Jourdain decided to visit the Palace of Versailles in France. As they were not impressed with the palace after touring it, they decided to walk through the gardens to the Petit Trianon. On the way, however, they learned that they were closed to the public that day and, instead, decided to explore the grounds some more.

Soon, the two ladies were lost and, as they put it, overcome with a feeling of weariness and oppression. Soon, they began to notice things that were out of place -- dignified officials in three cornered hats, an old plough and farmhouse, and other people and things that appeared as through they belonged more in a wax museum than the streets of 20th century Paris.

Mrs. Jourdain wrote: "Everything suddenly looked unnatural, therefore unpleasant; even the trees seemed to become flat and lifeless, like wood worked in tapestry. There were no effects of light and shade, and no wind stirred the trees."

They reached the edge of a wood, close to the Temple de l'Amour, and came across a man seated beside a garden kiosk, wearing a cloak and large shady hat. According to Moberly, his appearance was "most repulsive... its expression odious. His complexion was dark and rough."

Jourdain noted "The man slowly turned his face, which was marked by smallpox; his complexion was very dark. The expression was evil and yet unseeing, and though I did not feel that he was looking particularly at us, I felt a repugnance to going past him.

A man later described as "tall... with large dark eyes, and crisp curling black hair under a large sombrero hat" came up to them, and showed them the way to the Petit Trianon.

After crossing a bridge, they reached the gardens in front of the palace, and Moberly noticed a lady sketching on the grass who looked at them. She later described what she saw in great detail: the lady was wearing a light summer dress, on her head was a shady white hat, and she had lots of fair hair. Moberly thought she was a tourist at first, but the dress appeared to be old-fashioned. Moberly came to believe that the lady was Marie Antoinette. Jourdain however did not see the lady.

After this, they were directed round to the entrance and joined a party of other visitors. The strange feelings and visions of the past had vanished.

It was many months before the women told of their strange encounters. Visiting Versailles sometime later, the women were not able to find the landmarks that they had noticed during the incident. During their research, they thought they recognized the man by the kiosk as the Comte de Vaudreuil, a friend of Marie Antoinette, who herself had been thought to have been seen by Moberly.

The two women eventually wrote a book called "An Adventure" in 1911, but their identities as the authors were not revealed until 1931 four years after Eleanor Jourdain passed away.

Did Charlotte Anne Moberly and Eleanor Jourdain actually walk through a hole in time and experience 16th century France? Skeptics have brought up the possibility that the two women might have experienced a shared delusion or perhaps even wandered into a costume party or the rehearsal for an outdoor play.

Still others suspect that the Moberly–Jourdain incident was a "time slip" and that, for some reason or another that we cannot understand, two people from the 20th century were accidentally sent to the 16th.

Article Reference: http://www.slightlywarped.com/crapfactory/awesomemysteries/versailles_time_slip.htm

Fifth True Account: Time Travel Proof - iPhone in 1948 Film

There is allegedly some interesting footage that has surfaced from an old western film. The footage was taken from the John Wayne movie Fort Apache, a film made in 1948. In a particular scene, you can clearly see Lt. Col. Owen Thursday (Henry Fonda) and his daughter Philadelphia (Shirley Temple) checking their stagecoach route on an iPhone.

Here is a still image of the scene taken straight from the movie.

The way that Henry Fonda is checking the device is very consistent with how people check their cell phones today. Has the entertainment industry had access very advanced equipment for a long time that only leaked into the public consciousness in recent years? Or is this a weird instance of time travel? The answers to these questions and more have yet to be discovered.

Article Reference: http://io9.gizmodo.com/all-the-evidence-that-time-travel-is-happening-all-arou-1446262029

Sixth True Account: The Men Who Foresaw The Firebombing Of Hamburg

This odd time travel case is mentioned in the book The Little Giant Book of Eerie Thrills and Unspeakable Chills written by Ron Edwards, C. B. Colby, John Macklin.

According to the authors, In 1932, newspaper reporter J.Bernard Hutton and photographer Joachim Brandt were assigned to do a feature story on the Hamburg, Germany, shipyard. They drove to the huge complex, interviews several executives and workers, and completed the assignment by late afternoon.

As they were leaving, the two newsmen heard the unmistakable drone of aircraft engines and looked up to see the sky filled with warplanes. Then they heard the city’s antiaircraft batteries opening fire as bombs began exploding around them.

Moments later, the area was a raging inferno as fuel tanks were hit. Warehouses were collapsing from high explosives and dock cranes were twisted into pretzels.

Hutton and Brandt realized this was no drill.

They rushed to the car as antiaircraft gunners began scoring hits on the bomber formation overhead. At the gate, Hutton asked a security guard if there was anything they could do to help but was told leave the area immediately.

Hutton and Brandt were confused when they drove into Hamburg. The sky had turned dark during the attack, but now it was clear and the city was serene. They busy streets were not indented with craters and the buildings were intact. No one seemed concerned as they went about their daily business.

Hutton and Brandt stopped the car and looked back toward the shipyard. Now they received another shock because they saw no black ribbons of smoke rising into the sky and no damaged buildings. What was happening?

Back at the newspaper office, Brandt’s pictures were developed and the two men got another surprise.

Brandt had continued shooting film throughout the air raid, but his photographs showed nothing unusual. The shipyard looked as it did upon their arrival that morning. There was no evidence that a rain of bombs from enemy planes had destroyed the area, as they had witnessed.

The editors studied the photographs and wondered why Hutton and Brandt insisted they had been involved in an air attack. He dismissed their story and decided that they had probably stopped at a tavern for a couple of drinks on the way back to the office.

Just before World War II began, Bernard Hutton moved to London. In 1943, he saw a newspaper story about a successful raid by a Royal Air Force squadron on the Hamburg shipyard. He felt a cold shiver along his spine as he studied the photos. The scene of destruction was exactly as it appeared during his visit with Brandt in the spring of 1932.

There was only one thing different – Hutton and Brandt had witnessed the event 11 years before it happened.

Article Reference: http://www.messagetoeagle.com/three-fascinating-old-time-travel-cases-these-people-say-they-saw-the-future-past/

Seventh True Account: Caught In A Temporal Vortex

Dr. Raul Rios Centeno, a medical doctor and an investigator of the paranormal, recounted to author Scott Corrales a story told to him by one of his patients, a 30-year-old woman, who came to him with a serious case of hemiplegia -- the total paralysis of one side of her body.

"I was at a campground in the vicinity of Markahuasi," she told him. Markahuasi is the famous stone forest located about 35 miles east of Lima, Peru. "I went out exploring late at night with some friends. Oddly enough, we heard the strains of music and noticed a small torch-lit stone cabin. I was able to see people dancing inside, but upon getting closer I felt a sudden sensation of cold which I paid little attention to, and I stuck my head through an open door. It was then that I saw the occupants were clad in 17th century fashion. I tried to enter the room, but one of my girlfriends pulled me out."

It was at that moment that half of the woman's body became paralyzed. Was it because the woman's friend pulled her out of the stone cabin when she was half entered into it? Was half her body caught in some temporal vortex or dimensional doorway? Dr. Centeno reported that "an EEG was able to show that the left hemisphere of the brain did not show signs of normal functioning, as well as an abnormal amount of electric waves." (See the article at Dimensions Beyond Our Own for more details on this story.)

Article Reference: http://paranormal.about.com/od/timeanddimensiontravel/a/time-travelers.htm

Eighth True Account: The Future Roadhouse

On a night sometime during 1972, four coeds from the Southern Utah University were driving from Pioche, Nevada to their dorm Cedar City. It was around 10 pm when the girls were travelling along highway 56, which is rumored to be haunted.

Shortly after taking a folk in the road which headed north the girls were surprised to see the end of the black asphalt of the road followed by 100 meters of white cement then an abrupt end at the top of a cliff. The girls turned the car around and tried to find their way back to the highway but it quickly became apparent that the landscape was not familiar and they were indeed lost. The red canyon walls that had once surrounded them gave way to open grain fields and pine trees, which they had never encountered before in that particular area of the state.

Convinced they were totally lost the girls took a little comfort when they approached what they described as a roadhouse or tavern. The girls pulled up into the car park, rolled down the window and tried to ask for directions from a few men who were coming out of the building.

Before the girls could ask for directions one of them let out a scream and ordered the girl who was driving to get out of there as fast as she could. The girls sped off as quickly as the car could take them but quickly realized that the men were chasing them in strange, tri-wheeled, egg-shaped vehicles.

Travelling close to 100 mph the girls seemed to lose their pursuers as they found their way back to the familiar scenery of the canyons and back on to the desert highway.

The reason for the scream, according to the girl who got a good look at the men was because they were not human.

When the girls made a report to the police and investigations were made it was noted by police that the car driven by the girls had made tracks along the highway which vanished for two miles before reappearing. Is it possible, like some locals of the area claim, that highway 56 is a portal to another time and dimension?

Article Reference: http://officerhush.com/6-true-stories-of-real-life-time-travellers-that-will-blow-your-mind/

Ninth True Account: Hotel Time Warp

In 1979 two British couples were vacationing in the north of France. While driving along, looking for a place to stay overnight they were struck by some signs that appeared to be advertising a very old-fashioned circus.

When the two couples finally came across a building with a sign which read “hotel” they were rather relieved as they had been on the road all day and very tired. Inside the hotel they discovered that almost everything was made of very heavy wood and there seemed to be no evidence of modern luxuries or conveniences such as televisions or telephones. None of the rooms had locks, but simple wooden latches and the windows had wooden shutters rather than glass.

When the morning finally came and the two couples sat down to eat breakfast, two gendarmes entered wearing old fashioned caped uniforms. The couples asked for and received very poor directions to Avignon from the gendarmes paid the bill of 19 francs and left.

After spending two weeks in Spain, the couples made a return trip through France with the intention of staying the night at the old fashioned hotel. On the return trip, however, the hotel could not be found.

Both couples were certain that they were in the correct area and spot (especially since they saw the old fashioned circus poster) but the hotel had completely vanished without a trace.

The photos which had been taken at the hotel would not develop and after a little research it was revealed that French gendarmes wore uniforms of that description prior to 1905.

Article Reference: http://officerhush.com/6-true-stories-of-real-life-time-travellers-that-will-blow-your-mind/

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