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Is there anything more American... · 8:37am Jan 9th, 2017

...than standing firm and resolute in the face of rational thought?

Comments ( 46 )

nah... i think muricans are special that kind of way



But I like logic and rational thought.

If you think that's purely an american trait then I hate to break it to you: but it's more of a humanity thing than just Americans.

how about pissing off pretty much the entire planet? you americans have been pretty good at doing that these last few decades...

Its not American unless you're doing it with a shotgun that shoots out flaming bald eagles holding shotguns that shoot out tiny guns that fire tiny missle-bullets

4375358 one word... Guns

Arxsys #7 · Jan 9th, 2017 · · 3 ·

4375360 as an American, we need to stop playing world police, pull back our military in foreign countries to just their bases, and let someone else foot the bill in money and lives. Let alone fucking around in other countries politics.

Got our own shit to do. I'm just happy Clinton lost. She'd have ushered in a new era of corruption.

It's a human thing, bro.

Sincerely doubt it.

No, not really.

Vacancies? "Then you don't have faith in God!" (If He didn't want us to use them, then why would He have had those people discover those vacancies?) or "They cause Autism!" Response: "Bullshit, from the 90s, debunked literally thousands of times, even the person who did it said it was bullshit." "You're just trying to deny the facts!" "...rs:ajskeptic2::facehoof:

Abortions: Not opening up that can of worms, especially since people, in my opinion, use it as contraceptives waaay too much, that being said, if a woman does want to get one, it's none of your damn business whether she does or doesn't, and that doesn't mean you should but Planned Parenthood, since, you know, they do more than just give abortions. Their name is Planned PARENTHOOD, for Pete's sake, and similar laws that shut down health clinics that happen to also offer abortions, but also affordable healthcare for poor people. And those people say their Christians...oh, but the death penalty's OK!

Global Warming: "There are, and I'm pretty sure I'm not exaggerating, THOUSANDS of studies that say it's a thing, and 97% of the tens of thousands of scientists qualified to make a conclusion based off available data agree it's a thing, and Man at least played a major roll in it." "Not real, it's just a hoax!"

Yep, greatest country on Earth!

4375363 meh weve got out set of shitty problems over here on our island... fucking brexit. but still yes you yanks do need to sort things out on your own soul before meddling with others, something us brits need to do a bit of as well.

I can think of a few country's that would just have you diapered.

Most religious people do not live in America, so your point already falls apart. :ajsmug:

You mean by rational thought, or against rational thought?

Either way no, I don't think either one as a defining trait characterized by the stereotypical American.


4375361 That needs to be painted. :yay:

4375363 You sir/madam need to be made aware of your ignorance. It's evident to me that you have no idea of what you are talking about.

4375377 vacancies? I think you meant vaccines. Otherwise I'm afraid I don't know what you are talking about there.

4375378 In my experience, a person may still be able to help others even when it needs help itself. So on principle it is justified, on practice perhaps not so much.

4375682 Or needs to be in a video game. I mean heck, one log in Subnautica has a weapons designer thinking up a gun that shoots other guns, and in Borderlands 2 we got a gun that shoots flaming swords

4375362 I think you are going to need more than one word to explain the point of that comment.

Rational thought? Never heard of it...

I'm actually moving in with a friend in Canada in less than a week. No joke.

Later fuckers o/

4375682 Well, I'm waiting. Make me aware ornate my supposed ignorance if you can. I'll be more than happy to provided cited valid sources to back up every point I make.

Case in point, there have been ~100 police actions (meaning no formal declaration of war, but where the military was used) since I was born in 1986. Hell, from 2010-1016 there are 21 formally recognized police actions worldwide by the US Government and military. So that is the world police and footing the cost in lives and money. Wiki, but other timelines will agree.

The US has screwed around in foreign politics for, well pretty much the entire existance of the country. Most recently, the Obama state department sending $350,000 to a group called OneVoice. They used the money to create a database, train activists, hire a consulting firm directly connected to the Obama campaign, and try to oust Bibi in that election cycle. Daily Caller link, but Washington Post, etc also carry the same story.

Or how about the (literal) hundreds of investigations into the Clinton family, or the 'questionable' ethics when she was Secretary of State. For example, denying the sale of uranium to Russia. Then Bill gets a paid speaking event over there, and suddenly the sale of 20% of US uranium production is okayed. New York Times, with other places corroborating said story.

Speaking of which, I personally wouldn't be surprised if that is the uranium that Russia is supplying to Iran. They just received another large shipment for their 'powerplants.' CNBC, again, others will corroborate.

Finally, the entire system is corrupt as hell. So yeah, I firmly believe the US needs to stop fucking around in other people's business and clean house. Drain the swamp, get rid of the corrupt assholes, and actually MAGA.

Obvious corruption or ethics one: California politicians exempt themselves from firearms laws.
CA Political Review, but LA Times, etc will corroborate.

4375682 :rainbowlaugh::rainbowwild:Ya that's what I meant, can't spell for shit

Apparently, the only thing more American than that is doing so when you KNOW you're wrong but it's too late to go back now the election is over and all you can do is hope to bail water out of the sinking ship fast enough when the torpedoes hit...

4375714 well, i'll adjust a "local saying" to this situation
"american love their guns more then they love the lives of others"

the 2nd amendment it the only reason in my view that so many lives have been lost in the usa
and it's not like it can't be amended, it can.... but then all gun lovers shout loud and NRA throws money

the last thing in Fort Lauderdale was amazing to me, i know you can travel with guns in USA, that much i can get, but you can take ammo with you? WTF people... whats the point in security if you are able to bypass it

then go to any mass shooting that happend in US, as far as a speech i remember obama doing, with the small point of " i can put a man in a no flight list, but i can't stop him from buying a fire arm"

i know each state has it's own gun laws, but still... after each and every time in the US the "solution" is more guns not less

any time people say "gun control" people hear "gun ban"

US is the only country that i know with this crazy kill rate, it so happen to be one of the only places you can arm yourself without too many problems, because hey... thats your right, the right to live just isn't so important to some people to make the changes that are needed

4375908 Alright then, you start by proving or at least providing a strong argument supporting the claims you made in your first comment, I will objectively let you convince me of your position and if I'm still not convinced by the time I finish reading what you have to say then I will give you a rebuttal telling you why.

Sounds good?

4375981 I know what that's live like. :derpytongue2:

4376136 Oddly enough, I just finished updating that post with more information. I'll happily provide cited sources if asked.

Being a simple minded sheep.

4376132 i don't see guns as the problem.
It's the idiots with guns.

4376272 guns are tools, the problem is that idiots can get guns
people that shouldn't get guns can get them (don't think criminal... thats part of the problem, more guns because bad people get guns too)

Solution - get rid of idiots.

4376306 Unfortunately just shoving them off a boat in the middle of the ocean is illegal. And you'd need a lot of boats.

Now if it is in international waters... :pinkiecrazy:

4376132 No, Americans believe the right of the individual is more important than the right of the society. As upheld on numerous occasions by the Supreme Court.

A constitutional amendment requires a supermajority in Congress to propose, and a 3/4 majority of states to vote to accept the proposition. So amending anything is right out, not to mention it sets a horrible standard for other items on the Bill of Rights.

That said, I would like to hear what you consider a proper amendment for firearms. No offense, but you don't appear to be aware of the current laws regarding firearms in their entirety. I'll be happy to point out what is and is not legal, and why. (I was a FFL dealer for almost 8 years and am still heavily involved in the firearms community) Yes, I am an old fart.

As for Fort Lauderdale, it is legal to fly with firearms and ammunition in checked baggage. You have no access to said bags while flying, as they are taken by the TSA and secured until loaded onto the plane, or directly loaded on the aircraft.

So how he got the firearm there isn't exactly relevant. He could have walked in from outside the luggage pickup and done exactly the same thing. Criminals are going to criminal. Same with crazies are gonna crazy.

" i can put a man in a no flight list, but i can't stop him from buying a fire arm"

Yes he can, however you cannot deprive someone of their constitutional rights without due process of law. To do so would be violating his oath of service and the rights of the person going on the no fly list. The reason he can put people on that list is because flying is not a specific right, it is a privilege.

Statistically speaking in the US, the highest crime areas are the ones with the most restrictive firearms laws. Additionally, the statistics you see posted by the DOJ and CDC are aggregated statistics that include suicides, legal homicide (self defense), police shootings, gang actions, etc. If you actually disseminate the data from the gross number, the US drops towards the bottom of the list in terms of firearms deaths via violent crime.

Bill Whittle can break the numbers down a lot better than I can.

4376341 just advertise that drinking bleach will make you skinnier, viola.

Comment posted by Leonzilla deleted Jan 10th, 2017

Okay, before I'm convinced of what you are saying I need to know the how, in order to evaluate the pros and cons of a given plan I need to know what you mean by

to stop fucking around in other people's business and clean house. Drain the swamp, get rid of the corrupt assholes, and actually MAGA.

What does that mean to you? What does it involve?

Now to what you put here: this are accusations focusing entirely on the negatives, for example neglecting to mention the reasons people believe the world police and the actions made by the US military are worth funding.

The aspect that it costs lives and money are surely perceived to be overshadowed by the positive results obtained. Otherwise there would be outrage, people wouldn't continue for no reason.

The US has screwed around in foreign politics for, well pretty much the entire existance of the country. Most recently, the Obama state department sending $350,000 to a group called OneVoice. They used the money to create a database, train activists, hire a consulting firm directly connected to the Obama campaign, and try to oust Bibi in that election cycle. Daily Caller link, but Washington Post, etc also carry the same story.

I fail to see why this is bad. What I got from that article is that it claims that the group OneVoice policaly opposes the current president of Israel and some of its members might be pro-Palestine. That is counter intuitive, sure, to help finance an organization that turns out to politically oppose your public choice in leadership in that country is controversial, but not that terrible, it's likely to be inconsequential.

Or how about the (literal) hundreds of investigations into the Clinton family, or the 'questionable' ethics when she was Secretary of State. For example, denying the sale of uranium to Russia. Then Bill gets a paid speaking event over there, and suddenly the sale of 20% of US uranium production is okayed. New York Times, with other places corroborating said story.

First of all, politically driven investigations just for the sake of discrediting someone should discredit only the people doing that investigation for crying wolf when there is none.


Assuming everything the article said is true, That is still correlation without causation, there is no proof of a link between the donations the speech and the Uranium One deal. The article included:

In a statement, Brian Fallon, a spokesman for Mrs. Clinton’s presidential campaign, said no one “has ever produced a shred of evidence supporting the theory that Hillary Clinton ever took action as secretary of state to support the interests of donors to the Clinton Foundation.” He emphasized that multiple United States agencies, as well as the Canadian government, had signed off on the deal and that, in general, such matters were handled at a level below the secretary. “To suggest the State Department, under then-Secretary Clinton, exerted undue influence in the U.S. government’s review of the sale of Uranium One is utterly baseless,” he added.

The article also mentions thar the Uranium One deal was made at a time when the US was trying to amend relationships with Russia, it was before Russia started off so much turmoil within the region so for the part of the Obama administration it made sense to give Russia the benefit of the doubt at the time.

4376355 and so, every X month you will see a mass shooting, lots of times in schools... parents cry, higher ups saying they need to do something to stop it, and nothing gets done.

while the video was nice, the fact remains, mass murders happen more in usa, i don't include war zones and active conflicts. sorry to say but compared to the rest of the world, thinking usa doesn't have an issue is an understatement, i won't even go to the problem of police kill rate (in that area usa leads the world by far)

constitutional amendment

you say it as if the constitution wasn't amended before

As for Fort Lauderdale, it is legal to fly with firearms and ammunition in checked baggage. You have no access to said bags while flying, as they are taken by the TSA and secured until loaded onto the plane, or directly loaded on the aircraft.

yes, but after you claim that baggage you can have the two meet... we had that in israel back in the day, the problem was fixed... in your case... you have the right to travel with your fire arm... nothing says ammo... want one? buy it when you land, problem solved.

Criminals are going to criminal. Same with crazies are gonna crazy.

never say that, NEVER, criminals will be criminals, terrorist will be terrorists and crazy people will be crazy
but they are you fellow people, never try to think they are not normal and so go around the rules
if he is crazy, good... take his gun away, but you can't can you? not as it stands right now

The reason he can put people on that list is because flying is not a specific right, it is a privilege.

lets see... this is the text

A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.

the right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. ok... in the time of the founding fathers in the usa arms was a very simple thing, high powered long range sniper rifles, full auto, AP bullets and ect' wasnt around and isn't mentioned in the text.

now, what would i do to "fix" some of the things... lets use our israeli system, i can in fact own a gun it will take some time money and paper work but i can buy one for myself if its a work gun i can get it a lot faster

1)start with something simple... federal gun laws, forget local (unless they are stricter) federal, single laws for the country
2) mandatory training - in israel most are ex military (like me) but even with that it takes a 4 days training to get a permit that i need to renew every few years
3) gun registration - true or false, in usa, is it possible to buy a fire arm in a gun show with more or less zero paper work?
4) background check - sorry, if you are crazy or have criminal background, no gun for you... i have to get an ok from the police and my doctor to get a gun
5) having permits and reasons to get special guns - sorry but i can't get a sniper rifle unless i have a good reason, not a hunter (there are clubs for that) or a sport shooter. no snipping for you and ect...

usa may not have the highest kill rate, it does have the highest rate of mass killings
i prefer criminals... they have logic, the "crazy people" are the one im afraid of

in israel we have terrorism, but also most people on the street have a gun, know why? they aren't civilians, cops, soldiers, security guards... trained people to deal with threats... to keep the normal people safe
fire arms should be a privilege not a right, sorry but when i was in the usa the fact that i could go into a wallmart and buy a firearm was scary to me

4376808 I'll break this down in order of your arguments. This is a big one, as I tried to be thorough. Feel free to ask any other questions you may have. I don't mind. :twilightsmile:

(1)We'd all agree that outside of terrorism events, the mass shooters in the last decade have been emotionally or psychologically disturbed, correct? There is zero effective mental health system in the US. None. Yeah there are small private clinics and the like, but for the extreme disaffected, dissatisfied, or poor people, there aren't many, if any options available.

(1a) Additionally, for a "crazy" person to lose their right to a firearm, they need to be adjudicated as unfit through the court system. If they never receive the help they need, and thus never get taken through the court system, they will never be declared unfit to own firearms.

(1b) Secondly, there is also the current stigma going around about the few mental health resources that are available. Particularly the Department of Veterans Affairs and Social Security. These two agencies have been stripping people of their rights without due process. Unfortunately, you cannot sue the government to fix this oversight, without the government allowing your lawsuit. To my knowledge, no such court cases have been accepted. That said, I could be wrong on that number, as it has been a significant bit of time since I checked last.

(2)The US operates on a completely different mindset than the rest of the world. Firearms are an inalienable right. That said, you are also dealing with a vastly complex situation and general scale of things. For reference, the US has 39.57 times the population of Israel, let alone almost 473.7 times the land volume. Things that work in one area simply don't in another. Case in point, the areas with the most strict gun control (Washington DC, Chicago, etc) top the charts as the most violent places in America. Compared against Texas, who is considered one of the examples of firearms freedom, is significantly lower on the list.

(3)Yes, the Constitution has been amended before. That said, in this case even if they did pass an amendment, it would not pass the legal checks by the Supreme Court. The three branches of government exist to control the power of each other in an ideal world. Gun control is a losing proposition that isn't worth the political capitol needed to push it. It is a career killer.

Not to mention there are already over 20,000 federal firearms laws already. When I was a dealer, we got a new 2-3" thick book of the laws every year. Don't even get me started on how the government specifically goes around said laws to their own benefit, and on several occasions being on formal record saying that it is to push gun control.

(4) The courts have decided that restricting ammunition is an unconstitutional infringement on rights. Basically they ruled that anywhere you can legally have a firearm, you can have ammunition.

(5) Criminals and crazy people aren't normal. Generally their behaviors directly make that point. Again, they need to go through a court process to have those rights removed. Having any rights removed requires the same process, no exception.

(6) The second amendment.

(6a) Wrong. Per the writings of the authors of the Bill of Rights, and history itself, your argument is inherently false. This is a group of people that literally debated for a day on the placement of the comma in, "A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed." That comma was used to separate the militia from the people into two distinct clauses.

So a militia is necessary to the security of a free state, which in that time frame they considered every able bodied male past the age of majority to be a member of a militia.

The right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.

That is a very important distinction to make. Especially when I get to my next point.

(6b) Arms were not a simple thing during the revolutionary war. Yes, they were more primitive, but again your argument is historically false. Bear with me through the next few points.

Case and point, the vast majority of the US Navy during the war was made of privately owned warships and privateers. In fact, the US Government at the time issued 1,500 letters of marque and reprisal for that point alone. The Continental Navy had 31 ships between the 13 colonies, peaking at 64 midway through the revolution. They held 1,242 guns. On the other hand, there were 1,697 privateers involved during the war, with a grand total of 14,872 guns. You'll see why that is relevant in a moment.

(6c) Now then, back then ships had a mixture of weapons including cannons, small arms for the crew, deck guns, and what is called a puckle gun, also directly called a machine gun in shipping manifests starting around 1722. It was a revolving action flintlock that held 6-11 shots depending on model. It was also used in ground warfare from secure areas.

Additionally there was the Girandoni air rifle, which merits it's own note. This was considered an assassin's weapon, yet was found on the battlefield and in hunter's hands nonetheless. It was also the world's first repeating rifle used in combat. Practically silent, smokeless, and capable of firing 30 rounds before reloading. Hell, it was the rifle they outfitted Lewis and Clark with when they started their expedition.

So we have the modern equivalent of artillery, rifles, pistols, machine guns, sniper rifles, and warships being owned and acknowledged by the Continental government.

(6d) The "by the text" argument has also been laughed out of court on the merit that it could apply to damn near anything. Pens, iPhones, cars, etc, argumentum ad absurdum.

(7)Here is a link to the current Federal background check form for purchasing firearms. Some states do even more intensive background checks. You fill it out before purchase, and the dealer calls a hotline run by the FBI. They take that data and run it through all available criminal databases and give you a 'YES, NO, DELAYED" answer. ALL dealer sales go through this process. Additionally, your ID card and potentially other information are photocopied and verified.

(7a)there are over 20,000 federal firearms laws on the books, as I commented above.

(7b)I'm actually not against training. It is something I heavily encourage, however the law frowns on the word mandatory. Permitting varies by location. The most violent places usually require them, while the least violent don't. Usually.

(7c)That is entirely dependant on state and local law. From a dealer, absolute no. Private sale depends on local laws. Where I am? Yes. Other states it is a serious crime. Just depends where you are. That is a state issue that the federal government has zero power over.

(7d)Already touched the background check bit. However it is very illegal for health information to be shared with anyone not directly involved in patient care if you work in medical. So again, we are back at needing the courts to declare people unfit or not.

(7e)A "sniper rifle" is your standard hunting rifle in most regards. That said, it is illegal to restrict common firearms like that. The only firearms that have specific restrictions like that are the following:

-short barreled shotguns or rifles (rifles with a barrel shorter than 16" or shotgun shorter than 18")

-suppressors (silencers, although they are hilariously nowhere near "movie quiet" on 99.9% of firearms. A suppressed AR-15 is still 124-135db, or roughly the equivalent of standing 50' from a fighter jet taking off with full afterburner.

-machine guns* (any firearm capable of firing more than one round per trigger pull)
-destructive devices (any firearm with a bore larger than 0.50" that is not a shotgun. Includes grenade launchers, anti tank weapons, etc)

-Any Other Weapon (AOW) (Cell phone guns, any firearm in a weird factory configuration, that would normally qualify it as any other NFA weapon on this short list, etc)

*machine guns* Machine guns have been insanely hard to get for over 30 years. No new ones have been sold to civilians since May 14, 1986. With demand high, and supply low, their value is absolutely insane. (says the guy that shoots $45,000 machine guns in the summer)

These require a vastly more in depth background check, fingerprints, photography, law enforcement sign off, and around a 8-12 month wait for purchase. Plus a $200 tax per item and their already obscene prices.

Additionally, since 1934 when the laws were passed, only three crimes are known to have been committed with firearms from this list. Two of them were committed by police officers with their duty weapons.

(7f) the 'mass shooting' statistic the government puts out has a very skewed criteria. They include anything where people were present but not shot at (example: gang member shooting someone of a rival gang near a crowd. That would be considered a mass shooting per the criteria set by the government) shootings where nobody is killed or even wounded, etc.

(8)Vastly different societies though. America was founded on the individual right to self, in every way. Self determination about your life, self defense, choosing your own religion, etc.

(9)No offense meant, but you couldn't go into a Walmart and buy one. Barring very very few examples with lots of criteria to meet (coming to the US to go hunting with a licensed guide for example) non-immigrant aliens are prohibited from possessing firearms or ammunition.

4376898 1) i do agree the lack of universal health system in USA unlike most of the world is something i still can't grasp,
for "us" here or in europe the things i hear and see (have a friend in the US with medical bills over the top)
but that still gives you the option to have people who want to buy guns, pay the fee to go to a doctor (not a perfect solution)
that will check them (i know it's not perfect, but better then not) might not solve all the "crazy" problem but lower it a bit

1a) i say they shouldn't have the right to begin with, any unstable person should have his right void on the spot, the risk is too high

2) forget the size, due to fire arms control its easier for a terrorist (and we have more then few) to build a bomb then to get
his hands on a fire arm, the iligal guns go for crazy amount as its almost imposible to get them
one of the reasons they started to make guns.

3) so it needs to go simple and have the people force the system to change, another israeli saying... rules are written in blood
after enought people have died maybe someone will change it, you need an extra horrible massacre to get things going

4) ok... have it, don't travel with it. that is close to madness as it gets, i have to say im amazed it didn't happen before in USA

5) the system needs to change, nothing else... again see my answer in 3

6) this days a person can have enough fire power on him as an army back in the day... full auto isn't something anyone could imagine back then

7) question, can a person buy a gun without going the background check in the US, a simple yes/no will do

7b) thats why i say it has to be federal law, people don't like it? their problem... giving an untrained person a weapon is too much
basic training should be mandatory

7c) again, make federal law... state should loose its power and hand it over to the federal gov to try and fix some of the problems

7d) don't share the info, have a doctor to check a person if he wants to get a fire arms permit, simple yes no, no need to say why not

7e) we can go to a full debate over what fire arms should and should be sold, but thats not the point in the moment

7f) lets say i hear about shootings in school in usa too much

8) countries evolve, laws change... again, more blood needs to flow in the streets before changes are made

9) the problem for me is that a person can go to buy milk and bread and get some ammo at the same place, for me it speaks a lot on the whole colture

4377100 The shortest answer to almost all of that, is that our system of government does not and cannot function like that.

4377510 so instead of hoping for any change you prefer that the messed up system that is just stays?

sorry but i don't buy it, countries change, they evolve... in US case it might not be easy (for god sake change your election system) but i can be done, look at the changes done in Australia as example

in israel, after a few incidents where security guards used their work fire arm to shot people they got banned from taking it home from work.

"usa is to big" "to 2nd amendment" .... the reason is simple (again, local phrase) "rules are written in blood" at some point in the usa, a one too many school shootings, a mass shooting somewhere the people will end up with single thing in their minds, it has to stop, up until now the only thing that happened after each time something did happen, is making the fire arms dealers happy as the sales sky rocketed after each event

4377524 Yes, the system is messed up and corrupt as hell. That said, it is a system that works reasonably well for those in the US. Again, individual right over the societal right is something ingrained in everyone.

As for the election system, the Electoral College is something that is necessary due to the population bias. Currently it is roughly equal regardless of where people live. Going away from that system would let California, New York, Texas, and Florida control all national politics. No other state would have a say in it, so long as those states agreed on an issue.

That said, we do need to implement voter identification laws. Over the last 30 years, voter fraud has become rampant in the US. Notably in places like California, where illegals are allowed to vote despite not being US Citizens.

The reason sales skyrocket after a shooting is simple really. The talking heads and politicians get on TV and spout rhetoric that has absolutely nothing to do with solving the issue, and more of taking rights away from regular citizens. So yeah, go ahead and tell a group that you despise everything they are, then expect them to agree with you. It doesn't work well at all.

Not to mention over the last decade, there have been a lot of information leaks and publicized hearings about the government purposely going around laws to allow or encourage crime so they can try to implement stricter gun control. They were caught forcing dealers under duress to sale to prohibited people, then letting them traffic the firearms to the Sinaloa Cartel, MS13, and terrorist groups. Said guns promptly were returned to the US and used in crimes.

The other big, huge reason honestly, that people don't go with gun control is twofold. One, they have an enumerated right to own them. Two, people on both sides of politics don't trust the government that has been shown to be corrupt as hell. You have politicians passing laws that make them exempt from gun control laws because they are "better than the masses," to being publicly anti-gun, yet eventually being arrested for smuggling guns for the Triads.

Or as the former Obama Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel said, "You never let a serious crisis go to waste. And what I mean by that it's an opportunity to do things you think you could not do before."


"You never let a serious crisis go to waste. And what I mean by that it's an opportunity to do things you think you could not do before."

yep, works every time... FEAR is the number one motivator in politics

Wow this blog got popular, go David Cross!

Anyway the electoral college is not necessary. Every public office from city to senator is done by popular vote and we get along just fine. President is more like the 5% of people living in battleground states deciding for the rest of the country who gets to be president. If 30% of voters live in California I'd expect a candidate to spend 30% of their time there, and 5% in a state with 5% of the population. That seems like common sense.

The electoral college is there to make the people who don't matter feel like they do. It is like taking the ugly disabled kid to the dance to be homecoming king or something, you already know your bros will vote for you so you go for the ugly crippled kid votes even though you don't give a shit about them, you have to make them think you do until after the vote.

But the system is plagued by plenty of problems and there is no way we will ever get 2/3rd of Congress and 3/5th of states to ratify an amendment to remove the electoral college. Maybe if Trump fails hard enough people will care about reform for a few years, and then they'll be voting for some other idiot in 2024.


I thought I'd reply to you too but there is so much text so here's something random you'd probably like.

Almost all the pro-gun politicians are all for the ease of access to firearms because second ammendment. They are also pro-life because every life matters.

So basically, you have a right to live until you're born and then they stop giving s Fuck. You don't have a right to not be shot to death, unless you're a fetus. The comedians said it better but you get the point.

Personally I just plan to own a bigger gun than the other guy. I'm thinking of mounting a 50 Cal turret on my house. Come at me bro!

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