• Member Since 12th Jul, 2012
  • offline last seen Jul 16th, 2021

Christian Harisay

One man. Some stupidly brilliant ideas. Lots of ponies. Let's do this.

More Blog Posts20

  • 207 weeks
    Four Years

    At some point in time after 'Chapter Eleven - Nopony Think About Draconequui' was released I seem to recall that I said Chapter Twelve would be split up into four parts, and when finished, they would be released a few weeks from each other, so for a brief moment in time, we could all pretend that DECEPTION updated like a regular story (... and because I figured an increased frequency in

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    7 comments · 264 views
  • 225 weeks
    Happy Anniversay


    Is there anybody out there?

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    1 comments · 228 views
  • 334 weeks
    Moving, And Going Nowhere

    Christian here.

    Funny how I still feel the need to verify which brother is writing, even though I'm he only one who's used this account in years.

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    3 comments · 416 views
  • 347 weeks
    What is and isn't going to suck

    Who else but Christian here.

    So, you know what's going to suck?

    My Little Pony: The Movie

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    5 comments · 387 views
  • 358 weeks
    In The End...

    So, if any of you have seen the video reviews I've been a part of, some of you might have gathered I used to be a really big fan of Linkin Park... the operative phrase being the past-tense "used to be." In our Equestria Girls review, I referred to 'The Crystal Empire' as "the most agonizing forty-two minutes of soul-crushing disappointment since the first--and last--time that I listened to

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    3 comments · 477 views

Well, This Is Unexpected... · 4:43am Nov 13th, 2016

Christian here.

So here's how I thought this entry was going to go: the title was going to be "THE PEOPLE HAVE SPOKEN," then there was going to be a picture of Hillary Clinton winning the presidential election, followed by the words, "GIVE. US. BARABBAS." And then the entry was to be signed "Christian 'You Fucking People...' Harisay."

Instead, this happens...

So, real quick, anybody who follows me closely enough should now I sit comfortably on the right wing of politics. I've made no secret of my disdain for Barack Obama on both the EQG review and the discussion video we had on the season five premiere, and on that same video we came to the conclusion that the ideal society runs off of free markets with only just enough of a government to hold a rule of law, and any redistribution of wealth is an act carried out solely by the people as an act of compassion and charity, as opposed to authoritarianism.

That being said, I wasn't following the race too closely from the get-go. None of the Republican candidates really caught my fancy, and one of the biggest contenders from the Democrats was openly socialist. Trump winning the nomination and eventually the presidency still feels a little unreal, and I have little faith to accurately predict how effective a president he'll be. Honestly, it's probably just going to come down to chance: a flip of the coin: a roll of the dice. He might hold true to his platform, he might not. Likewise, maybe such actions will be better for the country, maybe they won't. There's a possibility the power will corrupt him like it has so many before... maybe he'll rise above it and turn out okay.

Basically, it feels like we're playing Russian Roulette with the country...

... Which is still vastly preferential to electing Hillary, which would have been like playing Russian Roulette with the revolver fully loaded.

I voted for Donald Trump largely because he was the only person who had a shot at beating Hillary. The future will prove whether or not Trump will be ineffective, incompetent, and corrupt or not, but history has already shown Hillary is the epitome of all those things, on top of being a pathological, sociopathic liar, running a national laundering operation under the guise of a non-profit organization, taking money from Saudi Arabia (the same people who funded Osama Bin Lauden). She actually has a body count of people who died under suspicious circumstances surrounding her, and acts with complete disregard for the laws of the country she wanted to control: the head woman of a modern day gangster family. I could go on, but I won't waste my breath (or time typing) about her hours-long list of sins that'll we'll all be hearing on Judgement Day anyway.

I do find it funny about how the far left really tipped their hand with the result, though. After months of fabricating the narrative that Trump was a racist who incites violence among his constituents (despite the leaked video footage revealing that the violence at Trump rallies was due to DNC infiltration and disregarding the numerous accounts of assault against his supporters by leftists), the first thing thousands of them do upon his victory is start riots in the streets and blaming all of the world's problems on white people...and all this after how much of an uproar was raised when Trump said he wouldn't concede defeat so readily if he had lost.

Though if there is one thing I look forward to (aside from potentially seeing a conservative fill the vacant Supreme Court seat and the repeal of Dodd-Frank and ObamaCare), it's going to be the next episode of South Park, where it turns out that Mr. Garrison ends up getting elected president. If this video was anything to go by, it's going to be fucking hilarious.

- Christian 'Make America Great Again' Harisay

Report Christian Harisay · 397 views ·
Comments ( 8 )

Alot of the... "level headed" people I know are saying something along the lines of better the evil that you can controllestia than the one without a leash. And as much as I really dislike him, I can see the logic. I hope he prove us all wrong and rises to the challange.


My auto correct did that!!!:trollestia: you know your a brony when your top corrections are pony words!

Loved the latest chapter bro. Been wanting to draw a little animation of the viking sharks with the ponies. We'll see though.

4300451 Hillary already is under control... not by the citizens of the United States, but the same Wall Street firms and investment banks she claims to oppose, billionaire globalist schemer and social engineer George Soros, and Saudi Arabia; the same fuckers who funded Osama Bin Lauden, Al Queda, and who are currently funding ISIS.

I do have a similar sentiment about wanting to see Trump outperform expectations for the good of the country, though; as much as I detest Barack Obama, I didn't want him to be a bad president, because I was still living in the country he was commanding. That's like wanting the pilot of the plane you're riding to crash. However, I speak against him because the things he's done have not only been bad for the country, but the world at large. Time will tell if our investment in Trump will pay off.

And I don't know how your auto-correct pulls that off, but that is awesome.

Been wanting to draw a little animation of the viking sharks with the ponies.


- Christian 'Voted for Trump on the presumption that VoiceOfReason was voting for Hillary' Harisay

Been wanting to draw a little animation of the viking sharks with the ponies.


Heh. It'll just be a little Bob to a metal guitar gallop.

Hm... maybe a lower angle shot looking up towards the ship as it cuts the water. The two musicians keeping a head bobbing gallop in the back as rarity in her gore spattered captains hat plus scattershot, nervous twilight desperately spinning her top, the shark captain standing between them flexing his might, while rainbow dash bobbing to the beat with a serious face. Super serious.

Let do a quick doodle on my phone...

I'm not going to take the bait. I mean it.
Must not lib out... Must not lib out...


Funny thing is (and I'm being totally honest), this post was, in no way intended to be bait; it was just me sharing my thoughts on the election and why I think Trump was the better choice over Clinton. in fact, as far as my baiting tactics go, this isn't anywhere near the level of what I use for bait.

Examples of when I'm actually baiting include some of the things I said in our Equestria Girls review; now that was bait.

- Christian 'Go ahead... look it up...' Harisay

4327476 I just know that I'm an extremely passionate person when it comes to politics (not blind to other POV's, just passionate), and if I'm not careful I can get into a week-long debate at the drop of a hat.


4474541 Seeing the words "Vimbert the Unimpressive left a comment on" gave the title of this journal a whole new meaning.

How've you been, man?

I did a quick search on DuckDuckGO (because fuck Google), and it turns out congress hasn't gotten around to a repeal, seems to be reluctant to do so, and outright pussyfooting both in getting around to doing so and expressing their reasons why. Funny how how the majority of our so-called "representatives" are so squeamish to expunge the country of a law that only seven years ago had bi-partisan opposition, even though the numbers of the house, senate, executive office, and perhaps soon supreme court are now well on their side.

Also, for your consideration:

Now I must depart to go purchase the new Mastodon album.

- Christian 'The title Emperor of Sand could also be used to describe Barack Obama's legacy' Harisay

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