News Archive

  • 32 weeks
    The Day of the Dead Anthology

    The Day of the Dead (Dia de los Muertos) is a now-famous tradition from ancient times that has been a huge part of Mexican Culture through the centuries. Like so many things in Mexico, it's influenced strongly by certain aspects of the Aztec people.

    It has shaped the way those of us with that heritage look at life and death in many ways, and most importantly on the remembrance of, and honoring the deceased. We traditionally decorate little altars dedicated to the memories of those that passed away… but it's not a somber occasion.

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    22 comments · 4,777 views
  • 32 weeks
    Jinglemas 2023!

    Jinglemas is the annual tradition on Fimfiction to exchange stories around the holidays with users on the site. This single event allows all Fimfiction users to come together and celebrate the reason for the season. Ponies!

    Enroll in this Secret-Santa-style gift exchange to request a holiday themed story, to be written secretly by another participant during the month of December. And in turn, you will be tasked with writing someone else's request. Then all the stories will be exchanged at Christmas! Simplicity itself! Thanks to the hard work of the Breezies, everyone will be ensured to get their gift!

    You only have until November 24th to Sign up!

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    30 comments · 5,942 views
  • 56 weeks
    PSA: Using AIs to Write and Publish Stories in Fimfiction

    Hello everyone, this is a PSA (Public Service Announcement, for those of ESL) to put to rest consistent questions about using AI to 'write' stories and publish them here. This is not intended as a poll or a request for feedback. It is exclusively a clarification on an already-existing rule.

    People ask: "Can I, oh great and powerful D, post a story or chapter that I got ChatGPT to write for me?!"

    And the answer, my friend, is... No.

    Absolutely not. Not in a thousand years!

    Because you didn't write it.

    It is not your creation. You are NOT the author. In fact, you are the opposite.

    There seems to be some confusion when interpreting the following rule:

    Don’t Post (Content)


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    698 comments · 24,042 views
  • 84 weeks
    Jinglemas 2022!

    Jinglemas is the annual tradition on Fimfiction to exchange stories around the holidays with users on the site. This single event allows all Fimfiction users to come together and celebrate the reason for the season. Ponies!

    Enroll in this Secret-Santa-style gift exchange to request a holiday themed story, to be written secretly by another participant during the month of December. And in turn, you will be tasked with writing someone else's request. Then all the stories will be exchanged at Christmas! Simplicity itself! Thanks to the hard work of the Breezies, everyone will be ensured to get their gift!

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    62 comments · 12,559 views
  • 111 weeks
    Phishing Awareness

    Have you ever found yourself in a situation like this?

    And then you magically find yourself in a suspiciously familiar site, except that you're not logged in, and it requires you to do so?

    Well. Don't log in. This is a scam, and a cheap one at that. 

    There've been recent attempts to obtain Fimfiction users’ personal data, like passwords and/or emails through links like the one I'm making fun of above. And a distressing amount of people don't seem to know what phishing attempts are.

    If you HAVE entered a site like this and put in your data, make sure to follow these basic steps at least.

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    167 comments · 15,532 views
  • 123 weeks
    All Our Best [Royal Canterlot Library]

    As should be obvious from 15 months without a feature, life has taken the Royal Canterlot Library curators in different directions. While there’s still plenty of awesome stories being written in the My Little Pony fandom, we’re no longer actively working to spotlight them, and it’s time to officially draw the project to a close.

    Thank you for all of your support, suggestions, and comments over the years. We’re grateful to have been able to share seven years of exemplary stories with you, and give more insight into the minds behind them. In the spirit of the project, please keep reading and recommending fantastic fics to friends—the community is enriched when we all share what we love.

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    115 comments · 18,353 views
  • 128 weeks
    Jinglemas 2021 has come to a close!

    Jinglemas had 114 stories written and exchanged this year!
    You can read them all here, in the Jinglemas 2021 folder!

    Jhoira wrote The Hearths Warming Eve Guest for EngageBook
    GaPJaxie wrote Twilight and Spike Hide a Body for Telly Vision
    SnowOriole wrote The Armor Hypothesis for BaeroRemedy
    snappleu wrote Words Said So Often That They Lack Any Meaning for Trick Question
    NeirdaE wrote Starlight and Trixie Direct a Play for Moosetasm
    Ninjadeadbeard wrote Garland Graveyard Shift for NeirdaE
    Roundabout Recluse wrote Apples to Apples for Ninjadeadbeard
    MistyShadowz wrote The Times We Shared for NaiadSagaIotaOar
    Petrichord wrote A Gentle Nudge for Angel Midnight
    Jade Ring wrote Past, Future, and Present for Frazzle2Dazzle
    Jake The Army Guy wrote The Big Talk for Dreadnought
    The Red Parade wrote Heart Strings for Franso
    Greatazuredragon wrote A Hearth’s Warming Question for GaPJaxie

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    20 comments · 9,973 views
  • 158 weeks
    Reunions: A Swapped Roles Contest!

    Okay guys here's something fun presented by Nitro Indigo.

    Presented by me, I guess, but I digress.

    Last year, I (Nitro Indigo) noticed that there was a surprising lack of roleswap fanfics on this site. To fix that, I decided to run a roleswap contest over the summer themed around secrets. While it didn’t get many entries, it nevertheless attracted the attention of some big authors and was the origin of two of my favourite fics. Overall, I think it was a success, so I’ve decided to run another one!

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    57 comments · 16,534 views
  • 231 weeks
    Minor Rules and Reporting Update

    Hope everyone is enjoying the new year.

    Some small changes have been made to our rules as well as to the reporting process.


    "No attacks directed at individuals or groups due to race, gender, gender identity, religion or sexual identity."

    This better clarifies our previously ill-defined hate speech rule and includes groups as well as individual attacks.

    "No celebration, glorification or encouragement of real life criminal activity."

    This includes past, present and potential future crimes.

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    747 comments · 16,020 views
  • 233 weeks
    Jinglemas 2019

    There's truly no time like the holidays. What's better than copious amounts of food, quality time with family and friends, hearing the sweet sound of Trans-Siberian Orchestra on repeat, and unmanagble financial stress from our capitalist overlords?

    Gift exchanges of course!

    Our Own Little Way of bringing Hearth's Warming to Fimfiction

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    28 comments · 8,445 views

Site Post » New FIMFiction · 10:55am Sep 9th, 2011

So, as you've probably just noticed, FIMFiction has been totally revamped. I've been working on this for the last week and a half and it's required essentially writing a significant portion of the site again from scratch. Part of this was to facilitate the use of a templating engine I've written, which is going to make it really easy to do a proper mobile site which has all the same functionality as the main site but for smaller screens. Just needs time.

I really hope people are happy with the look of the new site. I think it's a lot cleaner and I've learnt a lot from the old design. One of the main goals was to remove the side bar to give as much horizontal room for content as possible. This wasn't such a big problem on large screens, but at 1024 x 768, the side bar was really an issue.

There are still a few pages I have not coded yet. Off the top of my head, I think it's basically just the readers page, and the user list. Neither of which are exactly integral to the site so that's why I've decided to get a preliminary version up now to start finding bugs. As usual, please let me know about any bugs in chat or in this blog post.

Report knighty · 44,107 views ·
Comments ( 76 )

i... need... black background.... :fluttercry:

How are people going to view stories? The "Latest" side tab would help beginning Author's publicize their stories more easily. :fluttercry: :applecry: :raritydespair:

Site Owner

It's just at the bottom now.

#4 · Sep 9th, 2011 · · ·

^ I agree with Darkevony.

Also, I liked it when an author of a story commented on their story, the background of the comment was red. This contrasted with the other comments and made it easier to see replies from the author. Now, all the comments have the same color, and I have to search for the author's name in the comments. This isn't such a big deal, but it created ease when fishing for replies.

Site Owner

Yeah that's something I need to do thanks for reminding me.

Didn't expect this...was just here an hour ago.:rainbowderp:

Going to throw in a suggestion here, perhaps put in a 'Recently Updated Stories' button next to the Archive button at the top of the website. That way we can be redirected to a page filled with stories that have been recently updated without having to scroll down to the bottom of the page to check for recent updates.

Site Owner


Site Owner

That could be a good idea, regarding the page full of latest links that is. But you know if you click browse it basically goes there :P

Hell, the archive is also sorted by latest updates so it's there too.

Did not know that, learn something new everyday! Looks like ill be hitting that archive button much more now =P

#11 · Sep 9th, 2011 · · ·

okay, i like the look, but navigating is now even harder with my laptop.
my laptop has a small screen and because of this it auto-reformatted the old page in a way that rendered me incapable of logging in, but this new format makes the reading area just wider then my screen forcing me to go back and forth to read. i also found the sidebar very useful for navigation and am a little sorry to see it go.

the new site is overall very smooth though, it just dosnt play nice with my laptop

thats my two bits on the new site

(i still cant login from my laptop with the new format)

Looks awesome, knighty! :pinkiehappy:

Site Owner

Both the old site and the new one fit on a 1024 x 768 screen and would cause scrolling below it. That hasn't changed at all so I'm not sure how it would have affected where you have to scroll on your laptop.

#14 · Sep 9th, 2011 · · ·

the scrolling issue comes from my laptop only showing me part of the page in order to keep the resoloution high. i dont see the full screen, just about half of it so i have to scroll back and fourth to read. it's a problem on my end, not yours

-juyunseen (still on my laptop

Everything seems good as is for me! My mobile actually loads the new site fifty times faster than it did previously (curse that sidebar!)

Oooooh, and is that a new smilie I spy? :rainbowwild:

Well, great job!


Like the new site too. :) But you knew that already! Nice work, Knighty.

I... don't like it myself.

The old system had everything nice and neat. A menu down the left side with everything, and the content on the right. Everything looked slick and compact.

Now the options/new stories etc are all over the place, the featured stories only show one at a time. Most everything has been stretched too big, and come across as obscenely large.

Site Owner

Pretty much all that's happened is stuff has moved. The latest story links are at the bottom, or you can use the archive and browse page as I said above which have always existed. Featured stories get shown off better like this and you can click through them or let it cycle.

Also, I'm not sure how everything is obscenely large. The amount of vertical space content takes up hasn't really changed very much, it probably just feels bigger because I've simplified everything.

Anyway thanks for the feedback. Remember the site is still in beta so it's going to WIP until I say otherwise.

You need a few more themes. Maybe a contest? :derpyderp1:

#20 · Sep 9th, 2011 · · · I have to wait for a new Fluttershy theme to pop up.

#21 · Sep 9th, 2011 · · ·

i agree with Marine, the old one was a really slick setup

Apparently I'd accidentally lowered the font size at some point on my browser, which seems to have reset itself somehow when the changes occurred. That probably didn't help my perception of the changes. So no, not much of a size change. My bad.

However I still stand by my point about the site layout.

Shouldn't "God, I love books" be "Celestia, I love books"?

There should be a much quicker way to view my tracked/favorite stories in a simple text list format immediately from the start of the website within a click. As of right now, we have a nice UI for tracked stories without a quick way to view them. It seems we traded UI niceness for functionality; I don't approve.

The layout is imensely superior...but...

When do we get skins back? I miss my nightmare moon skin.

Also I agree. Latest stories should be more visable.

No offence, but I kinda hate the new theme.
Pretty much the only reason I (used to) frequent this site is because it looked so awesome.

I know how hard it is to create backwards compatibility, but it would be very nice if you had an option to use the old website layout.

Maybe it's because I really hate simplified things.
It's the reason I hate Chrome, too. WHERE ARE MY BLOODY OPTIONS AT?

I dunno, I just like tons of buttons.

I found the old version much easier and I think it looked better. Of course I just woke up to find my favorite site completely renewed, so I'll take a look at it and get back to you.

Site Owner

@Evanve, do you mean the list of tracked stories in the bottom bar? I didn't think anyone used that thing considering there's the tracked stories page but I can put that back without much hassle. And this isn't a case of ui niceness over functionality, it's a case of removing the stuff that didn't serve much purpose and making everything cleaner. You'll get used to the rest of it I'm sure.

@Inconspicularity, because of the templating system I've written, I can actually write completely new themes now which look totally different. I've done some of the old theme on it so there's a decent chance you'll see it as an option in the future but I'm not promising anything. Also, your hate of lack of buttons isn't something that I can do anything about. If you look around you'll find that stuff hasn't just gone missing.

I mean the stories I've tracked myself specifically. I know the favorited stories appear as a nice list, but not the specifically tracked stories which display the story, picture, and all the chapters.

Site Owner

Oh I actually forgot I hadn't put that back on the user page yet....

Site Owner

Alright I've added that back in. Assuming I know what you're talking about...haven't done the picture yet.

Yep, that's what I was looking for.

Site Owner

Just to let people know, I'm working on something for having latest updates at the top so just bear with me for a bit.

Site Owner


So yeah, moved the bar to the top and did some stuff with it. Hopefully people like that a bit better. The page definitely needs another pony somewhere now though....

Have to say, at first impression I greatly preferred the older layout, but, see how it goes.

Few errors I've noticed.

1) You can rate your own stories. Surely this didn't get left in on purpose?

2) The e-mail notification check-boxes in your personal settings get cleared every time. (Haven't received a single notification since the new site went up)

Also, the various statistics for the stories are very confusing, even in the old site. There's a "views", a "total views", and a "views per day", and none of them make any sense. What exactly do they all mean? Why are there sometimes more views on a single day than the "total views" statistic reports? What does the smaller views number mean? Is that a specific chapter? AND WHY IS NONE OF THIS IN THE FAQ!!!?

Site Owner

1) That's always been the case. You don;'t have to sign up to rate, so if you wanted to rate your own fics you could always just log out and do it which is why I didn't see the point in trying to prevent it.

2) I'm not sure what you mean by this?

Also, if you hover over the eye icon where the views are, it says what the numbers mean, but I'll say here anyway. total views is views across all chapters, views is the most views a chapter has received which is a better judge of the number of readers a story has, otherwise it'd be very unfair to stories without multiple chapters.

And the views statistics isn't the same as chapter views. It's every view that a chapter OR your story receives.

#40 · Sep 9th, 2011 · · ·

I miss Trixie's snide comments on the upper right ;_;

Also, the edit button is bugged. I make an edit and save it, but when I hit the edit button again to preview it, the edit I made doesn't show. I have to exit completely out of the story and re-enter it again before I see the change.

Site Owner


Just curious. Are the featured stories at the top hand-picked? Or is there an automated system that picks out the high-rated with the most ratings?

Site Owner

It's automated yes.

On 1920x1200 there's a hell of a lot of wasted space. That and the 'dark' background doesn't colour the entire site and has big white boundaries around it.

I played around with greasemonkey a bit and here's some examples of how I think the site should function, at least on higher res:

My thoughts:

Site Owner


Making the content box wider just shifts the "wasted" spaced inside them which looks much worse imo. I will put in an "expand to fill fox" option for the text at some point but I'm not sure you'll like reading text that wide when you actually try it. It's incredibly difficult to follow text when the lines are that long which is why it currently has a static width. I agree on the light on dark stuff though.

Okay, finished browsing through it, I don't see much difference. Though to tell you the truth, I do miss my Trixie theme and the online list. :fluttercry:

Well, on first look it was really bright and obnoxious. White is really hard on my eyes, that's why I stick to darker themes (which I miss, by the way). Giving my self a few minutes to get used to it, I love the top part of the website now. The old site was nice and I liked looking at it, but now that I think of it, it was rather hard to navigate around. Haven't found any bugs, but I wouldn't know a bug if it bit my finger. Everything but the actual reading content seems really stretched out though. It seems like it bleeds into margins that I expect but aren't there.

Okay, after a few days/weeks/whatnot:

1. Comments- need to have post numbers next to the post, and numbers for which chapter the post is on.

2. Overall- seems a bit more clunky than the old one, but it's not too hard to adjust to. Perhaps the bar at the very top could be moved down beneath the secondary bar?

3. Appearance- not as cool as the former look, but not bad either. Needs more themes.

Thank god, someone has the brains to make themes have more power than just changing colours.
I applaud you for such a wise choice.

What would be brilliant would be some sort of system to make and upload your own custom themes, but for now I can live with just a few built-in themes. ...Which there don't seem to be many of...
Could we have some themes please?

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