• Member Since 18th Apr, 2012
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Jade Ring

The purpose of a story is that it's a story. It can be more, but it can never be less.

More Blog Posts267

  • 6 weeks
    Story #100 Teaser

    Premiering Tomorrow

    No. I will not elaborate.

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  • 16 weeks
    Friendship is Magic: the Musical

    So I've been trying to find ways out of my recent funk, and this was one of the most recent attempts. I thoroughly enjoyed the freshman season of Hazbin Hotel, particularly the outstanding musical numbers and how the whole season could, with just a few small modifications, be made into a Broadway style stage musical.

    So I figured hell, why not do the same with Friendship is Magic?

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    5 comments · 233 views
  • 21 weeks
    Our Last Anniversary

    I've been radio silent on social media since my now ex-wife and I announced our split. A few days ago, I was moved to write this and post it on Facebook. Figured I might as well post it here as well.

    Folks say it's pretty good.

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    6 comments · 369 views
  • 24 weeks
    State of the Author 2023

    It's bad.

    Real bad.

    So it should come as no surprise that my wife and I are divorcing. We're having to take it slow because she's so close to the end of her degree and I want her to be in a good place to help take care of our boys. We're still co-habitating, still friends.

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    13 comments · 413 views
  • 26 weeks

    Have you all been good this year? If not, you'd better watch out...

    Before you dive into the Last Hearth's Warming Horror Story, why not refresh your memory with Scribbler's amazing full cast reads of the first two?

    All caught up? Good...

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What's It All For? A Rant by Jade Ring · 3:17am Oct 31st, 2016

I don't get it. Really. I simply. Do not. Get it.

Since I started my new job at the end of August, I have published four new stories and finished one that I've been working on since 2014. Let's focus on those new stories for the purposes of this rant.

Can we see the stats, please?

Field of Screams
32 Likes/0 Dislikes

Kiss Me
72 Likes/3 Dislikes

35 Likes/7 Dislikes

The Wicker Mare
6 Likes/5 Dislikes

I just don't understand. I didn't expect 'Field' and 'PTHBTT' to set the world on fire (Horror stories almost never get featured or make the Popular Stories list.)

The failure of 'Kiss' baffles me. It's a cute, light romance that doesn't overstay it's welcome. It's one of my favorite stories, one placed high with 'Lost in the Night' as one I wrote completely by hand. How did it get passed over?

The 'Wicker' situation is the one that fills me with such rage that I can barely see straight. Here's a story that I have been tinkering with and fine-tuning for over three years. It's a story unlike any I've ever written. I look at my writing and I'm astonished by how far I've come since 'Morning Glory.' 'Wicker' is my loving tribute to a film that means the world to me and a story that I wanted to be sure was absolutely perfect before I set down to write it.

Working on 'Wicker' has also been a saving grace, helping me focus on something besides the racism, misogyny, and overall nastiness of my new work environment.

I went over that Prologue with a fine toothed comb, reciting dialogue out loud to make sure it sounded natural. I'm pouring more of myself into 'Wicker' than any other story in recent memory.

And what's the result? Dislikes. More than that; Dislikes with NO COMMENTS.

Oh, and the very first comment? A played out joke from the god-awful remake that has forever overshadowed one of the greatest films ever made. That comment has more likes than the f*cking story.

So what's it all for then? Why do I continue to pour so much energy and creative thought into something that simply gets passed over. And I don't think this is me being a drama king. The last story of mine to make any sort of impact, to get over the 1000 view mark, is 'You'll Be Back,' and that was in f*cking MAY. Hell, 'the Thirteenth Hour' is in PRINT now and it hasn't crossed the 1000 threshold.

It's crystal clear at this point that either I now suck at writing/telling stories or a message is being sent my way.

Man...maybe it's just time to go. 2017 will be the five year anniversary of my time on this site. I've seen a lot of awesome writers go in that time.

Maybe it's my turn.

But, if I go, I'm not leaving stories untold. I won't do that to those of you who still read. I'm not going to be SleeplessBrony and never finish 'Ponyville University' or 'Up in the Clouds, Down to Earth.' I'm not going to be emkajii and never finish 'Total War: Equestria.'

I'm going to finish 'Wicker' because I'm damn proud of the story I'm telling and I'm having a blast writing it.

'On Swift Wings' and 'All the Pretty Little Horses' have to be written, but I don't want them to feel as forced as 'Lunar Slender.' I want this story brought to a satisfactory conclusion. The small but dedicated fanbase deserves that much.

I'd also like to see my Equestria Girls series finished. Not to mention that little sequel Grand Moff requested for 'It'll Be Fun.' (Outline is finished, good buddy. Working title "It'll Be MORE Fun...With Three")

Not to mention 'Letters from War.'

And 'Grogar 2' is all ready to kick off.

I have no choice. No more distractions. No more one shots, no matter how cute or funny or short the idea is. Unless I find it buried in my archives, nothing new is getting written on that front.

I have to face facts; no one is meant to write this stuff forever. There are other authors rising to the sun, ones that I can guide while I work on my next step; writing and publishing original fiction.

It's hard. There's a lot I haven't accomplished yet. No one has deemed one of my stories worthy of the Royal Canterlot Archives, for example. I haven't hit 1000 Followers yet.

But, unless I have some major, dramatic revelation in the coming weeks and months, my decision is made.

Next year, all attention will be focused on the two final Continuity stories, 'Story of Tonight,' 'Letters from War,' and 'More Fun.'

2017 is now officially the Jade Ring Farewell Tour.

Happy Halloween,

Jade Ring

Report Jade Ring · 550 views · #Why #AllGoodThings #5Years
Comments ( 14 )

Well I hope you don't leave but I am glad that if you do...you won't leave us hanging.

In my tentative defense as an unmemorable guy who's one out of 800, I would have read Wicker by now if I wasn't basically spending this entire month on constant renewing twenty-four hour deadlines.

I'll add myself to the "want to read, just need more hours in a day" crowd. Hell, I had great writing plans for this month and have little to show for it, thanks to life.

Fwiw, it's a finicky crowd here overall now, at least imo. And with few exception, I've found that darker stuff, no matter how well done, just doesn't get the clicks anymore. But I've got your latest stuff on my read list, and believe me, I look forward to your stuff!


Not to mention that little sequel Grand Moff requested for 'It'll Be Fun.' (Outline is finished, good buddy. Working title "It'll Be MORE Fun...With Three")

Aw, yeah! :D

/for real though, I do hope you'll stay.
//choice is yours, of course, but know that we'd miss you terribly

Honestly, your horror stuff is great, but I had no idea The Wicker Mare was even a thing because I leave the mature filter on. It sucks that I have to miss out on promising new stories just to keep the glut of clop out of my feature box. I'll check it out.

You can write original stuff without leaving, you know.

Well. If you do decide to leave, I'll miss you.

Well... nothing lasts forever, but sorry it had to happen on this note.

...As interesting as Wicker is so far, I can see where a lot of people might 1)not be enthused about another "retelling of a classic story but ponified", especially when they 2)find it a bit... mean-spirited... to fit Twilight and Ponyville into those particular roles, especially with the additional content warnings. I mean, you need to write what comes to you, but it's not always going to click with the mainstream. Though its vote ratio does seem to have shot up literally overnight.:twilightsmile:

Author Interviewer

4278268 Aw, King Mo; I know you're a faithful follower. No worries.

4278271 The "I don't know why people aren't reading" thing was meant more for the teeming masses than my 811, but you're right. It seems that the sun might be setting on the Dark stuff. I almost miss how popular Cupcakes used to be.


And even if I stop writing, I'll still be here. Like I said, there's a lot of young writers I think I could help.

4278312 That did cross my mind, but sex is such an important element in 'the Wicker Man' that I felt it would do a disservice to not integrate it into the adaptation. I hope you enjoy it!

4278469 I know, but I like to focus all of my creative energy into one specific area at any given time. That's why the 'Slender' sequels were so far below the original in quality; all of my attention was focused on writing original stuff for my haunted house.

4278573 The mean-spiritedness of it is part of the reason I'm having so much fun with it. It's a BLAST to write the Twilight Sparkle of Season 1 with an added element of zealotry. Not only is Twilight irritated that the overly friendly ponies of Ponyville are distracting her from her task, but she also finds them blasphemous. But there's still that small part of her crying out for friendship.

Oh my goodness, the confrontation with Applejack is going to be spectacular.

And imagine my surprise when I got home and 'Wicker' was at the top of the Popular Stories box!

4278599 Aw... Present. Don't make me cry... :fluttercry:

Author Interviewer

You first! >:'(

People have had their mind on other things at the moment. From my perspective, it seems that the US election is a hot topic and current source of stress and frustration for many in all walks of life for similar and differing reasons. I've been busy myself moreso in the past couple of months than in the past two years and it's all just exhausting. I also don't keep up with this site like I used to; I'm thinking about possibly passing the torch on my Applejack group for a while. I pretty much come on to read updated stories, not to add new ones.

I'm sad you're planning on leaving, but you explained why so I can't blame you. Just going to make the end of the Dear Sweetie Belle continuity all the more bittersweet I guess.

Pls no
Why do all the good people leave?
You're one of the few who's writing style feels easy to read amidst wordy nonsense
In defense of the bees joke it is only thing me and probaby most people even know about the Wicker stuff. I wish i had time to read it anyway
In the end I'll still miss ya..

Jade, no! I hope you still don't feel this way since I haven't kept up. Don't worry though! I'll make time to read your stories!

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