• Member Since 28th Jan, 2012
  • offline last seen Mar 3rd, 2018

Cloudy Skies

Cloudy writes stories. Cloudy likes it when ponies like each other maybe a little too much and sometimes end up in love. Cloudy writes stories about these things, often.

More Blog Posts57

  • 327 weeks
    Longpost: What's Next? Also, To Perytonia Resources, Art, Thoughts

    To Perytonia ate a year and change of my life. Dramatic? Yes, dears, I am dramatic, and thank you for finally realising. I’d even add “and I wouldn’t have it any other way” because that's certainly true. However, instead of revelling in its completion and trying to drive hype, I've partially disappeared, so clearly it's complicated.

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    13 comments · 2,854 views
  • 329 weeks
    To Perytonia Completed

    The longest story I've written to date, To Perytonia, is complete.

    If you've been waiting for it to finish, and if you're in the mood for a grand, dramatic adventure to foreign shores, I invite you to give it a read. Bring plenty of food and drink, pack a blanket, and ask a friend or two to come with you. It's a doozy.

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    17 comments · 865 views
  • 336 weeks
    Today and the Future

    This post features no spoilers of any kind.

    Everyone’s talking about S8 and movies and who knows what else. Goodness, I’ve not even watched S7 yet!

    And you know what, dear reader? I don’t think I ever will.

    This is not a protest against anything, I’m just observing a fact. At this moment I do not know that I will ever engage with the newer content.

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    28 comments · 1,346 views
  • 341 weeks
    Pony Fan Fiction and Positivity

    Alternate titles: “The post wherein Cloudy justifies their tastes”, “let’s talk about positivity”, or “I’m not just gonna bash on sadfic, I promise!”

    (There are some words about To Perytonia at the end, hence the tag.)

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    26 comments · 1,063 views
  • 345 weeks
    RariJack? RariJack.

    Shortfic is an art. An art I've never mastered.

    I understand that my latest story, To Perytonia, may be daunting to some/many/most because of its sheer length. Some are waiting for it to finish, some are simply put off by the prospect of a fic that, if printed, could be used as a coffee table.

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    9 comments · 978 views

FimF, account theft/impersonation and stories! · 10:45pm Jan 28th, 2012


As it turns out, somepony made an account with my name on FiMFiction and pretended to be me. That I didn't notice before a full 13 weeks had passed is a little tragic, but also testament to how subtle and ostensibly harmless this impersonator was. He behaved politely, uploaded all my fics (sans W&W/O) and mirrored my deviantArt posts here.

Heck, he did such a good job that when I found the account previously named "Cloudy Skies", I questioned my own memory.

But it was not me. The past thirteen weeks, somepony who is most decidedly not me, has pretended to be me. However nice he was, that's just plain uncool.

This account here is mine. I am Cloudy Skies, and this links to my real email address (cloudyskieswrites@gmail.com), my deviantart (cloudyskieswrites.deviantart.com) and all that other jazz. I have been in contact with the site admin to oust the imposter, and get the account name back. Well, naturally, he could've had and kept the name if he beat me to it on FiMF, but uploading my fics in his (my?) name was less awesome.

I have no idea what his motivations were. I hardly have any fame to speak of, and he didn't display any email address, so as far as I can tell, he simply assumed my role here on FiMF. I don't get it, but it's over with. I dread to think that he may have misrepresented me, insulted someone in my name - for what it's worth, I'm sorry I let this happen by paying absolutely no attention. It was pure luck that I caught on when I did, even.

So, hi! I'm on FiMFiction now! How're you all doing? I plan on uploading my other fics over the course of the next week or so, simply because the upload/import system from Gdocs is so incredibly neat. I am currently writing an Octavia/Pinkie Pie friendship fic, and I have a DashFire on the back burner. That's about it. I hang out over at deviantart as mentioned above, but I hope to make good use of this account, too!

As a final note, if anypony is still in doubt as to which me is the real me, drop me a mail at cloudyskieswrites@gmail.com - the mail linked in every google docs document linked from Equestria Daily - and I can confirm it. I doubt it'll come to that, but I am still a little shaken by the whole deal. Being impersonated, feeling you're not in control of yourself and your own words, that's terrifying business.

Be well!

Report Cloudy Skies · 412 views ·
Comments ( 14 )

Yeeeeaaah... Sorry, I guess I got a little carried away with it.

7545 I'm not angry beyond the fact that it scared me, and it annoys me to know you've communicated with others as me, of course. Still, what hurts the most is that the comments on my stories were lost when you deleted all the content. There's not much I can do about it now anyway, but I feel compelled to ask you the obvious question;


In a sense, I feel you owe me an answer, but you're safe and snug on the other end of the intarwebtubes, so it's entirely your prerogative. I just know that I barely slept last night, and today has been a mess. If you were seeking to do damage, if your intent was to do me harm, you could have done far worse (or better, depending on perspective).

You don't strike me as malicious at all, something for which I am thankful. That's why I really just want to know why you did this. I realize I might never get the true answer, but I have to try to ask.

It's nice to have you with us, Cloudy! I can't wait to see your fics up here as soon as possible. Keep up the amazing work! :D

Ohai Cloudy! Yeah, I heard about what happened, and I'm glad to see you're here now! :twilightsmile:

I see.
In that case I think a welcome is in order.

So: Welcome!
Already looking forward to your new stories. :twilightsmile:

So wait, who did you do this or was it the imposter person?

7810 The interview, everything on DA, PFA, PFV and EqD is me; as far as I know, the imposter didn't really communicate much beyond what was done in comments through the fake account here. I don't think I've been misrepresented; he didn't link to another mail address. When I do stuff, I always link to this email address here - cloudyskieswrites@gmail.com

7682 7792 7809 Thank you! I'm pleasantly surprised by just about everything here on FimF, and it makes me wonder why I didn't join up sooner, hah!

In a way, it's almost a sense of honor that someone would want to impersonate you...so long as they weren't actually trying to ruin your reputation. I mean, in a way, I'd be thrilled if I was amazing enough that someone would want to be me. But, yeah, the fact is that it was wrong and you're right for being annoyed. But, at least the real you is here, so welcome! So lovely to have you~

Imitation is the best form of flattery I guess? That said, kinda weird. I guess an ego trip maybe? No clue.

That said, I love Building Bridges (read it ages ago... somewhere), and I hope to eventually read your other works :pinkiehappy:

well, were all glad to have you back, comrade. keep up the great work! <3

Glad to see ya here. The real you. Makes it so much easier to stalk you.:heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart:

Oh, I was wondering why 'you' deleted all your fics! Shame to see the comments are gone (especially since I spent time writing some of them), but cool to see you here... again.

I shall still await a new story. On another note, I love building bridges, it was one of two fics that made me decide to become a brony

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