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Applegate stuff · 11:48pm Apr 2nd, 2016

Okay, so instead of continuously pissing you, my readers, off with yet another delay and simply saying something along the lines of 'oops, me lazy, me slow writer', I'm instead going to reach out you and inquire as to your opinion on certain story elements.

So after the Rainbow Rocks storyline comes to a close (Yes, I know. Me slow writer. My bad) Wade and Twilight return to normal pony equestria. Sometime after that, maybe about ten chapters or more past that and I'll eventually get to the crossover with Mountainmadman's story, The Awakening of a Tactician.

For those of you that have already read Mountys posted version of the crossover, you already know I kinda made a big deal on making Wade get off his butt and prompting him to become stronger. There was a good reason for this.

My intention was always that Wade would eventually find six (or more) additional portals besides the EQG portal, each of which would lead to their own franchises for him and certain ponies to explore. Initially, only certain ponies would be allowed to pass through the portals with Wade, forcing character interaction that might have previously been ignored, or handled simply in passing.

Way off in the future, once he finds the last portal, That is when he would finally find an Animorphs world. YOU KNOW. SINCE I HAVE HIM HAVE A POWER FROM THAT SERIES, AND SLOWLY CULTIVATING THAT POWER AND STUFF.

So my question to you, my readers, is this.

Is this a mind numbingly stupid idea? Would I be shooting myself in the foot if I went through with this?

Comments ( 20 )

I have to say that is a GREAT Idea, it would be cool if he could end up in the Animorphs world, of course it would also be cool if the Animorphs could come back to the MLP world where they can absorb the DNA of different ponies and gain their abilities also.

As a fellow lazy writer with stupid ideas, I say go for it. As long as you have it planned out properly and can steer your story in that direction despite whatever little detours you might take, then go ahead. Of course, you have to ask yourself if you'll have the patience to stick it out to the end, especially if you're a slow writer. You might like the idea now but after a year or two working on the story you might abandon it for whatever reason, be it a shift in interest or life in general.

That being said, if you do decide to have a long reaching story arch, then try to go faster. If you make this a casual half-ass endeavor, then you're more likely to abandon it on a whim whenever the next big idea strikes you.

As much as I like this story, there isn't much happening to the story as such other then Wade wandering around being more or less being a lazy bum mooching off Twilight or be dragged into other Displaced worlds, nor showing any real signs of wanting to get home. His antics with the ponies are always fun to read, for which he is now well acquainted with Ponyville, but I feel that the story would need to move on to something else and your idea of the mirror would could be interesting for the story. This might help him a lot for Wade and the story to have a clear of objective for him to do that is with in his abilities to accomplish that would motivate him to to improve his mental and physical skills to some degree and take actually use his ability more seriously all the while we can laugh at his expense in his feeble attempts to improve and be taken seriously. Also, I think it would be good for Wade to be finally be able to read Equestrian for the sake of moving the plot of the story, maybe the mirror somehow fix the problem in the cube. I also think that Wade might be better if he comes back to from the Equestra Girls universe as a pony and can't come back to his normal human self so that he won't stand out from the rest of the population and would give him an other reason to go back home.

Hope this help a little.

is it a pony version of the world or is a version of the original with humans? :rainbowhuh:
If It's the later then to my knowledge it would be the first time to be done and would very much like to see what happens :pinkiehappy:


Okay then, to expand on that, I've pretty much 100% decided on Animorphs as the last world Wade eventually travels to. As to the others...

A little bit of a harder sell. I've considered a bunch, but contemplating them I can't give them a solid spot in the roster. I've noticed I tend to pick series that take place in or near schools.

Monster Buster club is a light hearted series that just so happens to have a character called Cathy Smith. She's a highly energetic, bouncy girl who at points seems slightly detached from the world around her, and might even have the ability to mess with the fabric of reality. Oh yeah, she also has the exact same voice as Pinkie Pie, seeing as she's voiced by the same actress.

Ideally, Pinkie Pie would be the only pony allowed through that portal initially. For comedy and reasons. Double Pinkie Pie, basically.

Code Lyoko is an odd little cartoon that boasts a dual world of it's own. THe main characters continuously transition between their real world and a virtual one, being able to actually influence the real world from the virtual one in various ways. I can see either Rainbow Dash or Twilight working well with this environment seeing as they're both highly combative individuals, with their own special abilities. Applejack, Rarity, Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy probably wouldn't fare very well with this world, and I have little idea how I would make them work there.

And finally, the last world I've considered at this point.




It's a bit embarrassing, but I really like Monster High...
I've pretty much watched the entirety of the webseries, and all the movies currently on Netflicks. So yeah. I've fallen in deep. I even actually like (despite never having bought any) the merchandise, seeing as the dolls actually look like the characters from the show. But I digress.

Monster High is populated with a vast, VAST number of characters. Gotta make as much money as you can, so just add in new characters each movie. These characters could provide any number of interactions with the main six, if I can figure out how to write them correctly. Add to that the environment despite being once again a high school, can pretty much change and twist in on itself at will. They have a bottomless pool that connects to the ocean or something, they have a nearly endless system of catacombs that contain various things as such the movies plot demands. Add on that pretty much any classroom in the school could have almost anything happen in it (considering when it takes place, you could encounter a living robot, a genie, or even a female Frankenstein walking around) what with the various characters and the potential story possibilities are nearly mind boggling.

So, of these three, should I give any of them higher billing? Does anyone have any suggestions regarding other possible series for the characters to stumble across and explore?

3844965 code lyoko you say? Yes please! Hmm just a suggestion but there's a anime called kenichi the mightiest disciple. I think that might be a good world to take twilight, AJ, or possibly RD to. It's about a loser working hard under 5 or 6 insane martial arts masters to build himself up to great power. It's actually pretty funny. But in it they talk often about hard work and protecting others as well as manipulation of inner energies (not dbz style) and these are the things that I think the girls might like. While our main character gets to work on his close quarters combat skills.

Kenichi! I remember that series, but I've only watched it to the final episode where he was fighting his childhood friend over the yin yang badge. Or something. And then I learned years later from watching an AMV that there's more, either in an OVA, or a new season, I don't really know.

I liked that series, but Kenichi quickly breaks from normal human condition and can overpower humans Much, MUCH larger than himself due to the 'pink muscle' explanation. He's impossible for other characters to challenge unless they're already in his power range or they are actually stronger than him. If I use Kenichi, I'll have to utilize it as they enter the story straight from the start, or Wade just cheats using his powers in various fashions.

3845086 well you're not stringently tied to canon so you could drop in at any point or just pick a different setting in the same word. As for the pink muscle thing well that's a real thing. Not sure on ways to develop more of it but it is a real thing. Plus it only seems to be the underground fighters and master level fighters who break past human level. Everyone else is well in human power ranges.

3844965 No clue as to which of the three you should choose, I would recommend rolling the digital 3 sided dice. Speaking of dice, had you considered doing an "arc" based on an RP setting? Like- something from D&D or other RP's. I recommend this because of the wacky fun players and gm tend to get into ex.)
(Party rogue): "Slay the dragon? I thought you said lay the dragon."
(WizardOOC): I cast can oh woop ass.
Fun stuff like this http://outofcontextdnd.tumblr.com

3845086 alternatively he could end up in the world of the Girl Genius webcomic (WHY DOES NOBODY USE THIS?!?!) Oooh the fun they could have with the cube.

Damnit, I would have to read through the whole webcomic again. It's been so long, if I tried to just jump back in where I left... I'd have to contact the author/artist and get permission from him, whereas with the other things I could just claim it was too hard and I didn't recieve any replies through the channels of communication I tried.

Although if I was going to go through that effort, I'd also try to get permission from Dan Shive of egscomics. EGS is one of my favorite webcomics, despite its shortcomings. Fits the unintentional motif of a 'school' environment. Schoolbound children, at least. Why do so many series have the hero in highschool or middle school? Do we just love the concept of kids having super powers and somehow keeping it secret from adults?

The answer would be yes~


The direction of that comment was more of asking the opinion if I should use any of those three at all. Glad to see I wasn't just immediately panned for my foolish ideas.

AS for the tabletop suggestion. Yeah, I mean, it's always an entertaining diversion for a chapter or two to see characters interacting in a fashion they wouldn't normally. In context of a RPing game, it's even more exotic. You can get an even wider range of reactions, especially if you have certain characters acting out a fantasy as well.

In fact, you know what? Granted. I'll have a couple chapters of that after the Rainbow Rocks arc. Gimmie a suggestion for what you think they should rp as. Unless I hear otherwise, Wade will be playing a female unicorn battlemage.

3845330 ooh EGS is awesome! I'm also a fan of twokinds. How'd you get to EGS? I was browsing topwebcomics back when it was in the top 10 on the comedy page. I've been following since the part with Grace's siblings.

3845335 Foolish Ideas? I mean, they can be either good or bad, it just depends on the writer. . . maybe?

Well, Wade is, 'on occasion,' forced through a portal without his consent, has magical powers, he CAN be dangerous if he really really puts his mind to it (the guy seems modest to a fault to me, and I love em' for it), is a shapeshifter. I feel like he would fit under "Summoned Creature", rather than the female battlemage. Sure, he can fight using magic, but so can, what, half the creatures in most magic heavy RP's? Not sure why it would matter which gender Wade chooses, whatever value gender has for a shapeshifter.

Here's something to think about. IF you consider the RP "arc," what kind would you want to write? Sci-fi, wasteland, medieval, fantasy. . . .

Honestly? I used to have a severe fetish for transformation. So I looked for webcomics that had transformation in them. Initially, I had been reading a webcomic called 'The Wotch'. I saw egs in it's reffered tab one day, and just started reading it. I got three pages in before I was heavily turned off by the early art. Better than anything I can do, but back then I was judgemental. The art was 'bad', therefor the story couldn't possibly be any better. Or so I assumed. It was eaither months or a year later I saw it reffered again on a different webcomic, Cheer. So I was bored and didn't have anything better to do. I read it. And was promptly floored by the fact that it actually had a really cool story, interesting characters, and wholey unique view on magic in its world. 'Magic is technology and vice versa'. I love it.

So I've just been reading it till this day. I also read the 'newspaper' segment, and was pleasantly surprised that it had some polish to it as well.

I thought you were reffering to having them play a DnD varient or something of the kind. YOu know, sit down, roll for initiative?

Initializing hand to face protocol . . . .
Executing 'I'm rubbing my face with both hands now' . . . .
Yeah, think I had confused myself. But yeah maybe Wade could RP as a Summoned Creature or a summoner,you know, because of irony.

3845364 I've always been a bit of a furry fan so I've looked around and seen quite a few good stories. EGS and twokinds are the only two that are both actionish and update regularly. Though there are a few slice of life/drama comics that I read. (Male I may be but even I like a good romance plot)

Interesting Interesting.... Y'know I think I'd read that as well. Probably because I'd like to see how other authors do it. I plan on doing something similar except one world, and it's a world far detached from MLP

Interesting... I would totally tap the like button if did this. Maybe even the Fav button.

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