• Member Since 5th Jun, 2012
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Monsters (the prequel to Night Shift) is COMPLETE! · 3:43pm Oct 24th, 2015

Remember when Twilight Sparkle: Night Shift was a thing? Yeah, it's been a long time. Remember when I wrote a prequel titled Monsters?

If you do, great! If you don't, well, I'm not going to blame you. Here's a heads-up: I wrote a prequel to Night Shift titled Monsters whose chapters I've been releasing periodically for the last few months, and as of this week, the fic is complete. It's there. The whole thing. In its entirety. Awaiting your reading. What are you reading this blog for? Go read Monsters.

"But JawJoe!" I hear you cry, "Why do I only hear about this now? Why is there no link in Night Shift's description that sends me conveniently to Monsters?"

Look at Night Shift. Now look at Monsters. Now back to Night Shift. There is now a link in Night Shift's description that sends you conveniently to Monsters.

"You are amazing," I hear you admit what you already knew, "but still, why only add this link now?"

I'm going to level with you: I wasn't allowed to add that link until now. Well, okay, that's not entirely the case. See, the absence of a link was the result of a, shall we say, under-the-table deal, of sorts, with Equestria Daily. See, Monsters is a prequel to Night Shift, and that latter story has been featured on EqD already. This means that any related material -- sequels, side stories, and yes, even prequels -- would have been published on EqD not under their own name, but simply as an update to Night Shift. I wanted Monsters to stand on its own, so I wanted to avoid that happening. I wanted the new story to get its own, proper blog post as opposed to being thrown into a repost of an older one. Me and my pride, right?

Now, the folks at EqD were super cool about this. They were more than willing to give Monsters its own post, but only so long as I didn't make its connection to Night Shift readily apparent. In other words, they were willing to bend their own rules for me a bit. I was really at their mercy there; they weren't being unfair, they were simply trying to abide by their own ruleset. So shout out to whoever at EqD who OK'd the deal.

My Little Pony fanfiction. Serious business.

But now that the story is officially done and posted both on fimfiction and EqD, it should be okay to more meaningfully connect the two stories. So see that little line in Night Shift's description where it says it's a sequel to Monsters? Yeah, that's a thing now.

Ultimately, the point of this blog was simply to tell (and possibly remind) people that this fic exists. Sometime in the near future, I'll be making a blog that's more in-depth about the actual fic, as well as outlining my future plans. I've been dropping (anvilicious) hints that I'm leaving fanfiction (MLP or otherwise), and I still fully intend to go through with that. But I do have future plans, don't you worry. I'm writing a novel.

Expect me.

Comments ( 11 )

Expect me.

That's really ominous and scary.

Well if you don't like it, then

Now, the folsk at EqD were super cool about this.

*Googles folsk*

Star Wars - Dark Horizon's MUSH: Folsk Villain. Scum. Gentlebothan.


This is why I need a pre-reader.

Once im done with this 50 chapter monster im reading
This will be the next thing I read!

You know. I gave you a bit of crap about monsters being a prequel, but I finished it a bit ago, and this is the perfect time to say:

I was wrong.

Monsters was a bang-up story, especially for being shorter than I thought it was going to be. You did an excellent little job.

I want a link to this novel when it's complete. I don't want to do what I do for most of the books on my shelf which is to dig through book stores in arse ends of nowhere.

50 chapters! Jeezez almighty who art in Heaven, hold me.

I'm happy to hear you gave it a chance. Although...

little job

I spent half a year making that thing. Show some respect. :pinkiecrazy:

You can bet I'll be blogging about it.

3495381 Considering the last story I sat through was "Fallout Equestira: Project Horizons." Yeah, little is the only word to describe this. :trollestia:

3495381 50 was small compared to the other one I finished before it. 79 chapters.

Greatly enjoyed Monsters. Thank you.

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