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EVERYTHING ENDS [SPOILERS] · 7:38pm Oct 10th, 2015




That aside, this episode was a mix of pretty awesome and pretty heart-wrenchingly sad. Like the last game changing, all musical episode (Magical Mystery Tour), it went by pretty fast and is ultimately forgettable as an episode, but in terms of fandom and show impact, is absolutely UNFORGETTABLE.

I really liked the direction they started with. They made Diamond a bit more of a three-dimensional character, and although the "parents ruin the child" idea was originally subverted with how chill Filthy Rich has been portrayed in the past, the inclusion of her mother being a snob who can't bear the lower class makes sense. She really was just a replacement for Diamond Tiara now that we can't hate her anymore.

This episode has fucking uprooted so much it might as well have been a season finale, holy shit. We've got Diamond as a new friend of the CMC (although that's been presented as headcanon for quite some time), and the largest plot that's overarched all five season has finally ended: the CMC have their cutie marks. and this is both a blessing and a curse.

With this, I think the show has finally started its slow descent towards ending. Now, that doesn't mean that the show is going to start sucking; this season has been one of the most solid seasons to date. It does, however, mean that the show will be wrapping up soon. In my opinion, season six will be the last season and the movie will be the series finale. The ride has finally been given a tangible ending.

And it'll be hard to accept, but I both hope that I'm not wrong and that I am wrong at the same time. On one hand, I don't want the show to end. This fandom gives me a lot of purpose and it's something that gives me a lot of joy across many different levels. On the other hand, if the show just keeps going on forever, it'll end up sucking. Things have to end for this series to stay as fresh as it possibly can.

I lose myself; it was great episode today. The singing was great, and even though I don't like all song episodes, it was still something that will shape the fandom forever. It'll take some time to get used to the cutie marks, but...

God, I never imagined an episode of MLP would make me feel so happy and so sad at the same time, fuck.

mood music, please

The Cutie Map pts 1 and 2
Slice of Life
Raiders Of The Lost Mark
Brotherhooves Social
The Lost Treasure of Griffonstone
Rarity Investigates
Made In Manehattan
Canterlot Boutique
Make New Friends But Keep Discord
Castle Sweet Castle
Amending Fences
Appaloosa's Most Wanted
Tanks For The Memories
Party Pooped
Bloom and Gloom
Princess Spike

Comments ( 42 )

I like how this opened a similar avenue for future episodes that the Cutie Map does: The ponies, having learned lessons for themselves, now can help others learn.

I still can't believe this exists. Easily one of my high-ranking favourites of all time.:rainbowkiss:

This might not necessarily be pointing towards an ending. After all, their cutie marks and talents are such that the Cutie Mark Crusaders' mission isn't over, it's just changed. Instead of closing the door on cutie mark search stories for those three, it opens up even more potential for other stories. ^_^

I have to admit, it does feel like the show is heading towards in ending. It's reformed nearly all its major antagonists, the finale will be the first one about a recurring villain that may or not remain evil into the next season, all our main character's dreams are being realized... it feels like the show is building up to something big.
However, that doesn't mean that everything about the show will die. People will still type Fanfiction, the artist will continue stroking their pens across the page, the musicians will still compose their songs, and the comics will keep these characters alive.

if the show just keeps going on forever, it'll end up sucking.


With amazing writers, the show could easily go on forever. Here is another show that's still going on today, 50+ years in the making:

Don't take all of this to be hate, I just simply don't agree with that one statement. Maybe that's just me trying to cling on to this show? Yes, it probably is. I don't feel as full forced as you with thinking this show can end. We just got introduced to the Idea of Twilight as a princess not too long ago, and there are many opportunities. There is no way in Tartarus that they can cover all of that huge ass map we just got this season in just season six, and if they did then it would be a half-assed season.

Okay, now I sound aggressive. I'm sorry. :fluttercry:

3458467 Doctor Who, in my opinion, has gone into a downslide since the end of Season five in NuWho. But DW has a much more versatile premise, as does the simpsons (which I think is stale but not unenjoyable at this point). DW has literally all of time and space to explore, and The Simpsons makes fun of real life, which they've done for almost 550 episodes (which quite a few having the same premise, more or less). MLP doesn't have the same versatility that they do, and honestly, I think an attempt to emulate these shows in their lengths would wreck the fragile whimsy and feeling of magic that the show has got going.

My main point was that the writers still have the fans of theirs shows intrigued to watch more. So as long as our writers do the same for us, the show will last quite a while.

As for the Doctor Who thing... :fluttercry:
Oh well. I'll just go into a dark corner.

3458513 Don't get me wrong, I love the actors. I just think that Moffat doesn't really know how to write things that don't make new paradoxes occur every ten seconds, and this sort of limits how well the plot is formed.

And i do remember the writers saying at a panel that they would keep the show going as long as the fans are into it. But there is a certain time when you need to cut your losses and accept that you have a decent product. I think it's better that they wrap the show up in a solid, amazing way than to keep going until we don't like it. It's better to burn out than fade away, as it were.

I liked the episode myself. Too much singing, but a good episode. Only issue I had was the Cutie Marks they got. They feel lackluster and not what you would expect. I really expected something to do with building for Applebloom and a more prominent musical note for Sweetie Belle and the entire purple scheme inside the shield just looks bad. I'm kind of hoping that the last episode will somehow retcon these marks into something else.

Yeah, if it's going to have to end then you are completely right.
I'm a bone-headed Brony who doesn't want to think about the show ending. Ignorance is Bliss, as they say.

Also, nice song. It really sets the mood for this whole thing. :twilightsmile:

And... about the paradoxes. I can see where you're coming from, however, and I don't know why, those things are why I keep watching. I guess it's because explaining how everything works in that show is just so fun.


I'm kind of hoping that the last episode will somehow retcon these marks into something else.

They're not awful, they're just a bit... garish. I kind of like them. But you know just as well as I that they won't be retconned.

3458546 The thing is, the paradoxes don't explain anything, they're just used to justify Moffat turning the show into space soap opera. He's a very action based writer who doesn't value subtlety or long-term plot. He did write NuWho's best episode (The Empty Child/The Doctor Dances), but as the executive writer, he kinda sucks.

So... the M.A Larsen of Doctor Who?
Bu dum crash

All jokes aside, you're quite right in that. Most of my favorite episodes aren't written by him.

3458576 MA Larson is awesome though

Yeah, I said that more just because of the yelling-his-name-meme-thing.
Hence the bu dum crash. That usually indicates a joke that's not funny, since people need that to motivate them to laugh. :rainbowlaugh:

3458594 I don't laugh anymore
this episode destroyed my ability to feel anything that wasn't a mix of pride for fictional characters and pain that the ride is coming to an end

3458567 never say never. But you may be right and we're stuck with the garish things. Honestly they need more color really than just purple centers.

I'm just going to go to your house and find that beautiful thing that's on your profile picture. If it goes missing, remember: It wasn't me.

As long as there are bronies with disposable incomes and Hasbro keeps making money, I think MLP will be here for a while. Remember when South Park did an episode that felt like the end—that show's still going...

I get what you're saying, and it'd be logical to end a show how you're saying; but it also makes sense to do this if they plan on keeping the show going, or doing a CMC spinoff show (the horror just thinking about that).

It was a damn good episode with a lot of heart.

3458467 I totally concur. This show could run into three more seasons easy with all that stuff.

Funny how no one's talking about how god damned ugly the cutie marks are.

Fuck, I get that they got them "as a team" as it were, but do they all have to be so uniform? It clashes to hell with their color schemes.

3458709 A custom Blackjack. And the first one ever made too. I have a custom Littlepip, Morning Glory, and Lacanua too.

I was too exited to cringe.
But now that you bring that up... Wow you're right.
If they didn't change Twilight castle, they probably wont change this. We'll just have to live with it.

Zach-ly! Nice to see someone who agrees.

Well if MLP:FiM ends, I'll be pretty hype for G5/G4.5. there's been an established precedent for the franchise thanks to both the main show and EQG's excellent quality and older-viewer value. Hasbro would be losing out on a ton of potential moolah if they disregard everything done right with G4 going into the next iteration of My Little Pony.

FiM has been a hell of a ride, but I'm not planning to step off during remodeling.

It was pretty fucking great. I then proceeded to follow that up with watching Peter Pan ruin Nirvana and The Ramones forever.

I doubt they'll drop it after a movie, from a marketing sense that doesn't really work, you wouldn't push out the biggest thing in the franchise then drop the franchise y'know? Also I don't know if you remember but in the Wikileaks thing there were leaks of emails talking about the MLP movie, even one that showed the attachment to be "MLP MOVIE 1ST DRAFT" but you couldn't access it.

And long story short, it wasn't the series finale - the person who read it claimed it sounded too like a normal episode, but there wasn't a single hint that they're going for the "end of times" with it.

Also I doubt they'd end a TV show with a movie tbh, considering EQG isn't canon etc.

I would be HIGHLY surprised if S6 is the last we see of MLP, and EQG 4 is in development too.

3459475 There's a shift towards using EqG as the primary money maker. The show isn't going to go on for much longer from what I can tell, but EqG (which I despise) will certainly be around as long as its competitors (namely Bratz and Monsters High) will be around.

Damnit regi, my body was not ready for these feels ;_;
Now I must go fap my sorrows away.

Is this for real, the show might be ending? ;n; this makes me really sad... really sad...
My stomach hurts... I'm going to listen to sad music now and brood.

What's going to happen now if the show does end ;n;
I feel like everything I worked on was for naught... damn it.

//holds head up high//
If the show does come to an end, it was a fucking glorious ride.

3460220 At the absolute least there is another full season coming up and a movie and another eqg movie lol

3459531 they wouldn't kill FIM and keep EQG living.

Tbh EQG and FIM are practically the same thing really.

I think more than likely MLP will continue until it's shit like Spongebob and The Simpsons, there is still well over a season to go before "the end" and the CMC got their cutie marks already so it's not like that was integral to being one of the end plotlines.

If anything I think in the Season 6 break they need to age up the CMC, Applebloom's voice is getting ridiculous now she doesn't sound anything at all what she originally sounded like, sounds at least 15 and even that's been generous most of the time. Maybe just advance things along a few years and change a few things up (nothing particularly drastic).

Wouldn't at all suprise me to hear it's renewed into 2017 with Season 7, but I guess we'll see who is wrong when the time comes (or doesn't).

3460261 I know I know, but still!
The thought of it ending is depressing Dx

I've heard quite a few things about this episode after having watched it myself. A lot of folks seem to think of it as one of the show's best, which is a bit... generous. :duck:

I found myself stuck in the middle, because on one hand this is easily one of the most important episodes in terms of character development and the show moving forward as a whole, although I think its biggest weakness as a story comes from the former.

Diamond Tiara, holy shit. I know there really wasn't a better way of making her a good pone by the end of a 22 minute episode, but even then it feels like her transformation is grossly simplified and condensed. Up to this point we had seen absolutely no sign that DT was anything other than a stereotypical schoolyard bully and aspiring fascist, and the introduction of her mother was a pretty clumsy and abrupt method of making us sympathize with her.

The relationship between DT and her parents really deserved its own episode, with the concept of the parent corrupting the child deserving that far more than a musical number. There's an unnerving sense moral absolutism present in this episode, where there is a fence separating good and evil in a clean line and you're on one side or you're on the other, and if you want to go to the other side then you have to jump over the fence. This has happened in the show multiple times.

Then there are the cutie marks the Crusaders get. Aside from being kind of ugly, the fact that they get basically the same mark for the same talent is more than a little irksome. What has made the Crusaders up till now endearing and not annoying for the most part has been each member's differing characteristics from the others, and their personalities as individuals, but now their cutie marks are each the same flag. It's safe to assume a pony's cutie mark is supposed to emphasize their individuality, so it seems awfully backwards to have a mark that is itself merely part of a whole.

And so there's this conflicted feeling inside me, one that feels that in a cruel twist of fate the Crusaders have become less individual personas and more like gears in a machine due to marks which were supposed to represent each filly's specialness. :pinkiesad2:

Diamond Tiara confirmed for S6.

Life is good.

P.S. Awesome post that resonates strong with me.

Season Finale
Starlight screws over the Mane6.
Map calls for the CMC.


3464631 i saw your heresy in /fimfic/



Just because you don't accept the truth doesn't make it any less true.

3465673 this isn't 2010, I'm immune to those feels

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