• Member Since 7th Jan, 2013
  • offline last seen Sep 28th, 2023

Distaff Pope

An experienced writer of limited skill and dangerous enthusiasm.

More Blog Posts80

  • 191 weeks
    That She-Ra Fanfic is Published

    Chapter one and the prologue are out. Chapter two is written. Chapter three is being written. If you want to see Catra be She-ra and a much more emotionally damaged She-ra at that, maybe click the link: https://archiveofourown.org/users/Distaff_Pope/works

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  • 201 weeks
    Non pony fanfics

    So, despite saying I wanted to write original work, I realized I still love writing fanfiction. I'm also pretty solidly out of pony fanfics beyond an unsettled itch to get back into Sweetie Belle's head. Luckily, other shows exist with other damaged girls with undiagnosed Borderline Personality Disorder. What I'm saying is, I'm dabbling with a She-ra fanfic where Catara becomes She-ra and was

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  • 281 weeks
    Adapted Out

    Ok, so by now, I think I've gone through enough stories to talk about things from the source material that aren't going to be a factor. Most of the reasons why they're omitted should be kind of obvious, but I want to run through them anyway. Note: I love all the things I'm about to talk about, and it hurts me to not include them, but they're not best for this story. I'm just explaining my

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  • 281 weeks
    "Marked for Evil" is now "We Killed the Dinosaurs"

    Just a quick PSA. I've changed the title for my current story because Marked for Evil just seemed so angsty. We Killed the Dinosaurs seems less so, in contrast, and I think speaks to the heart of the work more. I'm also debating changing cover art to show the meteor hitting earth and dinosaurs looking on moments before their doom, but I want feedback on that first.

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  • 284 weeks
    A Little Rewrite

    So, someone pointed out to me yesterday that they had some issues with the magic camera. The first being how easily Sunset rolled with it once she got photographed, and also how convenient the camera was. In light of that, I rewrote a bit of chapter three and a good bit chapter four. So you don't all have to reread the chapters to see the changes, I'm posting the major changes here. The first is

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State of Stuff · 3:09am Apr 8th, 2015

So, we are approaching the end of PLA. Don't fret, there is a sequel (and a sidequel) planned, so the story isn't over, but it is reaching a big break. I mention all this because I just finished the last chapter's rough draft (clocking in at 21,000 words, it's long enough that I'll actually split it in half. Instead of one monster chapter, you'll get two slightly less monstrous chapters). However, before the last chapter goes to the editors, I have to finish the epilogue, so we still have probably six thousand more words I need to write. If I wasn't also busy with school stuff, I could probably type this out by Thursday, but I am, plus there's some other real life stuff, that might complicate things, but I think the important thing is the end's in sight, and the story should be finished before the first of May (maybe).

After PLA, I'll probably work on WTPV, school stuff, and the actual novel I've been neglecting, so that's fun too. Anyways, I really hope you enjoy the last chapter when it comes around and that I'll see you whenever we start the last half of Sweetie's journey.

(Also, I'm debating removing the romance tag for PLA, thoughts are appreciated.)

Comments ( 5 )

Don't remove the romance tag.
Because there is romance, its just a BAD romance

2959825 I know, but I hate tag creep (the problem of stories having so many tags that they basically become non-descriptive), and I worry PLA is getting close to that place. On the other hoof, I just have the epilogue to go so it shouldn't be too terrible.

I pray nothing serious. But good to hear there's going to be a nice two-part finale style send off, for this so soon. Best of luck with everything, and I look forward to the final episodes.

And yes, I very much can't see how you could remove the romance tag from this. Not your typical Disney romances but the romances are totally there. Even if most is one-sided, forced, taken for granted, abused, or manipulated into, I have to say that the Romance tag pretty much integral to the whole story since it deals with all forms of relationships and one whose not mentally fit for any.

I'm glad that you decided to break up the chapters. Reading a 20k chapter in one go is a bit...daunting. (I'm one of those people who HAS to read the whole thing in one go).

2961228 My ideal chapter range for this story has always been between 10k and 20k. In hindsight, perhaps I could have halved that, but I regret nothing.

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