• Member Since 16th Jul, 2013
  • offline last seen April 2nd


PC Specialist. Gamer. Makes some music. whoohoo.

More Blog Posts51

  • 101 weeks
    Terrible Incident

    My sisters husband who is a certified plumber was working when a hot water tank swung around and kind of snapped his arm. It was thought he was okay but turns out the tendon fully separated from the bone and will be shortly having surgery on tuesday to like tack it on or something, leaving him off work for four months. The shop he works for is mainly an HVAC outfit but he is one of only two

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  • 122 weeks
    Strange Incident

    Sis and her husbands truck. they have never smoked in it. they go out and find something disturbing.. somehow, somebody had got in the truck.. smoked a cigarette, got ash all over the seat.. so some weirdo somehow got in our truck, smoked, ad left evidence they did so... and now it reeks of cigarette smoke. so everyone is kinda weirded out.. the only thing I can think is maybe the lock froze and

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  • 183 weeks
    Covid Foolishness


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  • 188 weeks
    Chair Wreck

    So I'm sitting here writing and suddenly..the side of my chair crumbles with a tremendous crack as the back falls off due to this nearly flinging me onto the floor. Haha. So I have rigged it with a single adjustable arm and no back.. I was going to get a new chair but that is a little harsh on the pocket book at the moment. It never rains but it pours. Hehehe

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  • 190 weeks
    Chair Explosion

    So of all things, a friend of mine had their dog suddenly drop dead last night and at almost the same moment I was told this via IRC the arm of my chair goes <CRACK!> and tears right off almost throwing me to the floor. What amazing timing. Also not the best quality plastic it would seem. So a few things have slowed me on writing again of course. Haha. What a grand year this has been for all

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A few more pony dreams for ya · 1:35am Feb 25th, 2015

Dream 1: Dreamt I was standing on the deck of a big cruise ship. It was nighttime and was a nice moonlit night, starry sky. Pretty. Sort of felt like I was standing kind of oddly on my legs so I looked down to see hooves and the startling realization I was somehow a zebra. So startling in fact that I took two very unbalanced steps sideways leaving me falling over the rail and off the ship, tail and mane being whipped by the wind on the way down. When I hit the water I woke up.

Dream 2: Dreamt I woke up in my own room, and someone was sitting at my desktop computer gaming rig. Might have been one of my sisters, not sure. Never saw her face. I could hear like real life stuff in the dream, but it felt like I was panicking or something for some reason. Also kept hearing 'Why wont it stop?' Again and again. The person was playing a game. The title screen consisted of all the popular video game characters ever pretty much. Suddenly Applejack jumped into the scene from the left side of the monitor wearing her hat. She winked at me like she actually knew I was there and was smiling smugly. I woke up at being startled I guess.

Dream 3: This one, is a real doozy.
Sometime, Somewhere presumably in the far future on another planet at an enormous spaceport a race was about to take place involving all of the fastest creatures in existence. Somehow for some reason Rainbow Dash was there too. She did not seem aware the race was an upcoming thing and upon overhearing about it obviously decided to partake. She did not seem to feel out of place or concerned about where she was, like it had all become routine. This dream contained immense amounts of little details, fantastical critters and aliens of so many sorts I cannot possibly describe them all. Everything from 3 foot tall cybernetic mouselike port workers and controllers to utterly indescribable critters. The technology, the port itself. Everything was incredibly detailed down to little scenes that made the entire thing seem and feel real as could be. I felt to be literally there watching it all as if a ghost watching an unfolding story. The detail was absolutely deep. There is no possible way I could remember everything. From conversations about the race to deep backroom discussions about security and every little thing in between I saw and heard it all. Somewhere a dark figure was speaking to an odd wide and vaguely manta ray shaped bipedal creature. It looked up at this figure and stated that everything alive anywhere would absolutely love to tear him apart piece by piece. The response was only that he liked to see things from above. The race was about to start after a gang had been stopped from causing trouble in the terminal. It was revealed in some manner to Dash that the race was a setup, all a ruse to distract everyone and then to breach port security for far far within the facility was held in a little vault one of the most dangerous things that ever would be. For whatever reason she chose to go on with the race anyway. The thing was being moved to a safer place and just happened to be passing through the port. The timing of the race outside just appeared to be coincidental.

Dash is incredibly fast with reflexes to match when she really wants to use them. Along with the other racers they all stormed the port a short time after the race started along an outside track. At first the ports security systems were being overwhelmed so many incredibly fast individuals of varying sizes and strengths. Automated traps and the like eventually took care of the majority of them excepting Dash and a couple others. She was moving so fast she was able at points to run up walls, through vent systems and more, who needs wings? It was very harrowing following her on this mad sprint throughout the port. At some point a little sort of slug creature had attached itself to her and was giving directions and suggestions. As the racers were caught she was eventually informed that an ambush was ahead, but she said it didn't matter anymore and purposely rammed right into a net getting the last other racer caught with her, making it look like an accident. A little later I saw her speaking with one of the port controllers. One of the cybernetic mouse creatures that took care of the majority of port operations and maintenance. They were very snarky in regards to things despite supposedly being considered almost vulcanlike by most. I think it was mostly a facade, a sort of huge scale joke played on the rest of the universe by them, making themselves out to be that way to all but themselves. It turned out she was in on the race and the ruse of it all along and was thanked for her assistance in averting a catastrophe. However, just as the ports security systems were being reset and repowered. At that exact instant the dark figure from before managed to touch the thing. He seemed to get information from it and in the confusion of it all slipped away. It seemed a very good thing he was unable to physically take it with him, what he got from it I do not know. He could not have timed that more perfectly. Incredibly intelligent. It would seem he planned it all, every single thing which happened from the start, even Dash missed it.

This dream was completely and absolutely amazing. I have never seen anything like it ever. It was so real, so filled with story and everything was vivid beyond compare. I have also never felt I was moving that fast myself ever. It was such an incredible rush to follow her at that rate as she ran through the twisting corridors of the port. Just thinking about it now makes me gasp and feel my adrenaline rising. Well then, no complaints about this one. hehehehe.

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