• Member Since 2nd Dec, 2012
  • offline last seen May 26th

Midnight Shadows

Been a member since 2012, never realized there was a bio line until the end of 2018, I TAKE WRITING COMMISSIONS! :D lol. I don't do roleplays.

More Blog Posts30

  • 99 weeks
    About commissions

    As a few may know Commissions atm are sort of closed at the moment due to irl life stuff with myself and my co-writer

    I'll make a formal announcement when commissions have re-opened but we're likely going to be amending our TOS, we've had the same commission rules and TOS since the start and we've noted holes in them for a while now.

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  • 263 weeks
    Hey everyone I just wanted to reccomend a fiction written by my BBBFF and Co-Writer Snowy~

    Hey everyone, I just wanted to take the time out of my day to say that my BBBFF and Co-Writer Snowy (AKA Thunderchaser23) has been writing a wonderful story, and if you're looking for a good read that's actually thought out, it's very much worth it. I'll drop a link to both Snowy's page and his story below. All I can say is, his story "Only A Mothers Love" is wonderfully written, the emotions are

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  • 264 weeks
    As some of you may have noticed (About our commission prices)

    I realized I never directly addressed this, I had only mentioned that our prices had been updated.

    (Prices can be viewed here: http://www.furaffinity.net/commissions/midnightshadows/ )

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  • 270 weeks
    Bonus Chapter For Flurry's Playdate!

    Just so everyone knows because I'm not sure if Fimfic sends out a notification for a technically "Completed" story, There is now a bonus chapter for Flurry's Playdate that was a commission for Bonded Friendship. Enjoy! (Story tags have been updated accordingly.)

    0 comments · 243 views
  • 300 weeks
    Commissions Updated

    So I've finally gotten around to updating my commissions page on FA,

    (Link here)

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Stolen From Another User (Lol) (Credits in the top of post) · 2:50am Oct 3rd, 2014

Stole this from Thunderchaser23 who stole it from KrisProwler

Written from the POV of Midnight Shadows in the To Be Different universe.

May Contain Spoilers, you have been warned.

OC picked: Midnight Shadows

Try to read it with his/her voice

1. What is your name?
Midnight Moonlight Charmer~Shadows! But some ponies call me Midnight and Snowy calls me Shady!

2. Do you know why you were named that?
I dunno. where Midnight Moonlight Shadows came from but Charmer comes from my mommy who adopted me when my real mommy went up to heaven.

3. Single or taken?
I gots a coltfriend named Snowy!

4. Have any abilities or powers?
I can fly real good! I only fly into trees sometimes! Oh oh oh! I can see in the dark! Kinda. . . sorta, only sometimes. . . I can't control it yet, it's something only adult bat ponies can do. I'm not old enough to develop control of it or something silly like that.

5. Stop being a Mary Sue!
I thought you said your name was Marty Stew?

6. What's your eye color?
Green! They glow neon like when I'm using my night vision though!

7. How about hair color?
My mane is light blue and dark blue!

8. Do you have any family members?
(Holds up picture frame.) I gots my Mommy Starlight Charmer, and my Daddy I don't see him much tho cuz he's in the Royal Guard.

9. Have any pets?
I had a goldfish once! But it died. . . (Frowns.) Oh oh! But I got lots of stuffed animals! Do they count?

10. That's cool, I guess. Now tell me something you don't like.
SPIDERS! (Hides under bed.)

11. Do you have any activities/hobbies that you like to do?
I like flying and playing in the snow with Snow Blitz and

12. Have you ever hurt anypony in any way before?
I hit Comet Tail real hard once with my back hooves when he was trying to bully me. . .

13. Ever… killed anypony before?
No! I've never killed any pony! I've killed a spider before though. . . it was scary!

14. What kind of animal are you?
I'm a batpony. . . well kinda, I'm a hybrid! Normal pony and batpony, only part of me is batpony. . . I can't figure out what part though! I all look like a pony! (Trots in circles trying to see myself.)

15. Name your worst habits.
I like to do fun stuff more than I like to do important stuff. . .

16. Do you look up to anypony at all?
Mommy and Daddy!

17. Are you gay, straight, or bisexual?
I don't understand the question!

18. Do you go to school?
Yeah! I go to Ponyville elementary with Snowy!

19. Ever want to marry and have kids one day?
I dunno about foals but. . . I already know where I want my wedding! I want a prince to come pick me up off of my hooves and take me away to the royal castle in Canterlot! I already know what china i want to use for the reception! (Pulls out a book with several wedding related selections and points to them.)

20. Do you have fangirls/fanboys?
I'm not really popular. . . so probably not.

21. What are you most afraid of?
SPIDERS. . . Oh and I'm afraid of heights. . . guess that's not good for somepony who has wings.

22. What do you usually wear?
Well. . . I'm incontinent so I have to wear a diaper. . . but I try to wear stuff like bows or ribbons! Cause they look nice!

23. What's one food that tempts you?
FRUIT! Oh and fish. . . I really like fish. . . but did I mention fruit?

24. Am I annoying you?
Not really, I like the attention!

25. Well, it's still not over!

26. What class are you (low class, middle class, high class)?
I like to pretend to be a princess. . . does that count?

27. How many friends do you have?
I don't really have many friends. . . I don't like to count them though, the ones I got are fun.

28. What are your thoughts on pie?
Does. . . does it have fruit in it? (Drools.)

30. Favorite drink?
Juice! Fruit Juice!

31. What's your favorite place?
My bedroom or my treehouse! I love those places!

32. Are you interested in anypony~?
Snow Blitz is really awesome!

33. That was a stupid question.
You're silly!

34. Would you rather swim in a lake or the ocean?
I don't like swimming but oceans are fun cause the beach!

35. What's your type?
O Negative

36. Any fetishes?
Is that like having a pet fish?

37. Seme or uke?
I don't get it.

38. Camping or indoors?
I like to stay inside and colour, but I have slept in a sleeping bag in my treehouse before! It was fun!

Report Midnight Shadows · 208 views ·
Comments ( 2 )

I may, or may not have used this idea as a teaser to my latest upcoming oneshot... it allows me to think my oc a bit more... enjoy:

The Legend of Dead Ink

2503020 Well looks like me and Thunderchaser, in the act of stealing, turned it into a sort of trend lol.

That's a bit why I stole it from Thunderchaser and Krisprowler, lets me flesh out Midnight a bit.

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