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Night Shift prequel: seeking beta-reader(s)! · 9:13pm Sep 27th, 2014

Indeed. The famed Night Shift prequel I've teased in my blogs here and there. With Re-Animator coming to a close soon -- I expect to post the final two chapters over the course of the next week or two -- I want to start working on a new thing. And that thing, it seems, will be a prequel to my most popular story which I'll thus be milking relentlessly after RD:RA didn't get nearly as much attention.

And I need help.

If you've been paying attention to my stories, you might have noticed a certain pattern. Night Shift was a little on the whimsical side; gorey and dark, yes, but not without the odd bit of humour. Queen of Queens was in turn much more serious; a writing experiment, in many ways, one where I sprinkled no silly self-deprecating humour. Re-Animator, which is awaiting conclusion as of this post, thrives on bloody, gorey axe-craziness. I find this alternating pattern between less and more serious stories lets me keep things fresh. Which means that something more serious is in order.

Introducing Monsters, a more serious take on the Night Shift universe.

Set 20 years after the Longest Night and the initial banishment of Nightmare Moon, Princess Celestia runs a secret organisation of her own. These ponies work in the shadows to help Celestia consolidate her rule. Nightmare Moon's monsters still lurk in the night, and strange Moon-worshipping cults have also grown out of the fear and terror left in the Longest Night's wake. Not to mention the political consequences of replacing a two-princess government with one sovereign, supreme ruler. The nobles and royals of Equestria watch Celestia closely, waiting for the first slip up -- an excuse to dethrone the "tyrant" and put themselves in her place.

The population still mourns for the loss, the damage is still being repaired, and the Princess is crippled by regret and indecision. Enemies of Equestria -- both from inside and out -- seek to destroy the nation at its weakest. The Equestrian Bureau for State Security -- Celestia's secret police -- exists for the good of all ponies. Whether they like it or not.

Monsters will not be like Night Shift, but it will, I think, encapsulate the essence of Night Shift. Perhaps in a little more nuanced way, too. Where Night Shift was about gorey fun and snappy one-liners in the face of apocalypse, Monsters puts a human -- pardon, pony -- face on things. This time, I aim to show a little more grey where everything had been black and white.

Just who are the cultists, these Children of the Night?
The Longest Night saw many atrocities. How does a Night Guard, driven mad by the Nightmare's influence, cope with being a murderer?
Is Celestia right in locking away, banishing, or otherwise getting rid of all those who would threaten Equestria? Where do you draw the line between being a threat and being a victim of circumstance?
How does a newly turned vampire cope with their condition in a world that hates them?

Do monsters really exist?

Where is Monsters now? All in my head. The story is taking shape. The plot isn't at all worked out. Suffice it to say, there's a long road ahead before Monsters hits fimfiction. Right now I'm making preparations -- trying to figure out what's what and what goes where. Everything is tentative, malleable, and prone to change.

What am I looking for? I need what I call a "beta-reader." That is a term I came up with because more common ones like "proofreader" or "editor" don't necessarily convey what I need. I'm not looking for somebody who mechanically scans the fic for typos and syntax mistakes. I need somebody that I can actively work with. Someone to exchange ideas with, to brainstorm with, to discuss plot development and story direction with. Pointing out typos and stuff is the smallest part of the job.

Did I accidentally create a plot hole? Is my characterisation off? Is someone's (somepony's) voice inconsistent in this scene? Does that scene need more or less description? Does this character's motivation make sense? What would be the most logical thing to do for each character at this point? Would it be better for the story if the plot went this way or that?

Bottom line: I need someone that is dedicated to the project, can tell good storytelling from bad, and will point out any and all mistakes, of any kind, they find. Honestly. Bluntly. I need someone that has the time to really dig into the fic with me. Naturally, having read Night Shift is a plus.

Assuming I get multiple volunteers, I'll vet them to see who might work best. I'm not ruling out taking on multiple beta readers (although that might complicate communcation).

Assuming I get none, well, first off I'll be really embarrassed. Then I'll try finding someone through fimfiction's many editing/proofreading groups. Whatever happens, I'll try to get this fic out there. I want to write it, although I make no promises.

So. Anyone up for some writing?

Report JawJoe · 577 views · Story: Twilight Sparkle: Night Shift ·
Comments ( 11 )

I was wondering what happened to RD:RA and had been rather jonesing for a fix for a while now. While I'm sorry it's ending so soon, I'm still glad to finally have more of it.

As for the beta reader, eh, if you get no one else better I'd work with you. I've done that kind of work already in the past (and called it beta reading at the time), so if you want we can see how we get along.

Site Blogger

Damn. If I wasn't so busy with all of my own material, I'd jump n this in a heartbeat. :fluttercry:

I noticed some small problems with the final chapter that turned out to be more complicated to fix than first expected, which has made me put off posting anything until I patch the story up. I've been kind of busy half the week, and slacking through the other half, so more delays. But it's happening, trust me.

From our previous discussions you, seem perfect for this. Shame you can't do it. Oh well!

I can see about helping . . . Would FiMfiction's p.m. system work for correspondence or would you prefer g docs?

Site Blogger


Well when exactly do you plan on starting it? I've got a lot of stuff to do with my projects, but within a couple weeks it shouldn't be an issue anymore.


I could give it a shot.
I just don't have a lot of time on my hands, so I might not be the best fit.

I'd love to work with you on a prequel to Night Shift, it's one of my favorite stories on FiMFiction, right next to Fallout: Equestria and the Time Loop Trilogy. While I've never done any editing or prereading before, I have a good eye for spelling, grammar, character voice, and various other aspects of storytelling. Plus I'm brutally honest; I would never go out of my way to hurt someone's feelings, but I'm not afraid to if they ask for the complete truth. I also enjoy a large variety of genres, from adventure to comedy or horror to slice of life, so the change in tone won't bother me. I feel like I'm trying to oversell myself, am I overselling myself?

I'd certainly love a chance to work on this with you! I tend to scan and edit stories internally when I read them, so it really does come in handy on the few occasions when refining a story is my main goal. Most days I'm available through either FiMFic or Skype, if that helps.

OK, bulk-reply time.
Wow. Truth be told, I expected to get a "maybe" or two at most. Damn. Lots of volunteers. Hard to choose and pick, I'm sure you understand. Especially since I have no idea how "good" each of you is at this, or how well we could work together.

Now, the timetable is something like this: I'll finish up Re-Animator in a week or two. Hopefully. Then I'll likely take a short break to collect my thoughts (and tend to that pesky "real life" thing I have going on in the background). So let's say, two-three weeks, give or take, and I'll start working on Monsters in earnest. I'll be reaching out to you then, most likely through PM right here on fimfiction.

I can't guarantee I'll get in touch with every one of you. I don't think I could closely work with so many people at once. That said, developing a story takes care, and if you followed me through Night Shift, you know I take my precious time. An extra pair of eyes never hurt.

So now that your names are on here, I'm not going to forget them. Even if you don't hear from me right away, don't be surprised if you get a message from me four months down the line asking you to take a look at something.

It's impossible to say anything for certain at this point. I'll start working on it, I'll rope a few people into closely helping me, and then possible ask more people for less in-depth opinions. Maybe. We'll see.

All that aside, I'm kind of blown away by the enthusiasm. There's some motivation for me, right? I'll get this story to you somewhere between today and the end of time.

Site Blogger

Works for me. :twilightsmile:

Sounds good to me. :twilightsmile:

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