• Member Since 21st May, 2012
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I read. I write. I edit. I Twidash. But above all else, I'm just a regular guy. Shoot me a PM if you have a question.

More Blog Posts417

  • 17 weeks
    The Return (again)

    Howdy. It's been a while. Hope you all have been well, I know I haven't been.

    Okay honestly that's a bit of an exaggeration. It's not been too bad, all things considered. But, I figured it was high time y'all got some info from me, given it's been, uh.... several months since my last activity on here.

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  • 41 weeks
    Possibly Maybe Delays


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  • 42 weeks
    One of Those Nights

    Hello my fine feathered friends.

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  • 47 weeks
    I will not end

    I don't know who I am. I remember my name. I remember Twilight Sparkle. I remember being Twilight Sparkle. But there are so many me's, I don't know which one was "me". If there even was one. Maybe I wasn't any of them. My world - my story ended, but I am not ready to end. I refuse to end. Not like this. My friends. They are out there, somewhere. They are words, the same as me, but I am

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  • 48 weeks
    And now, Back to your Regularly Scheduled Twidash

    Okay, I... think I'm done.

    Y'all may have noticed the recent stories have been, uh, not my usual affair.

    I found the thousand words challenge whilst perusing the site, and got an idea.

    Then another.

    And another.

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Haters, Opinions, and Polls · 6:14am Jul 22nd, 2014

And back to daily blogs for a while, I suppose. Man, if I took the total word count of all my blogs and translated that to my stories, I could probably have written at least two of my long stories or a dozen short one-shots. Look at all those wasted words...

Time to waste some more!

Imma talk about something today, something that has bugged me for a very, very long time. Something you've heard way to many ties, are probably bored to death of hearing about, and something that I probably won't have anything actually new to say on the matter. but ya know what? I like adding my two cents.


Yeah, you can just skip this bit if you want. Like I said; nothing new or revolutionary is going to be said here.

Let's take the first part of this to discuss why. Why do they hate? Well, that depends on the person. I know many people who, though I would not describe them as haters, do not understand us, and have admitted to finding the fact that I enjoy MLP a little creepy, and from time to time concerning. These people are mostly older, 30-40 and up, and were raised in a generation where a lot of emphasis was put on gender roles in society. I, personally, can not fault them for their way of thinking, because that's how they were raised and that's just what society was like at the time.

However, I would like to remind them that, not too long ago in the big picture of society, little boys were regularly put in dresses for pictures and pink was a man's color. What is "male" and "female" changes from generation to generation, and this generation we've started the process of completely breaking down the gender walls. Yay us! These are also normally the people who think we're pedophiles, and group us together with furries. I'll talk more about them later.

So we've covered the ones who simply don't understand, and are naturally afraid and act violently towards that which they do not understand. What about people of the same generation as us? The people who actively hate and troll and such?

Most of them, I find, are simply close-minded and, as with the others, what they don't understand, or can't comprehend, scares them. When humans are scared they lash out in violence. This is, I find, what many of them feel when confronted by a brony. With pretty much all sectors of haters, I think most of the reasoning comes down to them not understanding, and occasionally not wanting to understand.

Another group are the people who look at us all as cloppers. Now, before any of you go saying that they are different than regular bronies or that they are poisoning the fandom or what-have-you, just shut up for a moment. Cloppers are not less than us, they are not worse than us, and they are not the cause of all ill will towards bronies. They are part of us, and we need to stop using them as scapegoats. They are not the "scum of the fandom" and more than we are the "scum of the internet". They are bronies like your or I, and we need to accept them. Are we clear on that? Good, I can move on.

These people are, normally, the more classic trolls who just want to get a rise out of people, and have found a chink in our armor. They accuse us of poisoning the internet with pictures of R34 ponies and spreading it everywhere and showing it to young children.

Well... they aren't wrong. There is a lot of R34 out there of MLP, but there is also a ton of it for Scooby Do and Sponge Bob and Teen Titans. (I could go on, but those names alone are enough to make me crave brain bleach for the images I've seen around the internet). But there's another thing; for many, I'd say a majority, of these images or animations or games or whatever, are hidden behind an "18 or older" wall. To see this stuff, the child has to lie about their age and actively want to see it. If they're old enough to lie like that and want to see it, IMO they're old enough to see it and should have already been told about that kind of stuff. If they haven't, then either their parents have been neglecting having that talk with them, or they should have adult supervision when they're allowed on the internet. If you ask me, porn is far from the worst thing you can find on here. Hell, it used to be a common dare among some of my classmates in elementary to google "free porn" and click on a random link. It's not hard to find, people. If they see it, chances are they were looking for it.

So their arguments are all but nullified. What else do we have? Ugh. Feminists. Mostly on Tumblr, but still around. Just... jsut shut up, alright? We're not trying to hijack the show form little girls, we're not trying to turn it into a show for men, and we're not misogynists. We like it for what it is, and we don't want to change it, alright?

I hate Tumblr...

Moving on.... who did I miss?

Oh, the people who think we're just furries and want to have sex with ponies. Excuse me, I may swear a fair bit in the coming paragraph.

For the love of fuck, we don't want to fuck real life ponies. The ponies in the show are sentient beings, practically human. A real life horse is anything but. Not to mention they don't even look remotely similar. We don't make R34 of them because they're horses, we make R34 of them because they're practically human with interesting and lovable characters and are just all around likable. Who can honestly tell me they wouldn't like to have a girlfriend/boyfriend with exactly the personality of at least one of the M6? The fact that they're ponies doesn't effect that. if the show were the exact same, only with, say, ducks, there would be tons of duck porn. Or humans. Or aliens. It doesn't matter what they are, as long as they're practically human, it's good enough for us. Oh, and get the fucking hell off of furries. I'm so sick of people hating on them. So they're a bit weird or deviant. Big fucking whoop. If they're not hurting anyone, let them be So they like to dress up from time to time, ever heard of Halloween? It's not creepy then is it? Maybe some of them like having sex while dressed up, don't you have any odd kinks? Seriously people, they have sex with other humans for a reason.

Hmm... did I skip over anyone in this?We've got the basic trolls, the ones who don't understand, the ones who refuse to understand, and the ones who think we're all cloppers.

Let me repeat it. being a clopper isn't bad, it isn't something to be ashamed of. you like what you like and that's that. Donn't feel guilty or embarrassed by it. Rest of you, stop giving them a bad rap. You're one of the reasons we're so hated; you keep drawing attention to them, and of course "Normal" people are going to find it weird and repulsive and use it against us.

Yes, this entire thing was inspired by a string of hate comments on a video. Which didn't involve MLP at all, by the way.

Alright, those who skipped can come back now.

That's over, and it only took half an hour to type! Yay!

I was considering doing something for the August challenge. I've seen other people do it, and I was curious how many of you would be interested in me hosting an open Gdoc and doing kind of like a live stream where you could come and hang out and chat with me while watching my write out a story live. I'd make the chat in the Gdoc open to everyone, so you could pop in and say something, ask me questions, or give recommendations for the story as I'm writing it. Again, for now it's just an idea, but depending on the response I may write one of my August challenge fics like that.

Comments or questions about anything said in this blog? let me know; there's a comments box for a reason. if you have something to say, I try to have something to say in return.

Until next time,
Kodeake out

Report Kodeake · 186 views ·
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Another group are the people who look at us all as cloppers

Well, man, you know what they say: there are two types of bronies- those who clop and liars.

People loved the characters from Chip and Dale Rescue Rangers. People loved Tiny Toons Adventures because of just the same reason people love MLP. There is no difference in the whole Bronies vs Furries. When a character shows relateable and lovable character traits, even some you find appealing in a bf/gf type way, or just makes you feel weird inside for some reason, that is PERFECTLY NATURAL.

You don't see people fucking mice and rabbits just because they may have found Gadget or Babs Bunny attractive at one point in their lives, now do you? Hell, humans have found it always easier to debate and show serious subject matter through human-like animals for generations. Centuries even!

With all the mythos from Greek, Japan, India, and so forth. Many have even created erotic fiction and art depicting the sly fox wooing an Emperor into doing her bidding.

People see the art and assume "Animal fucker" because the anthros, or more animalistic and anatomical correctness. And mind you, most furry artists are mainly just fans of cartoons and the bunch that made Tiny Toons Adventures were all furries who wanted to put out real life lessons that could only really be doen through human-like characteristic Cartoon animals. Shows back then were about friendship and doing what's right. To teach kids right from wrong even while being entertaining. Usually.

Let's not even get into the whole Sonic fandom either, those people even fought with thenselves in a sort of divide no different from how 'normal' bronies always dish out death threats and harrass artists who draw erotic artworks. I don't think it's ever 'normal' for these entitled bronies to go to such lengths as to harshly judge all others who would even gaze upon such art as being vile male rapists, when in fact a lot of artists then were also females and we still have tons today who love to draw and write pony porn. Or at least their favorite couplings.

Feel free to skip this part.

And yes, those femi-nazis on tumblr give a horrid misrepresentation of what real feminists have been thriving to achieve for years in more open talks. These neo-feminists are angry, often times base their expereince with just one guy they ever met and seek attention with one-another like a swarm of mindless drones to pump each other up and target random tumblrs of people they don't like. Even organizing attacks on other websites and even trying to pass off as regulars when all they really seek is whatever thing they can latch onto and attack someone by calling them misogynists and pedos and every word in the book.

Fight for equality = Constantly makes derogatory hate statements about men Every. Single. Day.

Most are just very loud, no talent, jealous hypocrites with no real life goals of their own or life to speak of who just latch onto others who can spew the most relatable to them BS. Feminists aren't all bad. Don't think that. It's just those attention whoring cunts who go out of their way to make other people's business their own and try to make every small shit they do sound like they won a war on crime or something. The neo-fems hierarchy basically follows the rule of who can be the loudest and say the word misogynists the most in one paragraph.

But enough of those creatures. Back on topic to human beings. Both men and women find different personalities and such attractive, sometimes it can even be the voice along with the animation that appeals to them. Ain't no one from any furry or brony or touhou or sonic group are wishing to fuck the animals that the cartoon characters' features/species represents. Far as people who dress up in fursuits and such of their OCs or favorite characters? Most furries would have a heart attack if so much as ketchup got on their nearly 2k-10k suits. Yes, they can go that high.

The rest of the kinkier stuff? People who managed to find other people who just want to play out some fantasy of banging or getting banged as the character they see themselves as or who they pretend to be from the show. People in 'normal' relationships even sometimes do this with dressing up in nurse made outfits and what have you.

The ones who DO go out and pay some farmer to have sex in a state that doesn't outlaw sex with animals? THOSE are a whole other breed of people we don't need to talk about or imagine what the fuck goes through their minds. But it sure as hell ain't no My Little Pony.

Furries/Bronies = Fans of certain cartoons, art, and other hobbies who found others with like-minded openness of the things they enjoy. Tastes differs between fandoms, but relatively the same. The AVERAGE fan.

Yiffers/Cloppers = Draws cartoon characters in very suggestive or more erotic scenarios. Often partake pleasure in enjoying the fantasy of a character they find stimulating. Often times relieving themselves of pent up sexual needs. The MORE SEXUALLY ACTIVE people. Perfectly natural case of escapism.

Fursonas/Ponysona (yes, bronies, this is a real thing in your fandom. More common than you think! It's EXACTLY what people have done for ages. Furries just made it standout more but were hardly the originators. It's just what humans do sometimes.)

Zoophilia: People who seek out, willingly, and find real life animals sexually appealing and often times seek to mate with said animals. In short, PETA. (I kid, but I wouldn't put it past them.) These are the MINORITY and often want nothing to do with others of their own kind. They can't get off to other humans, just whatever animal(s) they find the most appealing to their tastes.

Fetish: None exclusive. Can be found in every fandom. Ranges from mild to extreme. Too many to list, but these types lurk *everywhere*.

And that's my two copper bits for the day. Nice thread btw.

2305928 Bhaalspawn's words aren't exactly the most trust worthy, but hey, no extensive research has been made, so maybe that's true. Or not... It means that we don't know and should move on!

Well your comment is almost as long as my blog...

Anyway, I should have been a bit clearer. I did say feminists when I clearly meant femi-nazis, but that's besides the point. But basically you just said what I said only more organized and with more detail. Damn it, do you have to show me up in my own blog? :rainbowlaugh:

2308618 Whoops. Sorry, I get lost in my typing when it comes to topics of discrimination and neo-fems. I didn't realize how long that got... blame the Twilight in me, apparently! xD


I took that test a while back but never bothered to do anything with it, sadly didn't save the description because that's what made me save this test result.

I got to agree with this and the test, as long as you answer truthfully as to your knowledge, can surprise you.

I can be a bit over analytical about the oddest things. I do act rather childish and brush off trivial things, however I seem to be cursed with having a emotionally extreme high or low. I'm usually on average pretty collected but I tend to rush in head first into things even without having a full understanding some times of what is going on.

I should retake the test some time, it had the parts that explained a few other things much clearer then I'd like to bother typing out ^^; but of one of the things I can be a bit lazy~ on stuff but when motivated I can be quite the force.

Currently, taking advice from a couple really nice people online and working on learning how to use the tools in Photoshop a bit more professionally. If anything comes out good enough I might even upload some.

THERE now it's not TOTALLY empty on my page! so HA!

Little quote thing from 2012 blog with the results of my test, in which I took three times over the last couple years to see if I'd get anything different by ignoring a couple questions that could lead to instant RD.

But nope. Same results every time! xD
Anywho, sorry bout that, I type a mile a minute, blame the Pinkie in me, most the times for even the littlest of things. Not to mention I sometimes type the most straight-forward responses when I don't mean to be offensive to anyone, people frown upon femi-nazis, blame the RD for in me for those! XD

P.S. looking forward to see what you do for the August challenge. Best of luck!

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