• Member Since 15th Nov, 2013
  • offline last seen May 9th


Just here to make stories for all you fillies and colts to read. Also love to help others with their own writing, so feel free to approach with questions of your own.

More Blog Posts45

  • 115 weeks
    Current Events

    So, most of you have probably been wondering where the hell I have been. Well, I'll tell you:

    I've been busy moving.

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    1 comments · 352 views
  • 131 weeks
    Recent Events

    So...been a while since I talked here. lots of things happened. I got a job, lost a job, had some normal issues...and of course snapped at one point and ended in a psych ward cause of stupid choices...like jumping in front of a car..

    Yea...not my best moment.

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    2 comments · 223 views
  • 155 weeks
    The Game!

    Soon we will be reaching that important game in our story, the one about asking and daring and such. BUT, there will be a twist. For now I just wish to ask...what questions/dares should our pals do?

    The Pony list! will be:
    The Mane Six
    Drak (of course)
    And possible Special Guest (Who will remain a mystery)

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    1 comments · 271 views
  • 173 weeks
    Moar Cover Art!

    Once again, I have gotten a whole lot more cover art from my friend, NixWorld! Go check him out if you can, he makes such amazing stuff and I really love this one.

    0 comments · 172 views
  • 183 weeks

    I finally got some proper cover art for my story Gateway of the Eyes (Part One)! Go and take a look and tell me what you think!

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Maintenance Issues · 8:12pm Mar 15th, 2014

So, as I'm sure that you are all aware, I have just finished my first story, Gateway of the Eyes. Now, I don't plan on leaving it lil this, for I do have lots of plans for this story in the future.
With that said, however, I'm also going to be doing a lot of clean up with this story before I do a sequel. Now while the story has been very good, and has gotten a lot of positive reviews, there have been those that tell me some of the mistakes that I have made (I'll get into more detail; on that in a bit) so with that in mind, I decided that I should rewrite a bit of it…well, a lot of it. Does this mean that I will be taking down this version of the story? HELL NO! I worked really hard just to get it this far, so I'm not going to tear it down just to replace it with another one. What this sill be is the Gateway Preview (See what I did there?) Which will basically be a first draft of the story that I have. Of course, I will be taking a small break first, since I have ben writing none stop for the past few months on this. In about a few days, I shall start working on a few one-shots, of both the sexual and whatever else comes to mind. In fact, I already have an idea of what my first one will be (here's a hint: it will involve Pinkie and the two ghosts). So, with all that said, let's get down to the details of what I'll be changing. Keep in mind that the majority of the changes will happen starting from Chapter 6 onward.

So these are the main changes that I will be focusing on:

!. Pacing: The pasting for the most part, has been pretty fast. Now, I know that a lot of you don't really mind it, but those that have have pointed it out, and I do agree that I did rush the beginning part of it a tad (or a lot, in some cases) so with that, I will be working on extra chapters, having the main character live a little longer in Ponyville before things start to really happen, and so on. I don't have it fully worked out in my head yet, but I'm already working on it.

2. Herd Number: Now, I was at first going to have a maximum of 5, maybe 6 characters in the main's herd, but as you can see, it kind of got out of hand there, and the count for herd mates that he has right now is…I believe…11. Yea…kind of messed up with that. So, with that in mind, I will be having some herd members taken out, which will bee unfortunate for a few of you, who have been really looking forward to a few of the intimate scenes with them and the main, but it has to be done. If there are enough people that want me to, however, I could write a few one shot's of the main with the herd members that he won't be able to have in the story, and maybe a few 'what if' scenes as well (Such as a 'what if' Drak had nothing to do when Vinyl and Octavia invited him for some…'fun'). Just give me a few ideas dealing with that, and I'll see what I can do on that part

3. OOCs: So, I have gotten a few complaints about the way the few of the characters have been portrayed. While I may not agree with them 100% of the way, I do understand were they are coming from, so I will do some character tweaking as well, and this will include the main character, though not as much for him.

And with that, i believe, is that. There are plenty of other things that I will be fixing in the story, but those are the major ones at the moment. I hope that you guys al enjoyed my story, and I'm looking forward to having you guys read future stories by me.

And now, the following people I want to thank for taking the time of there life to give a in detail review of my story, even if they didn't give a positive review.

Special thanks to:
Finnie Nara

And, last but not least, TheArchive. If you are reading this, I know we got off on a bad start, and to be honest, I was just having a horrible day that day. With that said, it's still no excuse for just deleting all of your comments just because i didn't like them. I just want to tell you that most of these things, especially the OOC problem, I will be trying to fix. If I do run into any problems, I will make sure to come to you for some advise. And from now on, if you post any reviews on my stories, be they good or bad, as long as they aren't plan disses (Which none of them have been so far) then they will be safe and I'll make sure to not delete them. Am I being overdramatic…maybe, but I'm sticking to it.

With all that said, I'll be seeing you guys later

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