• Member Since 12th Nov, 2011
  • offline last seen Monday


Gamer, Anime Fanatic, Casual Fan of Horses and Men. Viewer of various shenanigans. Writer of things that really should come easier to him.

More Blog Posts60

  • 56 weeks
    With Regards to "Hand in Hoof", and Where It Would Have Gone

     I must confess, I had been contemplating whether or not I should write this for the longest time. For years, this very idea had haunted me. That I would forever live enshadowed by one of the longest works I'd never given its proper completion. That the work that had once been my passion project has since fallen to the darkest reaches of my sub-conscience. That this one unfinished work would itch

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  • 61 weeks
    I finally managed to write a thing, and it was thanks to this thing.

    So it's been a while since I've submitted something to FiMFiction. The biggest reason as to why is that my ADD-ass cannot maintain focus for writing on PC, along with a general lack of ideas. But, once in a blue moon, I can write if the mood strikes.

    So, in my quest to become a more consistent writer, I got myself one of these bastards.

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  • 224 weeks
    While I Was Away... (Late February 2020 Update Post)

    Jesus, the fact I still get activity on this site, in spite of my radio silence kind of astounds me, even now. I suppose I should start this off by saying thank you to all the people who still somehow manage to find my work and give it your favorites and shelf space. Even if you don't comment (and I would really, genuinely like it if you did), knowing you at least like it in some

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    2 comments · 325 views
  • 360 weeks
    State of the Author: July 2017

    So it's been a whole year since I updated Hand in Hoof. Quite a sobering thought, now that I put it in retrospect. I've really been that horrible of a procrastinator in the last six months.

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  • 385 weeks
    State of the Author: January 2017

    Jesus, has it really been four months since my last post on this thing? Too long, I say! Far too long. To that end, let us dispense with 2016 and all its maleficence and discuss things going on in the new year.

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How I Learned To Stop Worrying and Love The Ponies · 10:43pm Nov 4th, 2013

Today, I'd like to take some me time. Don't worry—your favorite stories are still being worked on, and I am working as hard as I can to get them out as soon as humanly possbile. (I've even been cooking up a little something special you might be seeing at the end of the month.) Today, I'd like to talk about my views on this fandom, and the many instances of drama within it. From Derpygate, to Faust's departure, and so on and so forth. Today, it's time for a personal post.

First off, I'd like to open this up by saying one thing: I love most everything this series and this fandom has produced. Now, I'm aware that many of my readers and followers have differing opinions on the different seasons, and on its multiple subfandoms, so I'm gonna start by giving my responses to a number of different complaints I get from various parts of this fandom. I will also make a warning right now that these are strictly my own opinions. So, in no particular order, I'll go down a list of some common complaints I hear.

The Conversion Bureau is misanthropic drivel that glorifies genocide!

I hear this one all the time, but with the exception of a particular author whose name I shall withhold for their protection, I rarely ever saw much in the way of actual genocide, and the vast majority of fics I have read (even the afforemented author I will keep anonymous) have had rather exceptionally good writing. The majority I've read are typically personal stories, rather than ones dealing with those of the entirety of mankind.

Faust left the show! It's going downhill from here!

I hardly think Faust's input was the determinate factor for the show's quality. She's a great writer and animator, sure, and I love her work. But, I still find season 3 to be enjoyably cathartic, and unless I am mistaken, during her visit to 4chan's /mlp/ board, she essentially named Megan McCarthy her successor, and I gotta say, I love most of the episodes she's written.

Derpy's been censored! Hasbro's turning against us! The show is ruined!

As a disabled person myself (having on record stating that I have Cerebral Palsy), I find this to be a particularly asinine argument, for pretty much every damn party involved in it. I personally loved Derpy in both of her incarnations in The Last Roundup, and though I prefer her voice in terms of portraying the proper "derp" factor, I can respect that Hasbro did not want to risk legal chicanery and get sued for having a potentially offensive character in the show.

Discord's been reformed! This'll ruin his character!

Isn't the nature of chaos itself to be contradictory and unexpected?

Twilight's an alicorn now! This changes her completely!"

She's also the main protagonist, and it has been made abundantly clear in the show that she was destined for something far greater than she'd ever imagined. If she weren't, then Celestia may never have taken her under her wing.

Probably the only real ruination this brings, objectively speaking, is the 2 of each breed dynamic they originally had.

They're gonna make another of show of MLP that turns it into some lame tweeny bopper cartoon!

Having seen Equestria Girls, read Through the Mirror to its completion AND read My Little Pony Anual 2013, I can definitely rebuke this claim. Without spoiling the comic for those whom have yet to read it, it essentially takes the five origin stories of the Freshmen Humane Five and gives them a more comtemporary flair. Of these, I think probably the best had to have been Fluttershy, purely because of just how utterly heartwarming it is.

I will honestly say this much; though the premise does seem odd, I'm willing to see how Studio B/DHX will showcase the magic of friendship's effect on this alternate universe.

Essentially, the point I'm trying to make is that I am one of a select few among this fandom that actually takes the maxim of "Love and Tolerate" to heart. At least, in the context of the show itself. Through many of the changes this fandom has undergone, and through the many subfandoms it has spawned in its wake, I am no stranger to drama. I go on this site most days, I check in with friends, I look as some stories like Fangwarden's latest Conversion Bureau stories get pointless downvotes, and it disappoints me a little.

What disappoints me a lot, however, are things like the poor treatment of Calpain, Cindy Price (and please correct me if I got her/his name wrong.), and a (currently) unnamed female fan who happened to be within the show's target demographic. Now, I won't spend too long on the former two (Particularly because the Down with Molestia campaign is absolutely asinine, in my opinion, and the wonderful Wanderer D already made a post concerning how fans of the show should not be sending angry letters just because of Twilicorn and some such), but I will bring this last one to light.

A friend of mine in The Writer's Group known as Ficta_Scriptor (best known for such stories as The Epic Quest to Mount Button's Mom), talked to me about this girl he'd heard about. She was ostensibly very young, and enjoyed the show the way a smart young girl should. She enjoyed the characters and setting and all the toys and such. And yet, when this aspiring pegasister visited a number of Brony forums, she was essentially cast out on the merits that girls shouldn't be watching a 'manly' show such as this, and that she was too young to properly enjoy it.

I'm sorry, but for anyone who said that, I've got a few choice works for you:

Screw you. Screw you and your sexist, ageist mode of thought. You should feel happy that you're getting a chance to talk with someone of the target demographic and get some perspective on whatever issue comes up from them, not ostracizing them for not understanding something the way you do.

I suppose, however, at the heart of it, the reason I enjoy the show so much is because, in spite all the hardships the ponies face, in spite all the dragons, demons, monsters, and world-wrecking weapons of mass destruction, it shows us a world that is idyllic and fun-loving. It reaches out to you with its vibrancy and entices you to relax and enjoy its splendor. While I can critique works fairly reasonably, I feel that if I spent all my time picking apart things bit by bit, I'd start to lose enjoyment of the work I was picking at to begin with.

Regardless of the controversy, cries of "RUINED FOREVER" and "FUCKING PANDERING", I just laugh at just how short-sighted some fans are at times. It has gotten to the point now where even the staff itself is poking fun at these particular fans and laughing.

In conclusion, in spite what people say of it, I love the majority of what this show and it's fandom as done, and I offer this advice to people who get complaints about the show pandering to the base too much/your fanfic isn't following canon/the show is ruined again/etc:

Don't listen to those people. Instead, search for intelligent people who view the show for what it is and be glad you inside that engulfing miasma of insanity that is a good percentage of this fandom. Also, remember the old maxim of Mystery Science Theater 3000:

"Just repeat to yourself 'it's just a show; I should really just relax'."

TL;DR, I love just about everything about the show, and I don't particularly care for those folk who blindly hate on something without looking into the actual work or attack the creator of said work. Also, ignore the idiots and seek out the intelligent fans who are patient enough to hold a smart conversation with you.

Report AdamThePony · 141 views ·
Comments ( 1 )

You are a wise pony my friend. I agree with most of your points. I'll admit, I dislike Equestria Girls. So I don't watch it. I'll admit for a while I was concerned the effects Twilicorn would have on the show. Hey, right now I'm concerned over what may happen to Luna in Season 4. But you are right. It is just a show so I got over it. Sometimes I think too many of us forget that. Too many of us tread that fine line between healthy interest and obsessive madness. There are some bits of the fandom I dislike, but I just avoid them. Sometimes that is all we need to do. If you hate something don't do it and then go complain about it on forums. I hope your blog acts as a wake up call to some of the more obsessive Bronies out there. Remember our motto: Love and Tolerate.

Thanks for knocking a few heads together. Vivas Noctus. :ajsmug:

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