• Member Since 29th May, 2012
  • offline last seen Jul 9th, 2017


Novice Writer, Game Addict, Founder and Former Head of The Equestrian Critics Society.

More Blog Posts64

  • 422 weeks
    New Writing Ventures - Animation project "Icarus"

    Hey there everypony. Don't worry, I didn't forget any of you.

    So I'm writing a blog here sooner (or maybe later?) than I was expecting. This time, however, I wanted to put something that's a bit less vent-y and much more productive, as I'm long overdue to deliver some good news.

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  • 447 weeks
    The Price of a Dream

    Hey guys. Been a while hasn't it?

    I guess I'll let you guys know in advance, this is more of a venting entry with some tidbits of my current status, and the status of my seemingly-abandoned Price of Loyalty.

    To open, I must ask the following question:

    When you make sacrifices to achieve a dream, what happens when the cost might be the dream itself?

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  • 501 weeks
    Long time no see folks! [Price of Loyalty News]

    Hello everyone!

    Holy crap, it's been a while since I was last here. My last blog seems to be posted back in February, and Price of Loyalty still hasn't been updated and it's almost 2015.

    Welp... guess I've got a lot to talk about don't I?

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  • 537 weeks
    Story Updates

    Welp... good news and iffy news for you guys today.

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  • 541 weeks
    Turned 22 Today. That is all.

    [Obligatory Birthday Blog Stuff]

    Fulfilled my birthday posting quota, now to figure out how to make this day end quicker.

    Oh and Journal #4 is making progress. Slowly but surely. Looks a hell of a lot better than my older version. Plus I'm trying to fix some plot holes I just figured out I had with the story down the road, so that's fun.

    Anyway, thanks for reading.


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Angry Blog · 1:59pm Jul 15th, 2013

So as the title implies, this is a bit of an angry rant I'm getting out of my system so I advise you steer clear unless you really wanna know something that's been bugging me lately.

Right, so I'm kinda irritated/frustrated and a little depressed.


Because I've been putting up with some obnoxious shit between friends of mine. Long story short, I got a good handful of friends that are practically pointless and a waste of my valuable time, and the majority of these consist of my brony "celebrity" friends.

Here's the scoop. I have very few friends that are actually willing to communicate with me, and even fewer play games with me. I never get invites to play anything, and considering I'm one of those gamers who likes playing with friends, that's something that just bothers me (though on varying amounts depending on the day). The rest of my friends however fall into one of two categories: They either just have me on their friends list because we played a game but never actually talk to me, then I have friends who over the course of several months, I have tried to talk to, but I get little to no response from. Those "celebrities" I mentioned earlier fall under these two categories.

I should point one thing out, I've known these guys for nearly a year, and they know me. We've played stuff, talked about stuff, even had a few poignant moments. I've been within their inner circle for some time now so I'm not just some random idiot looking to play with the celebrities. I actually got to KNOW these guys.

That said, here are some famous examples of shit I put up with this day and age:

I got one musician friend, well known, that we got into a few games with. He and I seemed to have had a good time whenever we play, and we were fairly talkative before. One day, he completely stops answering me. Messaging him went from maybe once a day or two to several times day, then eventually once every week, once every month, then once after some very long stretch of time. Now I'd message this guy at all kinds of different times or try to talk about different things, or maybe even invite him to a game, and then gave him his space over those long stretches of time I mentioned but still wouldn't get a response. I probably IM'd this guy 60-something times over the course of these past 8 months or so, and when I finally got through to him, thought I wasn't being fair by having to say something just to get his fucking attention, and thought I was one of those mindless fans of his who wants to know him for the name, when all I honestly give two shits about is this guy being a waste of a friend slot when he and I never communicate or even play games, which he said is the only reason he's practically kept me around!

Another example. I met an artist and the friend in the last paragraph's girlfriend, I think. The former, I added for no real reason, and the latter added me when I never even met them before, and I didn't know they were affiliated with said friend from the last paragraph until last week (when we've been friends for the better part of 6 months probably). Now the former, I've just tried to say "Hello" to, as simple as can be, and get to the simplest of introductions. When I manage to get a Hi in response and maybe one other thing before I even got to the "who I am" tidbit, they hop in a game, and never answered me since. I tried picking different times in the last 4-5 days since I added them to get a hold of them, but today I'm chalking it up to another lost cause because they're gonna be just like the guy mentioned in the last paragraph: a waste of my fucking time. The latter friend on the other hand... welp... I never got so much as a "Hi" from and when I tried to say hello after a few months, I got no response, and again, over the course of 4-5 days when I wanted to know what the story was and get to know this person.

Last big example, I got a group of UK musician friends. These people piss me off the most. Partly because they're more or less of the same people who never talk to me and keep me around, and they're the types of folks I can barely even manage a conversation with. They got this clique, right? Which normally wouldn't bother me. People have their own sets of friends they hang out with after all, and I know I kinda do (so I guess I'm being a hypocrite). However, these guys jump into games all the time, some of them I even own. Once in a blue moon I ask to see if I can hop into one of these games, or put a bug in their ear that I'd like to join them sometimes. First few times I got turned down, that didn't bother me. Next couple dozen times, it started to get to me but again, it wasn't a really big deal. After maybe the 50-th time or somewhere around that number, especially when I made these guys very well aware I'd like to play something with them sometime, and join one or two of the members of their clique I've grown quite close to, once more, I get shot down. This is absolutely pissing me off to no end because it's not like I want to get into every game and I'm not obsessively trying to play with them cuz I got my own shit to deal with and shit to play, but for fuck's sake, a couple of my closer friends within their clique (and I mean real close) are hanging out with them but I can't? What the fuck?!

Okay, these examples I listed? They're nitpicks. Minor things. Shit that wouldn't bother the average person, and shit that doesn't normally bother me to any major extent. However, this shit has stacked up and I've had even worse examples I haven't even listed here ranging from helping some friends who then later ignore me, unfair judgment of my character and immediate dismissal to being no more than a member of their rabbling fanbases, other cases where I was the one doing wrong shit and being a bad guy when all I was trying to do was have some simple conversations (mostly involving examples of them being busy with making music or something and for whatever reason can't just say that or pull up some sorta fucking tag that lets the whole world they don't want to be bothered, which they shouldn't be online in the first place for anyway if they're THAT busy), and other such cases of arrogance, ignorance, and obliviousness that all stacks up from tiny nitpicks to an entire mountain of problems with these fucking people.

I'm fucking sick and tired of this shit, and I'm also sick and tired of having some 200 friends that are nothing more than the stereotypical, shallow assholes where "friends" are nothing more than names on a fucking list. I don't know about them but I actually add people to be friends, hang out, and do shit, not add each other cuz we played a stupid fucking game together. It's a waste of my goddamn time and a slot on my friends list for people who actually behave like normal fucking human beings. The most irritating part is that the majority of my friends lists CONSISTS of people like everything I mentioned this entire damn blog.

Apart from this shit, I've been having to put up with drama from some of the people that actually DO fucking talk to me. Normally I like being a helpful guy but when someone uses me as a depression dump and keeps ranting the exact same shit over and over and over every time and do nothing to better themselves regardless of my repeated advice and reassurances, that irritates the fuck out of me after periods of months of this shit. I also have to put up with motherfucking stupid people who constantly come onto me and don't treat me like a human being in RP's and shit, and barely act like functional members of society themselves. This usually ends up including people who don't fucking talk to me unless they want something and that shit also pisses me off.

I've just had enough of this shit, and I think I need to reassess who my real goddamn friends are, because everyone I know who falls into the above categories I've ranted about needs to either go fuck themselves or get their heads out of their asses and fucking screw them on straight, and quit making my life and enjoyment of the niceties in this brief existence so much god damn harder.


Apart from that, I think I got that stress building on top of me again from getting ready for college, running my Critique group (with admins I have constant disagreements with), and things going on with my real life friend who's perhaps on the verge of living on the streets if he doesn't take my advice and get his shit straight.

This has been M1SF0RTUNE, and this has been perhaps one of my many angry rants to come.

Peace out.


Report M1SF0RTUNE · 529 views ·
Comments ( 6 )

M1sfortune.... is that by any chance a League of Legends based name or simply a name?

1212369 No. I had the name long before League even came out.

People tend to suck, least in my experience. :trixieshiftleft:

Do you feel a little better after having written this? I honestly hope so, though I don't expect you'll feel all that much better until you make some changes and do something to address the problems you seem to have. You don't mention any steps being taken, so I'm hoping they're just in the works right now. Either way, if you're unhappy, I hope you're planning on changing that because you're the only one who can be expected to do anything in regards to your personal happiness.

1213422 I just wanted to vent. I wasn't exactly in the mindset to list what I was gonna do with these guys. I'm probably only going to keep them around for professional purposes but apart from that, I'm not wasting any more of my time and energy thinking about them. If they wanna be pricks and not interact with me then fuck 'em.

Im reeeeeeeeeeally hoping im not on this list.....:fluttercry:

I'd play with you... but I can't because I can't run many games where I am. I'd talk with you, but you always seem busy so I don't want to bother you...

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