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Rated Ponystar

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Rated's Top Ten MLP Fanfics · 1:44am Mar 27th, 2012

(Update: I didn't put this on Deribooru. Somebody else did, not that I mind really, just wanted to clear the confusion).

I read a bunch of fanfics all the time. MLP is, however, my top favorite to read. There are so many fanfics that are just awesome that it can't be described without going into such epic detail. But there are ten stories that I love more then anything in the world and I will read them over and over again for either inspiration or a good read.

These are My Top Ten Friendship is Magic Fanfics

10. Ponies Play D&D

-This is on here because I love D&D and nothing more. Okay, so maybe the humor is really nice and the CMC trying to play when each of the mane cast does the game differently is also cool. But the only reason this is low is because it never went farther then it did. I mean it could have been really really something if they went a bit deeper. I also keep hoping to see something where the cast gets thrown into a real game or the character take part in the D&D world. But I digress. It's still a damn good read.

9. On A Cross and Arrow

-To be honest, I've never been a fan of the idea of a gender bender fanfic. This actually is the first of it's kind that I like. Mostly because the characters are all in character when they meet their male counter parts. The male counter parts are really done well, to the point where you believe that they are the actual mane cast. I would love to see an episode where the six are turned male and experience changes, but that will most likely never happen or if it does it will just be one of the six only (I'm going with Pinkie Pie). Add a really good plot (not that kind) and some interesting interaction between the girls and the guys and you get a pretty good fanfic. I kind of don't know about the romance moments. They seem a bit off, but not in a terrible bad way.

8. Bittersweet

-This is the only MLP fanfic that came close to making me cry. Not even My Little Dashie did that (Although it did leave something). The story is that Pinkie dies due to diabetes and everypony, including Dash who loved Pinkie and feels responsible for her death, deals with it. A lot of my inspiration for Upon Wings of Sacrifice came from this fanfic. It's very touching and gets the idea of one of the girls dying and how it affects Ponyville right. To this day, I can still remember the scene where Big Mac lies to Applebloom about Pinkie's death and her reaction when she finds out very well. Priceless.

7. Time Lords and Terror

-I was a Doctor Who fan before it was cool. That's another story for another time. To me, this is better then Traveler or Number 12. Time Lords and Terror I think does the best Doctor concept and it's sequel is just as good. I keep hoping to see more from this series, but I'm forced to wait. What I love most is that not only if feels like a Doctor Who story, but it references the old original Doctor Who besides the new revived series. Like how Applejack calls The Doctor "Professor" a shout out to the Seventh Doctor's (My second favorite, first being number 3) companion, Ace. It's actually this fic that's inspired me to try and do a Dr. Whooves series, but not for awhile. If you love Dr. Who, old or new, read it.

6. Kindness's Reward

-I never thought my favorite shipping story would be a Fluttershy x Trixie... but there you go. What's so strange it that it works. I can't explain it. Two opposite characters change each other for the better and it develops into a romance, not a shock been done before. But Fluttershy and Trixie? Never would have thought. This is how you do romance right. I only wish I could have done more on the build up for my Wings fic like this fic did, but I needed to get to the tragedy and adventure down as quick as possible. If I had the time, I would have done it the same essence that this story gives. This does love right and it should be a requirement for anybody who wants to make a romance fic. Anybody.

5. The Elements of Gaming

-If you ever want to see human technology in Equestria done right, this is the fic. It's not the cleverness of the pony terms they use to replace the human terms in the games (Although I give huge props to the Triberium Wars one) it's the reaction the characters have when they play the games. Fluttershy with Halo? Pinkie and Gears of War? Rarity and Rock Band? All of these are just memorable and hilarious. You want to have a good laugh with video games as the main theme? Pick this one up right now.

4. Hospice

-I happen to be friends with the author of this one. If you ever want a dark story with non-sexual adult themes this is it. I actually think this is one of the best first person stories out there. What really sells is the fact that the story isn't linear. It's actually told in various moments between the OC's meeting with Rarity to Rarity's eventual death (Not a spoiler, it's made clear in the first chapter). It brings out the psychological, moral, and depressing issues we have to go though when we see our loved ones die. You want to be moved and have a really deep story? Check it out.

3. Past Sins

- I consider Nyx to be one of the best OC's ever done in MLP, maybe even fanfiction in general. The idea and concept of a redeeming Nightmare Moon can't be done better then this story right here. It's the theme of Nature vs Nurture that is the selling point of this fic. Can an evil person be changed by how they're raised or is their nature already set? Even when Nyx re-transforms into Nightmare Moon do you see the changes of her character. Like how she spares the Elements even after they try to stop her. How she even defends Ponyville from monsters and releases her powers, letting her fate be decided by The Princesses who decided to spare her (Mostly because Celestia realizes that a part of all this was her fault). I don't think I need to tell you to read it cause you most likely already have.

2. Sunny Skies All Day Long

-How is this fanfic not an episode! How! This is the most episodic story in the entire fandom! The concept of Celestia disguising herself as a commoner and then interacting with the Mane Cast is just awesome. I can't tell you how many times I've read this fic and keep wishing that Hasbro will someday see this and think "Holy crap, this is an awesome idea! Get our writers down here right now so we can come up with something similar!" Seriously, I will throw money at anybody who makes this a flash or something. It's so much like the series it just scares me.

1. It's A Dangerous Business, Going Out Your Door

-It's epic. It's amazing. It's the Lord of the Rings inspired fanfic that made me want to going MLP fanfiction writing. My other inspiration for Upon Wings of Sacrifice, this story does all the things required for an epic adventure story and nails it down. The originality of what lies beyond Equestria is so creative that I can't help but be jealous of it. A lot of it you will find is very much taken from Lord of the Rings (Just see the title) like how Gildedale is so much like Rohan or how the Deer are much like the Elves. But it works, as well as the original blend that does work with it, makes you never want to put it down. What also makes this story great is the changes Applejack, Rarity, and Rainbow Dash go though as they journey to find the cure to help Twilight. I want to create a story better then this. Beating this fanfic alone is my dream goal in terms of adventure. I don't think Wings of Sacrifice is enough to be matched with it, but it makes a good practice.

These are my top ten fanfics and I hope you enjoy them as much as I do.

Rated out

(Plays Metalingus by After Bridge)

Report Rated Ponystar · 44,831 views ·
Comments ( 83 )

Out of those, I've read C&A, Time Lords and Terror, The Elements of Gaming, Kindness's Reward, and, I can't put enough emphasis on PAST FUCKING SINS, and I love all of them. Personally, my top spot's permafilled by Eternal, and I'd throw The Games We Play, It Takes a Village, The Vinyl Scratch Tapes, and So Long and Thanks for All the Ponies somewhere in there.

Eternal is pretty good. I wasn't interested in The Games We play (Though I did read it and figured out who it was) It takes a villiage I'm still reading, but I think it will get on top eventually. As for the other two. Eh, wasn't interested.

I loved Past Sins. I thought Nyx was adorable and I almost cried my eyes out at the part where Celestia takes Nyx away. Sunny Skies all day long was pretty good too and you're right, they should make an episode out of it.

My favorites:

Memory Pending
Two Cups of Tea
Sunny Skies All Day Long
The Party Hasn't Ended
Eternal (This is at #1. I don't know about the other five, though)

It's A Dangerous Business, Going Out Your Door might be one of the best things that I've ever read...and I've read a ton of books!

I don't think i found the right one:rainbowhuh:. This is what i got http://www.fimfiction.net/index.php?view=group&group=423&thread=411. And frankly that doesn't make much sense to me.
I wouldn't mind reading the proper version, i doubt you, or somebody else could send a link?:twilightsmile:

Or is that a joke?

Thank You Very much. I shall begin reading this immediately :twilightsmile::pinkiehappy:

One of these days my fic's going to be on one of these lists. *sigh* I'd better get to work then.

1. Background Pony
2. Ballad of Echo the Diamond Dog
3. Vinyl Scratch Tapes

Anthropology should go up there. Loved it.

Okay, why does it seem like I'm the only one who's read The Immortal Game? Because it's my absolute favourite fanfic of all time forever and ever and the fact that NO ONE knows about it is pissing me off!!:twilightangry2:

1047782 I'm quite certain at least a thousand people have read it. Including me. And yes. It is awesome. EPIC, really, is its genre.

Well, better gear up for a long night of reading. :moustache: Unraleted.

Comment posted by Pieadao deleted Jun 27th, 2013

1117733 :ajbemused: Honesty... Your picture is adorable!

1171430 XD Thanks. I actually am not sure exactly where I found it, but I did and it is adorable. Utterly adorable.

:twilightsmile: There is a pic of a similar Woona using Celestia's tail as a blanket.

46319 You are COMPLETELY correct. Past Sins was SO emotional. I cried a quite few times myself, and Im old enough to not be crying. I told my friend,(He also happens to be a brony.) he just laughed, so I dared him to read it. He will most likely cry, but lie about it. Honesty is important. :ajbemused: VERY important.

1171433 Is the one you mean the one that is now my picture?

1173423 XD Yup. Glad you found it. I love it.

1173707 After looking at this, I strained from laughing too loud. If I laughed too loud, I had the risk of waking up my parents. IT WAS SO AWESOME! 20% Cooler.

1173714 I am going to face the problem of parent-rousing very soon.. I don't intend to sleep before finishing this story.

:) I have decided to make a filly Luna collection. Somewhere. Somehow.

1173719 First of all, that sounds adorable. Second of all, I intend not to wake my parents up. The story being I was staying up until about 1-2 am and waking up really late(abut 11am). My parents set me a bed time, I ignored it of course.(why sleep when you can watch mlp? :pinkiehappy: ) so, after them setting a bedtime, me ignoring it, and waking up late AGAIN (my parents go suspicious), I decide to set an alarm on my iPad. I've lost a lot of sleep reading fanfics and watching mlp. I'm either grumpy ,or early while watching tv with my dad I fall asleep o the living room couch. I'm currently on my leather couch... very uncomfortable. My little brother gets my old bed. :pinkiesick: <--- Me, even though im not sick, I feel that way.

1173748 Kick your schedule late by an hour or so and you'll have me. I've long worked on the problem of foiling parental units.

As someone on this site said, SLEEP IS FOR THE WEAK.

1173752 I've been trying not to sleep at all, it is not going well. It always brings me down. I MADE A NEW RECORD LAST NIGHT THOUGH! All the way to 4 am! :derpytongue2: Also, something about THIS FACE :moustache: is hilarious. One more time, who is your favorite pony? My favorite is Fluttershy. I just relate to her so well. I have a lot of animal friends, and I'm also quite shy. I can barely start a conversation, and I'm not good meeting new people. She was my first pass code on my iPad (it changed of course. My cousins figured it out.) It is now Nyx .(If you've read past sins you know who that is.) it is that because past sins so far is my favorite fanfic. :pinkiehappy:

1173760 I have indeed read Past Sins. For me, Luna is best pony.

Staying up till 4:00? Good start, rookie (although yeah, sleep deprivation makes you feel :pinkiesick:). I have simply not went to bed at all before; I just pretend I woke up early.

1173808 That is always my plan. Stay up all night, fake sleep at 5:30 (when my mom wakes up for work, she always closes my door to not wake me up) after my mom leaves, I'll get back up, and continue my day as if nothing happened.

1173809 Yep, that's what I do too. I think Past Sins' best feature is the way it shows characters' feelings. Whether it be Nyx or Twilight, the emotion is shown very well.

1173817 Thats true, but there are dried tears on my face right now. I'm reading "Upon Wings of Despair". I on chapter 4.

1173827 "Triptych." It's being frustratingly cryptic. A mystery I can't decipher.

1173830 http://i.imgur.com/eRGVzW3.jpg just... Look at the top left corner. The chicken celestia Is wearing says "I am a scootaloo" :pinkiehappy:

1173830 i.imgur.com/eRGVzW3.jpg sorry. I forgot to link it.

1173854 :pinkiehappy: I love the sombrero.

Rainbow Dash's number one fan is the chicken known as Scootaloo. Scootaloo's number one fans are the team of professional stunt fliers known as the Wonderbolts.

1173859 mlpbffs.blogspot.com/2012/08/derpy-hooves-pie-chart-no-i-cant-make.html
Ok... You may have it wrong, but what do I know? (Speaking to you, not the creator of the picture)

Comment posted by Pieadao deleted Jun 28th, 2013

1173869 How did you come up with your name? When I made mine, it is my twitch account name and a few other things. I just searched dao before I made my profile and I liked my name. Pie- I LIKE PIE! Dao- A sword. Pronounced pie-uh-dow.

1173877 I am familiar with the type of sword known as the dao.

I like pie!

And your name reminds me of Piandao, but that's quite different.

My name? I think I coined the phrase out of boredom one day and was instantly besotted with it. By the time I got over my fondness, it had become my name, and habit dictated that I was going to keep typing it when websites asked for my name.

What a wonderful phrase!

1173886 neoseeker.com/forums/54588/t1840857-mlp-birthday-scenario-game/ this one I'm fine with but THIS ONE... deviantart.com/morelikethis/322784812?view_mode=2 Sweetie Bell is my least favorite... Right along with scootaloo. (They are both annoying) Applebloom I can handle because she is so dang adorable! :applecry. See?

1173901 Sweet, I'm best friends with Lyra.

Applebloom IS adorable. Imagine Applebloom asleep inside Applejack's hat.

And OMK I found The Creator. The Creator's name is Knighty.

1173910ive been looking at other birthday game things like that... EVERYONE HATES ME! Disarm an atom bomb with bonbon, married to Granny Smith, get scared by fluttershy, switch cutie marks with zecora... IM NOT EVEN FUCKING SURE THAT'S POSSIBLE! :derpyderp1: :derpyderp2:

1173917 Oh dear me. I'm actually quite fortunate. Though I wanted to party with Luna. :(

Derpy and I steal Santa's sleigh. WE ROCK. SO HARD.

I make Carrot Top angry? Why?

Disarm a bomb with Sweetie Belle? :unsuresweetie: This is not going to end well.

Life Long Buddies with Cheerilee. If it's the Cheerilee from School Daze, then YES YES YES YES YES YES. :twilightblush:

Bake cupcakes with Scootaloo. Oh brother. At least it's not explosive... or is it? :scootangel:

Formal meeting with Bon Bon when I could be conquering the world with Princess Luna.

Trick or treat with Sweetie Belle. Well, I have practice.

I am participating in the running of the leaves with Angel Bunny.

1173929 It simply fails.


1173931 I did more and I keep getting put with Sweetie Belle.


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