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  • 150 weeks

    Please get vaccinated. That is all.

    -Derek (aka DoD)

    I might have something to share at the end of the month. Maybe.

    19 comments · 1,154 views
  • 164 weeks
    So I finally published a new story

    It's my first attempt at a romance story. And the cover art was done by the amazing Jaestring!

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  • 215 weeks
    Looking For Editing Help

    Sorry for the bother,

    I was looking for some editing help on my stories, including the next chapter of Asylum, and I was also looking for some feedback on the stories in general to help me nail down some pernicious issues I've been facing.

    Please PM me if you're willing and able to help. And let me offer my thanks ahead of time, because I do appreciate it all!

    Derek (aka DoD)

    14 comments · 1,441 views
  • 242 weeks
    I have a gift for you - the lost Asylumverse planning guide (from 2013!)

    So, years ago I actually started writing out a guide of random but mostly useless information about Asylum and Broadhoof after I received permission from folks to write fan-fiction based on my fan-fiction. It was a humbling but invigorating experience. So in my exuberance, I decided that I should craft something that would help provide the reader a more coherent world for their shared narrative.

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  • 249 weeks

    Okay, I let the Discord Server invite expire. It should be working now at this link. It shouldn't expire this time.


    -Derek (aka DoD)

    PS: Just over 1000 words into the next Asylum chapter. Had to kinda restart it again to make any progress.

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Horse Arm Anatomy Clarification · 11:39pm Feb 17th, 2013

This is a blog post due to my reference in chapter seven of Asylum where I used the word "arms" at one point. I wanted to put my explanation for my decision here, instead of as a foot note, to try and minimize the distraction for the reader.


Horses do have arms - the forelegs can be called as such informally. The arm is technically part of the front legs stretching from the shoulder to the elbow, with the forearm stretching from the elbow to the knee (yes, horses have shoulders, elbows, and knees, all in the same limb!). However, it is a suitable word to use, and is used as such to varying degrees amongst those that spend time with real horses. Not everyone does, but many do. Even outside the official channels, the dictionary has “the forelimb of any vertebrate” as a definition for the word arm.

I had to put this bit in here because I know that for some it will seem like a typo, and I hope not a jarring one. In the past I've avoided using it because there are many people who labor under the false belief that "arm" can never be used to reference a pony's front legs. I used to be one of them myself, so I understand why it is so easy to think that it could be wrong. I do hope that the fandom will eventually understand that front leg (foreleg) and arm can be used synonymously within stories.

Just don't claim that ponies have hands.

Sources: Washington State University - Horse Conformation Analysis, Arm on, A MLP friendly anatomy chart

Report Daemon of Decay · 2,273 views ·
Comments ( 39 )

WIsh i had known that. It would have made a few chapters in "False Memory" a little easier to write.


It's a common misconception. Now, is it absolutely technically true at all times? Well, no. The "arm", when used technically, is part of the front legs. Informally, however, it is used fairly often. And with ponies, whose limbs often switch between horse mechanics and kinda-handless human arms, the term "arm" seems even more relevant. They don't behave like normal equine limbs, after all.

Just my random $0.02 for the day. :twilightblush:

Thanks for clarifying that, I was actually confused by your "arm" reference in the story.
Now it makes sense.


Up until now I've gone to great lengths to avoid using "arm" to keep from confusing people. However, it's struck me as wrong that we should limit our vocabulary because people just aren't aware of the vocabulary. You're response is exactly why I put up this blog and the note as well - I didn't want people who were reading to think it was a mistake, typo, or get confused.

This is lovely, and, if it's alright with you, I'm gonna end up linking to it, if I ever need to justify the use of the word 'arm' in any of my pony fictions.

Thanks for posting the useful chart. :pinkiehappy:

The fandom also needs to understand that the term "blank flank" is a colloquialism, and that the cutie mark does not, in fact, reside on the flank. (I credit Kwakerjak for hilariously pointing this out in Avocation, thereby enlightening me to the misconception.)


Please, feel free. I think the more people that realize it, the quicker we as a fandom will stop having to limit our vocabulary for fear of sounding wrong.


My pleasure! And yeah, its one of those things that began bothering me more and more as time went on.

Part of the problem is that not everyone uses the term, even informally. Many do, but for many others it just isn't used, due to the technical considerations. And because most bronies have little to no real experience with horses, they just go with what they assume, or what others have told them.

"Arm" is a colloquialism that has some technical support for its use. It only sounds awkward when we don't know that it actually does fit. Or at least, that's what I think, at any rate.

I still favor foreleg or front limb. That's just me. Right or wrong, I think it's distracting otherwise.

Also, chapter 7 already! Jeez, I need to sit down and catch up this weekend. Been busy and most of my very little reading time has actually been going to novels recently. I forgot I had something like this on my fav's list.


Oh, it can be distracting, I agree. Which is why I caution anyone who wants to use the term to use it VERY sparingly. The only time I would use it is when using "forelegs" or "front legs" or "front limbs" (etc.) doesn't fit well with the sentence itself.

It shouldn't be used fifty percent of the time! :facehoof:

The more you know.....

being an experienced horse person, it delights me to see writers researching what they're writing about! :twilightsmile:


Well, I have to, considering the closest I've been to a horse was the one that kicked me in the head when I was barely a teenager.

But it was fine. There haven't been any sideffgafasffo ti. :derpyderp1:

I know what you mean. I have to catch myself to stop writing 'arm' or 'forearm' in my stories, cause I know someone is going to bitch at me for it. And it's even more annoying because they'd be bitching at me incorrectly XD

Personally, I stand by 'arm' as being the forelimb of any tetrapodal, chordate possessing lobed limbs. And if you understand what I just said, congratulations. You're not an idiot. :ajbemused:

I think a lot of fans avoid using 'arms' because they want to seem 'ponified' and more knowledgeable about the fandom than other people. But in reality, they're just showing how ignorant they are. I know that sounds insulting, but I'm tired, I need sleep, and it's probably the truth.

Mind if I use this post as reference in my story? you get the credit of course:twilightsheepish:


It is, although Wikipedia has a good one as well under Horse Anatomy.

841553 :unsuresweetie: ?taht tuoba erus uoy reA

840864 But.. :rainbowhuh: Blank haunch sounds worse... :fluttercry:

1126996 You can still use "blank flank", the same way people are free to cut out symmetrical pieces of paper and call them hearts. A factually inaccurate term, used long enough, becomes part of the language anyway. :twilightsheepish:

1127670 :rainbowhuh:
By your logic, I can cut out symmetrical square paper and call it a heart.

:pinkiecrazy: Good point.

This is what a heart looks like.
This is what we teach our children a heart looks like.

It has come to the point where you are not incorrect to call the second one "heart-shaped", even though it is factually inaccurate.

A square is no less heart-shaped than any other symmetrical piece of paper, so I guess you wouldn't be any more wrong to call it a heart than what is already called a heart, but people might look at you funny. :twilightsheepish:

1128957 My mother was a nurse, so fortunately I got a proper education onnthe body that sounds like astronomy but I can't remember it :rainbowhuh:.

1129284 That scientific discipline where the researchers stick a large telescope into other people's bodies and attempt to make sense of the organs squished up against the lense? Sorry, I don't remember the name either. :twilightsheepish:

1129298 :twilightoops: lets see here..
Atroshotomy.. Cotonomy.. Astromomy.. Amomaangsdfststgsgsgsgs.... Atasromy..

:pinkiehappy: I GOT IT! ATONOMY! :scootangel:

Edit: I don't remember the word for not remembering words.

1129559 I'm curious; Without looking it up, how would you define "inception"? This is only really tangentially related, but there's this thing I've thought about on and off for a while now... :applejackunsure:

1131174 Something within another thing? :rainbowhuh:

A dream within a dream?

I just said that because it sounds cool and no one asks :twilightoops:

1131222 That's what I thought that you thought it meant. :moustache:
The "official" definition is "an act, process, or instance of beginning" (from
It is becoming quite clear, however, that due to the influence of the movie of the same name, the word has shifted in meaning significantly to be more akin to a synonym for recursion (the process or state of repeating something in a self-similar way), though it generally seems to be confined to interjections at the moment, rather than regular sentences.
In case you couldn't tell, I find this fascinating. :twilightsheepish:

1131437 Fascination is for the weak, I'm obsessed with things once I hear a few facts :pinkiecrazy:

1131441 Really? :rainbowhuh:
Apiezon, silicone-based, and fluoroether-based greases are all used commonly in laboratories for lubricating stopcocks and ground glass joints.
The letter 'J' originated as a swash character, used for the letter 'i' at the end of Roman numerals when following another 'i', as in 'xxiij' instead of 'xxiii' for the Roman numeral representing 23.
John Houston was a Scotish painter. He painted landscapes in an expressionist style.

I DIDN'T LOOK! The trollface worked against you! I DIDN-

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