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More Blog Posts35

  • 85 weeks
    Nightmare Moon AU

    I keep musing about ways Cadence being canon before S2 could have fun influences on fics and the story but I just had an idea for an AU where upon returning Nightmare Moon steals the Elements of Harmony before anyone even gets close to them. Twilight and company still become friends, but then they barely escape the castle being collapsed on them and have to be saved by Zecora; as they recover,

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  • 475 weeks
    Original Fiction Idea

    Anyone who has been following my blog recently may have noticed I posted a rather detailed fic concept, for anyone who missed it there should be a link in the side bar to the various post.

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  • 477 weeks
    DBZ Aftershock Characters: Kin, Pepper & Villains

    The primary antagonist! I've temporarily named her Kin for another OC I adored.

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  • 477 weeks
    DBZ Aftershock Characters: Azure & Isheen

    Azure, (filler name) the Samurai psychic. Azure in a tall, blond-ish haired man/woman (I originally planned woman but am thinking maybe guy now) is based of General Blue from the Mystic Adventure movie, both in appearance and uniform. (Blue was nominally a good guy in that film so food for thought.) They may be a reincarnation, maybe not, chances are folks wouldn't mention it or notice unless

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  • 477 weeks
    DBZ Aftershock Characters: Yancy & Ran

    Set up For Cast:

    The story follows a new generation of 'heroes'. Though most of them are more aptly called protagonists and in come cases are outright antagonists. Some of this cast fall under the guidance of Bulma, Korin and Roshi while others have their own support networks & agendas.

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CadenceVerse: Pony Ragnarok · 8:05am Dec 24th, 2012

Pony Ragnarok

So, onto the next post for C!verse ideas, this one covering the princess sisters of the sun and the moon! In the left corner we have Celestia of the sun and flames! In the right corner, we have Luna of the stars and moon!
Ding, Ding!

Anyway, I have more than one idea for how their banishment and characterization could go, as well as ideas for the myths surrounding them and their returns.

1: Or, why you should read the ancient instruction manual:

This idea takes Luna and Celestia being squabbling parents and runs with it. Everything was the same as before, they stoned Discord and did a number of other cool things, but as they worked together to guide their subject’s, differences arose.

The two sisters could not rectify their differences and began arguing, they made it a point to try and keep this out of their subjects' ears. But word spread regardless and ponies starting arguing themselves, division were formed where none had existed over who was right and which princess was better. This arguing amongst the subjects was growing worse, and worse possibly to the point of violence.

The princesses saw the that their increasingly aggressive arguing was having a negative affect on their subjects and so decided to settle it reasonably, they went to get the Elements of Harmony.

They decide to gather the elements and intend to use them to determine who is fit to be in charge and whose views on how Equestria should be run is right, they gather the elements but can’t activate them.

So naturally they try to force them, both of them try to latch onto the Elements at once and try to compel them to pick her as the correct one, the end result is the elements banish them both either to their respective solar bodies or “somewhere else”

In this idea the sisters may actually work together when they return and may even blame the ponies or the evils within/on/of the world for making them fight.

The problem with this idea is that they aren’t really a threat, unless their time away left them worse for wear morally or mentally. They could be a danger just because it’s been so long the world has changed so much that their attempts at doing the right thing do more harm than good.
Plus trying to take over country possibly still disagreeing with each other would naturally cause chaos. They will likely see Cadence as a fake and banish her, but that would likely be their only evil thing.

So overall it’s hard to make them villains for this piece, possible, but harder.

The myth behind this would be shrouded in mystery. No one would really know what happened or the details behind their disappearance. There could be cults or loyal followers to each princess, many perhaps hoping to summon them back to the world, many others would have felt betrayed, some think both died or simply abandoned them.
Overall the damage and terror associated with that time would be because of the fracturing country, possible invasions and the Twilight itself, as opposed to fear of the princess’s.

2: or, why you don't fight over ancient artifacts:

Luna and Celestia would be closer to many classic gods of Greek Mythology. Though they’d still be well intentioned and care for their subjects, but they’d be more egotistical and careless both towards the world, each other and their subjects. There can be numerous reasons for this change, for instance if I go with the idea that Luna and Celestia wondered amongst mortal ponies, for possibly centuries, before revealing themselves it could be that seeing their short life span the princess's had a harder time relating to their subjects as opposed to having compassion for them. Or They might have for instance actually killed Discord rather than just "permanently" sealing him, leading them to over confidence/arrogance and feeling that nothing can equal them. They'd regard ponies with care but also view them as incapable of handling anything themselves. There would be more Babylon references in this version, or at least a greater parallel could be drawn between the princesses and their counterparts. There may be actual worship of them, as opposed to the usual respect and awe.

They really do care, but also don't trust ponies to do "anything" and they feel they need to have great control over them, "for their own good" they genuinally wouldn't be power hungry, just utterly convinced that their subjects would be lost without them. I think in this case maybe growing up so separate from mortals would have led to them caring a bit less, seeing them perhaps as mayflies. the argument itself would probably be how to best exercise their authority, or the direction the ponies need to be taken, without any real consideration for the fact they don't enjoy heavy and direct ruling and if they want to do good for their subjects they should probably guide them.
-Cadence herself would also need to learn this lesson-

The end result is when they can’t agree on how to guide their worshipers/subjects they start arguing. It starts with simple open quarrels, but quickly gets worse. They start having contest to prove who is best, these start out with displays of power similar to what Luna did in Luna eclipsed with the purpose of winning over their subjects or intimidating each other. These displays eventually fall into straight out duels.

Neither wants to kill or banish the other, just beat them enough to prove a point. I think they’d be more capricious overall, similar to how Luna behaved after losing her temper at Nightmare Night except all the time. The greatest problems arise from the fact they do't notice the damage their duels are causing to the land, their subjects and the cycles of the sun and the moon.

They eventually decide to settle their differences via the elements (or one takes and tries to use the elements) regardless the end result is both getting into a tug of war with an artifact they don’t entirely understand and accidentally blast themselves. Luna may have made a copy of herself for this match to try and take control of the elements "with two minds"

They would be spoken of with fear, awe and respect; they did do many great deeds but also became terrible dangers. Most think they destroyed each other, some think they banished each other, but no one really knows, overall they’d be feared (many feeling that their princess’s stopped caring about them and saw them as but ants before a storm) but not thought of much. Until their return that is. Cadence would receive distrust and many would think the “era” of the gods over with, but this would eventually change.

I imagine their return would be filled with hamminess, with destructive “impressive” entrance’s that suit their “godly status” they descend like meteors from space, to “greet" the “usurper” who is manipulating their celestial bodies and if not for Cadence calling up a magic -possibly diamond like- shield, they would have left giant craters. They aren't malicious, they just don't always notice when someone gets caught between them.

I imagine them talking to each other and discussing the size of the “city” until Celestia or Luna point out Canterlot in the distance with their godly vision. Cadence would try to talk with them but they’d either be dismissive or outright aggressive, viewing her as a fake.
Cadence herself would be practically freaking out inside but trying to remain calm on the outside, their return would be preceded with her trembling in fear and feeling "this can'e be happening/It's the end"

They’d be extremely insulted at "the pretender" viewing her as a fake, a usurper, beneath them, or even not a real Alicorn, they would also be incensed at the lack of respect from their subjects, as they receive fear and disobedience instead, well technically they just don't bow and avert their eyes.
-I keep imagining something like Play with the big boys now, if they offer Cadence a job.-

They view Cadence as a usurper and agree to work together long enough to put her away, not because they need to, but as a matter of propriety.

The duel actually lasts a while, Cadence leads them away to Everfree or somewhere else deserted, demonstrating a difference between her and them in the fact she didn’t want any parties to get caught in the middle. She goes "one winged angel" though it still wouldn't be enough, so she uses their ego and dislike of each other combined with knowledge of new magical developments they are unaware of to injure/distract them. but they adapt quickly Celestia setting up mental walls against enchantment, Luna clouding her mind and them learning how to shatter her barriers.

There'd be exchanges along the lines of:
"What, sister, is the pretender to much for thee!?"
Alicorn blocks a blasting spell "haha, is that all that you can muster impostor!?"
I'll admit these lines could have been more inspired

They beat Cadence and intend to destroy the elements or continue fighting each other for Eqauestria but are then defeated by the new bearers, Cadence escapes and they agree to leave, having been humbled and realizing how far they fell.

Notes: Lots and lots of notes
The return itself is a little vague and a sort of a combo between both background ideas. Naturally if I wrote it, i'd pick one and alter their return to suit said background. I wasn't entirely happy with this, I somehow feel I had more to say, or didn't communicate as effectively as I'd like, so any question comments idea would be really appreciated.

I like RDDs suggestion that they may have "slept" withing the sun and moon respectively assuming they weren't sealed elsewhere, this would lead Cadence to never speaking to them directly. I do imagine a sequence where she -while in a sort of spiritual state- similar to the one she used to enter the sun in Early Reunion. Enters one of the respective sisters minds either by accident, on purpose, or for some other reason. Within the elder alicorns mind she finds the sisters dueling in a sort of dream/astral plane.

The entire experience is horrifying as Celestia and Luna would appear as sort of super powerful magic outlines rather than just big ponies, in this state they are closer to living power and barely conform to normal logic, their voices crying out, seemingly strong enough to shatter space and time, and overall making Cadence feel like they are "cthulu esc" this state is actually possible for anyone who is skilled powerful and intelligent, while in the dream/astral plane and Cadence learns to do it later, but they have eons of experience over her.

If anyone has suggestions for the Crystal ponies and Sombra, voicing them would be appreciated.

I was thinking for the second idea, maybe it incorporates a bit of L!Verse, namely Celestia is starting to lose it a bit because of stress and pressure and Luna is falling to dark magic but neither go nearly as deep, they are both troubled and dangerous but not complete villains.

In regards to the immortality thing, it would basically be the same take as normal for the L!verse but, because Celestia and Luna didn't grow up around mortals, when they started interacting with them, while they cared it was harder to grow close to them because "it's hard to care about something with such a short life"

I could also set them up as long planning well intentioned extremists, such as with the Babylon five ones, mighty entities engaged in a battle so far reaching they sort of stopped paying attention to their chess pieces.

I imagine Cadence has eclipse festivals, to demonstrate harmony and to show a joining of two powers and to demonstrate her mastery of the celestial bodies, plus it has a sort of crown motif to it, so that works with it fairly well.

... I often have a crack fic idea where Celestia and Luna are travelling through space as either beatnicks, classic sibling on a road trip or sort of like an old married couple on holiday and stuff happening.

Also I guess an eternal eclipse could work as well as opposed to the era of Twilight, but I personally prefer Twilight.

So, there you have it, my idea anyway, I'd really like for some other voices on the matter though so any ideas suggestion debate views criticism's would be appreciated.

Report vazak · 460 views ·
Comments ( 2 )

2: or, why you don't fight over ancient artifacts:

I like this one better, I think.

I'm going to admit to having not followed this, but now I think that was a mistake: this looks great! Imma read some previous blog entries soon. This was at least sort of inspired by my own thoughts on the Cadanceverse, right?

That being the case, I think I like this one better due to what I suggested about the Cadancevese: Equestria is smaller, but a bit more liberal. It's not a kingdom as much as a close-knit federation of fiefdoms and states, with a bicameral parliament and Cadance serving as a constitutional monarch very much dependent on her ministers, not quite a figurehead, but nearly so. A perfect example of an Enlightenment-age ruler and an enightened society.

So the return of Celestia and Luna as grandstanding, huge displays of magical power deities, serves as a perfect contrast. They're loud and boistrous; they'd almost be friendly if they weren't demanding you bow down to them.

Thanks I'm glad to hear your thoughts on the matter, and yes this was pretty much inspired by your thoughts on Cadenceverse, I'm glad to have caught your interest, I guess I should get started on the next few.

I see why you like the second one better, and agree with what you said, I found the description of how Celestia/Luna behave rather amusing and it that was pretty much what I was going for with the sisters and Cadence.

Thank you for commenting :)

If anything the next post should be on Cadence herself, one princess after the others and all that, that may need to be broken into more than one. :)

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