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Steven Universe Of The Creek Chapter 14 Eyes Of Redden Astigmatism · 10:45pm Nov 27th, 2023

Steven and Craig went to the stump where Kelsey, J.P. and Omar were waiting. They agreed to speak inside the stump itself to catch up on who Steven really is. Even while feeling uncomfortable with his size being bigger than the kids he’s with underground, it wasn’t hard to get used to it thanks to the beanbag Craig offered him to sit in.

“Last night was the most surreal night I’ve ever witnessed.” Kelsey said.

“And the whole Ruby and Aquamarine thing felt more like a fever dream.” J.P. added.

“But to tell you the truth, when you told us about your call with Garnet, I can’t really believe in fever dreams anymore.” Omar added.

“Though since my friends aren’t human, they probably don’t know what fever dreams are.” Steven said, scratching on the back of his head.

“I think what really makes me surprised is the fact that gem in your belly button,” Omar pointed underneath Steven’s shirt. “has a history.”

“He told me about the gem war with Pink Diamond and Rose Quartz.” Craig added. “Or The Rebellion that happens every five thousand and three hundred years from where he goes to.” His friends became more confused and even dumbfounded with the idea. “I know, it hurts my head too.”

“I’m more shocked that this whole Rebellion thing took place where the Iceman was more brought up in school.” Kelsey commented.

“The thing is, there’s no such thing as gem culture, even if we make it out to be.” Steven confessed. “I’ve spent my life without going to school, which would’ve made me be like you kids. But at the same time, I would’ve been in high school instead of elementary school.”

“My brother would've given you a tour at his school…if he wasn't hiding from you right now.” Craig lowered his head.

“Did it have to do with that big boom from yesterday?” J.P. wondered. “I swear, it wasn’t like how I pictured it when hearing it.”

This caused Steven to sign while looking above from the stump’s exit. “If you picture it, was it pink?”


“Was last night more than enough to prove it wasn’t anything but pink?”

“Pink just isn’t my color.”

“Even when he was glowing?” Craig pointed at Steven.

“I’m just saying, I would love to glow, just not the color pink. But I did understand the whole Ruby and-”

“Look, I’m not saying you’re wrong, it's just there’s so much going on, I can’t process all the information.” Steven replied, taking a deep breath. “Ruby and Aquamarine could still be around but if I wasn’t here today, they would still track me down.”

“Hey, I’m aware how hazardous they are, especially when they fused together, like you told us.”

“So what makes you think staying with us is a good idea?” Kelsey wondered.

“Because I know they won’t hurt you or any kid in this creek. The adults will find out and it will cause them to be banned from town.” Steven replied. “But that’s just me looking at the positives.”

“We can still help you.” Omar offered. “I wanted to do what Craig did when he saved you.”

“Trust me, I appreciate your loyalty, but you saw how powerful they are.”

“I know, I’m not blind. But even if they somehow get banned from town, they would still catch you if they’re the last enemies you have.”

Steven couldn’t disagree if he left Herkleton right now. No matter where he goes, he won’t be able to be free from any danger from the gems he can’t change. “You know with so many kids here, I don’t know if they see the difference between a human or a gem.”

“Well, we and some of the people with us knew the difference, even if we didn’t get all the answers.” Kelsey replied.

“True but if the people are spreading the information from last night, they won’t get the full idea.”

Craig can tell Steven had been overthinking the situation, but at the same time, he still didn’t start off with which place he wanted to go to in the creek. “How about we start doing activities in the creek?”

“Yeah, we shouldn’t stay here all day.” Steven stood up from the beanbag. “When we get out of the stump, you can give me the map.”

“No problem.” With everyone standing up, Craig pulled the rope that’s tied to his chair as he lifted himself off the ground. Upon getting out of the stump, he helped the others to get out with Kelsey and J.P. being the final ones. He gave Steven the map of the creek, which gave him options on where he wants to go.

“Let’s go to Ramp City.” Steven offered.

“That’s where Cannonball’s at, who was with us last night.” Omar replied. “With your size, you won’t be able to ride a bike though.”

“Yeah but, since he saw what happened, I’m sure he’ll be alright by seeing my gem powers.”

“I don’t have a problem with that.” J.P. said. “Can I pick the next location after that?”

“Okay. Let’s get moving.”

The group headed to their first destination, leaving the stump to begin their new friend’s journey. Meanwhile, Wildernessa and Cheese Sticks took notice of Steven and the others from behind. Wildernessa remembered the gem on Steven’s belly button from last night. She wanted to get to know it as much as Craig, but she knew Craig is dealing with a lot right now.

“That…flying creature from last night really has something against that Steven guy.” Wildernessa spoke quietly. “We need to make sure Steven doesn’t get attacked.” Cheese Sticks growled, agreeing with his owner.

While they slowly followed them, Steven caught on to where he and the group were in the creek. He paid attention to the directions from the map, but as soon he and the others followed that direction, Craig slowed down. The headache he had from yesterday returned, but it had a big effect on his eyes. He stopped himself while the group continued without him, his vision getting worse.

He got on his knees, rubbing his eyes to make it stop, but to no avail. “What’s wrong with my eyes?” When he opened his eyes, he saw pitch pinkness everywhere. The headache slowly went away, but his vision caught him off guard. Outside of his vision, his eyes turned pink just like Steven’s powers, as if his saliva did more than expected.

“I see, so much pink, it’s not even annoying.” He said to himself. He looked at his hands that were the same glow Steven had. When he clapped, sparks came out, but only in his vision. He clapped three times with sparks getting bigger from each clap. He got up from his knees to witness his friends from a distance, a bright shade of pink, then gradually changed back to normal colors. When he turned around, he saw Cheese Sticks right in front of him with Wildernessa right next to him. With so much pink closer to him, he fell back onto the ground.

“Craig!” Wildernessa took notice of his friend’s eyes.

“Vanessa!” Craig getting back up. “I just saw you and Cheese…Sticks?” After rubbing his eyes again, he opened them to see all colors again. “In pink?”

“You saw me and Cheese Sticks in the color pink? I saw pink in your eyes.”

“You did?”

“Yes, my eyes don’t lie.”

Craig looked at his hands in normal color. “I saw everything pink like, pure pinkness everywhere.”

When Wildernessa noticed Steven coming back, she backed away with Cheese Sticks from him in self defense from his gem powers. “Craig, why did you stop? I was worried for a second.”

“Sorry, it’s just I ha-”

“He tripped!” Wildernessa chimed in. “He just tripped, but he was clumsy today.”

When Steven took notice of Wildernessa, he remembered she’s one of the people who witnessed the mayhem from last night. And then he turned to Cheese Sticks. “I saw him when Bernard gave me a tour in the neighborhood.” When he looked closely at Cheese Sticks, his size was almost the same as Lion’s.

“You do realize he was with me last night right?”

“There was too much to handle.” Craig replied. “But I’ve did sa-” Wildernessa covered his mouth while Steven placed his hand on Cheese Stick's face.

“I’ve seen bigger dogs, but not like this.”

“Do you have a pet?”

“Yes, his name is Lion who’s pink.”

This made Wildernessa awkwardly grin. “Pink…you don’t say?”

Craig moved Wildernessa’s hand out of his way while walking up to Steven. “Steven, I know you're giving everything a chance, but shouldn’t we go to Ramp City now?”

“Just give me a minute.”

Craig wanted to tell Steven what he just had experienced, but with the way Wildernessa prevented him from telling the truth. He would’ve confronted Wildernessa, but she wasn’t messing with him, meaning she’s catching on to who Steven is. As Wildernessa looked at Steven, Steven turned his attention to her.

“I’ve noticed you were riding him just like Connie does.”

“Who’s Connie?” Wildernessa asked.

“She’s my girlfriend, when we were young, we rode Lion together, but we went through portals when we needed it.”

Craig and Wildernessa looked at each other from hearing Steven’s story. Craig may enjoy portals, but Wildernessa managed to know Steven a little, even if it had nothing to do with his gem. “Is Lion as gem?”

“Yes. He’s with the Crystal Gems, but I haven’t heard about him since.”

“I wouldn’t leave Cheese Sticks all alone. But if the Crystal Gems are taking good care of him, it shows he’s not alone.”

Despite the gesture, Steven let go of Cheese Sticks. “Lion’s not that type of pet, you know, not eating, sleepless, doing missions.”

“He has a huge history.” Craig turned to Wildernessa.

“Anyway, we should go.” Just when Steven’s about to go, he immediately notices that Craig and Wildernessa looked similar to him and Connie. “The more I think about it, you kind of remind me of what me and Connie did before she became my girlfriend.”

Both Craig and Wildernessa blushed which caused Craig to grab Steven’s arm. “Okay, let’s head to Ramp City now!”

“Craig.” Steven let go of him. “I’m not saying you two should be boyfriend and girlfriend, I’m just saying you two remind me of my past.”

“I have a past with Cheese Sticks and animals.” Wildernessa responded. “Do you take care of animals?”

“Not really but for gems, kind of.”

This caused Wildernessa to come up with an idea. “Maybe later can you go on my mission with Cheese Sticks? There could be an animal trapped.”

“I don’t know about today, but if there is an animal trapped, I’ll remember that before I’ll consider leaving the creek.”

“There’s always tomorrow. I can still do the mission with just me and Cheese Sticks.” She then lifted her hand up in front of Steven. “I’m Wildernessa.”

Steven accepted the handshake while smiling. “Happy to meet you. I have to say, I like your pet, Cheese Sticks.”

“Thanks, he’s not a lion, but still a good pet.”

“Trust me,” Steven breaks the handshake. “If you meet Lion, he’s more than just a lion. Let’s go Craig.”

“Bye Vanessa.” Craig waved as he and Steven made their way to Ramp City. Wildernessa had her chance to meet Steven even if she didn’t get the chance to see his gem again. But if he’s willing to help her out with her mission, she might tell him something about what he can do with his gem. Of course she hasn’t forgotten that Craig’s eyes were pink and she made sure Steven doesn’t have too much to handle.

“I don’t think a doctor can handle someone like Craig with pink eyes.” She got on top of Cheese Sticks. “I just hope he’s alright.” She headed in the opposite direction to search for animals for the safety of their nature, and so of her nature.

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