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Comma Typer

Horse-words writer believing in the Savior and Lord Jesus Christ, creatively crafting stories in imitation of a creatively crafting God. Consider this: Are you sure you're going to Heaven?

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Signal Boost: Mokoma, a Good Friend, in Need · 4:31pm Aug 22nd, 2023

Summary for the feed/preview: Mokoma, dear friend of mine, has been axed by Fiverr, disabling his account there and a considerable means of income. Some financial assistance will be much appreciated, whether it be through tips/donations or commissioning him for stories through his newly made Buy Me a Coffee or Boosty accounts.

The above is rather bare-bones, but that's the essentials out, so here's the slightly bigger story:

I first encountered Mokoma during my spate of reading Equestria at War fics more than half a year ago. His winning entry for the 2022 Equestria at War Writing Contest, Inevitable Adaptation, Obsolete Destiny, was a shoo-in for my reading list, and... well, it delivered quite well! I made a comment on his story, and let's say he took it well:

Aaaaaaaa! Thank you so much for the awesome feedback! And thank you for reading!!

And then it turns out we're also on the Equestria at War Discord server. We touched base there and, well, that was a start of something good. It was due to this that I got into his ongoing major epic, Equestria at War - In the Shadow of the Sun. I'm a sucker for thrillers, so this was another shoo-in.

After a while, Mokoma clued me in on his situation. With what I'm allowed to say, he's not exactly in great circumstances. He freelances, both in writing and out of writing, without the security of a full-time job or some similar revenue stream. In regards to writing, he used to freelance on Fiverr where he has made considerable money. However, Fiverr has decided to disable his account simply because he opted to use other programs like Discord to communicate with his clients (his belief is that Fiverr's native communications/messaging system tends to not send every notification, among other things, along with most of the clients themselves wanting to use said other programs).

With that out, Mokoma is left with, well, not much else. He does have his other freelance job, but he has also told me that there's not many clients as of late. There was the expectation that paid writing would've helped, but with the current situation, he is back to square one (though he is doing his best to contact the clients he had back on Fiverr). This is not helped by the fact that, in his country of residence, Paypal is banned, so he has to resort to services that use Payoneer, which... are fewer in number, let's say, than those that use PayPal.

Which leads me to now. Mokoma's a good friend, and it pains me to see him get gutted by this surprise. Thus, I post this in the hopes that he can get both some short-term money and long-term security (by rebuilding a steady stream of writing commissions) for whatever the future holds for him. And for my brothers and sisters in Christ, I exhort that we also pray for him in Jesus' name.

May God keep him and all of us safe. And if you decide to donate or otherwise help out, my warmest gratitude to you on his behalf.

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