• Member Since 15th Sep, 2014
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Comma Typer

Horse-words writer believing in the Savior and Lord Jesus Christ, creatively crafting stories in imitation of a creatively crafting God. Consider this: Are you sure you're going to Heaven?


Mid-May 2024 Update: Test Drive · 2:10pm May 21st

Writing has gone a bit slower than usual as I am taking up some driving lessons. Reading hasn't gone down yet, as I am going through MagicS's Applejack at the Edge of the World.

Speaking of, he has recently announced that he is stepping down from writing fan fic, with Starlight Glimmer Regrets Her Mistakes being his last story. After over three million words written with improvment an ever-important feature in his sagas, I must admit it was very sudden to see it all stop. However, he's not leaving the site and will be around. I've been inspired by him, and I suggest to everyone reading to read his stories, though interestingly enough, my favorite from him is one that does not feature any show character at all: Trail Blazer is what does it for me, showing off the mapping of early Equestria through a trio of original characters.

TTrail Blazer
In the early days of Equestria shortly after the three tribes came together, one pony has been given the mission to travel the new country to explore and map out the new home of ponies. That pony is Trail Blazer.
MagicS · 71k words  ·  21  0 · 309 views

And speaking of sagas, let me shift from a story I'm reading to one I haven't even read yet: Warhawk by Moonatik (moving from someone I knew from the ancient days of 2018 to a fellow Equestria at War dev). Worldbuilding hasn't been much of a strong suit of mine, but it's a strength that both MagicS and Moonatik carry in spades. For Moonatik, his world is a further dive into EaW's version of Equus (or Faust, as the world is known there). While I have not hit every one of his New Lunar Millennium fics yet (I have been slacking on Sic Semper Tyrannis), Moonatik has a... for lack of a better word, whimsy that still persists where most serious EaW fics tend to be, well, very serious. So yes, I recommend a story I have not read yet, but I think it will turn out fine.

As casualties mount in the Lunar-Crystal War, tension brews in Lunar command as General Selenite and Warmaster Hawkrich clash on how to defeat King Sombra.
Moonatik · 18k words  ·  22  2 · 235 views

As for my own writing, since I want to play it safe in talking about the Tirek-victorious Trixie-focused fic code-named [MANTUA], I want to at least to get something that's simultaneously more vague yet also more... long-time-coming, in a sense. Nothing grand (the scale of a short story), but the idea was rather impromptu, one for a rather distant follow-up to Magical Curiosity, even further than the epilogue of A Magic Turn of Events. We'll see where that goes (though, given that it's impromptu, hopefuly it goes soon [it will definitely feature Sci-Twi, at the very least]).

That will be all for now, though. May you have a blessed day ahead!

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